Marion Barry Inadvertently Exposes the Fallacy of D.C.'s Gun Ban
Washington, D.C. has a gun ban, and gun bans stop crime. That's the ruse the gun ban lobby and their cronies would have you believe. That's what Washington, D.C. Council member and former mayor Marion Barry (D) would have you believe. But, in an ironic twist of fate, Barry's anti-gun premise has been challenged by circumstances involving none other than Barry himself.
This week, the ex-mayor was the victim of a violent crime in "gun-free" Washington, D.C. He was robbed at gunpoint by two young men who entered his apartment, held a gun to his head, and robbed him of his wallet, cash, and credit cards. The nearly three-decades-old ban did nothing to protect Barry. Despite the ban, Barry admitted that "guns are everywhere." What he didn't say is that those guns are in the hands of criminals, while the District's law-abiding citizens are prohibited from possessing them. Clearly, the ban has done nothing to stem the tide of armed criminals carrying out violent crimes.
While not suffering any physical injuries during the ordeal, Barry did indicate that his feelings were hurt. "There is a sort of an unwritten code in Washington, among the underworld and the hustlers and these other guys, that I am their friend....I was a little hurt that this betrayal did happen."
Councilman Barry, himself a convicted felon, says he does not want to prosecute the perpetrators (if they are ever caught), but also says that he will push the city council to pass a bill he introduced that would increase penalties for carrying a gun in the District! Such is the contradictory logic of the ex-mayor. Pass more gun laws, and don't enforce existing ones.
Of course, violent crime in D.C. is nothing new. Homicide had been declining in D.C. before the 1976 ban, but increased after the ban was imposed. By 1991, D.C.'s homicide rate had risen more than 200%. By comparison, the U.S. homicide rate rose only 12% during the same period. Since then, the District has ranked at, or near, the top of the list for highest per capita murder rate of major cities in the nation. If gun bans work, how can this tragic and shameful distinction possibly be?
In the wake of his most recent ordeal, Barry called for a summit of the city's leaders to address the "pandemic" of gun violence in the District. Clearly, he and the law-abiding citizens of the District of Columbia would be better served by a summit convened to call for the enactment of S. 1082 and H.R. 1288--the Senate and House versions of the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act."
As we continually note, this legislation seeks to restore the constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights of the law-abiding residents of the District of Columbia. It would allow these citizens to lawfully defend themselves and their families from violent crime. It is time to pass this critically important and obviously necessary law.
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 1082 and H.R. 1288.
For a list of Senate cosponsors, please visit
For a list of House cosponsors, please visit
You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, or your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
With NRA engaged in various legal battles to protect our Second Amendment rights across the country, we are asking NRA members to contribute to NRA-ILA as we fight for freedom in the courts. Please encourage your friends, family, and other Second Amendment supporters to stand with NRA-ILA by making a financial contribution to help us fight for freedom. You may contribute by mail (please make checks payable to NRA-ILA, and send to: NRA-ILA, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030); by telephone at (800) 392-8683; or via our website at:
Thank you for your continued support in our efforts to further the cause of freedom.
[Contributions to NRA-ILA are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.]
(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at As always, thank you for your support.****)
THIS SUNDAY, January 8, is the Delaware Right-to-Carry Conference in Dover! Please make plans to be there! This event promises to be an exciting and informative afternoon, featuring special guest speaker NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox, as well as NRA President Sandra Froman, NRA 1st Vice President John Sigler, and NRA 2nd Vice President Ron Schmeits. The conference will be held at the Modern Maturity Center, 1121 Forest Ave. (Rt. 8) in Dover. Doors open at 1:00 p.m., and the meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. This event is open to everyone interested in preserving and defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. See you there!
Next Wednesday, January 11, the 421st Session of the Maryland General Assembly will convene. Because 2006 is an election year, this session will undoubtedly be an active and exciting 90 days, with many bills affecting gun owners and sportsmen being considered. Be sure to check frequently for updates on the activities of the Legislature.
Nebraska's 2006 legislative session started January 4th! The Nebraska Legislature is off to a fast start with LB 454, also known as the "Concealed Handgun Permit Act," carrying over from the 2005 session. Please contact your Senator and urge him or her to support a cloture vote on LB 454. This important legislation may come up for a vote as early as next week. Your phone call can help make Right-to-Carry a reality in the Cornhusker State! To contact your Senator, please call (402) 271-2271.
In delivering his final "State of the State" address at the opening of the New York State General Assembly on Wednesday, Governor George Pataki (R) showed his presidential aspirations by talking of tax cuts and traditional GOP environmental policies instead of one of his old favorites -- gun control. Unlike in the past, we do not expect Governor Pataki to press for gun control initiatives of his own, but it will be anyone's guess as to what he would do if the legislature sent anti-gun measures to his desk. In response to Pataki's address, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) made attacking firearm retailers and law-abiding gun owners his number one legislative priority for 2006. Still stung by his failure to get anti-gun proposals included with illegal gun trafficking and crimes against law enforcement officers during the Governor's special session, Silver introduced two anti-gun measures yesterday. A 9280 imposes criminal penalties and legal liability on licensed firearm dealers for any criminal activity that occurs after the retailer has sold the firearm to a qualified buyer. This bill would further require that the retailer obtain exorbitant insurance policies to pay for the actions of these criminals. Also, retailers would need to place all firearms in fireproof safes or vaults during non-business hours. Make no mistake, this bill is designed to force thousands of firearm retailers out of business and to make firearms unavailable to law-abiding citizens! Also introduced was A 2466A, which seeks to drastically expand the state's ban on so-called "assault weapons" by adding pump action rifles and reduce the number of allowed features from two to zero. Additionally, the bill would give the State Police broad authority to designate additional firearms to be outlawed. Under the bill, those who wish to keep "banned" firearms lawfully possessed prior to January 1, 2007, must register them and have them tested for entry into the state's failed ballistic imaging program. Many of the guns affected by this bill are widely used in competitions and hunting. We anticipate swift action on these measures in the Assembly and also expect more anti-gun bills to come from the Democrat led Assembly. It is critical that you contact your lawmakers today and urge them to oppose A 9280 and A 2466A! Assembly members can be reached at (518) 455-4100, and State Senators can be reached at (518) 455-2800. We will keep you posted on other legislation as it is introduced.
The House Criminal Justice Committee will be holding a hearing for proponent testimony on House Bill 347 introduced by Representative Jim Aslanides (R-94). This legislative proposal addresses several problems associated with the enactment of House Bill 12, "Right-to-Carry" legislation, that became law in 2004. This proposal will streamline an already successful law, bringing clarity for Ohioans and law enforcement alike. This important piece of legislation will do the following: create a clear definition of "plain sight" in a motor vehicle; allow for off-duty law enforcement officers may carry a concealed firearm 24 hours a day 7 days a week (a.k.a. 24/7 provision); create statewide preemption for the regulation of firearms and ammunition therefore avoiding the current patchwork of laws currently in Ohio; and further prohibit journalists from abusing the open records' law. The hearing is scheduled for January 10, at 2:30 p.m., in Room 121 of the State House. If you're unable to attend, please contact the House Criminal Justice Committee by calling Chairman Bob Latta (R-06) at (614) 466-8104. Also, the "Ohio NRA Foundation License Plate" has been signed into law. NRA members now have the unique opportunity to purchase a special NRA license plate for their vehicle. When purchasing a plate, $15 will automatically be donated to the NRA Foundation. These funds will be allocated directly to shooting sports activities in Ohio, which will benefit Boy Scouts, 4-H, public shooting ranges and public hunting areas. For further information contact your local Bureau of Motor Vehicles or visit them online at