"The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"!!!
Thanks to your efforts, yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives passed S. 397 by a strong bipartisan vote of 283-144! Yesterday's vote marks the final legislative action on the bill, which now heads to President Bush for his expected signature. After the President signs the bill into law, it will take effect immediately.
S. 397 will end the campaign of reckless lawsuits being filed in an attempt to hold the lawful firearm industry responsible for the acts of criminals. The law will not preclude suits where the law is broken or where a defective firearm is manufactured.
During Senate debate earlier this year, the Pentagon stated its concern over the consequences if the American firearm industry was litigated into extinction. The Department of Defense stated that it "strongly supports" S. 397 and "that passage of S. 397 would help safeguard our national security by limiting unnecessary lawsuits against an industry that plays a critical role in meeting the procurement needs of our men and women in uniform." Echoing this point, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox noted, "We are a safer country today because Congress passed this critical legislation. Our men and women in uniform abroad and at home now will not have to rely on France, China, or Germany to supply their firearms."
Hailing the House action yesterday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said, "This is an historic victory for freedom. Truth and justice prevailed, and today S. 397 is one step closer to becoming the law of the land. America is a better place because Congress acted to save American icons like Remington, Ruger and Colt from politically motivated lawsuits." NRA-ILA's Cox stated, "Today's vote by the House marks the dawn of a new day; a day when no longer will anti-gun officials and trial attorneys be able to do an end run around the legislative process by trying to bankrupt the firearm industry through irresponsible litigation. Passage of the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act' would not have been possible without the support of the 257 House co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle. We appreciate the tireless efforts of Reps. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Rick Boucher (D-Va.), and the members of House leadership who worked to move the bill in this chamber."
Despite the desperate efforts of anti-gun Representatives yesterday, who one-by-one prefaced their remarks against S. 397 by shallowly professing to support the Second Amendment, the lopsided and bipartisan vote showed that support for this common sense reform was wide and deep.
While yesterday's vote was indeed a landmark event in the history of the Second Amendment, sadly, the long term fight isn't over. Even before yesterday's vote, the gun banners at the Brady Center promised to resist in court. So while victory was ours yesterday, and the House took a monumental step toward protecting the lawful firearm industry, our fight will continue to ensure that any attempt to weaken or overturn this law is thwarted.
Again, all of us at NRA-ILA want to thank you for making this victory possible. Without your steadfast support and your tireless efforts meeting with and contacting your lawmakers, we would not have been able to finish the job we started years ago. As always, you deserve a lion's share of the credit for this hard fought victory, and you have earned the gratitude of America's 80 million lawful gun owners. As Wayne LaPierre aptly said "I would like to thank our members who played a pivotal role in making this bill a reality. Together, we have protected the sanctity of the Second Amendment. And this right will continue to be proudly preserved by freedom's largest, most compelling, and devoted voluntary organization in the world."
For the roll call vote on final passage of S. 397 in the House, please go to www.NRAILA.org. Take note of how your Representative voted, and please thank those who voted in support of gun owners and let those who voted against our rights know that you will keep their votes in mind when they are up for re-election.
As you've been reading in the Grassroots Alert for months, on November 8, San Francisco voters will go to the polls to vote on Proposition H--a citywide gun ban. If Proposition H passes, it will become the most restrictive gun control law in the nation; even more restrictive than the egregious Washington, D.C., gun ban that NRA-ILA is currently working to overturn in Congress! The ordinance would ban residents from possessing any handgun and they would be forced to turn over their handguns within 90 days. The sale, manufacture, and distribution of all firearms would be prohibited!
To educate and mobilize Bay Area pro-gun supporters, NRA-ILA unveiled a website dedicated exclusively to exposing the truth about Proposition H. The website-- www.StopSanFranban.com --is designed to provide you with one-stop-shopping for the information and tools you will need to ensure Proposition H is defeated on November 8.
Among the many features at www.StopSanFranban.com are: information on the proposed ban; sample letters and tips for identifying and writing letters to the editor of area newspapers; information on the benefits of firearm ownership for self-defense and the ineffectiveness of gun bans in reducing crime; voter registration links; e-mail sign-up; and more.
The only thing standing in the way of Proposition H passing is you! Please be sure to visit www.StopSanFranban.com and then forward this link to your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners, both inside and outside of San Francisco, to ensure the collective voices of America's gun owners are heard loudly and clearly in the weeks leading up to, and especially on, November 8! Those of you who don't live directly in San Francisco, but reside nearby, should visit the site frequently for updates on what you can do locally to ensure this deplorable proposition is defeated.
Please visit www.StopSanFranban.com today to help us prevent San Francisco from becoming the next Washington, D.C.!
(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org. As always, thank you for your support.****)
Next week, the Illinois General Assembly will begin its Fall Veto Session, which will run October 25, 26, and 27, and November 2, 3, and 4. During this session, legislators will have an opportunity to override Governor Rod Blagojevich's (D) veto of three NRA-supported bills. The first, SB 2104, would set statewide standards for transporting firearms in vehicles, thus eliminating the patchwork of current laws that leave otherwise law-abiding gun owners in danger of running afoul of local regulations as they travel throughout the state. The next, SB 57, is a gun show bill similar to one the Governor signed into law, but which also includes a mandate that the State Police destroy the database it currently maintains on lawful firearm transfers. Finally, there is HB 340, which would require the waiting period on firearm transfers be waived in cases where a law-abiding citizen is simply trading one operating firearm for another. Please be sure to contact your State Representative and Senator and urge them to vote to override Governor Blagojevich's vetoes of SB 2104, SB 57, and HB 340 during the Fall Veto Session.
The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has announced a second hearing for S. 2113, an act prohibiting the sale, transfer or possession of certain handguns and rifles. This is the bill that seeks to ban .50 caliber BMG rifles and the FN "Five-seveN" handgun. Please plan to attend the hearing that will take place on October 25, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., in Room 437 of the State House. If you are unable to attend, you can contact the committee at (617) 722-2230.
The New Mexico Department of Public Safety has scheduled a public hearing on proposed rules to implement the 2005 legislative changes to the Concealed Handgun Carry Act (HB 641). Public comments will be taken on Tuesday, November 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at the DPS Law Enforcement Academy Auditorium, located at 4491 Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe. Visit www.dps.nm.org/faq/concealed_weapon.htm to obtain a copy of the proposed rules, or contact the DPS Special Investigations Unit at (505) 827-9097. Written comments must be submitted to Sharron Henderson, Department of Public Safety, Special Investigations Division, 4491 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1628, no later than 5:00 p.m., on November 1. If you plan on attending the hearing and presenting verbal testimony or comments, it is strongly suggested that you also submit written comments at that time. NRA-ILA and our state affiliate, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, are currently reviewing the proposed rules and may be submitting written comments, but individual NRA members and certified instructors are encouraged to participate as individuals in this process as well.
The Charlotte City Council has decided to consider imposing restrictions on the currently legal practice of law-abiding citizens carrying legally owned firearms that are holstered and visible. This issue was raised by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Darrel Stephens, who, according to an October 11 report by News 14 Carolina, claims "the open display of firearms is a threat to public safety." How law-abiding citizens simply obeying the law can constitute a "threat to public safety" is lost on us. Especially considering Chief Stephens held a press conference in August where he stated "the city, the county, is safer than it was last year." This press conference was held after a weekend when east Charlotte experienced five homicides. So, which is it? Is the city safer than it was last year, or does Chief Stephens suddenly consider law-abiding citizens obeying the law and exercising a right protected by both the United States and North Carolina Constitutions to represent some sort of "threat to public safety"? At this point, it is unclear how the City Council will handle this issue. During a City Council meeting on Monday night, when Chief Stephens brought the issue up, no action was taken. It is possible the City Council will not address the issue until after the November 8 General Election, thus avoiding any possible threat of angering pro-gun voters. While NRA will continue to monitor this issue, and take appropriate action if necessary, we encourage those who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and object to any attacks on this freedom that might adversely impact law-abiding gun owners, to contact members of the Charlotte City Council and voice their concerns. Contact information for Council Members can be found at www.charmeck.org/Departments/City+Council/home, or you can call the Council at (704) 336-2241.