Now that the dust has settled over S. 1805, the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act," it is time for us to take stock of where we stand in ultimately passing a "clean" lawsuit bill, regroup, and pursue the most effective legislative and grassroots strategies to accomplish this goal.
While we have noted that, in its original form, S. 1805 had the support of a majority of U.S. Senators and the Administration, it is also important to acknowledge other groups who supported the lawsuit bill. These include: organized labor (including United Mine Workers, United Steel Workers, United Auto Workers, and International Association of Machinists union members), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors.
As amended, S. 1805 was no longer the same bill that was originally introduced and supported by this broad-based coalition. Despite our best efforts, legislation that simply sought to halt the abuse of our court system by holding the lawful firearm industry liable for the acts of criminals, was weighed down with anti-gun amendments, thus making it unacceptable. Plain and simple, the anti-gunners in the U.S. Senate played politics with this critical bill.
Commenting on the failure of the Senate to pass a "clean" lawsuit bill, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox noted, "Despite the fact that the U.S. House of Representatives passed a ‘clean` lawsuit bill last year on an overwhelming bipartisan vote, Senate opponents of S. 1805 decided that playing election year gun control politics was more important than passing a bill that had the support of a majority of U.S. Senators and the Administration. While NRA is disappointed by the actions of those Senators who used political gimmickry to kill a bill that had such broad-based support, we were not willing to allow the lawsuit bill to be used as a vehicle to foist more gun control on the American people. U.S. Senators have now made their positions on these crucial issues known, and rest assured we will inform our four million members and the nation`s 65 million gun owners of their actions, so they may take these votes into consideration on Election Day."
The vote on the Feinstein Amendment to reenact the 1994 Clinton gun ban was 52-47. And while it garnered four fewer votes than it did in 1993, this ban does not deserve to be extended for even one second longer than its scheduled demise on September 13!
NRA led the fight in opposition to the ill-conceived Clinton gun ban in 1994. We led the successful House effort to repeal the ban two years later, and we are leading the fight to ensure the Clinton gun ban deservedly expires on September 13. From public speeches, articles in NRA publications, ads in national newspapers, communications to lawmakers, the development of a website (, and meetings with our members, NRA has been vocal and unambiguous about our position on this issue. The same can be said about the McCain-Reed Amendment that was attached to S. 1805, which would have ended gun shows as we know them.
Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) did an outstanding job representing gun owners throughout the entire debate, and is to be applauded for his efforts in laying out the case against the Clinton gun ban, and for the importance of passing a lawsuit bill free of anti-gun amendments.
Rest assured our opponents will continue to work at every turn to try and accomplish their anti-gun goals. It is therefore critical that you continue to contact your lawmakers in opposition to reenacting or expanding the Clinton gun ban, as well as restricting gun shows.
This whole process highlights some of the pitfalls currently involved with passing proactive firearm legislation. But it is a battle worth fighting! Allowing these reckless lawsuits to continue unabated will be disastrous for the American firearm industry, and for your right to lawfully own firearms. We owe it to ourselves, and all gun owners across the Country, to continue this fight until we pass a "clean" lawsuit bill; whether it is this year, or next year, after the 2004 elections. When we succeed in ultimately enacting a "clean" lawsuit bill into law, it will represent a monumental step forward for our rights. Rest assured we will keep you informed of our efforts.
In the meantime, please visit to find out how your U.S. Senators voted on the Feinstein and McCain-Reed Amendments, and contact them accordingly to make your views known. ILA`s Grassroots staff is ready to assist you, so please call them at (800) 392-8683. Or visit ILA`s website at for additional information on these issues and to utilize ILA"s "Write Your Representatives" feature that will allow you to identify and contact your U.S. Senators.
Thank you again for your continued activism on this issue and for your work in the future to enact this critically-needed reform!
On the day he wrapped up the Democratic Presidential nomination, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) proved that actions speak louder than words, and once again confirmed his hostility toward the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
Despite ridiculous rhetoric about being a supporter of the Second Amendment, Kerry`s voting record shows that his perennial F-rating from NRA`s Political Victory Fund is well deserved. The Massachusetts Senator, who has been AWOL from Washington for months while he`s been running for President, returned to Washington on Tuesday, and spoke in favor of, and then voted for, the Feinstein Amendment. Senator Kerry also voted for the McCain-Reed gun show amendment. These were the first votes Kerry had cast this year. Kerry was joined by his vanquished primary opponent, Senator John Edwards (D-N.C.), who also supported the two measures.
While Kerry will have to worry about his anti-gun voting record dogging him during the presidential campaign, one thing he won`t have to worry about is something he uttered last year: "I am not looking to be the candidate of the NRA."
The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host a FREE Grassroots Workshop in conjunction with NRA`s Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh. This Workshop has been a regular part of NRA`s Annual Meetings for a decade. At this event, you will hear from NRA officers, staff, and your fellow NRA members on what you can do in your own community to ensure victory for the Second Amendment in this year`s elections.
We will also discuss how you can work with your local Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC). Your EVC is a local NRA member who is working with the various pro-gun campaigns in his area to provide critically-needed volunteer support for a variety of activities, including: phone banks, precinct walks, literature drops, voter registration drives, Get Out The Vote & Election Day activities, etc. EVCs also promote NRA-ILA`s legislative agenda at the federal and state levels.
With the 2004 elections in full swing, it is critical that we start implementing our grassroots battle plan to ensure we are ready to meet these electoral challenges head on as Election Day 2004 approaches. Rest assured that the anti-gunners are already re-doubling their efforts to ensure the defeat of pro-Second Amendment candidates in critical elections across the country, so we must ensure we are prepared to defeat their efforts at every turn.
Workshop details are:
NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop-FREE! Friday, April 16, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
(Registration & free continental breakfast-8:00 - 9:00 a.m.) Allegheny Ballroom II, Westin Convention Center Pittsburgh Hotel, 1000 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222
To reserve your seat, or for more information, please call NRA-ILA at (800) 392-8683. You may also register on-line at We hope to see you in Pittsburgh on Friday, April 16!
HB 2158, the Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF) Preservation bill, will be voted on in the full House within the next week or two. This legislation is essential to protecting BASF, one of the nations premier shooting ranges, from closure by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Please contact your two Representatives and tell them to "save Ben Avery" by voting for HB 2158 when it gets to the floor. Also, HB 2648 the restaurant carry bill, passed out of the House Commerce Committee by a vote of 7-5 and the House Federal Mandates and Property Rights Committee by a vote of 6-3. This bill will add Arizona to the list of over 30 states that allow law-abiding citizens to carry firearms into restaurants for self-defense. Please call your two State Representatives and ask them to support your right to self-defense by voting for HB 2648 when it gets to the floor. You can find contact information regarding your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at
HB 2798, the Personal and Family Protection Act, will provide law-abiding gun owners the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones. The bill has passed the House and will move to the Senate. Please contact your state Senators and respectfully urge them to support HB 2798. You can find contact information regarding your legislators by using the "Write Your Representative" feature at
House and Senate Judiciary B subcommittees both reported HB 989 and SB 2705—NRA backed Right-to-Carry reciprocity bills—to their respective full committees. Full committees will consider these bills early next week.
This week, several bills that would impact law-abiding gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen were reported out of the Assembly Codes Committee. They include A 3311, which would prohibit the sale of any pistol or revolver not containing a "child proofing" device, and A 4615C, which legislates how gun owners must store their firearms and creates new crimes and penalties. These bills now head to the full Assembly for consideration. Also reported out of Assembly Codes were A 7039 (same as S 4453) which bans the sale, use and possession of .50-caliber firearms; A 8542B, which would expand the current ballistic "identification" program to include rifles and shotguns; and A 8456A, which would place many new onerous restrictions and requirements on firearm dealers. These bills were referred to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Please contact your Assembly member and urge him or her to OPPOSE the proposals listed above. Also, keep in mind that although the New York State Senate has rejected Governor George Pataki`s (R) plan for renewable pistol licenses and new state fees contained in budget bills S. 6056/A. 9556, the budget process won`t be over until it`s finally adopted by the Legislature. It is important to encourage lawmakers to continue to stand firm in opposing the Governor`s plan. You can find contact information for your Representative by using the "Write Your Representative" feature at
Attention Cincinnati Members: On Sunday, March 14, 2004, please make plans to attend "NRA Day" at Dick`s Sporting Goods in Cincinnati (5555 Glenway Avenue), from Noon-5:00 p.m. While there, you can meet your NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC), Glenn Kestler. Glenn is an NRA member who works with and organizes volunteers to assist pro-gun candidates with phone banks, literature drops, voter registration drives, precinct walks, and other campaign activities. He also works with volunteers to affect firearm-related legislation in Ohio and on Capitol Hill. Please be sure to meet your EVC and learn how you can make a difference in this year`s critical elections. Also, during "NRA Day," NRA Membership Recruiters will be available to sign up and renew NRA memberships, and information on upcoming Friends of NRA events and NRA firearm training courses will be available. For information/questions regarding this event, please contact Pat Gliger of Dicks Sporting Goods at 513 347-7570.
The battles in the State Legislature are really beginning to heat up. It is essential that you call your State Representative and Senator and ask them to support HB 3360/SB 3228. This legislation puts an end to the lawsuits threatening to close shooting ranges throughout the Volunteer State. Help to save your shooting heritage and call your legislators today. You can find contact information regarding your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at
HB 1144, HB 1302, and HB 404 passed the Virginia Senate unanimously. HB 1144 & 1302 will allow Virginia residents to lawfully purchase long guns from licensed dealers in other states. HB 404 allows holders of valid Virginia concealed-carry permits to purchase more than one handgun a month. Please contact your state Senators and thank them for passing these bills. You can find contact information regarding your Senator by using the "Write Your Representative" feature at
SB 5083 has passed the Senate and is now in the House. It is possible that it will be brought up at any time. SB 5083 would recognize Right-to-Carry permits from states that accept Washington Right-to-Carry permits. Please contact both your State Representatives and respectfully urge them to support the bill! You can find contact information regarding your legislator by using the "Write Your Representative" feature at NRA members who reside in Pierce County must contact their County Council Members. An existing ordinance (Chapter 9.32.020) has been discovered on the books that makes it unlawful to possess or dispose of firearms. Although such a law is both unconstitutional and contrary to state statutes, the County Council needs to address this issue by repealing the existing ordinance. Proposal 2003-135, an ordinance to repeal Chapter 9.32.020, is scheduled for a hearing on March 9, at 3:00 p.m., at the County City building, 930 Tacoma Ave., South, Room 1046, Tacoma. It is imperative that NRA members attend the hearing to support removing this gun ban from the books. If you are unable to attend, please contact members of the County Council and urge them to REPEAL Chapter 9.32.020, the ban on firearm possession.