On Monday, Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty announced the city will appeal the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s Parker ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. While it is too early to tell whether the Supreme Court will choose to hear the appeal, Fenty’s action possibly sets the stage for a showdown over the meaning of the Second Amendment.
Labor Department Announces It Will Revise Overreaching OSHA Explosives Rule: Earlier this week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it will significantly revise a recent proposal for new “explosives safety” regulations that caused serious concern among gun owners. OSHA had originally set out to update workplace safety regulations, but the proposed rules included restrictions with which very few gun shops, sporting goods stores, shippers, or ammunition dealers could comply.
Contribute To NRA-ILA and Receive Discounted Theme Park Tickets: Thanks to the generosity of Anheuser-Busch, NRA-ILA has the opportunity to make available a limited number of single-day passes to one of the Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks in the United States. These passes are valid through April 2008, and are good for a one-day adult or child admission into SeaWorld Orlando, San Antonio or San Diego; Busch Gardens or Adventure Island in Tampa Bay; or Busch Gardens or Water Country USA in Williamsburg.
To make a contribution and get your tickets, please visit https://secure.nraila.org/buschgardens.aspx.
(Contributions to NRA-ILA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income tax purposes.)
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ALABAMA: Unlawful Regulation of Firearms in City of Huntsville Defeated! With the help of concerned NRA members throughout the city of Huntsville, NRA was successful in having signs removed that declared it was unlawful to “possess firearms” on most of the major greenways. According to state law, the regulation of firearms is entirely reserved to the Alabama State Legislature. These signs not only violated state law, but were a blatant attack on your Second Amendment rights. We would like to thank all of the members who took the time to contact the Huntsville City Council regarding the erroneous language pertaining to the possession of firearms on greenway signs.
ARIZONA: Renowned economist and author John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws and The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You’ve Heard About Gun Control is Wrong) will be speaking in Tucson on Sunday afternoon and the event is FREE! Professor Lott will be speaking about his new book: “Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-baked Theories Don’t” on Sunday, July 22, 2007, from 5:00-7:00 p.m., at Pima County Republican Headquarters, 5447 East 5th Street, in Tucson. A limited number of his books will be available to purchase, or you may purchase copies of any of his books and bring them to be autographed.
CALIFORNIA: Update on Pending California Firearm Legislation The California legislature is going on break until Monday, August 20. Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge him or her to oppose AB1471, AB334, and AB821. Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.
COLORADO: Hunting and Recreational Shooting Restrictions Proposed on BLM Land! Once again, hunting and recreational shooting is being targeted by the Bureau of Land Management, now in south central Colorado near Salida. If you hunt, target shoot, use motorized vehicles, hike and/or camp on these public lands, the proposal will affect you. It is important that BLM hear from you. The management plan and information on how to submit comments can be found at: http://www.blm.gov/co/st/en/fo/rgfo/travel_mgmt/arkansas_river_travel0.html
MICHIGAN: “No-Net-Loss” Legislation Could Be Headed to Senate Floor Anytime! House Bill 4597, “No-Net-Loss” legislation, is heading to the Senate floor for consideration. This bill will protect Michigan’s valuable hunting tradition by ensuring that today's total acreage of public hunting lands is not reduced. Please contact your State Senator at (517) 373-2400 and respectfully urge him or her to pass HB4597 to protect Michigan’s hunting heritage.
MISSISSIPPI: Tuesday, August 7 is Primary Election Day in Mississippi! If you have questions about candidates grades and endorsements, please call our Grassroots Division at 800-392-8683 or visit www.NRAPVF.org. Be sure to “Vote Freedom First” on Tuesday, August 7! For more information about voting in Mississippi, please visit: http://www.sos.state.ms.us/elections/2007/index.asp
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey Attacking Imitation Firearms Senate Bill 2810 would make it a crime to sell or give an imitation firearm (toy gun) to anyone under the age of 18, defining an imitation firearm as an “object or device that is reasonably capable of being mistaken for a firearm.” Please contact the members of the Senate Committee on Law and Public Safety and Veterans’ Affairs and ask them to defeat this ridiculous bill that attacks legitimate retailers instead of focusing on the criminals that use firearms, real and imitation, to commit crimes in New Jersey. Please click here for contact information.
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Senate Judiciary II Committee to Consider Anti-Gun Database Bill! House Bill 1287, would create a new statewide database to which sheriffs would report all individuals who have been denied a permit to purchase a handgun. HB1287 could soon be considered in the Senate Judiciary II Committee. Please call members of the Senate Judiciary II Committee and urge them to oppose HB 1287. You can find the names and contact information of committee members by clicking here.
WISCONSIN: Wisconsin: Madison City Council Taking Aim at Imitation Firearms (Toy Guns)! An ordinance has been proposed in the Madison City Council that seeks to levy a $300 fine against anyone using a fake “weapon” in a manner intending to "alarm, intimate, threaten or terrify another person." While well intended, the vague language of this ordinance could be construed to make civil offenders out of children playing cops and robbers with toy guns. Please contact the members of the Madison City Council at (608) 266-4071 and urge them to vote NO on the Imitation Firearms Ordinance.