NRA enjoyed another successful election day last Tuesday, thanks largely to the tireless efforts of NRA members who worked to ensure the election of pro-gun lawmakers. In Virginia, 92% of the candidates endorsed by NRA`s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) were elected or re-elected to office, and in New Jersey, NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates enjoyed an 82% success rate. And in the only state-wide race where an NRA-PVF-endorsed candidate faced off against one endorsed by the gun-ban lobby formerly known as HCI—the race for Virginia Attorney General between pro-gun Jerry Kilgore (R) and the gun-ban lobby`s Donald McEachin (D)—NRA`s endorsed candidate crushed his opponent by more than 20 points. Unfortunately, the only other state-wide candidate that received an NRA-PVF endorsement, Jay Katzen (R), was narrowly defeated in his bid to become Virginia`s Lieutenant Governor.
Meanwhile, the gun-ban lobby continues to wallow in denial, refusing to accept the fact that its anti-gun agenda has been completely rejected by mainstream America. In a press release that strains the boundaries of reality, the gun-ban lobby`s Sarah Brady tried to claim NRA suffered Election Day defeat in New Jersey and Virginia, where we enjoyed an 82% and 92% success rate, respectively. In fact, she and her gun-ban cohorts have been marginalized to the point where candidates do whatever they can to distance themselves from the extremist, anti-gun agenda.
In Virginia, Brady desperately tried to count the election of Mark Warner (D) as Governor as a "victory" for the gun-ban lobby. In actuality, candidate Warner did everything he could to convince Virginia`s voters that he supports our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and his campaign website even included pro-gun quotes, such as "Mark Warner...will fight for those of us who support the right to keep and bear arms"—a position hardly in line with the gun-ban lobby. Warner also met with NRA officials early in his campaign, so that he could outline his current views on issues of concern to Old Dominion gun owners. This meeting drew a scathing response from the gun-ban lobby, and its president, Michael Barnes, publicly accused Warner of being "disingenuous," calling the meeting with NRA "dangerous political gamesmanship," and alleging Warner was "pandering to the NRA." NRA will watch the actions of the Warner Administration very closely. But based on his stated views during this campaign, and the C grade he received from the NRA-PVF, he is hardly the type of candidate the gun-ban lobby has supported over the years.
In New Jersey, the gun-ban lobby again could not find a true champion of its anti-gun agenda, and resorted to endorsing Jim McGreevey (D) for Governor, another politician who refused to embrace an extremist, anti-gun agenda. McGreevey, who received a C- from NRA-PVF, defeated Bret Schundler (R), who received a B. While NRA made no recommendation in this race, the gun-ban lobby has made the outlandish claim that its outcome represents some sort of defeat for NRA. When the gun-ban lobby claims "victory" after being forced to endorse a middle-of-the-road candidate when it comes to firearms, it is clear it has completely lost touch with reality. Our thanks go out to all those NRA members who worked so hard to ensure another successful Election Day. While NRA will continue to strive to win 100% of the races in which we are involved, it`s hard to imagine how the gun-ban lobby can try to classify Tuesday`s results as anything less than a rejection of anti-gun extremism by the voters of New Jersey and Virginia.
Several U.S. Representatives have announced they will be hosting town hall meetings, or attending other public events, over this Veterans Day weekend. Please take the time to contact your lawmakers` district offices and ask if or when they plan to hold town hall meetings during this period. If you do not know the number for your lawmakers` district offices, you can use our "Write Your Reps" tool.
If you have the opportunity to attend a meeting or event that features your federal representatives, urge them to defend our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, especially during these trying times, when gun-ban extremists will shamelessly continue to attempt to exploit the fear over terrorism to further their anti-gun agenda. Also, please forward the dates, times, and locations of any town hall meetings or other public events to your family members and friends who support the Second Amendment, so they can also voice their concerns. You can find listings of the town hall meetings and events we know about by using our "Event Calendar."
It`s refreshing to see some members of the media seem to keep close tabs on what NRA is saying. The November 3 episode of "Capital Gang," CNN`s weekly television show that offers a panel discussion of key issues of national importance, included a comment from panelist Robert Novak—a nationally syndicated columnist and co-executive producer of the show—about the recent politically-motivated attempt by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to recall millions of Daisy BB guns. As his "Outrage of the Week," Novak, stated, "Amidst national peril, lame duck Ann Brown has fired a parting shot as the Clinton-appointed chairman of the [CPSC]. The commission is asking for the recall of 7.5 million Daisy air rifles, all because some kids violated safety rules. The dissent by commissioner Mary Sheila Gall makes clear that this was a typical political stunt by Chairman Brown."
Last week, Bridgeport, Conn. Mayor Joseph P. Ganim (D) was indicted on 24 counts of federal violations, including charges of extortion, bribery, mail fraud, and conspiracy. Ganim is accused of soliciting nearly half a million dollars in bribes in return for directing business to his friends and associates, and if found guilty on all counts, the combination of charges could bring penalties of as much as 176 years in prison and fines totaling $6 million. The Mayor contends he is innocent, of course, and has refused a request from Connecticut Governor John Rowland (R) to step down as mayor. And why should the pro-gun community care about the tribulations of the Mayor of Bridgeport? Ganim was the driving force behind filing Bridgeport`s reckless lawsuit against gun makers—a suit that was rejected by the courts, including the Connecticut State Supreme Court.
If you have an e-mail address, but you still receive the NRA-ILA FAX Alert every Friday via your fax machine, we encourage you to switch over to our e-mail system. We can send e-mail at virtually no cost, while each fax incurs the cost of a long distance call, not to mention your cost in paper. E-mail also allows you more flexibility in relaying our information to others. If you would like to switch to e-mail delivery, just go to the "Sign Up For Email" section of our website. Once you start receiving our alerts via e-mail, call the Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683, and let us know we can take you off the fax system.
Election Day in Arizona brought more success for NRA and the pro-gun community. In Tucson, NRA-PVF endorsed two candidates for City Council, Fred Ronstadt (R) and Kathleen Dunbar (R), both of whom won. The election of these pro-gun councillors should help to bring an end to the past practice of the City Council promoting attacks on gun shows and calling for laws that would encroach on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. And in the small town of Sahurita, to the southwest of Tucson, NRA-PVF-endorsed Karla Derton won her recall election for City Council. Karla had voted against a ban on firearms in city parks, which caused a local anti-gun activist to mount a recall campaign against her. Thanks to all NRA members who went to the polls on Tuesday and cast their votes in support of the Second Amendment!
On Tuesday, voters in Las Cruces rejected a non-binding referendum calling for the city to "opt-out" of the state`s Right to Carry law that was passed earlier this year. Our thanks go out to all the gun owners who worked to defeat this measure! Also this week, the New Mexico Supreme Court heard oral arguments on recently defeated, anti-gun Albuquerque Mayor Jim Baca`s petition to halt the Department of Public Safety`s (DPS) processing of Right to Carry applications. Baca`s claim that the state law is unconstitutional is refuted by New Mexico`s Attorney General. The court took no action on the matter this week, but we`ll follow this case closely and update you accordingly. Finally, next week, an ordinance could be formally introduced before the Santa Fe City Council calling for the city to "opt-out" of the Right to Carry law. The council will meet on Wednesday, November 14, at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall. If you reside in Santa Fe, please make plans to attend Wednesday`s meeting, or call the Mayor and City Councilors at (505) 955-6590 and voice your opposition to any "opt-out" ordinance.