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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 11, No. 17 4/30/2004


The American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) recently made the annual presentation of their prestigious "Pollie Awards" recognizing excellence in public affairs.  The Pollie Awards honor the best examples of political campaign advertising and expertise.  Winners are selected from more than eighty different categories, representing a broad spectrum of political and public affairs communications.

NRA-ILA is pleased to announce that two of our websites won a total of five Pollie Awards!  Taking first place for "National Grassroots Website" was www.ClintonGunBan.com, the recently designed site which serves as a resource to educate our four million members about the politics behind the so-called "assault weapons" ban.

Taking top honors in the National Organization Website group was www.NRAILA.org, NRA-ILA`s primary website.

The www.ClintonGunBan.com site also earned second place for "Issue Advocacy in a National Internet Campaign," and Honorable Mention in the "Flash Animation" category.  The www.NRAILA.org site also took third place honors in the "National Public Affairs Website" category.

Please be sure to visit these informative, award-winning websites often, since new items are frequently added.  Also, please add them to your bookmarks and forward them to others who need to be informed about our issue.  Finally, please contact your U.S. Representative and Senators and urge them to oppose current legislation seeking to greatly expand the 1994 Clinton gun ban—H.R. 2038, H.R. 3831, S. 1431, and S. 1034. For contact information for your elected officials you can use the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.


As you know, on April 27, primary elections were held in Pennsylvania.  Your hard work leading up to the elections paid off as three NRA-PVF-endorsed pro-gun candidates won their races.

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (R) won a close race for the Republican nomination and U.S. Representatives John Peterson (R-5) and Bill Shuster (R-9) also won their races.

Our sincere thanks go out to all of our hardworking members, supporters, and Election Volunteer Coordinators who contributed to this success.


In preparation for the 2004 elections, NRA-ILA is hosting FREE Grassroots-Election Workshops across the country.  These Workshops provide NRA members with training on what they can do locally to propel pro-gun candidates to victory in 2004. The meetings also provide a venue for lawmakers, candidates, and their staffs to reach out to NRA members and explain their positions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Upcoming Workshops are slated for:

-South Portland, Maine—5/1/04

-Allentown, Pennsylvania—5/20/04

-Reading, Pennsylvania—5/22/04

-Albuquerque, New Mexico—6/12/04

-St. Louis, Missouri—6/17/04
NRA members who are interested in attending should contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) for details and to reserve their seats.  NRA members who have access to the Internet can also go to www.nraila.org/workshops/ to reserve their seats on-line.


The "Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award" is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award" is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond the call of duty in defending our freedom over the past year.  Nominations for these honors for last year (2003) should be submitted to:  NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Suzie Roulette, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Nominations may also be faxed to Suzie at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected].  All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing and be accompanied by a one page description of why the nominee is deserving.  Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff, and will be acknowledged at this Fall`s NRA Board of Directors Meeting.  The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2004.


The next NRA State Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) will be held in Tallahassee, FL, July 22-25!

State Y.E.S. is a four-day scholastic leadership program in the state capital, where students will have the opportunity to learn about their state`s history, tour the Capitol, meet with state Legislators, and be introduced to public speaking and debating, and spend some time at a local range, among other activities.

One student will be selected from the Florida YES program for an all-expense paid trip to the National Y.E.S. program in Washington D.C. in June 2005, where he or she will tour the Nation`s capital, meet other students from across the country who share a common background in the shooting sports, make friendships that last a lifetime, and have the opportunity to compete for $20,000 in college scholarships!

We are currently looking for 20 high school freshmen and sophomores from Florida, with a minimum GPA of 3.0, to participate.

If you know of a student who could benefit from this program, please help us by telling them about this great opportunity!  For more details and an application packet, please contact Al Hammond, NRA Florida Field Representative, by phone at (386) 462-5421, or via email at [email protected].  Please call or e-mail today!  Applications MUST be received by June 15 to be considered.


SB 1210, the bill making Arizona one of the more than thirty states to allow citizens to carry firearms for self-defense in restaurants that serve alcohol, passed the House by a vote of 35-18.  It is now on its way to the Senate, where it is expected to be a closer vote.  Please contact your Senators and respectfully urge them to pass SB1210.  You can find contact information for your Senator by using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at www.NRAILA.org

SB 947, an attack on Illinois gun shows will be taken up by the Senate.  The bill seeks to tax firearm sales, register transfers
and increase the waiting period.  SB 947 is being promoted in spite of anti-gun organizations admitting that there is no gun show loophole in Illinois.  Please contact your Senators and respectfully urge them to oppose SB 947.  You can find contact information for your Senator by using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at www.NRAILA.org

No gun control bills advanced out of the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee this week!  The committee defeated two bills—HB 147 (Gun-Free Parade Zones) and HB 245 (Gun Show Restrictions)—outright, and the sponsor of the remaining measures—HB 241 (Ballistic Imaging), HB 243 (Handgun Registration) and HB 244 (Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms)—withdrew them from further consideration and declared those measures dead for the session. We expect supporters from the City of New Orleans to continue to push other versions of the Gun Free Parade Zone bills (SB 523 & HB 1222), so we`ll keep you posted!  Thanks to all members who contacted the committee and who took the time to attend and participate in Wednesday`s hearings!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.