Take Nothing For Granted!!!!
With Congress back from its Summer District Work Period, only one legislative work day remains before the Clinton gun ban is due to expire at midnight September 13!
As time runs out on this flawed and ineffective legislation, we are once again asking you to call your lawmakers to ensure they know that their voting constituents do not want to see this ban extended even one second longer than its scheduled demise.
Once again, please visit NRA-ILA`s website -- --to have all the facts about this debate. And even if you`ve done so before, please forward this website to others who need to know both the history and the truth about this issue. Then, as you have been doing, please immediately contact your U.S. Representative and your U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose any legislation seeking to extend the Clinton gun ban.
You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at, or you can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
The final push is here and, working together, we can ensure that our mutual and tireless efforts over the past decade pay off with the abolition of Bill Clinton`s repressive gun ban!
Fearing the fate of Al Gore in the 2000 elections, Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), and his cronies have gone far out of their way this election year to try and hoodwink voters--gun owners in particular--into believing they are pro-Second Amendment. Of course, we know their ruse is outrageous. As Senator Kerry continues his charade of trying to convince us that he`s a "lifelong hunter and gun owner" who "believes in the Second Amendment," NRA-ILA continues to set the record straight.
The truth is, John Kerry is the most anti-gun presidential nominee in U.S. history! As we`ve repeatedly noted, on issues directly affecting Second Amendment rights, Kerry has voted against us more than 50 times on the floor of the Senate! During a recent series of critically important votes in the U.S. Senate, Kerry eagerly worked to sabotage NRA-backed legislation to stop predatory lawsuits aimed at bankrupting the law-abiding firearms industry. He voted to extend the Clinton gun ban, to make now-legal private gun sales at gun shows criminal acts, and to support his crony Ted Kennedy`s (D-Mass.) ammunition ban, a senseless maneuver which would have banned nearly all centerfire hunting ammunition! In addition, Kerry is a cosponsor of legislation (S. 1431) that would ban all semi-automatic shotguns in America, including the Remington 11-87 he so proudly displayed at a recent campaign event in West Virginia!
And today, in a move exploiting terrorism and the tragedy of September 11, Kerry once again pushed his gun-ban agenda, calling for an extension of the Clinton gun ban. And these are but a few examples!
In fact, the official 2004 Democratic Party Platform statement plainly declares, "We will protect Americans` Second Amendment right to own firearms," by, "reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and closing the gun show loophole."
While certainly not all Democrats are anti-gun, the party leadership, led by John Kerry, unarguably is.
By contrast, the 2004 Republican Party Platform states, "Republicans and President Bush strongly support an individual right to own guns, which is explicitly protected by the Constitution`s Second Amendment.
"Our Party honors the great American tradition of hunting and we applaud efforts by the Bush Administration to make more public land available to hunters, to increase access to hunting clinics and safety programs for children and adults, and to improve opportunities for hunting for Americans with disabilities.
"We believe the Second Amendment and all of the rights guaranteed by it should enable law-abiding citizens throughout the country to own firearms in their homes for self-defense. To protect the rights and safety of law-abiding citizens, the Congress passed and President Bush signed the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, which allows active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed guns in public while off-duty. We support efforts by the Administration and Congress to enhance the instant background check system for gun purchases and to ensure that records of lawful transactions are destroyed in a timely manner. We applaud congressional Republicans for seeking to stop frivolous lawsuits against firearms manufacturers, which is a transparent attempt to deprive citizens of their Second Amendment rights. We oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens.
"We agree that the best way to deter crime is to enforce existing laws and hand down tough penalties against anyone who commits a crime with a gun. This approach is working. Since Project Safe Neighborhoods was instituted in 2001, hundreds of new federal, state, and local prosecutors have been hired to target criminals who use guns. Prosecutions are up 68 percent, and the violent crime victimization rate is down 21 percent. The Republican Party and President Bush support a federal Constitutional amendment for victims of violent crime that would provide specific rights for victims protected under the U.S. Constitution."
Clearly, the contrast in positions is vast. All pro-Second Amendment citizens would do well to carefully consider these differences before casting their vote on November 2!
Now it`s easier than ever to show your support for NRA and the Second Amendment this election season by purchasing your very own NRA-ILA yard signs via our new toll-free order line.
Available in two colorful, patriotic designs featuring our "I`m the NRA & I Vote" and "Vote Freedom First!" slogans, these high quality signs are bold, durable, and easy to assemble.
Proceeds from the sale of the signs provide much needed funding for our efforts to protect, preserve, and strengthen our Second Amendment rights. Please call (800) 388-8755 now and order your signs while supplies last! Of course, you may still purchase signs by visiting
Once again, the November election is expected to be extremely close. It is critical that every NRA member and pro-Second Amendment supporter exercises his right to vote in order to protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Even if you can`t vote in person on November 2, your voice can still be heard!
Most states allow voters to cast their ballots early (either in person or by mail). And every state allows absentee voting if you plan to be away on November 2. But remember, some states require individuals to register to vote 30, 45, or even 60 days in advance, so if you haven`t registered, please be sure to do so right away! To make sure the vote of every Second Amendment supporter is counted this year, NRA is providing a free service that will make voting easier in the 2004 general election. Working with HelpingAmericansVote.Org™, a non-partisan service, we are providing you with information about early voting and absentee voting options that will make your participation easier.
In addition to the information you will need to vote early or absentee ballot, you can also use this service to register to vote, or to update your voter registration to reflect a recent change in residence. To access this site, please go to, and click on the "NRA-ILA HelpingAmericansVote" icon and select your state. Or, you can go directly to the site at
Please make sure every one of your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners is a registered voter. Forward these links to them and encourage them to take advantage of this service to ensure that the voices of America`s 65 million gun owners are heard loudly and clearly in this year`s critically-important elections! We can`t take even a single pro-gun vote for granted! Please visit and make sure your vote is cast to support your gun rights.
Delaware will hold its Primary Election tomorrow, September 11. Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin will all hold their Primary Elections on Tuesday, September 14. Please go to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our "Right to Keep and Bear Arms." And please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to vote as well. To find out more about the candidates running in these districts, NRA members can call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.
Once again, out-of-state animal "rights" extremists are seeking to force their will on Alaskans by seeking to ban the use of bear management techniques commonly used by the Department of Fish and Game. Funded largely by fanatical anti-hunting groups such as Greenpeace and PETA, this ballot measure would, in addition to restricting the methods used by hunters to attract bears, ban the intentional feeding of bears for the purpose of photography or viewing, and prohibit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game from live trapping and relocating problem bears. If found in violation of this proposed law, one could spend a year in jail and face a hefty $10,000 fine for each offense. It`s time to say "NO" to a radical agenda that would prevent Alaska`s professional game biologists from utilizing one of the most effective game management tools available. It`s time to say "NO" to extremists who seek to punish law-abiding Alaskans for protecting their children and pets from predatory bears, and it`s time to say "NO," once and for all, to out-of-state interests that would deny local control or public involvement on an issue of this importance. Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen to vote "NO" on BALLOT MEASURE 3 in the November 2 election.
Now is the time to make reservations for the "My Gun Saved My Life!" banquet celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Arizona CCW Law. The banquet will be held on Saturday, October 2, at the Shrine Auditorium in Phoenix. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m., and a prime rib dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. NRA First Vice President Sandy Froman will be one of the gun-rights speakers featured at this event. Tickets are available before September 15, and can be reserved by calling: (800) 426-4302 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PDT, M-F. Proceeds after expenses will be donated to benefit the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association`s Junior Firearms Education Program. Please encourage your family members and friends to attend as well.
Anti-gun legislation, AB50, which would ban the sale and possession of .50 caliber rifles, SB1140, the Negligent Storage Bill, and SB1152, the Ammo and Fingerprint Registration Bill, all passed out of the California Legislature, and are now headed to the Governor`s desk. It is critical that you contact Governor Schwarzenegger (R), respectfully asking him to VETO all three anti-gun bills. Please contact him at State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA, 95814, Phone: (916) 445-2841, Fax: (916) 445-4633.
National animal "rights" groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States, have organized and funded a ballot initiative for the November 2 election that would ban the three traditional methods of bear hunting-- baiting, hunting with dogs, and trapping. These groups routinely use ballot measures to curtail hunting throughout the country and have been successful in several states, including banning all trapping in nearby Massachusetts. Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen to vote "NO" on QUESTION 2 on this initiative in the November 2 election.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced earlier this week that hunters wishing to participate in the first black bear hunt in 51 years this fall can now apply for the permit lottery. The hunt will take place October 25-30, and December 6-11, in Garrett County and those areas west of Evitts Creek in Allegany County. Bear hunting permits will be made available through a random drawing process. Applications will be accepted from September 7-21. Anyone wishing to apply for the drawing can do so by calling (888) 579-6768 or online at . To apply, each applicant must pay a $15 non-refundable application fee and may only enter once. Applicants must posses a valid Hunter Safety Certificate or have held a hunting license prior to July 1, 1977, or hunted on private property prior to July 1, 1977, to apply. The drawing will be held on September 22, and all applicants will be notified shortly thereafter. On Saturday, October 9, from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., the Baltimore County Game & Fish Protective Association, Inc. (BCGF), is hosting its first annual "NRA Day." This free event, also sponsored by numerous pro-gun organizations and companies, will be held rain or shine at the BCGF on Northwind Road in Parkville. Firearms training will be provided by NRA Certified Instructors, and shotgun, handgun, rifle, and air gun shooting will be offered. A free moon bounce will be offered for the kids, and numerous prizes will be awarded. Earlier that day, BCGF will be hosting an "NRA Day" Trap Tournament as well. For more information, please call (410) 668-2171.