The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the District of Columbia v. Heller case on March 18th.
Former Acting Solicitor General for the Clinton Administration, Walter Dellinger, will argue for the District of Columbia, while Alan Gura will argue for the plaintiffs.
The brief for those seeking to overturn the D.C. ban will be due on February 4; friend of the court briefs supporting their side will be due a week later.
We’ll continue to update you as the case progresses.
Outrage of the Week--PETA Wants Inmates Running Asylum: This week’s outrage comes from the Smith County Sheriff's Jail near Dallas, Texas. Sheriff J.B. Smith recently received a fax from the national headquarters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), one of the largest animal-rights groups in the country, which is also virulent in its opposition to hunting and fishing.
PETA asked the sheriff and jail officials to refrain from serving any meat products to inmate Christopher McCuin--a man jailed for murdering his girlfriend and “possibly participating in cannibalism” of the victim’s body. PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich wrote, “It is up to [the Sheriff] to prevent McCuin from contributing to any more suffering and death.”
Be On The Lookout In Your State! In 2007, the sponsor of “encoded ammunition” legislation in Maryland urged lawmakers across the country to introduce the same kind of legislation in their states. This legislation would require ammunition manufacturers to engrave a serial number on “the base of the bullet and the inside of the cartridge casing of each round” of ammunition for popular sporting caliber center-fire rifles, all center-fire pistols, all .22 rimfire rifles and pistols, and all 12 gauge shotguns.
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
COLORADO: “Castle Doctrine” Bill to be Heard on Wednesday, February 6! Sponsored by State Representative Cory Gardner (R-63), House Bill 1066 will be heard by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 6. HB1066 would extend self-defense protections beyond the home to include businesses, and grant civil and criminal immunity for using deadly force if a person is faced with a threat of great bodily harm or death in his or her home or business. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB1066 to allow business owners to protect themselves and their place of business. Please contact your State Representative at (303) 866-2904 or toll-free at 1-800-811-7647 and respectfully urge him or her to support HB1066 to allow business owners to protect themselves and their place of business.
"Criminal Protection" Bill Introduced! Legislation that would render homeowners defenseless and gives intruding criminals the upper hand has been proposed by State Senator Sue Windels (D-19). Under Senate Bill 49, adults would be forced to put their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor if a firearm was used in a suicide or crime. No hearing date has been scheduled in the Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs. Please contact the members of the Committee today and respectfully urge them to oppose SB49. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
ILLINOIS: Gun Rights Under Assault in Cook County! As we reported previously, Cook County is currently considering two anti-gun proposals that must be defeated! First, the Safe Streets/Weapons Registration Ordinance requires the registration of all firearms and firearm owners in the county. As written, it is an outright gun ban and prohibits the transport of a firearm in your vehicle unless the firearm is "broken down in a nonfunctioning state." The other proposed ordinance would amend the county's "Deadly Weapon Dealers Ordinance" to completely ban all gun shows within the county, and prohibits federally licensed dealers from operating within 10 of miles one another. Please contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners today and respectfully urge them to oppose these ordinances. Contact information for the Board can be found by clicking here.
INDIANA: Indiana Emergency Powers Legislation Needs Your Help! House Bill 1043, sponsored by State Representatives Eric Koch (R-65) and Dave Cheatham (D-69), would prevent government agencies from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens during a disaster or state of emergency, such as occurred after Hurricane Katrina. HB1043 has yet to be scheduled for a committee hearing. Please contact your State Representative at (317) 232-9600 and strongly urge him or her to protect your right to defend yourself and your loved ones by requesting the House leadership to place HB1043 on the committee calendar!
IOWA: House File 120, introduced by State Representative Clel Baudler (R-58), would change the Iowa Right-to-Carry law to make Iowa a “shall-issue” state. According to HF120, any law-abiding persons 21 years of age or older would be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed handgun if they pass a training and marksmanship course. Training would not be required for a renewal of the permit to carry a firearm. HF120 also has a reciprocity provision that allows a person possessing a valid out-of-state permit to carry a weapon to be entitled to the privileges and subject to the restrictions of Iowa law provided the state that issued the license recognizes weapons permits issued in Iowa.
NRA-ILA will monitor the progress of this important self-defense legislation. Please check your email and for any updates on this and other Second Amendment related legislation in Iowa.
KENTUCKY: Important Self-Defense Bill Stuck in House Judiciary Committee! Legislation requiring universities, colleges, and postsecondary institutions to comply with current law, by allowing law abiding citizens to keep firearms in their locked vehicles on university property, is currently stuck in the House Judiciary Committee. House Bill 114, championed by State Representative Robert Damron (D-39), needs your help today! Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support this important piece of self-defense legislation. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
MARYLAND: No Action Taken on Right-to-Carry Reform Bill On Monday, January 22, a public hearing was held by the Maryland House Judiciary Committee regarding House Bill 2. No action was taken. Sponsored by State Delegate Daniel Riley (D-34A), HB2 seeks to remove language from existing Maryland code requiring that the Secretary of State Police “find a person has good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun...” Simply put, this bill would make Maryland a “shall-issue” Right-to-Carry state. NRA-ILA will continue to monitor this important legislation and alert NRA members in Maryland as to when to expect a vote in the House Judiciary Committee. Please check your email and for updates on this bill.
MICHIGAN: Hunting License Fee Hike Averted, But Fight Not Over Michigan hunters were not forced to swallow a shocking hunting license fee increase in 2007. Proponents of increasing hunting license fees spoke of massive layoffs for conservation officers and mass closings of public land, but the Department of Natural Resources revealed a $10 million balance when budget figures were released. Michigan may have avoided the fee increase for 2007, but those wishing to price hunters out of the field and further hinder our hunting heritage are sure to be back for more in 2008.
NEW JERSEY: The Garden State’s Gun Owners Are Under Attack! As we have reported, three members of the New Jersey Assembly have introduced bills that would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms and maintain their firearm permits and pay their license fees, as well as punish parents that purchase imitation firearms for their children. These bills are just one step closer to destroying gun ownership in the Garden State. We have been keeping a watchful eye on the General Assembly, but need your help to make sure that your rights are protected. Please continue checking your email and refer to for the status of these bills and any other Second Amendment or hunting related-legislation in the Garden State.
Animal "Rights" Activists Back at it in Trenton! A1202, sponsored by Assemblyman Chiappone. would stack the Fish & Game Council with five individuals recommended to the Governor by acknowledged anti-fishing and anti-hunting organizations: The New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, The Bear Education and Resource Group, and the Humane Society of the United States. The five anti-fishing and anti-hunting nominees would be based upon their “experience in environmental protection or other fields relevant to animal welfare and with a background in the preservation of wildlife.” A1202 is just one more attempt by animal “rights” extremists to destroy our outdoor heritage in New Jersey. Please contact your Assembly member today and respectfully urge him or her to oppose this legislation. Your Assembly member can be found by visiting
OHIO: Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee to Hear “Castle Doctrine” Legislation! On Wednesday, January 30, at 10:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, the Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice Committee will be hearing Senate Bill 184 “Castle Doctrine.” SB 184, sponsored by State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-1), would help restore the fundamental right of self-defense. This legislation would restore the right of individuals to respond in force in defense of their lives and family without fear of civil lawsuits by criminals. For contact information for the Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice Committee, please click here.
SOUTH DAKOTA: Right-to-Carry Bills Clash! As we reported last week, the Committee on Education, by request of the Board of Regents, introduced House Bill 1086, a bill to disarm Right-to-Carry permit holders by banning firearms on college campuses and property, including residence halls. However, thanks to State Representative Thomas Brunner (R-29) and State Senator Dennis Schmidt (R-33), legislation has been introduced to counter HB1086. House Bill 1261 would prevent universities from restricting the right to carry or posses a firearm on universities in South Dakota. Universities would not be allowed to expel, dismiss, or penalize any person who carries or possesses a firearm in accordance with state law. HB 1261 bill has been assigned to the House State Affairs Committee. No hearing has been scheduled. Please contact the committee members and respectfully urge them to support HB1261 and to oppose HB1086. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Youth Mentored Hunting Bill Could be Heard Next Week! State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33) has introduced legislation to create a mentored hunting program for children between ages 10 and 16. The current minimum hunting age in South Dakota is 12. While licensed youth hunters still need to take a HuntSafe course, House Bill 1263 would establish a “try before you buy” program allowing younger kids to experience their first hunts without a license under the direct supervision of a licensed adult. This bill is part of the Families Afield Initiative that is a cooperative effort between NRA, the National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Shooting Sports Foundation. HB1263 could be heard as early as next week in the House Agriculture Committee. Please contact the members of the committee today and urge them to protect South Dakota’s rich and proud hunting heritage. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
TENNESSEE: Tennessee Right-to-Carry Bill Passes Through Senate! Senate Bill 23, sponsored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), allows a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm into restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions. This important Right-to-Carry reform passed the State Senate by a vote of 24-6 on Wednesday, January 16. Law-abiding permit holders should not be denied their right to self-defense simply because they choose to dine out with friends or family. SB23 now heads to the House for its consideration.
Please continue checking and your email for any updates about this and other Second Amendment related legislation in the Volunteer State.
VIRGINIA: Senate Passes Legislation to Strengthen Hunting Programs! On Thursday, January 24, Senate Bill 617 passed out of full Senate with a 69-0 vote. Senate Bill 617 will establish an "apprentice" hunter-licensing program allowing new hunters to hunt accompanied by an experienced licensed hunter in the field without being required to take a Hunters Education class beforehand. Also, Senate Bill 708 will require the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to incorporate into their regulations urban archery rules consistent with game preserve and controlled shooting operations. The full Senate will hear SB708 in the coming days. Please contact your Senator today at (804) 698-7410, and thank him or her for passing SB617 and strongly encourage him or her to support Virginia's proud hunting heritage by voting for SB708! If you need help finding your state legislator please click here.
Senate Committee Defeats Proposed Gun Show Measure! The Senate Courts of Justice Committee defeated Senate Bill 109 by a 9-6 vote on Wednesday, January 23. SB109, Governor Tim Kaine’s (D) attack on private firearm transactions at Virginia gun shows, would have been a first step toward requiring government approval before individuals may sell their private property, even between family and friends. Please take the time to contact those members of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee that opposed SB109 and thank them for their support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the Old Dominion. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Senate Committee Defeats Attack on Virginia’s Preemption Laws! On Tuesday, January 21, the Senate Local Government Committee defeated three proposals aimed at gutting Virginia’s firearms preemption statutes. Senate Bill 32 and Senate Bill 33 sought to dismantle your right to self-defense by allowing localities to prohibit the possession of firearms in public libraries, and at outdoor events such as fairs and carnivals. Senate Bill 300 would have authorized any locality to ban the possession of firearms in government buildings. Please contact the members of the Local Government Committee that voted “no” on these threats to our Second Amendment rights and thank them for their support. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Another Anti-Gun Bill Defeated in Richmond! On Wednesday, January 23, House Bill 1277 was defeated by a 77-18 vote. HB1277 sought to make it unlawful to possess a firearm on Capitol Square, the area of the City of Richmond surrounded by Bank, Governor, Broad, and Ninth Streets, as well as in the State Capitol, the General Assembly Building, and the Patrick Henry Building. Please contact your Delegate and inquire how they voted on HB1277. Contact information for your Delegate can be found by clicking here.