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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 27 7/6/2007



oshaThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed new rules that would have a dramatic effect on the storage and transportation of ammunition and handloading components.  The proposed rule indiscriminately treats ammunition, powder and primers as “explosives.” 


The public comment period ends July 12. To file your own comment, or to learn more about the OSHA proposal, click here or go to http://www.regulations.gov/ and search for Docket Number OSHA-2007-0032”; you can read OSHA’s proposal and learn how to submit comments electronically, or by fax or mail.  

BluntMISSOURI GOVERNOR SIGNS CASTLE DOCTRINE, HUNTING PRESERVATION BILLS INTO LAW:  In a recent fly-around tour across Missouri, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox joined Governor Matt Blunt (R) at bill signing ceremonies for two of NRA-ILA’s top legislative priorities.  SB 62, Missouri’s “Castle Doctrine” bill, removes the “duty to retreat” for victims of criminal attack; while SB 225, the “Hunting Heritage Protection Areas Act,” preserves important wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities for future Missouri generations.



CONTRIBUTE TO NRA-ILA AND RECEIVE DISCOUNTED THEME PARK TICKETS! Thanks to the generosity of Anheuser-Busch, NRA-ILA has the opportunity to make available a limited number of single-day passes to one of the Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks in the United States.  These passes are valid through April 2008, and are good for a one-day adult or child admission into SeaWorld Orlando, San Antonio or San Diego; Busch Gardens or Adventure Island in Tampa Bay; Busch Gardens or Water Country USA in Williamsburg.


To make a contribution and get your tickets, please visit https://secure.nraila.org/buschgardens.aspx.


(Contributions to NRA-ILA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income tax purposes.)



SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR 2006 NRA-ILA VOLUNTEER AWARDS:  The “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award” is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights.  Similarly, the “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award” is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond the call of duty in defending our freedom over the past year.  Nominations for the 2006 honors should be submitted to:  NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Suzanne Anglewicz, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030.  Nominations may also be faxed to Suzanne at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected].  All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving.  Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff and will be acknowledged at this Fall’s NRA Board of Directors Meeting.  The deadline for submissions is July 13, 2007.



STATE ROUNDUP(please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


CALIFORNIA:  Update on California AB821 (lead ammunition ban) and AB1471 (microstamping)!  On Tuesday, June 26, two anti-gun, anti-hunting measures passed out of committee and are now making their way through the California Senate.  Assembly Bill 821 would ban the use of lead ammunition for hunting in various hunting zones around the state that incorporate condor range and require hunters to switch to non-lead substitutes.  Assembly Bill 1471 would require that the make, model, and serial number be microstamped onto the interior surface or internal working parts of all handguns in such a manner that those identifiers imprint onto the cartridge case upon firing.  Please contact your State Senator today and respectfully urge him or her to oppose AB821 and AB1471.  Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.

COLORADO:  Update on Ouray, Colorado Noise Ordinance  On Monday, July 2, the Ouray County Commissioners decided to table and rework the language of Ordinance 07-02.  Ordinance 07-02 would restrict decibel (db) levels to 55 during the day and 50 during the night.  Keep in mind that a normal conversation is about 60 db.  This ordinance would effectively ban anyone from target shooting on his or her own property in the county because they would exceed the decibel levels emanating beyond property boundaries.  The only exception made for firearms in the ordinance is for cases of emergency.  There is no set timeframe of when Ordinance 07-02 will be reintroduced.  The language is being reworked with public comments taken into account.  NRA-ILA will continue to monitor the situation and report any updates as they become available. 

Hunting and Recreational Shooting Restrictions Proposed on BLM Land!  Hunting and recreational shooting is being targeted by the Bureau of Land Management in south central Colorado near Salida.  If you hunt, target shoot, use motorized vehicles, hike and/or camp on these public lands, the proposal will affect you.  It is important that BLM hear from you.  The management plan and information on how to submit comments can be found at:  http://www.blm.gov/co/st/en/fo/rgfo/travel_mgmt/arkansas_river_travel0.html  

ILLINOIS:  The Illinois General Assembly continues to operate in an overtime session, trying to finalize the state’s budget.  Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) is attempting to exploit the budget impasse that he has helped create by trying to call special sessions of the General Assembly in order to promote some of his pet projects.  Gun control is one of the pet projects, and there are indications the Governor will try to call for a special session next week in an effort to ban certain semi-automatic firearms.  Please call your State Senator at (217) 782-5715 and State Representative at (217) 782-8223 and urge them to focus their energy on passing a budget, and oppose any efforts by Governor Blagojevich to use his position for political posturing and attacks on law-abiding gun owners and their lawful firearms.

MICHIGAN: “No-Net-Loss” Legislation Heading to Senate Floor!  House Bill 4597, “No-Net-Loss” legislation, is heading to the Senate floor for consideration.  This bill will protect Michigan’s valuable hunting tradition by ensuring that today's total acreage of public hunting lands is not reduced.  Please contact your State Senator at (517) 373-2400 and respectfully urge him or her to pass HB4597 to protect Michigan’s hunting heritage. 

NEW JERSEY:  Bill to Reorganize Fish & Game Council Heads to Assembly Floor!  A3275, a bill that seeks to drastically change the membership of the Fish & Game Council from six sportsmen and three farmers who represent various geographical regions of the state to seven political appointees recommended by the Governor, is now heading to the full Assembly.  The bill passed the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee by a 5-2 vote on Thursday, June 14.  Animal “rights” extremists testifying in support of A3275 derided hunting as a “15th century” means to wildlife management and touted this legislation as a “21st century” tool for wildlife management.  They also expressed their desire to rid the Fish & Game Council of anyone with a “hunter driven background.”  Please contact your State Assembly member at (800) 792-8630 and respectfully urge him or her to vigorously oppose this anti-hunting legislation.  To identify your Assembly member, please click here.

OHIO: “Castle Doctrine” Bill Introduced in the Buckeye State!  On June 13, legislation was introduced in Ohio that would restore the most basic of fundamental rights: self-defense.  State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-1) and State Representative Lynn Wachtmann (R- 75) have introduced Senate Bill 184 and House Bill 264, a package that restores the right of individuals to respond in force in defense of their lives and family without fear of civil lawsuits by criminals injured or killed while attacking law-abiding victims.  Please contact your State Senator at (614) 466-4900 and your State Representative at (614) 466-3357 and respectfully urge him or her to support SB 184 and HB 264.

OREGON:  Oregon Emergency Powers Provision Heads to Governor’s Desk!  House Bill 2370, a Homeland Security-related bill containing an amendment prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, passed the Oregon Legislature and is now headed to the desk of Governor Ted Kulongoski (D) for his expected signature. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Pennsylvania “Landowner Liability Protection Act” Signed by Governor!  On Saturday, June 30, Governor Edward Rendell (D) signed House Bill 13, the “Landowner Liability Protection Act,” into law.  HB13 will give added protection to a landowner who either directly or indirectly invites or permits any person to use his property for recreational purposes.  The landowner would not incur liability for any injury to persons or property caused while hunting.  Thank you to all NRA members who took the time to contact their legislators in support of this important measure.

Victory for Pennsylvania’s Fall Turkey Hunters!  Governor Ed Rendell (D) recently signed SB 580 that will legalize the use of dogs for fall turkey hunting in Pennsylvania.  The Keystone State now joins several other states that allow the use of dogs while hunting turkeys.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.