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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 2 1/11/2008

D.C. Court of Appeals Blocks Reckless Lawsuit


On January 10, the District Columbia Court of Appeals found that the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” (PLCAA) blocked lawsuits under D.C.’s “Strict Liability Act.”



D.C. Files Brief in Heller Case:  On January 4, the District of Columbia filed its brief in District of Columbia v. Heller, now before the U.S. Supreme Court. The District is appealing the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s ruling that found D.C.’s bans on handguns, on having any gun assembled for use within the home, and on carrying a firearm within the home without a permit, violate the Second Amendment.



NRA-ILA Investigating Citigroup/First Data Issues:  In late December, 2007, a large and well-known firearms dealer was informed by a company called First Data--which operates as Citi Merchant Services under license from Citigroup, Inc.--that it would no longer handle the dealer’s credit card processing business. 



California Appeals Court Strikes Down San Francisco Handgun Ban!  On January 9, the California Court of Appeals agreed with a lower court ruling that struck down San Francisco’s handgun ban as a violation of California’s state preemption law.  The ruling was in response to an NRA-led challenge to the ban. 


Outrage of the Week:  This week’s outrage comes courtesy of columnist Bernd Debusmann of Reuters News Service, and an article he recently penned.  This story, masquerading as a legitimate news article, might as well be an anti-gun organization’s press release. 



STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


The 2008 legislative session has started and most states will be coming back into session any day.  Please keep checking your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for any updates.


ARIZONA:Arizona Game and Fish Commission to Discuss Lead Ammunition and Shooting Range Issues!  On Friday, January 18, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission (AZGFC) will be holding a public meeting to discuss issues concerning gun owners and hunters.  Of greatest interest are briefings on shooting range funding and development (Item #3) as well as general issues associated with lead from spent ammunition (Item #10).  Since last year, when California passed its unjustified ban on lead ammunition for all hunting in condor range, the NRA has been keeping a close eye on the same issue in Arizona.  Please take the time and attend the AZGFC meeting and make your voice heard on these important issues.  The meeting will be held at the Arizona Game and Fish Department at 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ, beginning at 8:00 a.m.  A copy of the agenda can be found on the Commission's website at http://www.azgfd.gov/inside_azgfd/meeting_agenda.shtml.


COLORADO:  BLM Plans to Close Canyons of the Ancients to Recreational Shooting:  The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft management plan for the 164,000-acre Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in southwest Colorado.  All four management alternatives would close the entire Monument to recreational shooting.  The BLM cites vandalism of cultural and natural resources and visitor safety as the reasons for closure.  For more information about the plan, please go to http://www.blm.gov/rmp/canm/.  Comments from the public are being accepted until January 25, 2008.  It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!

GEORGIA:  Self-Defense Legislation Heads to Senate Floor For Possible Vote  After being put off during the 2007 session, HB 89 will be heard any day now.  HB 89 would enhance the right of self-defense by allowing individuals to transport a loaded firearm in any private passenger motor vehicle, and allow employees to keep a firearm locked in their vehicles while at work.  It is imperative that you contact your State Senator and State Representative TODAY in support of this important piece of Second Amendment legislation.

ILLINOIS:  Gun Rights Under Assault in Cook County!  As we reported previously, Cook County is currently considering two anti-gun proposals that must be defeated!  First, the Safe Streets/Weapons Registration Ordinance requires the registration of all firearms and firearm owners in the county.  As written, it is an outright gun ban and prohibits the transport of a firearm in your vehicle unless the firearm is "broken down in a nonfunctioning state."  The other proposed ordinance would amend the county's "Deadly Weapon Dealers Ordinance" to completely ban all gun shows within the county, and prohibits federally licensed dealers from operating within 10 miles one another.  Please contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners today and respectfully urge them to oppose these ordinances.  Contact information for the Board can be found by clicking here.


INDIANA:  Several Pro-Gun Bills Proposed in Indiana Legislature!  The Indiana General Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, January 8.  Several pro-gun measures have already been filed and sent to their respective committees.  State Senator and NRA Board Member Johnny Nugent (R-43) has introduced Senate Bill 65 and Senate Bill 66.  SB65 provides that any person possessing a valid Indiana concealed carry permit may not be prohibited from possessing a handgun on land or in buildings or structures owned or operated by the state of a political subdivision of the state.  SB66 will ensure that law-abiding firearm owners may store lawfully possessed firearms in locked vehicles at their place of employment.  In the House, State Representatives Eric Koch (R-65) and Dave Cheatham (D-69) have authored House Bill 1043, legislation that will ensure the protection of your Second Amendment freedoms during a state of emergency or disaster in the Hoosier State.  Please contact your State Senator at (317) 232-9400 and your State Representative at (317) 232-9600 to respectfully urge them to vote for these important pieces of legislation.


MARYLAND:  Baltimore’s Mayor Proposes Gun Control Legislation  The 2008 Maryland legislative session convened Wednesday, January 9, and anti-gunners are already scheming to strip us of our Second Amendment rights.  In Wednesday’s edition of The Baltimore Sun, Mayor Shelia Dixon (D) along with Baltimore State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy, urged the Maryland State Legislature to pass legislation that would victimize gun owners for the actions of criminals. Mayor Dixon’s proposal would require gun-owners who discover their firearm missing to report it lost or stolen to the police within 72 hours or face criminal charges.  Such legislation has no effect on criminals or crime, but could hold law-abiding gun owners criminally liable if their guns are lost or stolen. Please continue checking www.nraila.org for more details.


NEW JERSEY:  The Garden State’s Gun Owners Are Under Attack!   Three members of the New Jersey Assembly have introduced bills that would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms and maintain their firearm permits and pay their license fees, as well as punish parents that purchase imitation firearms for their children.  These pieces of legislation are just one step closer to destroying the any ability to own a firearm in the Garden State.  The NRA has been keeping a watchful eye on the General Assembly but we need your help to make sure that your rights are protected.  Please continue checking your email and refer to www.NRAILA.org for the status of these bills and any other Second Amendment or hunting related-legislation in the Garden State.

Animal "Rights" Activists Back at it in Trenton!  A1202, sponsored by Assemblyman Chiappone would stack the Fish & Game Council with five individuals recommended to the Governor by acknowledged anti-fishing and anti-hunting organizations: The New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, The Bear Education and Resource Group, and the Humane Society of the United States. The five anti-fishing and anti-hunting nominees would be based upon their, “experience in environmental protection or other fields relevant to animal welfare and with a background in the preservation of wildlife.”  A1202 is just one more attempt by animal “rights” extremists to destroy our outdoor heritage. Please contact your Assembly member today and respectfully urge him or her to oppose this legislation.  Your Assembly member can be found by visiting http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp.


NEW YORK:   New York Assembly Wasting No Time in Proposing Anti-Gun Legislation  This session there have been numerous bills filed to tear away at the gun rights of New Yorkers.  Bills range from expanded bans on so-called assault weapons to banning types of ammunition.  The Environmental Commission is also fighting to take away the rights of hunters in the state by banning conventional ammunition and replacing it with “green ammunition.”  Please call you legislature at 815-455-4100 and urge them to oppose bills A7331, A3451, A2772, A829, A76, A6525, A3447, A6052, and A9543.  Also, call Commissioner Grannis at 518-402-8545 and ask him what message he is trying to send to hunters and shooters.


TENNESSEE:  Senate Bill 23, authored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), will be heard by the full Senate on Wednesday, January 16.  SB23 allows a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm in a place where alcohol is served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.  Please contact your State Senator toll-free today at (800) 449-8366 and respectfully urge him or her to support this important piece of self-defense legislation.

VIRGINIA:  Virginia General Assembly Starts Session Off With a Barrage of Anit-Gun Proposals!   The 2008 Virginia General Assembly Session has started and anti-gun legislation has already been introduced.  With Governor Kaine and members of the legislature looking for ways to close the much talked about, but not factually founded “gun show loophole,” the Assembly has to decide with whom they side; those who support the Second Amendment, or those that want to ban guns in Virginia.  Although there are numerous pieces of legislation that attack our gun rights, some pro-gun bills have also been introduced.  Additional legislation may be filed until the January 18 deadline, and we will continue to keep you informed of any new firearms-related measures. In the meantime, please contact your Delegate and Senator regarding the proposals above and strongly encourage them to defend our Second Amendment rights by supporting the pro-gun bills introduced, and to stand up for Virginia’s law-abiding gun owners by firmly opposing the numerous anti-gun attacks being proposed in the General Assembly.

WASHINGTON:  Washington Fish & Wildlife Commission Clamps Down on Recreational Shooting!  At a public meeting last month, the nine-member Washington Fish & Wildlife Commission unanimously adopted rules that will make it easier to prohibit recreational shooting on all state land controlled by the Department of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) and that imposes other restrictions on shooters. Ignoring the concerns raised by NRA members, including testimony provided by NRA staff at the meeting, the Commission unanimously rubberstamped the proposal that was before it.  The new rules authorize the DFW to prohibit the discharge of firearms on any or all portions of Department land at any time and for any (or no) reason. 

WEST VIRGINIA:  Protecting Your Self-Defense Rights in Your Home!  On Wednesday, January 9, State Senator Shirley Love (D-11) introduced Senate Bill 145, “Castle Doctrine” legislation.  SB145 simply states that if a criminal attacks a law-abiding citizen in his or her home, automobile, or any place he or she has a legal right to be, the use of force is allowed for self-defense.  NRA is working with all members of the West Virginia Legislature to get the best, clearest language possible before moving on to final passage.

WISCONSIN:  Youth Mentor Hunting Programs Scheduled for Hearing in Wisconsin   On Thursday, January 10, State Representative Scott Gunderson (R-83) introduced AB672, legislation to establish a Youth/Mentored hunting program in Wisconsin.  Thanks to activism by NRA members, this legislation was able to obtain enough co-sponsors to be enrolled as a bill and receive a public hearing on Wednesday, January 16 by the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources.  Statistics show that states that allow hunters to start at earlier ages have a better safety record than states with higher minimum ages.  States with lower age minimums also have a higher rate of hunter participation and retention, which helps the state in wildlife conservation efforts.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.