Your Help Is Needed In Support of
BATFE Reform Bills S. 941 And H.R. 2296
As we reported earlier this month, Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941, the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2009” in the U.S. Senate. Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio) have introduced a companion bill—H.R. 2296—in the U.S. House. The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.
Of highest importance, S. 941and H.R. 2296 totally rewrite the system of administrative penalties for licensed dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms. Today, for most violations, BATFE can only give a federal firearms license (FFL) holder a warning, or revoke his license.
Obama Nominates Sotomayor For U.S. Supreme Court Opening: NRA has reviewed Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s judicial opinions on issues related to the Second Amendment, which are very limited.
Clearing Up the Rumors: The Truth About The “Gun Tax Bill”--In the last few weeks, NRA-ILA has received hundreds of e-mails warning us about “SB-2099,” a bill that would supposedly require you to report all your guns on your income tax return every April 15.
Like many rumors, there’s just a grain of truth to this one. Someone’s recycling an old alert, which wasn’t even very accurate when it was new.
“The Activist’s Corner”--Peer-To-Peer Education: You receive the Friday Grassroots Alert, but do you receive NRA-ILA’s free monthly newsletter, “Freedom’s Voice”? This free publication is a must have for the pro-gun activist, and as with the Grassroots Alert, it is absolutely free!
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Easy Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Show your support, stay connected to your NRA-ILA, and raise valuable contributions for our defense of the Second Amendment by downloading and using this free toolbar! Please click here to download your toolbar now!
Grassroots Minute Video:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.”)
ALABAMA: Governor Bob Riley Signs Permit Confidentiality Bill! On Thursday, May 21, Governor Riley (R) signed House Bill 432 into law. HB 432 will make all records pertaining to pistol permits confidential. While they would still be available for law enforcement purposes, any public disclosure of this information will be considered a Class A misdemeanor. Please contact Governor Riley to thank him for signing HB 432 and preserving your privacy and Second Amendment Rights. You can reach Governor Riley by calling (334) 242-7100 or via email by clicking here.
CONNECTICUT: “No-Net-Loss” Legislation Pending Consideration on the House Floor! House Bill 5209 is currently awaiting action on the House floor and could be heard at any time. If enacted, this important legislation would guarantee that the current level of available public hunting lands would be maintained. Please contact the members of the Connecticut House and respectfully urge them to preserve our hunting heritage by voting “yes” on HB5209 without any amendments. To find contact information for all of the members of the Connecticut House of Representatives, please click here.
FLORIDA: Governor VETOES Trust Fund Raid On Wednesday, May 27, Governor Charlie Crist (R) stood up for gun owners by vetoing a proposed $6 million raid on the Concealed Weapons and Firearms Licensing Trust Fund. Governor Crist deserves our profound appreciation for his veto. Please call, fax, or email Governor Charlie Crist and thank him for his VETO. For contact information, please click here.
LOUISIANA: Second Amendment Tax Holiday Weekend Passes the House! On Wednesday, May 27, House Bill 128 passed the Louisiana House and will now head to the Senate for consideration. This important legislation would authorize a “sales tax holiday” on firearms purchased on the annual Second Amendment weekend. SB 52, the companion bill to HB 128, has already passed the Senate and currently awaits consideration by the House. Please contact your State Senator and encourage them to support HB 128. Also, please continue to contact your State Representative and respectfully urge them to support SB 52. To find contact information for your lawmakers, please click here.
NEBRASKA: Governor Signs Range Protection Bill in Nebraska! On Tuesday, May 26, Governor Dave Heineman (R) signed Legislative Bill 503 into law. LB503 will protect ranges from local zoning regulations, noise ordinances, and discharge bans, which are sometimes enacted by local municipalities to force range closures. Nebraska is now the 48th state to enact this type of legislation. Thank you to all of the NRA members who took action in support of LB503. Without you this victory would not have been possible. Please contact Governor Heineman TODAY and thank him for signing LB503. You can contact the Governor by calling (402) 471-2244 or click here to send email.
NEW YORK: Anti-Gun Bills Advance in New York! In their annual attack on the gun rights of New Yorkers, anti-gun Assemblymen came out in full force and passed numerous anti-gun bills. All of these bills are pending consideration in the State Senate. It is critical that you contact your State Senators and urge them to oppose these oppressive and unnecessary measures. For more information on these bills and how to take action, please click here.
Albany County Registration Scheme Postponed The Albany County Legislature has delayed consideration of Local Law “A” at the request of its sponsor, County Legislator Phillip Steck. The Law Committee has scheduled a meeting on the issue for Monday, June 22 but that is subject to change. Local Law “A” would require that ammunition purchasers show a valid firearms license before purchasing ammunition in Albany County. The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of all ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser’s name and address. For more information on Local Law “A” and to find contact information for the Law Committee please click here.
OKLAHOMA: Governor Signs Important Privacy Bill into Law! On Friday, May 22, Governor Brad Henry (D) signed House Bill 1025 into law. HB 1025 was introduced as a direct response to then-President-elect Obama’s employment questionnaire that asked applicants personal questions about their and their families’ private firearm ownership. Thank you to all of the NRA members who made their voices heard. Please call and thank Governor Henry for signing this important bill into law. To contact Governor Henry, please call (405) 521-2342.
PENNSLYVANIA:Vote on Lancaster “Lost or Stolen” Ordinance Expected on Tuesday, June 9! As previously reported, Mayor Richard Gray (D) has reintroduced a proposal that would require gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm within a 72-hour period, or face fines and possible imprisonment. Please make plans to attend the June 9 City Council meeting to show your support for the Second Amendment and, if possible, voice your opposition to this illegal and unwarranted proposal. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council’s Chambers in the Southern Market Building located at 100 South Queen St. in Lancaster. If you are unable to attend please click here to learn how you may contact the City Council Members.
TENNESSEE: Statement From Chris W. Cox, Executive Director NRA - Institute for Legislative Action On Governor Bredesen’s Veto Of House Bill 962 On Thursday, May 28, Governor Phil Bredesen (D) vetoed House Bill 962, NRA-supported legislation that would have enabled a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm into restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder did not consume alcohol or was not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions. To read Chris Cox’s statement, please click here.
Bill Allowing Right-to-Carry in State Parks Moves to Governor’s Desk! Earlier this week, the Tennessee House concurred on the amended version of House Bill 716. The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Phil Bredesen (D) for his consideration. HB716 would allow any resident who has a valid handgun carry permit to possess a handgun while within the boundaries of any state park. HB716 was amended in the Senate to allow permit holders to possess a handgun, while within or on a public park, wildlife management area, natural area, historic park, nature trail, campground, forest, greenway, waterway or other similar public place that is owned or operated by the state, county, municipality or locality. Please contact Governor Bredesen TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB716. The Governor can be reached by phone at (615) 741-2001 or email [email protected].
Another Pro-Gun Bill Awaiting the Governor’s Consideration! On Tuesday, May 26, House Bill 390 was sent to Governor Phil Bredesen’s (D) desk for his consideration.
Sponsored by State Representative Henry Fincher (D-42) and State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), HB 390 would allow handgun carry permit holders to possess or carry a rifle or shotgun with a loaded magazine provided the firearm does not have a round in the chamber, while in a private motor vehicle. Please contact Governor Bredesen TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB390. The Governor can be reached by phone at (615) 741-2001 or email [email protected].
Time is Running Out to Get Your NRA License Plate! A special NRA license plate provides an ideal opportunity to showcase your pride as an NRA member and your steadfast dedication to preserving Second Amendment rights. Your support of this program will help ensure hunting and shooting traditions in the Volunteer State for generations to come. The NRA is collecting applications for NRA license plates in Tennessee, but the deadline to apply is fast approaching. For more information, please click here. Hurry, time is running out!