The Kennedy-Schumer bill is supported by the usual anti-gun suspects, including the gun-ban lobby formerly known as HCI, and a who`s-who list of anti-gun Senators such as Boxer, Clinton, Corzine, Feinstein, Reed, and Torricelli. And joining the list of extremists who support this registration scheme for law-abiding gun purchasers is Internet billionaire Andrew McKelvey`s Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). AGS, of course, is the fledgling anti-gun organization that claims it is a "centrist, non-partisan group," but consistently demonstrates it is nothing more than an anti-gun lobbying group cut from the same cloth as Sarah Brady. AGS President Jon Cowan (former chief of staff to Clinton`s anti-gun HUD Secretary Cuomo) stated, "We support the efforts [of Kennedy/Schumer]," then went on to say, "It`s a shame it had to come to this." The "shame" to which Cowan refers is not exactly clear, but perhaps he means it is a "shame" that AGS has been forced to acknowledge its support for the licensing and/or registration of all gun owners—its "top national priority," according to the group`s own internal documents. Or maybe the "shame" is that McKelvey`s millions are being squandered on ineffective lobbying for the same types of anti-gun proposals that other anti-gun organizations promote, thus shattering the thin facade of AGS as a self-proclaimed "centrist" group.
Whatever the case, make sure to contact your U.S. Senators to urge them to support Attorney General Ashcroft and the privacy of law-abiding gun purchasers by opposing S. 1253, the Kennedy-Schumer registration bill. You can contact your U.S. Senators at 202/224-3121, or use the "Write Your Reps" tool at to find additional contact information.