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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 23 6/6/2008

On The Second Amendment, Don’t Believe Obama!

The presidential primary season is finally over, and it is now time for gun owners to take a careful look at just where apparent nominee Barack Obama stands on issues related to the Second Amendment.  During the primaries, Obama tried to hide behind vague statements of support for “sportsmen” or unfounded claims of general support for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

But his real record, based on votes taken, political associations, and long standing positions, shows that Barack Obama is a serious threat to Second Amendment liberties.  Don’t listen to his campaign rhetoric!  Look instead to what he has said and done during his entire political career.


NRA Wins Again In Pennsylvania Court:  This week, a Pennsylvania court sided with NRA and issued a permanent restraining order against two of the city of Philadelphia’s municipal gun control measures enacted in April.  The measures, banning so-called “assault weapons” and restricting handgun purchases to one per month, violate Pennsylvania’s state preemption laws, passed by the state legislature to maintain uniformity of gun laws.


UPDATE:  Gun Store Avoids Trial In Reckless N.Y.C. Lawsuit:  On June 2, a Georgia gun dealer facing a lawsuit by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg decided to avoid an ambush at trial and head straight for an appeal.  The case is one of several that began in 2006 with “sting operations” by Mayor Bloomberg’s investigators, that have brought rebukes from both federal and state officials for their interference with ongoing investigations.


“Baghdad, D.C.”?  We’ve often reported on the quandary the leaders of our nation’s capital face.  They govern a city that has had an outright ban on handguns for more than three decades, yet they’re constantly looking for panaceas for the District’s high rate of gun crime.  How ironic it is, that a city that should be an anti-gunner’s utopia is constantly plagued with high levels of gun violence.  Burying their heads in the sand, these leaders continue to try to avoid the unavoidable:  Criminals don’t obey the law and have ignored the gun ban since its inception. 


Enter yet another doomed-to-fail attempt at a remedy—the so-called “Neighborhood Safety Zone” (NSZ).



More Proof That Americans Believe The Second Amendment Guarantees An Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms:  Once again confirming what we already know, a recent Harris poll (taken May 5,-May 12, 2008) found that, by a margin of more than two-to-one, U.S. adults believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees an individual’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms.



Seeking Nominations For 2007 NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards:  The “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award” is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights.  Similarly, the “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award” is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond the call of duty in defending our freedom over the past year. 



Speak Up Now On Right-To-Carry In National Parks:  As we've reported over the last few weeks, the U.S. Department of the Interior has issued a proposed rule to eliminate the prohibition on Right-to-Carry in national parks and wildlife refuges. The National Rifle Association led the effort to change this policy and we are very close to winning this important battle.



Stop BATFE Abuses -- Urge Your Congressman To Cosponsor H.R. 4900:Continuing concern about the treatment of firearm dealers by BATFE has caused members of the U.S. House of Representatives--with NRA-ILA’s full support--to push for new and improved reform legislation.  That push has taken the form of H.R. 4900-- the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act.


Grassroots Minute Video:  To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here:  mms://media.streamtoyou.com/nra/2008/ilamin060608.wmv


STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


CALIFORNIA:  Santa Clara Board of Supervisors Passes Mandatory Spay or Neuter Resolution!  On Tuesday, June 3, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in support of the California Healthy Pets Act, Assembly Bill 1634.  Unfortunately, despite overwhelming opposition from NRA members and sportsmen from across Santa Clara County, the Board of Supervisors voted to endorse this radical legislation.  Rest assured, NRA will continue to actively oppose this bill in the state legislature.  Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org and your e-mail for updates on AB 1634.  We need you to remain vigilant and ready to oppose this anti-hunter/anti-pet legislation, as it will likely be up for consideration in the near future. 

DELAWARE:  “Landowner Liability Protection Act” Up For Possible Vote on Tuesday, June 11!  The “Landowner Liability Protection Act,” (House Bill 341) is up for another possible vote in the House Housing & Community Affairs Committee on Wednesday, June 11.  HB341 would ensure that landowners who allow public hunting access incur no liability for property damage or personal injuries caused by hunters -- regardless of whether the damage occurs on or off the landowner's property.  This proposal affirms the basic American principle of individual responsibility.  A landowner should not be held liable for the actions of a hunter---and any reasonable trial lawyer knows it!  Please continue to contact committee members and respectfully urge them to support House Bill 341.  Contact information can be found here.

GEORGIA:  The Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it will prepare a management plan for the Savannah Coastal Refuges' Complex.  The 56,000-acre Complex is comprised of a chain of refuges that together span a 100-mile coastline.  Deer hunting is allowed on a number of the refuges that make up the Complex.  The Service is asking for suggestions and information on the scope of the issues to consider in the planning process.  Comments must be submitted by July 3.  An open house will be held during the scoping phase.  Questions and comments should be directed to Jane Griess, Project Leader, at 912-652-4415, or at [email protected].  If you hunt on any of the refuges within the Complex, it is important for you to participate in the planning process to secure hunting opportunities for the future.

ILLINOIS:  Update as General Assembly Adjourns.  The 95th Illinois General Assembly adjourned last weekend.  Unless it is called back by Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) for a Special Session, we do not anticipate any legislative threats to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms until Veto Session in November.  Ultimately, this year saw little happen that should be of concern to law-abiding gun owners.  Unfortunately, there was not much in the way of pro-gun reform, either.  But given the current political climate in Illinois, holding back the anti-gun tide this year is a solid “Win” for the pro-gun community in the Land of Lincoln.  It is imperative that NRA members, along with their families and friends, get involved with efforts that will lead to success come Election Day on November 4.  For information on what you can do to help, please contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at 1-800-392-8683.

KENTUCKY:  National Rifle Association Specialized License Plates!  NRA is collecting applications for specialized NRA license plates for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  This is an idea way to show your pride in NRA and the Second Amendment!  The Kentucky Department of Motor Vehicles will only produce the plates if it receives at least 900 applications for the NRA license plate.  The initial application fee is $28.00.  For information on where to send your payment and where to submit your application, please click here.

LOUISIANA:  Your Voice Can Make the Difference in Protecting Our Rights!  Last week, the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee passed NRA-backed Senate Bill 51.  SB 51 would protect your right to lawfully transport and store firearms in your locked motor vehicle while parked in unsecured, public access parking lots controlled by your employer or a business you frequent.  The bill now moves to the House floor for consideration.  Also, State Representative Ernest Wooton (R-Belle Chasse) has said that he will bring House Bill 199 back up for a vote by the full House of Representatives in the near future.  HB199 would allow Louisiana’s Right-to-Carry permit holders to protect themselves on college and university campuses.  Please continue to contact your State Representative in Baton Rouge and respectfully urge him or her to support both SB51 and HB199.  For contact information, please click here.

Also, the Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it will prepare a management plan for the Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Ouachita Parish, LA.  The 4,500-acre Refuge is three miles north of Monroe.  Resident game and migratory game bird hunting occur on the refuge.  The Service is asking for suggestions and information on the scope of the issues to consider in the planning process.  Comments must be submitted by June 23.  An open house will be held during the scoping phase.  Questions and comments should be directed to Tina Chouinard, Natural Resource Planner, at 318-305-0643, or at [email protected].  If you hunt this Refuge, it is important for you to participate in the planning process to secure hunting opportunities for the future.

MICHIGAN:  Registration Reform Bill Sent to Senate Judiciary Committee!  House Bill 4490 and House Bill 4491 have passed the House and have been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  A hearing date has not been scheduled yet.  The bills would repeal the required "safety inspection" for newly obtained handguns.  Michigan law requires anyone who comes into possession of a pistol to take it to the police or sheriff’s department for a safety inspection.  The requirement of a safety inspection is a burdensome waste of time for law-abiding gun owners and the bills will end that inconvenience.  Please contact the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Wayne Kuipers (R-30), and respectfully urge him to give hearings to both HB4490 and HB4491 before the committee. You can contact Senator Kuipers by phone at (517) 373-6920 or by email at [email protected].

MONTANA:  BLM to Close Land to Recreational Shooting Outside Helena:  The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on its proposal to close land within the 4,700-acre North Hills Recreation Area located northeast of Helena.  BLM proposes to close the entirety of Section 34, Township 12 North, Range 3 West.  This would close several user-created shooting areas that are located adjacent to the main access road to the Recreation Area.  The area would not be closed to hunting during the big game season.  All BLM lands outside of the closed area would remain open yearlong to recreational shooting.  The deadline for comments is June 15th.  Comments should be submitted to BLM Butte Field Office, 106 North Parkmont, Butte, MT 59701, or electronically to [email protected].  For additional information you may call 406-533-7638.   It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!

NEW YORK:  Join NRA President John Sigler at the 2008 New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Annual Meeting!  The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) will be holding its annual meeting on Saturday, June 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Wallkill Rod and Gun Club located at 316 Bruyn Turnpike, Wallkill, NY 12589.  We encourage NRA members to register early as this event will sellout fast!  Here is your chance to meet this year’s keynote speaker, NRA President John Sigler, as well as enjoy a day of fun with the whole family at the range!  There will be exhibits, demonstrations, vendors, shooting opportunities, presentations, and a great chicken bake.  Special guest speakers for this event include: Assemblywoman Aileen M. Gunther (D-98), Assemblyman Greg Ball (R-99), Assemblyman Tom Kirwin (R-100), and State Senator John Bonacic (R-42).  This event is free and open to the public, however, do not wait to reserve your $12.00 ticket for the chicken bake or you risk missing out on some great food!  Tickets must be purchased in advance by 12:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 11.  Contact the NYSRPA office toll-free at 800-469-7772 to purchase tickets or visit www.nysrpa.org for more information.  To view an event flier, please click here.

OHIO:  Senate Passes “Castle Doctrine” Legislation!On Thursday, May 29, Senate Bill 184, Ohio’s “Castle Doctrine” legislation passed out of the State Senate by a vote of 25 to 7.  This legislation now heads to the Governor for his signature.  Governor Ted Strickland (D) has already voiced his support for SB 184 and is expected to sign this legislation into law within the next couple of weeks.  SB 184, sponsored by State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-1), will restore the right of individuals to respond with force in defense of their lives and family, and immunize the victim from civil lawsuits by criminals or the criminal’s family.  Included in SB 184 are several pro-gun amendments, which remove restrictions on carrying an unloaded firearm in a vehicle, protect the ability to store a firearm in a locked vehicle in privately owned parking facility, and the protect law-abiding gun owners from government gun confiscation during a state of emergency.  Please keep checking www.NRAILA.org for further updates on this issue.

OKLAHOMA:  Tax Break for NRA Events in Budget Bill  On Friday, May 23, with just a few hours remaining in the 2008 Legislative Session, the Oklahoma Legislature gave final approval to an omnibus budget bill (HB1387), which included an important amendment that will exempt purchases and sales at Friends of NRA events from state taxes. We all know the numerous benefits derived by the Friends of NRA program and this legislation will only enhance our efforts on this front. Special thanks to State Senator Anthony Sykes (R-24) and State Representative Randy Terrill (R-53) for their leadership on this effort, and to our allies in both chambers for their support of Friends of NRA! This budget measure has been sent to Governor Brad Henry (D) for his consideration.

PENNSYLVANIA:  Omnibus Pro-Gun Bill Up for Possible Vote!  House Bill 1845, an omnibus bill that contains three NRA-supported provisions could be voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.  One measure would eliminate the prohibition on Right-to-Carry permit holders carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense in state parks.  Another measure would prohibit any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. A final provision would allow for the issue of emergency concealed carry permits for individuals in immediate danger.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support this crucial piece of legislation.  Please click here for contact information.

RHODE ISLAND:  Micro-stamping Bill Pulled from Committee Agenda!  The "micro-stamping" proposal, House Bill 7834, has been pulled from the agenda of the House Finance Committee.  Sponsored by State Representatives Joseph Almeida (D-12), Edith Ajello (D-3), Anastasia Williams (D-9), Grace Diaz (D-11), and Joanne Giannini (D-7), HB7834 seeks to ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "micro-stamping" technology.  Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm in such a manner that these marks are transferred to the cartridge case upon firing.  The technology can easily be defeated with common household tools, has no public safety value, and will add substantially to the cost of a firearm.  Please continue to visit www.NRAILA.org for updates as HB7834 could still be brought up at anytime.

SOUTH CAROLINA:  South Carolina Primary Elections, Tuesday, June 10!  Tuesday, June 10 is Primary Election Day in South Carolina.  Please be sure to vote Freedom First. For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  For more information about voting in South Carolina, please click here.  Remember to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, June 10!

Pro-Gun Advancements Made as Session Comes to a Close  On Thursday, June 5, the second regular session of the 117th South Carolina General Assembly came to an end.  This session we were able to pass some pro-gun legislation while making great strides toward establishing a constitutional amendment to guarantee the right to hunt and fish in the Palmetto State.  For more information about these valuable advancements, please click here.

VIRGINIA:  Loudoun County Indoor Shooting Facility Proposal to be Considered Monday, June 9!  The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors will likely consider a proposal on Monday, June 9 to allow for construction of a new indoor shooting facility to be located in Ashburn. The Beaumeade Gun Club is requesting that a special exception be approved to allow the indoor firearm facility. The location of the proposed shooting facility appears to be ideally suited for such an operation which is a much-needed resource for the area’s law-abiding firearm owners.  It is widely recognized that increased development in Loudoun County has greatly diminished opportunities for firearm owners to develop and improve their firearms proficiency.  The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the County Government Building located at 1 Harrison Street in Leesburg.  Please contact both your Supervisor and Board Chairman Scott York, and strongly encourage them to grant Beaumeade Gun Club’s special use exemption and allow for this important project to move forward!  You can contact the Board Members at (703) 777-0204 or click here for a list of email addresses.

WISCONSIN:  A Step in the Right Direction for Right-to-Carry Movement!  On Thursday, June 5, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen (R) stepped to the plate and guided Wisconsin’s Right-to-Carry movement in the right direction by issuing a concealed carry permit to a retired investigator.  Wisconsin is only one of two remaining states that do not recognize some form of concealed carry for law-abiding citizens.  The issuance of this permit is a giant step forward in the right direction for law-abiding citizens of Wisconsin to carry concealed firearms for self-defense.  Please contact Attorney General Van Hollen at (608) 266-1221 and thank him for stepping up to the plate and issuing the permit.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.