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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 12, No. 18 5/6/2005


The Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call, reported on May 2, on an upstart "centrist" advocacy (read: lobbying) group known as "Third Way."  The group`s co-founders, Matt Bennett, Jonathan Cowan, and Jim Kessler should be familiar to readers of the Grassroots Alert.  All previously worked for "Americans For Gun Safety" (AGS), an organization that was founded in 2000 under the guise that it too would be a "centrist" group on gun issues.
A little more background on each may give those who believe they are centrists a bit of pause (at least on gun issues).  Matt Bennett was a former Clinton White House aide.  Former AGS President Jonathan Cowan served as former Clinton HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo`s right hand man when the secretary was actively promoting lawsuits against the gun industry. Conspicuous on Jim Kessler`s résumé was a stint as Senator Chuck Schumer`s (D-N.Y.) gun adviser. Hardly "centrist" credentials.  (AGS`s founder, Monster.com founder and billionaire Andrew McKelvey is a former board member of HCI [now the Brady Center], who apparently became disillusioned with the ineffectiveness of HCI and thus formed AGS.)
Of course, the facade that AGS was somehow moderate was quickly shattered.  The group supports an extension of the Clinton gun ban and legislation that would end gun shows as we know them.  And according to materials distributed at an early AGS organizational meeting, its "top national priority" is "passage of licensing and/or registration..."--a position, to our knowledge, it has yet to repudiate. 
AGS has also worked through the years to expand its base by affiliating not with "centrist" groups, but with radical anti-gun groups at the state and local levels.  In fact, many of the groups that affiliated with AGS are longtime HCI affiliates:   "Remove any guns from your home" (Women Against Gun Violence); "The second amendment of the United States Constitution has nothing to do whatsoever with personal use of firearms" (Citizens of Arizona to Prevent Gun Violence); and "The best way to protect your family is not to keep a gun in the home" (Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence).
Then, on May 4, Third Way`s VP for Public Affairs, Matt Bennett, wrote a letter to the editors at Roll Call to set the record straight, noting in fact, the group doesn`t profess to be a centrist organization.  Bennett`s letter states, "...Third Way is a nonpartisan advocacy group.  Our mission is to promote and strengthen the progressive cause..."
Those who choose to align themselves with Third Way should bear in mind the co-founders` previous place of employment before turning to them for assistance with issues relating to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.


The "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (S. 397/H.R. 800) would protect law-abiding firearm manufacturers from reckless, predatory, and potentially bankrupting lawsuits.
The bill currently has 239 cosponsors in the House, 56 cosponsors in the Senate, and has the full support of President Bush and numerous other groups and associations.
It is imperative that you continue to contact your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support S.397 and H.R. 800--without any anti-gun amendments--and put a halt to these reckless lawsuits once and for all.  Again, please be sure to let your lawmakers know that you consider any votes in support of anti-gun amendments to this legislation as votes against the bill itself.
To access the most up-to-date information on this issue, and to find out if your lawmakers are cosponsoring this legislation, please go to the "Help Save America`s Firearms Industry" heading at, www.NRAILA.org.  This function will allow you to easily send an e-mail or letter to your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators.  Please forward this link to your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners.
For additional information on effectively communicating with your lawmakers, please go to:  http://www.nraila.org/CurrentLegislation/ActionAlerts/Default.aspx (Grassroots Alert, Vol. 12, No. 12).
You may also call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, or your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.


The gun-banning "Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence" just can`t win for losing.  Fresh off their failures at the polls in 2004, the Brady Bunch is now under fire for their actions in the 2000 campaign.

This week, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) announced that the anti-gun outfit and its Political Action Committee (PAC) had been forced to pay $12,000 in fines for illegal corporate campaign contributions they made five years ago to the coffers of several endorsed candidates.
The illicit money streams originated from the Brady Voter Education Fund, and covered ads and endorsements for several Democratic candidates in the 2000 election cycle.
The American Conservative Union filed the original complaint with the FEC in 2001, in the aftermath of the tumultuous 2000 elections. 


Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro (R) defended the constitutionality of Ohio`s new carry law by intervening in the case Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. v. City of Clyde, where an Ohio city challenged one of the key provisions of the new law.
The new law specifically bars cities and towns from enacting or continuing in existence any ordinance that restricts the places where a person with a valid carry license may carry a handgun concealed.  Most cities and towns are in compliance, but the City of Clyde flouted the law, and passed a new ordinance banning the carrying of firearms on their property.
Ohioans For Concealed Carry, with support from NRA-ILA and the NRA Firearms Civil Rights Defense Fund, brought suit against the City of Clyde to force compliance with the law.  The City of Clyde claims that the law violates its "home rule" powers, but Attorney General Petro counters that the "Concealed Carry law is an issue of statewide concern....The mobility of today`s society accentuates the need for uniform regulation throughout the State of Ohio."
In April, in response to an inquiry from another community, Attorney General Petro issued a clear opinion that a county could not prohibit a person with a license from carrying a concealed handgun on county property that was not within a building, whether or not they charged a fee for admission to the property.


Don`t miss "FreedomFest 2005," to be held May 12-14 at the Bally`s/Paris Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Come hear NRA Executive Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre speak at the West`s largest freedom event.  Enjoy three days of speakers, networking, and a discussion of freedom, all on the world-famous Las Vegas Strip!
Draw upon incredible resources that will improve your debate skills and strengthen your resolve for the principles of freedom.
Sign up now at the discounted rate of $197 for general admission, and you`ll save $50 off the standard price!  Just use the code "sponsor50" when prompted.
To register now, or for more information, including a complete list of speakers, sponsors, and reduced hotel rates, or if you have any questions, please visit www.freedomfest.com or call (800) USA-1776.


(For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org.  As always, thank you for your efforts!)

SB 357 would establish a program requiring serialization of handgun ammunition to be enforced by the Department of Justice.  The manufacture, transfer, and possession of non-serialized handgun ammunition after July 1, 2007 would be considered a crime.  SB 357 would also require ammunition vendors and manufacturers to register with the Department of Justice.  SB 357 passed out of the Senate Public Safety Committee and is on its way to the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Please contact members of the committee at (916) 651-4101 and urge them to oppose SB 357.  AB 352 is expected to be heard on the Assembly floor May 9.  AB 352 expands the definition of "unsafe handguns" to include semi-automatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with a microscopic array of characters, which identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol, etched into the interior surface or internal working parts, which are then transferred by imprinting on each cartridge case when the firearm is fired.  Please contact members of the Assembly at (916) 319-2800 and ask them to oppose AB 352.

HB 6657 was referred to the Public Safety Committee and could be considered as early as next week.  HB 6657 seeks to make criminals out of crime victims by imposing a misdemeanor charge for the failure to report a stolen firearm.  The measure would also further diminish the ability of licensed firearm dealers to hold gun shows, creates new restrictions on who may sell firearms, and allows cities to shut down legal gun stores.  After years of working to erode the rights of Connecticut`s law-abiding gun owners, "Connecticut Against Gun Violence" is surprised to find themselves in the position of actually having to fight to get what they want, so they are pulling out all the stops.  Your phone calls to lawmakers have been making a difference, so keep it up!  Please contact your State Representatives today and urge them to oppose HB 6657.

On May 4, the Delaware Senate passed SB 46, which would allow certain handguns to be used for hunting deer.  Special thanks go to the bill`s prime sponsor, Senator Venables (D-21), for all of his efforts in passing this bill.  The bill is now  scheduled to be heard May 11, in the House Natural Resources and Environmental Management Committee, and may be considered by the full House as early as Thursday, May 12.  Please be sure to call your Representative before Wednesday and voice your support of SB 46.  You can reach the Delaware legislature at (302) 744-4114. Your lawmakers need to hear from you, so please make the call! 

This week, by vote of 117-0, the Illinois House of Representatives passed SB 2103, which seeks to improve the existing range protection law in Illinois.  The bill now awaits action by Governor Rod Blagojevich (D).  Please contact Governor Blagojevich at (217) 782-6830, and urge him to sign SB 2103.  Still awaiting a final floor vote in the House are SB 53, which seeks to allow the mail order sale of ammunition to Illinois FOID card holders, and SB 2104, a preemption bill that seeks to establish statewide, uniform standards on the transportation of firearms.  Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to support SB 53, and SB 2104.  On the anti-gun side, HB 990, which seeks to create the bureaucratic redundancy of requiring all FFL holders to also be licensed as firearm dealers by the state, has been revived, and now awaits a floor vote in the House.  In addition, there is word that legislation banning certain semi-automatic firearms and .50 cal. rifles, most likely HB 2414, will also be revived.  Although anti-gun extremists have failed on a number of occasions to maintain enough support for banning firearms to call their legislation for a vote, there are indications that these gun banners may get another chance to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.  It is critical that you contact your State Representative and urge him to oppose HB 990 and HB 2414, or any other legislative vehicle that would ban legal firearms from the law-abiding citizens of Illinois.  Your State Representative can be reached at (217) 782-8223.

SB 319, the state level gun ban which is more extensive than the federal ban that sunsetted last year, has been re-referred to the Senate Judiciary C Committee.  SB 319 would ban the possession and future purchase of certain semi-automatic firearms unless an individual has obtained a two-year, $100 permit from the State Police.  The bill also imposes restrictions on firearm sales and record keeping requirements on licensed dealers, including a $50 tax on ammunition that can be used on firearms targeted by the bill. The committee is expected to hear the bill on May 17, at 9:00 a.m., in Committee Room A of the State Capitol in Baton Rouge.  Please make plans to attend that hearing and begin contacting committee members and urging them to oppose SB 319.  For committee members` names and contact information, please visit http://www.legis.state.la.us.  The Louisiana Senate Judiciary C Committee can be reached at (225) 342-1771. 

This week LD 1579, introduced by Senator Ethan Strimling (D-8), was voted down by the members of the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee by a unanimous decision.  This insidious proposal would have banned hundreds of so called semi-automatic "assault weapons" as well as all .50 caliber rifles.  The Joint Committee on Criminal Justice & Public Safety voted 6-4 today in opposition to LD 333.  LD 333 would have ended gun shows as we know them in Maine by eliminating private transfers of firearms.

On May 3, by a vote of 28-3, Missouri`s Senate passed HB 365, introduced by Representative Brian Munzlinger  (R-1).  HB 365 ensures that Missouri`s Right-to-Carry permitting process is administered fairly and equally throughout the "Show Me State." The significance of this legislation is underscored by the overwhelmingly bipartisan support it received in the General Assembly.  HB 365 now heads to Governor Matt Blunt (R), and the law will take effect immediately upon his signature.  Special thanks to all of the pro-freedom legislators in Jefferson City, and in particular, House Speaker Rod Jetton (R-156), Representative Scott Lipke (R-157), Senate President Michael Gibbons (R-15), Senator Jason Crowell    (R-27), and of course, Representative Munzlinger, for their leadership on this bill. 

LB 454, the "Concealed Handgun Permit Act," is currently being debated on the Senate floor.  Nebraska requires eight hours of debate on a bill before it can be voted upon.  Unfortunately, the legislature closes for business before the eight hours can be reached, so debate will continue next week.  Please continue to contact your Senator and urge him or her to support a cloture vote on this important legislation which can still come up for a debate as early as next week.  To contact your Senator, please call (402) 271-2271. 

AB 232, an NRA-supported bill by Assemblyman Richard Perkins (D-23, Clark County), which clarifies the Nevada Revised Statutes regarding the definition of concealed carry, passed unanimously out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  It is now headed to the Senate floor.  AB 232 will also amend state law to allow for compliance with the federal "Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004," which allows for retired law enforcement officers authorized under the federal law to carry a concealed firearm.  It is vital that NRA members contact Senate members and ask for their support of this important measure.  For information on how to contact your Senator, please call (800) 978-2878 or visit http://leg.state.nv.us/general/feedback.cfm.         

On May 21, the Salem County Sportsmen`s Club and South Jersey Sportsmen, Inc. will host the third annual "NRA Day"--a free day of gun safety and recreational shooting instruction for the entire family.  The event will be held at the Sportsmen`s Club from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  "NRA Day" activities include rifle and handgun shooting, an air gun range for children with adult supervision, and a special exhibit, "Firearms in America," by the South Jersey Arms Collectors which will feature a number of historically significant firearms.  All firearms, targets, ammunition, and eye and ear protection will be provided.  The event is free and open to the public.  The club is located on eastbound U.S. Route 40 in Carney`s Point.  For more information, please call Bob Viden at (856) 881-7575. 

May 10 is Special Election Day in your area.  Please be sure to get out and vote! Volunteers are needed now through Election Day.  For more information on NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683). 

HB 2373, NRA-backed legislation protecting gun manufacturers from reckless lawsuits, and HB 2529, the NRA-backed "No Net Loss of Public Hunting Lands" bill, will both be up for a vote on the Oregon House Floor on May 9.  Both bills would further strengthen the rights of Oregon`s hunters and firearm owners.  Please call or e-mail your State Representatives over the weekend, or first thing Monday morning, and urge them to support this legislation.  For contact information, please visit http://www.leg.state.or.us/house/, or call (503) 986-1187 for the House operator.  In addition, local NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) Curt Greer (OR-4) needs your help in supporting our Armed Forces.  Curt entered a float in last year`s Veteran`s Day Parade representing NRA and the award-winning Eddie Eagle Gun Safe® Program.  Volunteers are needed to help assemble the float and to also participate in the parade.  The parade will begin on Main Street, in Cottage Grove, on May 21, at 9:00 a.m.  To volunteer your time for this worthy event, or for additional information, please contact Curt Greer by phone at (541) 746-7806 or by e-mail at [email protected]

On May 3, the South Carolina Senate Judiciary Committee passed H 3110, the NRA-backed Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill.  This bill now awaits a vote by the full Senate.  Please call your Senator at (803) 212-6200 and urge him or her to support H 3110.

SJR 44, a resolution intended to establish a constitutional right to hunt, fish, and trap, is currently being considered on the Senate floor.  Unfortunately, the provisions of the current resolution do little to protect sportsmen from future attacks initiated by radical animal "rights" organizations.  Your NRA is working to see that the language is substantially strengthened to protect, for instance, the hunting of "traditional species" by "traditional means and methods."  This will guard against politically-motivated bans on the hunting of animals such as dove and bear, as we`ve seen in other states.  It will also protect against bans on specific types of hunting, such as bow hunting.  This specific protection is critical in light of the fact that radical anti-hunting organizations have made a bow hunting ban their top priority as part of their plan to eliminate hunting one method at a time.  The first step in strengthening the language of the Resolution is the adoption of Senator Mark Norris`(R-32) floor amendment the afternoon of Monday, May 9.  It is critical that you call your State Senator before Monday afternoon and respectfully request that he or she "please vote for the Norris floor amendment to SJR 44" because Tennessee needs a meaningful individual right to hunt and fish.  NRA is committed to continuing efforts to pass a constitutional amendment that protects the rights of individual sportsmen for generations to come, while also recognizing the state`s responsibility to manage game populations through laws and regulations driven by science, not anti-hunting politics. 

This week, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee reported out HB 225 by Representative Joe Driver (R-Garland) and Senator Bob Deuell (R-Greenville). HB 225 extends the term of a renewed Concealed Handgun License (CHL) from four to five years. The bill now moves to the Senate floor for consideration, where anti-gun Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) is expected to try and amend several anti-gun provisions onto the bill.  Please contact your Senators and urge them to SUPPORT HB 225 and to OPPOSE Senator Ellis` amendments to the bill.  You can reach the Texas Senate Criminal Justice Committee at (512) 463-0345.  Also, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee will consider HB 823 by Representative Terry Keel (R-Austin) and Senator Juan Hinojosa (D-McAllen) on Tuesday, May 10, at 1:30 p.m. or upon Senate adjournment, in Room E1.016 of the State Capitol in Austin.  HB 823 takes important steps toward clarifying that law-abiding Texans may carry a handgun for protection in their vehicles without a CHL.  Please contact committee members and urge them to support HB 823. For a list of committee members and their contact information, visit www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/Senate/Commit.htm


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.