States with updates this issue: Alaska, California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Utah.
As we recently reported, the “U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects,” will begin Monday, June 26. The conference’s absurdly lengthy title tells you all you need to know--this meeting is about “action to prevent and eradicate” your rights. And make no mistake, the U.N., fueled and financed by the likes of Rebecca Peters and George Soros, is trying to do just that (if you have any doubt about where Rebecca Peters stands on the issue of a U.N. sanctioned ban on your firearms, please visit to view video of her publicly stating her views). But they’re in for a fight.
As reported this week, conference chairman Prasad Kariyawasam has received more than 100,000 letters of complaint from Americans who want the U.N. to stay out of the business of regulating lawful gun ownership in the United States.
To learn how you can continue to fight the U.N.’s Global Gun Ban and save Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, please visit, or call (800) 672-0636. This site provides valuable information and an opportunity to order Wayne LaPierre’s new book The Global War On Your Guns. The book spells out a chilling warning that gun owners in the United States and abroad must heed, and exposes a far-reaching scheme to pass a global ban on civilian ownership of arms--including YOURS!
Help stop the U.N.’s attempt to thwart our Freedom. Please visit the site or call the toll-free number today!
It’s Not Found In The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Aided and abetted by the media “elite,” anti-gun groups continue to attack NRA’s efforts to protect confidential law enforcement data from abuse in court. Over the past several years, amendments to appropriations bills for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) have contained provisions to prevent access to firearm trace data and firearm dealers’ records, except for legitimate criminal investigations. H.R. 5005, the “Firearms Corrections and Improvements Act,” introduced by Representative Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), includes language to strengthen those limits and make them permanent.
Right on schedule, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and New York Times editorials erroneously claimed H.R. 5005 would (as the Journal Sentinel put it) “throw behind bars cops who shared that information with officers from other jurisdictions.” New York City’s anti-gun mayor, Michael Bloomberg (R), floated the same argument in his March testimony before the House Crime subcommittee. Bloomberg claimed that under H.R. 5005, the NYPD wouldn’t be able to get trace information on guns sold in New Jersey.
Once again, the mayor and his anti-gun media cronies are wrong. Under H.R. 5005, if information on a gun sold in New Jersey is relevant to investigating a crime in New York, there’s no reason it couldn’t be disclosed to a New York agency.
H.R. 5005 doesn't create any new crimes for police officers or anyone else; it simply blocks anti-gun governments from trolling through nationwide data to support reckless and politically motivated lawsuits against the firearm industry--the very type of suits enactment of the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” was intended to stop. In doing so, it protects gun owners’ privacy, the integrity of investigations, and the safety of law enforcement officers. That’s why both the Fraternal Order of Police and BATFE have supported the appropriations amendments on this issue over the past several years.
Of course, NRA plans to work with the Congress as H.R. 5005 moves forward, to make absolutely clear that all law enforcement agencies can share necessary information for legitimate criminal investigations. Be sure to contact your U.S. Representative to urge support and cosponsorship for H.R. 5005, and respond to any media articles that repeat these bogus claims about the bill.
In its first Senatorial endorsement of the year, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence this week endorsed anti-gun Senator Mike DeWine (R-Ohio).
In lauding the anti-gun efforts of Senator DeWine, the group cited DeWine’s unsuccessful effort to block the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,” (which was signed last fall by President Bush), his ill-conceived efforts to create a “firearm tracing” database, and his push for sweeping semi-auto firearm bans.
“In politics, you are defined as much by the battles you fight where you fail as those in which you win,” said Michael D. Barnes, president of the Brady Campaign. And if anyone knows about failure, it’s the soon-to-be-departed Barnes and the Brady Bunch.
The “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award” is an annual Honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award” is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond the call of duty in defending our freedom over the past year. Nominations for these honors for last year (2005) should be submitted to: NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Ryan Irsik, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Nominations may also be faxed to Ryan at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected]. All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving. Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff, and will be acknowledged at this Fall’s NRA Board of Directors Meeting. The deadline for submissions is July 7, 2006.
Much is at stake in this year’s elections; we will decide if we continue to move ahead on the path of pro-gun reform, or, if we will descend to the dark Clinton-Gore years. In order to ensure continued success for the Second Amendment, we must elect pro-gun lawmakers to office this election season.
To ensure victory for our pro-gun candidates this election year, NRA-ILA will be hosting FREE NRA-ILA “Mix N’ Mingles” across the country. These events will provide NRA members with training on what they can do locally to propel candidates to victory this election season. The meetings also provide attendees the opportunity to meet and socialize with lawmakers, candidates, and their staffs; NRA-ILA Headquarters staff; and fellow area NRA members—and to earn FREE NRA fraternal items such as hats, pocketknives, buttons, etc. “Mix N’ Mingles,” including materials, food, beverages, and NRA items, are FREE!
Mix N’ Mingle events are scheduled for:
- Addison, IL 07/15/06
- Lakemoor, IL 07/18/06
- Libby, MT 08/15/06
- Great Falls, MT 08/17/06
- Seymour, IN 08/24/06
- South Bend, IN 08/26/06
- Lincoln, NE 09/09/06
- Rock Hill, SC 10/07/06
NRA members who have access to the Internet can go to to reserve their seats on-line. NRA members are encouraged to check this website address frequently to see if any upcoming “Mix N’ Mingles” are scheduled in their area. NRA members may also contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) for details and to reserve their seats.
(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the “Write Your Representatives” tool at For information on NRA-PVF candidate endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site. Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card. Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code: #07901. Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at on the login page accessed by choosing your state. As always, thank you for your support.***)
States with updates this issue: Alaska, California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Utah.
Governor Frank Murkowski (R) has signed SB 200, the “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill, into law. This bill simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, the potential victim does not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack. The “Castle Doctrine” bill met with overwhelming, bipartisan support, passing with a unanimous 33-0 vote in the state house and 16-0 concurrence vote in the senate. Alaska joins 10 other states that signed similar legislation into law this legislative cycle. Congratulations, Alaska!
Assembly Member Alberto Torrico (D-20) has sponsored a bill that would cripple the rights of California’s firearm owners. Simply put, Assembly Bill 2714 would ban the sale of ammunition through the mail or internet. Action is critical, as AB 2714 could be up for a vote in the Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, June 27! Please contact the Senate Public Safety Committee today at (916) 651-4118 and ask them to vote “no” on AB 2714! Also, Assembly Bill 352, sponsored by Assembly Member Paul Koretz (D-42), legislation requiring that serial numbers, make, and model numbers be micro-stamped into the interior surface or internal working parts of all handguns produced after a certain date, is on the Senate floor and could be voted on at any moment. Please contact your Senator today and ask him or her to vote against AB 352. For more information on both of these bills, please visit
HB 5192, by Representative Scott Hummel (R-93), drops the hunting age from 14 and 12 for big game and 12 to 10 for small game. The bill passed the House by a vote of 89-12 and now moves on to the desk of Governor Jennifer Granholm (D). The companion bill, SB 1105 by Senator Michelle McManus (R-35), is also headed to the Governor’s desk after passing in the Senate by a vote of 28-9. The House “Castle Doctrine” package comprised of four bills, HB 5142 by Representative Tom Casperson (R-108), HB 5143 by Representative Rick Jones (R-71), HB 5153 by Representative Leslie Mortimer (R-65), and HB 5548, by Representative Tim Moore (R-97), is awaiting concurrence by the House. The two Senate “Castle Doctrine” bills, SB 1046, by Senator Alan Cropsey (R-33), and SB 1185, by Senator Ron Jelinek (R-21), are on second reading in the House. All the bills listed above are expected to be up for a vote in the House this coming week. Please call your State Representative and ask him or her to support the House and Senate “Castle Doctrine” packages. The general phone number for the House of Representatives is (517) 373-0135.
Jersey City Update: Please immediately email, call, or fax the Mayor and City Council of Jersey City to voice your opposition to two new anti-gun ordinances scheduled for a public hearing and council vote on June 28. Please also attend the June 28 public hearing and make your voice heard! The new ordinances are replacements for ordinances that were defeated on June 14. Although they have been rewritten in an attempt to counter objections raised about the defeated ordinances, the new ordinances are still unacceptable and must be defeated. Ordinance # 06-081 would ban affordable personal defense handguns by misleadingly labeling them as “Saturday night specials” and “junk guns.” By banning affordable firearms, Jersey City is diminishing the self-defense rights of lower-income residents and discriminating against them. Ordinance # 06-082 would ban the purchase of more than one handgun per month, and would leave Jersey City residents unable to defend themselves if their firearm requires repair or is stolen within four weeks of purchase. In addition to impacting Jersey City’s lower income residents, these ordinances also violate New Jersey’s pre-emption law, which prohibits municipalities from regulating matters already addressed by the state. Copies of the ordinances are available at If you wish to speak at the hearing, please call the Jersey City Office of the City Clerk at (201) 547-5150 to be placed on the speaker’s list for the June 28 meeting. Speakers are selected in sign-up order. You will not be able to speak unless you sign up in advance. If you don’t wish to speak, please attend anyway and show your support. The meeting will be held on June 28 at 6:00 p.m., at Jersey City Hall, 280 Grove Street, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. If you are unable to attend, please call in opposition to the anti-gun ordinances by contacting Mayor Healy at (201) 547-5200 and the members of the Jersey City Council at (201) 547-5204. State News: Assembly Bill 2602 will ban possession and purchase of any and all ammunition by anyone who does not possess a valid firearms purchaser identification card (NJFID), a certified copy of a permit to purchase a handgun, a valid permit to carry a handgun, or a valid New Jersey hunting license. Violators would be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree, which is punishable by a fine of $10,000 and a term of imprisonment of up to 18 months or both. The stated purpose of this bill is to reduce gang violence, but its greatest impact will be on lawful gun-owners and competitive shooters. For more information on how A 2602 will affect law-abiding New Jersey citizens, please use the “click here for alerts in your state” feature at This bill has already passed the Assembly and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate. Currently, the National Rifle Association is working together with many of your clubs, the New Jersey Sporting Clays Association, the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and various other organizations to oppose this bill in the Senate. Despite these efforts, your input is absolutely essential to help defeat this bill. Please contact your State Senator immediately and urge him or her to OPPOSE A2602! The general phone number for the State Legislature is (609) 292-4840. If you need help identifying your State Senator, please use the following link:
The General Assembly, set to wrap up the 2006 legislative session last night, continued to work into Friday. Nothing will be final until lawmakers actually recess and head back to their districts, but it is looking likely that gun owners and sportsmen will be happy with the outcome. Not a single item pushed by New Yorkers Against Gun Violence and passed by the notoriously anti-gun Democrat-led Assembly looks as though it will become law this year. As you may recall back in January, in an effort to deflect attention away from his unwillingness to get tough on cop-killers, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) championed a nine-bill package of meaningless measures which included A 673A, which creates the crimes of failure to store a weapon “safely” and negligent storage; A 2302, which would prohibit the retail sale of a handgun that does not contain a “child proofing” or integrated safety device; and A 4471, which would ban the sale, use and possession of .50 caliber firearms. Also approved were: A 2837, which would outlaw many types of ammunition commonly used on shooting ranges and for safety and training purposes; A 2466A, which would drastically expand the state's ban on so-called “assault weapons”; and A 9280, which imposes criminal penalties and legal liability on legitimate licensed firearm dealers for any criminal activity that occurs after the retailer has sold the firearm to a qualified buyer, and would further require that the retailer obtain exorbitant insurance policies to pay for the actions of criminals. The bill would also require that retailers place all firearms in fireproof safes or vaults during non-business hours. More good news--lawmakers approved NRA-supported A 11864/S 2742A, which will extend the exemption provided for possession and use of a pistol or revolver at a pistol range for persons at least 14 years of age. Governor George Pataki's five-point anti-gun bill in 2000 made it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess a handgun, but exempted 18 to 20-year olds while shooting on a range supervised by a qualified individual. Pataki's bill left many young competitive shooters under the age of 18 out in the cold. Please call Governor Pataki at (518) 474-8390 and urge him to correct his mistake and sign this legislation when it reaches his desk.
The Pennsylvania State Senate is attempting to dissolve your Second Amendment rights by taking aim at preemption. Plainly put, SB 1241, sponsored by Senator LeAnna Washington (D-4), would allow the City of Philadelphia to usurp preemption statutes by limiting handgun purchases to one handgun a month. Immediate action is critical as this piece of legislation is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee at 11:30 a.m., in Room 8E-B, East Wing, on Tuesday, June 27. Please contact your State Senator today at (717) 787-5920 and ask him or her to protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms by opposing SB 1241!
Don’t forget the 2006 Primary elections are being held Tuesday, June 27. If you have questions regarding voting please visit the following link: Be sure to “Vote Freedom First” on Tuesday, June27!