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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 16, No. 18 5/8/2009

H.R. 2296 -- BATFE Reform Bill Introduced In U.S. House 

capitolAs we reported last week, the companion bill to S. 941 --  the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act" that was introduced by Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) on April 30—was introduced in the U.S. House this week.   

Sponsored by Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio), H.R. 2296 is bipartisan reform legislation that represents the culmination of efforts to address BATFE abuses and problems highlighted in several congressional oversight hearings in 2006.  (To read more about those hearings, please click here.)  H.R. 2296 represents NRA-ILA's latest efforts to pass legislation that will make it easier for gun owners and dealers to comply with federal law and regulations, while ensuring that criminals are punished accordingly.  



Polling Data Shows That Most Americans Oppose New Gun Control:  Anyone who follows the news closely can tell you that, despite what a majority of the media's anti-gun talking heads say, most Americans do not support more gun control.  Faced with the new anti-gun administration, the economy, terrorism, gang violence, etc., gun and ammunition sales are soaring.  And recent polling data once again prove that Americans value the Second Amendment and don't want more restrictions placed on their freedom.   


H.R. 2324--Aiming At Registering Gun Owners And Putting Gun Shows Out Of Business:  On May 6, at a press conference with Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, U.S. Representatives Michael Castle (R-Del.) and Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced H.R. 2324--the "Gun Show Loophole Closing Act."  Masquerading as reform, H.R. 2324 would impose severe bureaucratic restrictions aimed at shutting down gun shows. 


Joyce Foundation's Investment In Violence Policy Center Yields Poor Return:  The Joyce Foundation gives millions of dollars to the two or three radical anti-gunners that make up the Violence Policy Center, to put together white papers vilifying everything related to guns and gun owners. But after VPC's latest effort, Joyce might want to reconsider whether it's getting its money's worth. 

This week, VPC came out with one of its most trite and superficial bits of gibberish to date--an extraordinarily brief piece pointing out that Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi, and Nevada are the five states that have the highest firearm-related death rates, and among the highest rates of gun ownership and "weakest" gun laws.   


No Surprises Here:  As reported in the April 3 Grassroots Alert, Richard Aborn, former president of Handgun Control, Inc. (now Brady Center) is running for Manhattan District Attorney.   A story in the May 5 issue of The New York Times, notes that Aborn recently unveiled a five-point plan for combating gun violence in the city.  Not surprisingly, it is laden with gun control provisions. 

Aborn's plan calls for  "regional interdiction approach to gun trafficking; more gun buyback programs and a program in which parents could give the police permission to search homes for guns; a requirement that pistols sold in New York include micro-stamping technology; a five-year renewal process for handgun permits; and support for a national gun-control strategy." 


ILA Dinner and Auction At Annual Meetings:  The Institute for Legislative Action will hold its Third Annual Dinner and Auction in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday evening, May 15th.   

dinnerThe Third Annual NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction will allow you to show your continued support for NRA-ILA, and enjoy a great evening filled with good food, friends, and an excellent live and silent auction.  This year's auction is dedicated to "Investing in our Firearms Freedom."   

For more information regarding this great event or to purchase tickets, please click here. 


Supreme Court Plaintiff Dick Heller To Speak At Grassroots Workshop Breakfast!  If you haven't signed up yet for the NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop on May 15, being held in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meeting, here's another reason to do so. 

phoenixDuring the free continental breakfast that proceeds the Workshop, Dick Heller, the plaintiff in the landmark D.C. v. Heller case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and affirmed the Second Amendment as an individual right, will be presenting remarks.   

Mr. Heller will speak at 8:30 a.m., on the Heller decision and the need for continued and increased grassroots activism in order to protect the Second Amendment.   

To read more about this Workshop, please click here


Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Easy Click At A Time:  We now have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise toolbarvaluable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime!  It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.  

Show your support, stay connected to your NRA-ILA, and raise valuable contributions for our defense of the Second Amendment by downloading and using this free toolbar!  Please click here to download your toolbar now! 



STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.")


ALABAMA:  "Worker Protection" Bill Successfully Passes the House!  On Tuesday, alabamaMay 5, House Bill 362, passed out of the House and will now head to the Senate for assignment. Alabama's "Worker Protection" bill would prohibit employers from preventing their employees from legally storing their firearms locked in their cars while parked on company property. Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge them to vote in favor of HB 362.  To contact your State Senator by phone, call (334) 242- 7800.  For further contact information on your Alabama State Legislators, click here



CALIFORNIA:  Ammunition Sales Restrictions One Step Closer to Defeat!
Recently, Assembly Bill 962 was placed in the suspense file by the Assembly Committee on Appropriations.  AB962 would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a "handgun ammunition vendor" in the Department of Justice's database. While this development is a solid step towards defeating AB962, the bill still poses a threat.  Please continue checking your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates.

COLORADO:   Important Pro-Gun Reform Heading to the Governor!On Monday, May 4, the Colorado State House concurred with the Senate version of House Bill 1180. HB1180 will now head to the desk of the Governor Bill Ritter (D) for his consideration.  HB1180 would exempt Colorado concealed handgun permit holders from the background check requirement for the transfer of a firearm.  Please contact the Governor at (303) 866-2471 and urge him to sign House Bill 1180.

CONNECTICUT:  "No-Net-Loss" Legislation Heading to the House Floor!
House Bill 5209 is currently awaiting action on the House floor and could be heard at any time.  If enacted, this important legislation, would guarantee that the current level of available public hunting lands would have to be maintained.  We encourage you to contact members of the Connecticut House of Representatives and urge them to preserve your hunting rights by voting "Yes" on HB5209 without amendments.  To find contact information for all of the members of the Connecticut House of Representatives, click here


HAWAII:Important Range Funding Bill Needs Your Help!  Senate Bill 636, the Department rangeof Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Recreational Renaissance package, has been resurrected and is now before the House Finance Committee awaiting a vote.  This $250 million funding bill will aid numerous DLNR endeavors in the state.  Please contact the members of the House Finance Committee TODAY and respectfully ask for their support of the Recreational Renaissance package (SB636) when it comes up for a vote.  Contact information can be found here.


IDAHO: "Employer Liability Act" Signed by Governor Otter!
On Friday, May 1, House Bill 287 was signed by Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter (R). The "Employer Liability Act" will remove an employer's liability for any accident related to a lawfully-stored firearm, provided employer does not adopt a policy prohibiting its employees from keeping their firearms locked in their vehicles while parked on company property.  Thank you to all those who contacted their state legislators during this process.


Motorized Access in Boise National Forest Under Review  The Emmett Ranger District of the Boise National Forest is working on a travel management plan that will designate what roads and trails will be opened in the future to motorized access.  Particular attention is being paid to the Bull Creek and Silver Creek trails.  The Ranger District is inviting public comment, which will be used in the decision making process.  What roads and trails remain open or closed will affect hunters' access to these lands.  Those who hunt in this National Forest need to get directly involved in this planning process.  Two letters written by the District Ranger providing more detailed information can be found by clicking here or here.  Please send comments to Emmett Ranger District, 1806 Highway 16, Room 5, Emmett, Idaho 83617. Comments may also be sent via e-mail to [email protected].


LOUISIANA:  Two Gun Bills to be Heard on Tuesday!
On Tuesday, May 12, at 9:00 a.m. in room HCR-6, the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice will take up two drastically different gun bills.  The first, HB 387, would ban all so called "assault weapons", eerily similar to the failed Federal Clinton Gun Ban.  The second bill, House Bill 27 is an important self-defense reform bill that would allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to carry on college campuses. With two drastically different gun bills being heard on the same day it is critically important that you make your opinion known.  Please contact the members of the Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice today and voice your opposition to House Bill 387 and support of House Bill 27.   You may also attend the hearing in room HCR-6 at 9:00am and sign up in opposition to HB387 and support of HB 27.


Hunting Opportunities in Management Plan for Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a management plan for the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge.  The 24,000 acre refuge is contained within the corporate limits of New Orleans and is the largest refuge in an urban area in the United States.  It is one of the last remaining marsh areas adjacent to the south shores of Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne.  Three management alternatives are presented to the public for review and comment.  The Service's preferred management approach, Alternative B, would open the refuge to some hunting opportunities.  Comments must be submitted by May 26th to Mr. Pon Dixson, Deputy Project Leader, Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 61389 Highway 434, Lacombe, LA 70445 or to [email protected].  A copy of the plan is available at http://southeast.fws.gov/planning/  It is important for the Service to receive public support for opening the refuge to hunting.  Please take a few minutes to send comments to Mr. Dixson.


NEW JERSEY: Governor Signs Sunday Bow Hunting Measure! 
Governor Jon Corzine (D-NJ) has signed Senate Bill 802, which will permit bow hunting on Sundays during the respective deer season dates on state wildlife management areas and private property.  S802 was sponsored by State Senator Stephen Sweeney (D-3) and received strong bi-partisan support in both the Senate and Assembly. Please contact Senator Sweeney at (856) 251-9801 or [email protected] and thank him for supporting New Jersey's rich hunting heritage.


NEW YORK:  Anti-Gun Bills Advance in New York!
Last week, in their annual attack on the gun rights of New Yorkers, anti-gun Assemblymen came out in full force and passed numerous anti-gun bills. All of these bills will now head to the State Senate. It is critical that you contact your state senators and urge them to oppose these oppressive and unnecessary measures.  For more information on these bills and how to take action, please click here. 


Albany County Considering Ammunition Registration Law!
The Albany County Law Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 26 to ammoconsider Local Law "A."  This law would require a valid firearm license be shown when purchasing ammunition for any firearm, as well as documentation of the quantity, type, and caliber.  Local Law "A" would also require the make, model, and serial number of the firearm the ammunition is intended for, as well as the purchaser's name and address.  We encourage you to please attend the public hearing and respectfully voice your opposition to Local Law "A." Also, please contact the members of the Law Committee and the County Legislators TODAY and voice your opposition to Local Law "A."  For more information on Local Law "A" and how to contact the members of the Law Committee please click here.   


NORTH CAROLINA:North Carolina's "Puppy Mill" Bill to be Heard Soon!
The House Agricultural Committee will soon take up House Bill 733, a bill actively supported by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and intended to put dog breeders and kennel owners out of business.  It is imperative that you contact the members of the House Agricultural Committee and voice your opposition to HB733.  Also, please go to http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/House/houseleadership.html and contact the House Leadership and urge them to oppose this bill.  For contact information please click here.

North Carolina's other "Puppy Mill" Bill Heading to the Senate Finance Committee!
On Thursday, April 30, the Senate Commerce Committee passed Senate Bill 460, a bill actively supported by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and intended to put dog breeders and kennel owners out of business.  S 460 will now head to the Finance Committee, where a hearing has yet to be scheduled.  It is imperative that you contact the members of the Senate Finance Committee TODAY and voice your opposition to S 460.  Contact information for the committee members can be found here.

PENNSLYVANIA:  Pennsylvania's Hunting Heritage is in Jeopardy!
Animal "rights" extremists are at it again and are looking to eradicate Pennsylvania's rich hunting heritage.  Two bills, Senate Bill 843 and House Bill 1411, have been introduced and assigned to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.  Simply put, these bills would criminalize and ban organized bird shoots in Pennsylvania by amending Title 18 ("Crimes and Offenses") of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes.  Please contact the members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees and the bills' sponsors to respectfully urge them to oppose SB843 and HB1411.  Contact information for the Senate Judiciary Committee can be found here.  Please click here for contact information for the House Judiciary Committee.

Castle Doctrine Self-Defense Bill Introduced in the Keystone State!
State Senator Richard Alloway (R-33) has introduced critical self-defense reform legislation (Senate Bill 842) to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners in Pennsylvania.  This Castle Doctrine self-defense bill has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB842.  Contact information for the committee can be found here

SOUTH CAROLINA:   Self-Defense Reform Bill Advancing in Columbia!
As previously reported, on Wednesday, April 22, Senate Bill 593 was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  SB593 would allow Right-to-Carry permit holders to possess firearms while picking up or dropping off a student on school grounds.  This legislation would only allow a firearm to be in the vehicle, either carried or secured, and would not allow carrying on school property while outside the vehicle.  Please call your State Senator and urge him or her to support this important reform.  Contact information for your State Senator can be found here.

TENNESSEE:  Numerous Pro-Gun Bills Advancing in the Volunteer State!
At this time, numerous pro-gun bills have made substantial progress in Nashville.  It is very important that you continue to contact your State Senator and State Representative and respectfully urge them to support all of the NRA-backed bills listed here without any restricting amendments. 

WISCONSIN: Anti-Gunners Taking Aim at Wisconsin's Preemption Statute!
Governor Jim Doyle (D) is proposing to repeal the state's preemption statute which prohibits wisconsinlocalities from passing gun laws that are more restrictive than the state's.  Wisconsin's preemption law was originally passed in 1995, when Doyle was Attorney General.  Now, Governor Doyle is using the arrest of law-abiding Wisconsin citizens exercising their constitutional right to openly carry a firearm for self-defense as a platform to call for its repeal.   

Please contact your state legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose any attempt to repeal the state's preemption statute.  Also ask them to oppose any attempt to restrict the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens.  Your State Senator can be reached by phone at (608) 266-2517. You can reach your State Representative at (608) 266-1501.  To identify your legislators and to find more contact information, please click here.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.