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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 16, No. 9 3/6/2009

Objective Analysis May Lead To Real Reform


canadian parlimentFrom time to time, elected officials actually do research an issue, learn the facts, and take the appropriate action.  Such is the case with efforts to scrap Canada’s multi-billion, ineffective gun registry.

On February 9, 2009, Garry Breitkreuz, a member of the Canadian House of Commons for the Conservative Party of Canada, introduced Bill C-301--an act to amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (registration of firearms).  This Private Members Bill would bring to an end Canada's much-maligned “Long Gun Registry.”  

According to a recent article in Canada’s NationalPost.com, when the national long-gun registry was introduced some 14 years ago, Mr. Breitkreuz actually believed the onerous gun registry would help make Canada safer.  Now he knows better.


Outrage Of The Week:  Here we go again.  In what seems to be becoming “Standard Operating Procedure” for our country’s educational system, this week’s outrage comes from Central Connecticut State University.  In yet another case of “zero-tolerance, zero-common sense,” a professor reported one of her students to the police after he gave a class presentation on why law-abiding students and teachers who possess valid concealed carry permits should be allowed to carry concealed firearms on campus.





Education or Indoctrination?  Another Outrage:  This next outrage comes to us from North Dakota, where we find a General Educational Development (GED) practice test showing blatant anti-gun bias. 

The GED tests, sometimes referred to as a “General Equivalency Diploma” or "General Education(al) Diploma," are used to certify that an individual who passes the test has high school-level skills.  The tests were originally created to help veterans after World War II.   The tests were never intended to be a vehicle for advancing a political agenda.  But one North Dakota practice test is attempting to do so.


big brother--camerasBig Brother’s New Target:  Tracking Firearms (H.R. 45):  As we previously reported, last month, U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) sponsored H.R. 45, also known as “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act.”  The bill is, at its core and as its name implies, a licensing and registration scheme.


The measure calls for all handgun owners to submit to the federal government an application that shall include, among many other things:  a photo; an address; a thumbprint; a completed, written firearm safety test; private mental health records; and a fee.  And those are only some of the requirements to be licensed!  To read more, please click here.



phoenix ann meetVolunteers Needed In Phoenix For 2009 NRA Annual Meetings:  The 2009 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 15-17, 2009, in Phoenix, AZ.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer. 




What Should We Expect Now from the White House?  Update for the Second Amendment Book Bomb:  With Attorney General Eric Holder indicating his intent to reinstate the ban on the sale of “assault weapons,” Independent Institute Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook was recently interviewed by Lou Dobbs on CNN on the new threats of gun control.



Grassroots Minute Video: 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)

ALABAMA:  Update on Pending Pro-Gun Legislation  A number of pro-gun bills are currently awaiting action in the Alabama legislature.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action in support of them, please click here.

ARIZONA:  Important Worker Protection Bill Heading to House Floor!  House Bill 2474, sponsored by State Representatives John Kavanagh (R-8) and Frank Antenori (R-30), passed the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, March 5 by a 6-2 vote.  HB 2474 now heads to the House Floor.  HB 2474 would protect your right to lawfully transport and store firearms in your privately-owned locked motor vehicle while parked in publicly accessible parking lots controlled by your employer or a business you frequent.  Please contact the members of the Arizona House of Representatives and respectfully urge them to support your right to protect yourself while traveling to and from work by voting for HB 2474.  Contact information for your State Representative can be found by clicking here.

ARKANSAS:  Update on Pending Firearms Bills  A number of bills affecting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms are in various stages of the legislative process in Alabama.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seeking Public Comments to Expand Hunting Opportunities!  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing a new management plan for the White River National Wildlife Refuge, which lies in the floodplain of the White River near where it meets the Mississippi River and spans Desha, Monroe, Arkansas, and Phillips Counties.  The plan will set the direction of the refuge for the next 15 years.  The Service is asking for suggestions and information from the public on the scope of issues to consider in the planning process.  The due date for comments is Monday, March 9 and comments can be emailed to Mike Dawson at [email protected].  He can be reached by phone at (601) 965-4903 and by fax at (601) 965-4010.  Details about an open house meeting will be announced in the local media.  Hunting is allowed in the refuge and it will be addressed in the new plan.  To ensure that hunting has a solid future in this refuge, it is important for those who hunt in Arkansas and in this refuge to get engaged in this planning process. 

CALIFORNIA:  Two Anti-Gun Bills Proposed in Sacramento!  Two anti-gun bills taking aim at our Second Amendment freedoms were proposed in the California Legislature earlier this week.  Assembly Bill 962, sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database.  Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers.  The bill would also require purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice.  Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.  Senate Bill 585, authored by State Senator Mark Leno (D-3), would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Cow Palace.  In short, this bill is a stepping-stone to ban gun shows in the Golden State.  These bills have yet to be assigned to committees.  Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates.


COLORADO:  Common Sense Bill Advancing!  On Wednesday, March 4, Senate Bill 237 was passed unanimously by the Colorado State Senate.  It is now on its way to the House, where it awaits a committee assignment.  Introduced by State Representative Kevin Lundberg (R-15), SB 237 was a response the story recently reported in our “Outrage of the Week” section.  Marie Marrow was expelled from Cherokee Trail High School for having non-operative prop rifles, which she was using during drill team rehearsals. Representative Lundberg’s bill is designed to bring common sense to Colorado’s school expulsion statue.  SB 237 would allow the school to use discretion, in cases such as Marie Marrow’s, rather then the mandatory expulsion which is currently in place.  SB 237 has yet to be assigned to a House Committee but please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for further updates. 

CONNECTICUT:  Update on Pending Gun Bills  As the deadlines for committees to act on bills is approaching quickly, numerous pro-gun and anti-gun bills are awaiting action.  For a list of these bills and information how to take action, please click here.

IDAHO:  Pro-Gun Bill on the Move!  On Monday, March 2, House Bill 65A passed out of the Idaho State House of Representatives by a vote of 66-3.  HB65 is now in the Senate State Affairs Committee.  Sponsored by State Representative Joe Palmer (R-20A), this pro-gun bill would permit law-abiding Idahoans to purchase firearms in non-contiguous states.  It would also permit non-residents to purchase long guns in Idaho.  As the outdated law currently stands, residents of Idaho can only purchase firearms from immediately surrounding states.  With the passage of HB65 a resident of Idaho would now be allowed to purchase a firearm in most of the 49 other states.  This bill affects only rifles and shotguns, as federal law prohibits interstate handgun sales.  An additional benefit is that out-of-state visitors would be able to purchase long guns while in Idaho.  We will keep you alerted as to when there is any further movement on HB65.  Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org and your e-mail for updates throughout the legislative session.


“Idaho Sport Shooting Immunities Act (IDSSIA)” Advances to Senate State Affairs Committee! On Tuesday, March 3, House Bill 194, the “Idaho Sport Shooting Immunities Act (IDSSIA),” passed off of the House Floor.  HB194, sponsored by State Representative Marc Gibbs (R-31), would protect existing shooting ranges and increase opportunities for recreational shooters and hunters to practice on safe and monitored ranges.  Many shooting ranges need range officers to operate safely and most range officers are volunteers.  Currently, in Idaho there is a shortage of range officers because people that would volunteer are afraid of being sued.  This bill will provide those volunteers the protection they need from frivolous lawsuits, so they can help ranges operate without fear of being sued.  In addition, HB194 would also protect government entities involved in creating and operating shooting ranges, encouraging them to open more ranges.  Limiting the liability of shooting range operators, firearms instructors, and those involved in running matches and other events, will help save existing ranges from being forced to close and protect those involved with running ranges from frivolous lawsuits.  A range officer should not be subject to a frivolous suit while volunteering his valuable time.  HB194 is headed to the Senate State Affairs Committee for consideration.  Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org and your e-mail for updates throughout the legislative session.


NRA Ends Opposition to SB1112 Thanks to New Amendment  Thanks to your calls, Senate Bill 1112 has been presented to the Idaho State Legislature with an amendment that corrects problems that NRA found with the bill’s language.  This correction will allow a citizen to be in lawful possession of a firearm on the premises of a daycare facility if they are otherwise authorized to do so.  With the inclusion of the amendment RS18664A1, NRA no longer stands in opposition to this bill.  The amendment has not been posted to SB1112 yet, as it is still being considered.  We will continue to monitor SB1112 through the amending order and once the process is complete, will confirm that the NRA approved language is preserved.  We will keep you informed if further action is needed. Thank you for your support and please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for further updates. 

ILLINOIS:  Update on Two Anti-Gun Bills  House Bill 48 and House Bill 845, two very serious threats to our Second Amendment freedoms, could be heard on the floor of the Illinois House any day.  It is imperative that you contact your State Representative and respectfully urge them to oppose these bills.  Please contact your State Representative and urge them to oppose HB 48 and HB 845.  Their contact information can be found here.  To learn more about these bills, please click here.

Make Your Voice Heard in Springfield on March 11!  Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 11, 2009, in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.  Do not miss the largest gun rights rally and Second Amendment lobbying event in Illinois history!  We need thousands of Illinois gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and those who simply wish to defend their right to keep and bear arms to gather at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center.  We will march down Capitol Avenue, rally on the Capitol steps, and then proceed inside to lobby legislators to make our presence known.  There will be no mistaking that Illinois gun owners intend to stand up and speak out for our right to keep and bear arms in the state of Illinois!  This will be one of the most important days of the year for Illinois gun owners!  For more information on IGOLD 2009, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org/, or call the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198.

INDIANA:  Please Voice Your Support of SB11!  Senate Bill 11, authored by State Senator and NRA Board Member Johnny Nugent, would protect the rights of lawful gun owners in Indiana to store their locked firearms in their cars while using publicly accessible parking lots.  SB 11 passed the Senate by an overwhelming, bi-partisan majority of 42-8. However, Indiana’s “Parking Lot” bill is stuck in the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code. Before the parking lot bill can be voted on by the House, it must be scheduled for a committee hearing.  There are anti-gun committee members who do not want to have the bill considered.  Please contact the Courts and Criminal Code Committee Chairman, State Representative Matt Pierce, and respectfully indicate your desire to bring SB 11 for a committee hearing.  Senator Johnny Nugent and SB 11, Indiana's “Parking Lot” bill, are depending on you!  Contact information can be found here.


KANSAS:  Important Pro-Second Amendment Resolution Needs Your Help!  Senate Concurrent Resolution 1611, recently introduced by State Senator Mike Petersen (R-28), would fix a century old problem with the Kansas State Constitution.  This constitutional amendment would change the wording of Section 4 of the Kansas Constitution to preserve and reflect an individual right, not a collective one.  A 1905 Kansas Supreme Court ruling stated that the original language of Section 4 of the Kansas Constitution, as written, protects a “collective right,” not an “individual right.”  For over 100 years, this misguided interpretation of Kansas' Right to Keep and Bear Arms amendment has limited and endangered law-abiding gun owners’ freedoms.  SCR1611 would amend the state constitution to say that "A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, for lawful hunting and recreational use, and for any other lawful purpose."  Only 27 votes are needed for passage in the Senate.  Currently, the resolution has 28 cosponsors and supporters.  SCR1611 still needs to be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee before being heard by the full Senate.  If passed by a two-thirds majority of the Senate and House, the resolution would be placed on the 2010 ballot for Kansas voters to consider.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and thank them for their support in cosponsoring this resolution.  Also, please contact your State Representative and respectfully encourage them to support this resolution when it moves to the House.  Contact information for your State Legislators can be found here.

KENTUCKY:  Bill on Self-Defense While Hunting Passes House, Moves to Senate!  Earlier today, House Bill 419 passed the Kentucky House by a vote of 93 to 5.  The bill now heads to the Senate where it awaits a committee assignment.  Sponsored by State Representative Robert Damron (D-39), HB419 would permit citizens to carry firearms for self-defense while engaged in hunting, fishing, trapping, and other activities.  The bill also clarifies that citizens may do what is necessary for self-defense in the case of a wild animal attack, without fear of unjustified prosecution.  NRA worked with Representative Damron to amend the bill in order to address legitimate concerns raised by the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.  Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge them to support HB 419 when it comes before them for a vote.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

LOUISIANA:  Hunting Deer with Dogs Threatened in Kisatchie National Forest  Kitsatchie National Forest and the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries are considering closing the national forest to hunting deer with dogs.  Kitsatchie is the only public land area in the state that has allowed hunting deer with dogs for decades.  The news release issued by the Forest Service states that they receive numerous complaints about dogs leaving the national forest and entering private lands and private leases.  They also point to the behavior of certain hunters involving reckless driving and shooting from and across roads.  Changes may also be made to state regulations regarding free-ranging dogs when the hunting season is closed.  The Forest Service is recommending limiting the number of days that dogs beyond voice-command can be trained.  For additional information and to discuss the issue with the Forest Service, please call Jim Caldwell, the Public Affairs and Recreation Staff Officer, at 318-473-7160 or via email at [email protected].


MARYLAND:  House Judiciary Committee to Hear Ammo Registration Bill  House Bill 1446, a bill requested by the Maryland State Police to require the registration of ammunition at purchase, has passed out of the House Rules & Executive Nominations Committee and re-referred to the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing on March 19 at 1:00 pm.  This bill would require that any person engaged in the business of selling ammunition maintain extensive records on all sales, including the date of sale, purchaser’s full name, address, date of birth, and form of ID used, as well as the type and quantity of ammunition purchased. The bill also forces a business that sells ammunition to allow the inspection of the sales record by a law enforcement officer upon request.  HB 1446 is tantamount to firearm registration, will do nothing to stop crime, and will only increase the size and bureaucratic scope of the Maryland State Police.  If they succeed, they will no doubt be back wanting a background check or license to purchase ammunition as well.  This bill must be defeated.  If you think ammunition is hard to find now, just wait and see how hard it is to get if this bill passes.  Congress has tried ammunition registration in the past, only to discover that it was not only ineffective for law enforcement, but also completely unmanageable due to the sheer volume of transactions.  Ammunition registration creates huge record keeping requirements and provides no useful benefits for law enforcement; which is why it was repealed under the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose HB 1446.  Contact information can be found here.


Proposed Bill Attacks Hunting in Maryland!  On Wednesday, March 18 at 1:00 pm, the Maryland House Environmental Matters Committee will hold a hearing on House Bill 1309.  HB 1309 would arbitrarily expand the hunting “safety zone” from 150 yards to 300 yards from any occupied building. HB 1309 is sponsored by Delegate Barbara Frush (D-21) and Delegate James Hubbard (D-23A), two anti-hunting legislators whose goal is to end all hunting in Maryland.  This legislation is the first test on a full slate of anti-hunting bills in Maryland and we must make our voices heard on this bill if we are going to defeat this anti-hunting measure and protect the future of hunting in Maryland.

Please contact the members of the House Environmental Matters Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose HB 1309.  Contact information can be found here.


Maryland Gun Owners' Right to Due Process in Question!  Last month, the following bills dealing with domestic violence were introduced in both the Maryland State Senate and House: Senate Bill 144, Senate Bill 210, Senate Bill 267, Senate Bill 268, House Bill 214, House Bill 296 and House Bill 302. These bills may be voted upon as early as Thursday, March 5 and it is imperative that you contact your State Legislators and express your concern about these bills.  Simply put, these bills require subjects of final and temporary protective orders to surrender their firearms to law enforcement until the order expires. Unlike the federal law that prohibits gun possession in these circumstances, these bills would require law enforcement to seize someone’s firearms, even if the subject of the order had no opportunity to participate in the hearing; federal law allows a person to find other places to dispose of his guns while an order is in effect.   Information from the governor’s office, as reported by WBAL TV, states that there are in excess of 6,700 final protective orders and 382 temporary orders on file with the state. Only 75, barely over 1%, involve gun owners.  Though domestic abuse is undeniably tragic and deplorable, these bills are an unnecessary and unfair overreaction. Under these bills, a victim of false allegations who had no opportunity to contest those charges in court cannot defend himself at home or simply possess his own guns for any other lawful purpose.  While domestic violence is a despicable crime, these bills trample upon Marylanders’ due process rights.  Please contact your State Legislators and respectfully express your concern regarding SB144, SB210, SB267, SB268, HB214, HB296, and HB302.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

MASSACHUSETTS:  Join GOAL with Author Dave Kopel at a Book Signing Party on Thursday, March 12!  Join Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) and special guest Dave Kopel, renowned author, attorney, and Second Amendment activist at a special event on Thursday, March 12 in Saugus.  Dave Kopel will be discussing the Heller case and signing his latest book, “The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed.”  This event will be held at the Hilltop Steak House in Saugus on Thursday, March 12 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Appetizers and light food will be served. A cash bar will also be available. Admittance is $25.00 for GOAL members and $40.00 for non-members.  For more information or to make reservations, please contact GOAL at 508-393-5333. 


MICHIGAN:  Mandatory Storage Bill Proposed!  Senate Bill 268, introduced by State Senator Martha Scott (D-2), would undermine a citizen’s right to self-defense by imposing onerous storage requirements on Michigan gun owners, rendering firearms useless in self-defense situations.  SB 268 would require households with children to store their guns in locked boxes with trigger locks installed.  A violation would be punishable as a misdemeanor offense if a juvenile gains access to the firearm.  The bill has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee but has not been scheduled for a hearing.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and let them know this bill is not only unnecessary, it is dangerous.  Contact information can be found here.


MINNESOTA:  Hearing Postponed Indefinitely for Minnesota Gun Registration Bill  Late Wednesday, House File 953, introduced by State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B), was removed from the schedule of the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division Committee.  Though it was originally scheduled to be heard on Friday March 6, it is not dead, as another committee could bring it up in the future.  This bill was designed not only to regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows, but to regulate the sale of firearms between law-abiding persons, all across Minnesota.  As a whole, HF 953 will only affect law-abiding gun owners, and in no way keeps guns out of the hands of criminals.   A particularly troublesome provision in HF 953 creates a de facto registration system by requiring records of all transfers to be maintained by the state.  These records would be made available to all authorities, including for use in “civil” cases, which are often brought by anti-gun government officials and are designed to damage or interfere with lawful commerce in firearms.  HF 953 is a direct attack on Minnesota’s gun rights. It also removes the carry permit holders’ exemption from the purchase permit requirement for all handgun or semi-automatic rifle purchases, not just those completed at gun shows, and increases the waiting period from five to seven days.  Thank you to all of those who contacted the members of the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Committee and urged them to oppose HF 953.  Until the bill is officially dead, please continue to check your email and www.nraila.org for future updates.

MISSISSIPPI:  Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Heads to Senate Floor!  The Senate Judiciary B Committee has reported out House Bill 311 by State Representative Willie Bailey (D-49), a measure allowing for the renewal of Right To Carry permits by mail and reducing the time within which DPS must issue permits to qualified applicants from 120 to 45 days. The committee has amended the language of Senate Bill 2306 by State Senator Merle Flowers (R-19) into HB 311, and the revised bill is now pending approval by the full Senate.  SB 2306 repeals a prohibition in the state's Right-to-Carry law on permit holders possessing handguns in parks. Without this change in state law, permit holders in Mississippi and reciprocal states will not benefit from the recent rule change adopted by the Department of the Interior allowing them to carry in national parks located within the state's boundaries.  Please contact your State Senators and respectfully urge them to support the committee substitute for HB 311!  Contact information can be found here.


MONTANA:  Montana Self-Defense Bill Pending in the Senate!  House Bill 228, the NRA-backed self-defense bill, has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee for Tuesday, March 17 at 9 a.m. in Room 303.  It is critical that NRA members and pro-gun activists attend the hearing in large numbers as opponents will be sure to be out in force.  House Bill 228, sponsored by State Representative Krayton Kerns (R-58), is a broad piece of legislation that provides a number of specific protections for law-abiding citizens.  The provisions of HB 228 clarify and expand the fundamental right of self-defense and protect law abiding citizens from undue prosecution should they ever have to exercise the right.  For a section-by-section analysis of HB 228 to help you better understand and communicate with legislators, please visit http://progunleaders.org/Self-defense/.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to vote for HB 228.  Also, please contact the Senate Judiciary Committee.  You may call (406) 444-4800 to leave a message for your Senator and for the Judiciary Committee.  You may also use the “online message form” located here.  When contacting legislators, it is important that you be as respectful and courteous as possible.  If you don’t know who your legislator is, please click here.  The Judiciary Committee roster can be found here:  http://leg.mt.gov/css/Senate/senate%20committees.asp.  Once you identify your legislator, you can find email contact information by clicking on his or her name at the following alphabetical listing of legislators: http://leg.mt.gov/css/Sessions/61st/roster.asp?HouseID=0&SessionID=94.

NEBRASKA:  Pro-Gun Bill Scheduled for Hearing Next Week!  Legislative Bill 430, introduced by State Senator Mark Christensen (44), has been scheduled for a hearing in the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 11.  This important legislation would give the state the sole authority to regulate firearms, thus prohibiting cities and municipalities from enacting local anti-gun ordinances.  In addition, this legislation would establish reciprocity agreements with states that equal or exceed Nebraska’s current training requirements for Right-to-Carry permits, and allow for armed security to be present in places of worship, including citizens licensed to carry concealed handguns.  Finally, the bill would allow non-resident military personnel who are stationed in Nebraska to apply for resident permits to carry a concealed handgun.  We encourage you to attend the hearing, if possible.  If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to submit written testimony or contact your Senator and respectfully urge them to support HB 430 after it leaves committee.  To find contact information for your State Senator, please click here.   


NEW MEXICO:  New Mexico Restaurant Carry Bill Moving in Senate!  Last Friday, the New Mexico Senate Corporations & Transportation Committee approved Senate Bill 608, an NRA-backed bill sponsored by State Senator George Munoz (D-4). This bill would permit Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises if the establishment derives a majority of its annual gross receipts from the sale of food.  SB 608 now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.  Please contact the committee members listed below at their capitol offices and respectfully urge them to support SB 608.  Kindly remind them that it is already unlawful to carry a firearm while under the influence of alcohol, and that Concealed Handgun Licensees should not be denied their right to self-defense just because other patrons of a dining establishment can legally choose to consume alcoholic beverages on the premises.  Contact information can be found here.

NEW YORK: Two New Anti-Gun Bills Proposed in Albany  Two more anti-gun bills have been introduced in the Empire State.  No new information is available on all of the other bills we have warned you about.  Assembly Bill 6468, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel (D-16), would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology. The bill requires all semiautomatic pistols sold in the state to microstamp an array of characters that identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol on the firing pin or breechface, which would imprint the characters onto the cartridge case upon firing.  Microstamping is an unproven technology that can easily be defeated with common household tools, has no public safety value, and adds substantially to the cost of the firearm. Assembly Bill 6433, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Vivian Cook (D-32), would require anyone who purchases ammunition to register the ammunition with the state at the time of the sale or transaction.  Purchasers would be required to include his or her name, date of birth, address, caliber, make, model, manufactures name, and the serial number of his or her firearm.  On top of that, any in order to purchase ammo, a person would have to be at least 21 years of age and provide two forms of identification.  Please call your lawmakers TODAY and urge them to stand up for your Second Amendment rights by opposing A6468 and A6433.  State Assembly Members can be reached by phone at (518) 455-4100.  To find your Assembly Member, click here.  Your State Senator can be contacted through the Senate switchboard at (518) 455-2800.  To find your State Senator, please click here.

More Anti-Gun Bills Introduced in the Empire State  Several other anti-gun bills have been introduced in Albany.  Assembly Bill 5884, sponsored by State Assemblyman Adriano Espaillat (D-72), would make a firearms manufacturer liable to the state if its guns cause injury or death to a state employee acting within the course of his or her official duties.  The bill would make exceptions for manufacturers who sign a so-called “code of conduct.”  Among the many components of the “Code of Conduct” is a provision under which manufacturers must agree not to sell more than one gun per month to any individual.  A5884 has been referred to the Assembly Judiciary Committee.  Also introduced were Assembly Bill 5844, sponsored by State Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg (D-20), which would create crimes of failure to store a weapon safely and negligent storage.  A5844 has been referred to the Assembly Codes Committee.   Senate Bill 2379, sponsored by State Senator Frank Padavan (R-11), would outlaw the possession of frangible ammunition.  S2379 has been referred to the Senate Codes Committee.  The companion bill is Assembly Bill 2881, sponsored by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135).  A2881 has been referred to the Assembly Codes Committee.  Please call your lawmakers TODAY and urge them to oppose A5884, A5844 and S2378/A2881.  State Assembly Members can be reached by phone at (518) 455-4100.  To find your Assembly Member, click here.  Your State Senator can be contacted through the Senate switchboard at (518) 455-2800.  To find your State Senator, please click here.


NORTH CAROLINA:  Several Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bills Introduced!  As we reported last week, a number of pro-gun, pro-hunting measures have been introduced in the North Carolina legislature.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.

NORTH DAKOTA:  Numerous Right-to-Carry Reforms Marching Forward! Several pieces of legislation that will advance your self-defense rights are advancing in the North Dakota Legislature.  To learn more about these bills, please click here.

Youth Hunting Bill Needs Your Help Today!  House Bill 1227, championed by State Representative Craig Headland (R-29), was heard in the Senate Natural Resources Committee on Thursday, February 26 but no action occurred as the committee only considered public testimony.  Please call or email members of the committee before the seven-member panel votes on the bill next week!  This important piece of legislation would strengthen the future of North Dakota’s hunting heritage by fostering youth mentored and apprentice hunting.  It would also create an online hunter education program for hunters over 16.  The bill would allow a greater number of youths to participate in North Dakota’s deer hunting seasons by lowering the age from 14 to 12.  Currently, North Dakota has one of the country’s most restrictive minimum ages at 14.  It is important to consider that roughly 30 states allow parents to make responsible choices and either do not have a minimum age, or their age limitation is not viewed as a barrier to youth recruitment.  Those 30 states have a safety record that is as good as, if not slightly better than, the states with restrictive ages.  The bill would also create a one-year apprentice program for older hunters in a “try before you buy” approach that would give them a one-year exemption from hunter safety training requirments.  These apprentice hunters would have to be accompanied by an adult hunter.  Please contact Senate Natural Resources Committee members and respectfully ask them to support HB 1227, and ensure North Dakota strengthens its hunter retention efforts.  Contact information can be found here.

Elk Management Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park Released for Public Comment!  Until recently, the National Park Service has used park staff or contract sharpshooters to reduce populations of elk and deer within national parks to achieve herd levels that the habitat can support.  As a result of NRA's advocacy for the use of hunters to assist in such operations, the Service is now obligated to consider the use of skilled volunteers (e.g., hunters).  The Elk Reduction Plan for Rocky Mountain National Park, CO is the first such plan to include skilled volunteers.  The Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) plan, which is open for public comment until Sunday, March 15, presents 6 action alternatives.  Under Alternative B, skilled volunteers would become part of a pool of available personnel that could assist in the culling operations.  Under Alternative E, the Service would look at ways to enhance elk hunting opportunities outside the park, in cooperation with the North Dakota Game & Fish Department, the U.S. Forest Service, and adjacent landowners.  Public meetings will be held although specific dates and locations have not been announced.  The draft plan is available at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/thro.  You may submit your comments using the above website or mail your comments to Superintendent Valerie Naylor, TRNP, Box 7, Medora, ND 58645-0007.  Hunters were America’s first conservationists and have been a valuable asset to wildlife managers in keeping wildlife in balance with its habitat and other natural resources.  We encourage you to comment on the draft plan and support the use of hunters at TRNP, as well as supporting efforts by the Service and the state of North Dakota to enhance hunting opportunities outside the park. 

OKLAHOMA:  Oklahoma Senate Votes to Prohibit Employer Inquiry on Firearm Ownership  An overwhelming bi-partisan majority of Oklahoma lawmakers have decided to prohibit private employers from asking job applicants if they own a gun. Senate Bill 793, introduced by state Senator Anthony Sykes, R-Moore, passed in the state senate on a vote of 43-1 this week.  “The National Rifle Association wants to thank Senator Sykes for responding to this breach of privacy regarding our Second Amendment rights,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “Gun ownership should never be used as a litmus test for employment, and we look forward to this bill passing the House.”  Under the bill, an employer who asks any applicant for information regarding ownership or possession of a firearm could be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine and/or 90 days in jail. The bill was created in direct response to a lengthy employment questionnaire created by the Obama administration that asked applicants interested in working for the Obama team a number of questions regarding firearm ownership.  “We feel the Obama questionnaire, and any others like it, show a bias against law-abiding gun owners. The President’s questionnaire did not ask similar questions about any other type of personal property. For example, applicants were not asked to list any cars they own, who drives the cars or what accidents the cars have been involved in -- even though far more deaths and injuries each year involve motor vehicles than involve firearms,” Cox explained. “We don’t want to see this type of prejudice towards firearms owners entering the equation when it comes to seeking employment.”

OREGON:  Several Pro-Gun Bills to be Heard Next Week!  Several Pro-Second Amendment bills will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee this coming Tuesday, March 10.  House Bill 2727, the NRA-backed Concealed Handgun License confidentiality bill sponsored by State Representatives Kim Thatcher (R-25) and Jeff Barker (D-28), would keep records on Concealed Handgun Licensees (CHL’s) private and prevent newspapers and other media outlets from publishing information about permit holders.  House Bill 2644, introduced by State Representatives Wayne Krieger (R-1) and Arnie Roblan (D-9), would exempt Conceal Handgun License holders from mandatory background check requirements when purchasing any firearm.  House Bill 2645, also sponsored by Representatives Krieger and Roblan, would require the State Police to destroy records of approved firearm purchases within 24 hours, preventing any registration of lawful gun buyers.  Please contact House Judiciary Committee members and urge them to support HB 2727, HB 2644 and HB 2645!  Contact information can be found here.


Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Needs Your Help!  On Tuesday, February 24, the House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on House Bill 2463, the NRA-backed Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill sponsored by State Representatives Arnie Roblan (D-9) and Wayne Krieger (R-1). Committee Chair Jeff Barker (D-28) and the Committee listened to supportive testimony from NRA-ILA, Second Amendment advocates, and the Oregon State Sheriff's Association, while no one voiced opposition to the bill.  Several amendments of a technical nature are currently being drafted by the committee.  We urge you to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee as well as your State Representative and urge them to support this important bill.  Contact information for the committee can be found here.  To find contact information for your State Representative, please click here.

SOUTH DAKOTA:  Bill to be Heard Soon to Abolish Waiting Period!  On Monday, March 9, the House Judiciary Committee will vote on Senate Bill 70 where it was which has already passed in the Senate.  Sponsored by State Senator Larry Rhoden (R-29), SB 70 will remove the mandatory post-purchase 48-hour waiting period that was previously in place for those who did not have a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support our Second Amendment rights and pass SB 70.  Contact info can be found here.

TENNESSEE: Tennessee Pro-Gun Bill List Grows Longer! Numerous pro-gun bills have been introduced in the Tennessee House and Senate this session.  The following is a list of NRA-backed bills that are currently working through the legislature.  Please contact your State Senator and State Representative and respectfully urge them to support all the NRA-backed bills listed below.  For contact information or help identifying your State Legislators, please click here.

TEXAS:  House Committee on Public Safety to Consider Two NRA-Backed Bills on Monday!  House Bill 267, sponsored by State Representative Dennis Bonnen (R-25), would allow Texans to purchase rifles and shotgun in non-contiguous states.  Currently, federal law allows the interstate sales of such firearms, but a conflicting Texas law only allows residents to buy long guns in the neighboring states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico.  This state law has prevented the FBI and BATFE from approving sales of rifles and shotguns in 45 other states to Texas residents.  House Bill 410, authored by State Representative Carl Isett (R-84), repeals the requirement that Concealed Handgun Licensees display their carry license if they are in possession of a handgun and are stopped by a law enforcement officer who requests identification.  Under current law, failure by CHLs to display their carry licenses in these situations could lead to licenses being suspended for 90 days.  When House Bill 1815 by State Representative Isett and State Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D-20) passed and was signed into law in 2007, it legalized the carrying of handguns in private motor vehicles by non-CHLs, and it contained no "notice" requirement.  HB 410 would remove the double-standard "notice" requirement that remains imposed by law on CHL’s.  Please contact members of the House Committee on Public Safety and respectfully urge them to support HB 267 and HB 410. Contact information for committee members can be found here.


Parking Lot Bill Gaining Momentum!  Thirty-one members of the Texas House have signed onto House Bill 1301, introduced by State Representative Stephen Frost (D).  This bill would allow employees to transport and store firearms in their locked cars and trucks while parked at work.  Please click here to see the list of which State Representatives have added their names in support of HB 1301.  If your State Representative has not yet signed on, please contact them early next week and urge them to co-author HB 1301.  Contact information for House members can be found at http://www.house.state.tx.us/members/welcome.php.  Big business and industry are pulling out all the stops to defeat this important bill, so your state lawmakers need to hear from you!

Campus Carry Bills Introduced in Austin!  On Thursday, February 26, State Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) introduced Senate Bill 1164, Texas’ Campus Carry Bill.  On the House side, State Representative Joe Driver filed an identical companion bill, House Bill 1893.  SB 1164 and HB 1893 would grant persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun the right to do so on any college campus.  These bills are an important expansion of Texas’ Right-to-Carry freedoms.  SB 1164 and HB 1893 have yet to be assigned to a committee, so please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for further updates. In the mean time please call your Senators and urge them to support SB 1164, and contact your Representatives and urge them to support HB 1893.  Contact information can be found at http://www.senate.state.tx.us and www.house.state.tx.us

VIRGINIA:  Wrap-Up of 2009 Virginia Legislative Session  Three pro-gun bills (HB1851, HB2144, and SB1035) were approved by the Virginia Senate on Wednesday and are now on their way to the desk of Governor Tim Kaine (D) for his consideration.  For more information about these bills, please click here.  Please contact Governor Kaine TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB1851, HB 2144, and SB1035.  The Governor can be reached by phone at(804) 786-2211, by fax at (804) 371-6351, or email [email protected].  Several anti-gun bills failed to pass this session.  To learn more about them, please click here.


WISCONSIN:  Second Amendment Update for the Badger State  Two firearms-related bills are currently making their way through the Wisconsin Legislature in Madison.  Castle Doctrine legislation has been reintroduced by State Senator Jim Holperin (D-12) in the Senate and in the House by State Representatives Chris Danou (D-91) and Ann Hraychuck (D-28).  Castle Doctrine legislation would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes.  This legislation clearly states that there is no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, enabling law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family.  It also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used.  The bill, which is awaiting a bill number, is currently being circulated for cosponsors.  Please contact your legislators and respectfully ask them to support and cosponsor this important legislation. 

In a disturbing move aimed at making gun ownership more difficult and costly in the Badger State, Governor Jim Doyle’s (D) budget bill seeks to raise the fee on background checks from $8 to $30.  Governor Doyle wants gun owners to pay over three times more for a background check, before they can exercise their Second Amendment rights.  Please contact your State Senator at (608) 266-2517 and your State Representative at (608) 266-1501 today and respectfully request that they support and cosponsor Wisconsin’s Castle Doctrine bill.  Also, respectfully ask them to oppose Governor Doyle’s unfair and unjust gun tax.  Your State Senator can be reached by phone at (608) 266-2517 and your State Representative at (608) 266-1501.  To identify your legislators and to find more contact information, please click here.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.