Readers of the Grassroots Alert are no doubt familiar with the many features of NRA-ILA's website-- But as a grassroots volunteer, do you know how to drill down within the website to find what you, as an activist, specifically need? Here's a brief primer on the grassroots resources available to you at
Once on the home page, scroll to the bottom and check out the "Grassroots Activism" section that highlights some of the more current information and programs provided by ILA's Grassroots Division.
On the right hand column, you'll see a link called "Get Involved Locally." By choosing this option, you will be routed to a page that houses most of ILA's grassroots specific resources and programs. This page will feature information on our "Second Amendment Activist Centers;" on how to enroll in ILA's free grassroots volunteer program, NRA-ILA FrontLines™; and on the NRA-ILA EVC program, including a function that allows you to identify your specific EVC either by using a map of the U.S. or by entering your zip code.
But don't leave the "Get Involved Locally" section without checking out the features that appear in the right hand column, under the heading "Grassroots Activism." Here you will find additional information on ILA Grassroots' programs and training materials, including video of various Grassroots Workshops. Just beneath the "Grassroots Activism" section, choose your state to get information on registering to vote (updated each election year when dates and deadlines are announced). And finally, periodically check the "Event Calendar" to learn of any events or workshops being held in your area.
Of course, ILA's website is your place for one-stop-shopping for all of ILA's resources and materials, including information on federal and state legislation, fact sheets on gun-related issues, links to contacting your lawmakers and editors of newspapers, hunting information, and relevant news stories. And of course, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alerts are archived on the website and can be accessed by choosing the "Grassroots Alert" tab on the toolbar that appears atop every page you visit while at
The information posted at is constantly being updated, so please visit frequently, and use the aforementioned tools to enhance your level of activism in your community. And don't forget to share this information with your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners as well!
One of NRA-ILA's top legislative priorities in Congress continues to be the passage of S. 1082 and H.R. 1288--the Senate and House versions of the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act." This legislation seeks to restore the constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights of the residents of the District of Columbia.
The need for this legislation is obvious. While effectively banning handgun ownership for over a quarter-century, Washington, D.C., consistently has one of the highest homicide rates in the nation.
"D.C.'s politicians have stripped law-abiding residents of their ability to defend themselves and their families," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "Passage of the ‘District of Columbia Personal Protection Act' will remedy this senseless and dangerous injustice."
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 1082 and H.R. 1288.
For a list of Senate cosponsors, please visit
For a list of House cosponsors, please visit
You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, or your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
With NRA engaged in various legal battles to protect our Second Amendment rights across the country, we are asking NRA members to contribute to NRA-ILA as we fight for freedom in the courts. Please encourage your friends, family, and other Second Amendment supporters to stand with NRA-ILA by making a financial contribution to help us fight for freedom. You may contribute by mail (please make checks payable to NRA-ILA, and send to: NRA-ILA, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030); by telephone at (800) 392-8683; or via our website at:
Thank you for your continued support in our efforts to further the cause of freedom.
[Contributions to NRA-ILA are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.]
(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at As always, thank you for your support.****)
Mark your calendar for the "Concealed Carry Conference and Second Amendment Rally" to be held January 8, 2006! The Conference, held in conjunction with the Delaware State Sportsmen's Association Annual Meeting of Members, will feature special guest speaker NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox, as well as NRA President Sandra Froman, NRA 1st Vice President John Sigler, and NRA 2nd Vice President Ron Schmeits. The conference will be held at Modern Maturity Center, 1121 Forest Ave. (Rt. 8), in Dover. Doors open at 1:00 p.m., and the meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. This event is open to everyone interested in preserving and defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. See you there!
As residents of an early caucus and primary state, gun owners and sportsmen in Iowa and New Hampshire have the ability to shape issues for candidates with dreams of residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. You may have noticed that a tall New Yorker by the name of George Pataki has taken up residence in your state. Right now, though, New York's Governor Pataki (R) is taking a break from campaigning in Iowa and is spending his vacation at the Governor's mansion in Albany trying to negotiate a deal on illegal trafficking in arms legislation, the outcome of which could have serious implications for hunters, gun owners, sportsmen, and legitimate licensed dealers. In Pataki's push to get an agreement on legislation that would seriously punish illegal gun traffickers, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) (an anti-gun New York City liberal) is pressing for his laundry list which lets criminals off easy, but seeks to put gun stores out of business, ban .50 calibers, and places further restrictions on legal handgun ownership! At this point in this rapidly progressing process, the governor seems to be staying on the side of punishing law-breakers, but as we know all too well, this could change in a heartbeat. It is important that you contact Governor Pataki TODAY at (518) 474-8390, and let him know you are paying attention.
Right now in Albany, heated negotiations are taking place on illegal gun trafficking legislation and the outcome could seriously impact the rights of law-abiding gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and legitimate licensed firearm dealers! In the push between the governor and legislative leaders to come to an agreement on legislation that will severely punish illegal gun traffickers, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) is pressing for his laundry list which lets criminals off easy, but seeks to put gun stores out of business, ban .50 calibers, and place further restrictions on legal handgun ownership! Please contact your State Senator TODAY at (518) 455-2800, and ask him or her to tell Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno (R-43) and Governor George Pataki (R) that the law-abiding will not pay the price, yet again, for the actions of criminals. Say "NO" to Silver's "Gun Trafficker Protection Act" and "NO" to his attacks on law-abiding citizens!
The Personal Protection Act (PPA), legislation making Wisconsin the 39th Right-to-Carry state, passed the full Assembly by a vote of 64-32. Last week, the full State Senate approved the legislation by a strong bi-partisan vote of 23-10. After one last procedural stop in the Senate, the bill will be transmitted to Governor Jim Doyle (D) for his promised veto. He vetoed similar legislation in 2003. After a successful override in the Senate, the Assembly fell one vote short of making the PPA a reality after Representative Gary Sherman (D-District 74) deviated from his previous support of the measure by voting to sustain the veto. He cited raw partisan political considerations as his reason for changing his vote thus killing this life-saving legislation. With the addition of two representatives who support the PPA who were absent during the Assembly vote, there are 66 representatives who support the PPA. This is the number needed for a veto override. In the Senate, 22 votes are necessary for an override. Each house passed the PPA with veto-proof margins. It is essential that state representatives who voted for the bill hear from you. They can be reached at (800) 362-9472. Thank them for their support and request that they continue to support the PPA in the event of a veto override vote. You can see how the Assembly voted by going to
[Editor's Note: Effective January 1, 2006, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert will be transmitted solely via e-mail. Those of you who currently receive the Friday Alert via fax, and wish to continue to receive it, will need to sign up to receive NRA-ILA's e-mail alerts. You may sign up for e-mail by visiting and choosing "Sign-up for E-mail" or you may call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683. This change is part of our ongoing transition to e-mail as our primary communication tool, recognizing the vast number of NRA members with e-mail access, and the additional flexibility e-mail affords recipients in easily forwarding the information to others. The NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert will still be posted at Thank you for your cooperation with, and attention to, this change.--NRA-ILA]