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We are excited to announce a new, revolutionary, yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! You can make a difference by downloading and using the new NRA-ILA Toolbar.
Wilmette Latest Illinois City To Scrap Gun Ban In Wake Of Heller Decision
The town of Wilmette, Illinois had a handgun ban on their books for almost 20 years. You may remember the town for its outrageous prosecution of Hale DeMar--the man in Wilmette who was forced to use a handgun to defend himself and his family against a convicted criminal who had broken into his home for the second time in as many nights. Well, in the wake of last month’s historic Supreme Court decision protecting an individual right to possess firearms, village trustees in the northern Chicago suburb recently voted unanimously to repeal the egregious ban and strike it from the books. |
Time Running Out To Comment On Right-To-Carry In National Parks: For more than two months, we have been asking NRA members and gun owners to submit comments in support of allowing law-abiding citizens to carry their legally-owned firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges -- and tens of thousands of you have done so. The deadline to submit comments expired on June 30 -- or so we thought.
Heller Today, Gone Tomorrow? As you know, the Supreme Court recently ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right. While this is great news, this ruling is only as good as a future Supreme Court allows it to be. The work of five Supreme Court justices today can very easily be undone if the current balance of the court tips by one or more anti-gun justices tomorrow--especially if those justices were to be nominated by an anti-gun President and sent to an anti-gun Senate for confirmation!
ILA’s “Freedom’s Voice” Newsletter: New Look. New Content. You receive the Friday Grassroots Alert, but do you receive NRA-ILA’s free monthly newsletter, “Freedom’s Voice”? This publication is a must have for the pro-gun activist, and as with the Grassroots Alert, it is absolutely free!
New NRA T-Shirts Available NOW! We know that by now you’ve probably heard the Barack Obama “bitter” quote. Well, in addition to the new yard sign we designed, we’ve created a way for all of you “bitter” gun owners to wear your message to Obama and all of the other legislators seeking your vote this election season: A new "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" T-shirt, and our re-designed “I’m the NRA and I Vote” T-shirt!
“I’m A Bitter Gun Owner And I Vote!” Yard Signs Available Now: We’ve created a new yard sign that will send a message from all of you “bitter” gun owners to Obama this election season with our own slogan: “I’m a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!”
Grassroots Minute Video: To view the most recent “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here: mms://
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
Action Needed: Concealed Weapons License May Become Useless Corporate giants in Florida have threatened to destroy your right to have a firearm in your personal vehicle when you park your private car or truck in a publicly accessible parking lot. We are currently locked in a costly legal battle in federal court against the Chamber of Commerce and the Brady Campaign as they seek to overthrow HB-503. Passed in April and signed by Governor Crist, HB-503 protects your right to carry firearms in your private vehicle. This reckless action, brought by the Chamber of Commerce and other gun ban groups, is being funded by well-heeled anti-gun corporate giants. NRA is committed to fighting for the rights of gun owners in Florida and across the country but we can’t fight these attacks alone! We need your help to ensure that all the hard work by the pro-gun community, and all that was accomplished in Florida, isn’t undone by those who want to destroy our rights. Please consider making a contribution TODAY and join NRA in protecting the Second Amendment! To contribute, please click here.
CALIFORNIA: Update on Four Very Dangerous Anti-Gun Bills! Four bills that pose a very serious threat to our Second Amendment rights are in various stages of the legislative process. For more information about these dangers and how to take action to protect California’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms, please click here.
Management Plan for Sacramento, Delevan, Colusa, and Sutter National Wildlife Refuges is Open for Public Comment: The US Fish and Wildlife Service has prepared a plan for these refuges encompassing 24,000 acres in the Sacramento Valley, approximately 90 miles north of the city of Sacramento. The plan offers three management alternatives to the present management approach that allows hunting with a focus on youth and disabled hunters. The plan is available for viewing and downloading online at The comment period is open until September 12. Comments can be sent via electronic mail to [email protected]. If you hunt on these lands, please take time to review and comment on the plan.
KANSAS: Early Voting Has Begun for the 2008 Kansas Primary! Tuesday, August 5 is Primary Election Day in Kansas. Early in-person voting has already begun, so please be sure to vote early. Early in-person voting ends on Monday, August 4. NRA members are encouraged to head to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same. Early in-person voting will be held in designated areas within your County Courthouse. For more information about early in-person voting please visit For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683). Further information will be posted soon to the NRA-PVF website at Be sure to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, August 5!
MASSACHUSETTS: Governor Patrick’s Anti-Gun Bill Heads to Committee! On Tuesday, July 15, Governor Deval Patrick’s (D) bill was assigned a number (H.4971) and referred to the House Committee on Ways & Means. Sections 24 & 25 will increase state licensed firearm dealer's fees from $100 for three years to $250. In addition, licensed dealers will be charged a $100 inspection fee per year during each of the three years. This proposed bill would turn a $100 three-year dealer's license into a $450 three-year license. Section 26 would increase a resident License to Carry fee from $100 for six years to $200 for six years and Section 27 would increase a non-resident License to Carry fee from $100 for one year to $250 for one year. Please contact the members of the House Committee on Ways & Means TODAY and respectfully request that he or she oppose any attempt to increase firearm license fees in the Governor's Appropriations Bill. You can find contact information for the members of the committee by clicking here.
NEW YORK: Governor Signs Youth Hunting Bill! Earlier this week, Governor David Paterson (D) signed Assembly Bill 11033, New York’s “Youth Hunting” bill, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte (D-138). The companion bill is Senate Bill 8228, sponsored by State Senator Dale Volker (R-59). A11033/S8228 allows 14 and 15 year olds, who already are permitted to hunt small game in New York, to also hunt deer and bear with a firearm under specified conditions and only while supervised. It also creates a trapper-mentoring program. Thirty states across the country currently have no age limit, allowing parents to decide when their children are old enough to hunt, and these thirty states have a better collective hunter safety record than the twenty states with minimum ages. Although it is disappointing that the state of New York did not join the majority of states in the country that have no age limit, this is a modest step in the right direction. Please continue to check and your e-mail for updates throughout the year.
NORTH CAROLINA: Management Plans for Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge and Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge are Open for Public Comment: The US Fish and Wildlife Service has prepared plans that will guide management of two refuges in Hyde County, NC for the next 15 years. Swanquarter is a 16,000-acre refuge and Mattamuskeet is a 50,000-acre refuge. The Swanquarter Refuge is opened to waterfowl hunting. The plan offers two management alternatives to the present management approach for Swanquarter. Alternative B would expand hunting opportunities by increasing the number of use days and introducing deer hunting with archery equipment. Alternative C would add even more use days and deer hunting with primitive firearms. The public comment period is opened until August 4th. You may view the planning document at, and submit your comments at that address, or to [email protected].
Mattamuskeet currently allows deer and waterfowl hunting, including a program for youth. The plan offers two management alternatives to the present management approach for Mattamuskeet. Alternative B would continue the existing hunts, but the refuge would explore how to increase youth hunting opportunities for deer and waterfowl and would work with the state to conduct activities that promote hunter recruitment and retention. Alternative C would expand on those efforts. The deadline for comments on this plan is August 18th. Comments may be sent to the above addresses. It is important for the Service to hear from the hunting community on its proposals to expand hunting on these two refuges. Please take the time to review the plan and comment.
TENNESSEE: Attention Tennessee Gun Owners: Please plan to attend the Tennessee Friends of NRA State Conference & Shotgun Shoot in Nashville TOMORROW, Saturday, July 26, 2008! The event will be held at the Tennessee Clay Target Complex (, located at 1100 County Hospital Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Highlights will include door prizes, displays, food, and the first annual Tennessee Friends of NRA Shotgun Shoot. There will also be a special Grassroots Election Workshop to get you ready for the pivotal 2008 November elections!
For more information, driving directions, lodging details, and a schedule of events, please visit (click on “Tennessee”), or contact Len Assante at 615-230-9199. Don't miss this great event!