Sleep Easy, America --
Feds' Terrorist Watchlist Nabs Cub Scout
As we've reported before, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), encouraged by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, wants to prohibit anyone on the FBI's terrorist watchlist from possessing a firearm. Yet, the list and its criteria are secret, and Lautenberg's bill would criminalize the exercise of a constitutionally protected right while denying a person the opportunity to clear himself of accusations in a fair and open hearing before a court of law. Even today, thousands of people who aren't terrorists cannot prevent the list from misidentifying them, causing them delays and embarrassment when trying to board commercial aircraft.
It's one thing when an adult gets the run-around at an airport, because he or she has a name identical or similar to someone the FBI is watching. As the American Civil Liberties Union has pointed out, the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) "automatic selectee" list -- its list of people who are not permitted to board an aircraft without being given the once-over by the agency's machines and uniformed, latex-gloved personnel -- is based on people's names, not on physical factors like age.
Help Us Help You: The 2010 legislative session has started, with Congress and most states currently in session. With the holidays now in our rearview mirrors, it is time to turn our energies toward our critically important legislative agenda and the 2010 elections. Much is on the line for our gun rights, our country, and our future. In recent election cycles, gun owners have enjoyed great successes. But none of our victories have happened by accident. It takes careful, long-term, advance planning to ensure victory for the Second Amendment on Election Day, as well as in the legislative arena. In order for us to meet the inevitable challenges and opportunities we will face this year, our preparation must begin now.
Arizona: NRA Wins Right To Defend Hunters Against Lawsuit Seeking To Ban Lead Ammunition – As reported on, U.S. District Court Judge Paul G. Rosenblatt has ruled that NRA has a right under federal law to intervene in a lawsuit filed, in the plaintiff's own words, as part of a campaign "to ban the use of lead bullets[.]" NRA will now be able to defend hunter's rights against the claims of extremist environmental groups that filed the lawsuit.
Your Help Is Needed In Support of BATFE Reform Bills S. 941 And H.R. 2296: As we've been reporting for months, Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941, the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act" in the U.S. Senate.
INTERPOL: Over the past year, we have reported several times on the abundance of rumors being circulated regarding firearm issues. Among other things, we've heard phony tales circulating about such things as guns being banned for the elderly, ammunition with expiration dates, a requirement that guns be listed on tax returns, and a prohibition on gun and ammunition imports. The latest scuttlebutt has to do with a recent Executive Order by President Obama concerning the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
The UN And International Treaties: Over the last several weeks, we have received many inquiries regarding the UN and the impact of international treaties on our Second Amendment freedom.
Sign-Up For New American Rifleman Insider Newsletter: Get exclusive videos, articles and breaking industry news with the American Rifleman Insider e-newsletter, delivered directly to your inbox.
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The NRA Online Advisory Panel: A few weeks ago, we launched a brand new service -- the NRA Online Advisory Panel -- a community of our most active and loyal supporters.
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Grassroots Minute Video:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.")
ALABAMA:Legislature Reconvenes in Montgomery The Alabama Legislature reconvened in Montgomery on January 12, for the 2010 Legislative Session. NRA-ILA is working to introduce several bills including "Workplace Protection" and "No-Net-Loss" legislation. The "Workplace Protection" bill would allow the lawful storage of firearm(s) in locked motor vehicles while individuals are at work. The No-Net-Loss bill would require that if an area currently open to public hunting is closed to hunting, the same number of acres of public land must be opened to hunting elsewhere. Please continue to check and your e-mail for updates throughout the legislative session.
CALIFORNIA: Right-to-Carry Bill Defeated in Committee
The Assembly Committee on Public Safety defeated Assembly Bill 357, by a vote of 4 to 1. The lone vote in favor of the bill was Assembly Member Curt Hagman (R-60), Vice Chair of the committee. AB357 would have created a "shall issue" concealed handgun permit system in California. Under current law, an applicant must show cause as to why they should be issued a permit to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. AB357 sought to remove that stipulation and require sheriffs to issue the license if all other mandated criteria are satisfied. Thank you to all of the NRA members who took action in support of AB357.
Hunting Threatened on Mojave National Preserve
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), in concert with the Sierra Club and other anti-hunting organizations, has filed a petition with the California Fish and Game Commission to ban most hunting in the Mojave National Preserve, including rabbit and varmint hunting. What hunting remains (resident game birds, deer, and bighorn sheep) would be restricted. The "Petition for Rulemaking Regarding Hunting in the Mojave National Preserve" blames hunters for the declining population of the desert tortoise, a threatened species under the state's Endangered Species Act. CBD filed a similar petition in 2003, but the commission did not act on it. The commission could schedule a hearing on it early this year.
The petition contains the flimsiest of evidence that hunting in the preserve is the cause or even a contributing factor of the decline in the tortoise population. In fact, statistics confirm that vehicular traffic and increased tourism within the designated critical habitat of the tortoise have increased substantially since 1994 when the preserve was established. Those activities are believed to be the leading causes of tortoise mortality. Further, there is sufficient research to suggest that predation by ravens and coyotes are also taking its toll on this protected species. The objective of the petition is not to protect and enhance the tortoise population. Rather, it is an attempt by this coalition of anti-hunting organizations to permanently end hunting in the Mojave National Preserve. CBD was also behind the ban on the use of lead ammunition for hunting big game within the range of the California condor, and earlier this year, CBD attempted unsuccessfully to extend that ban to all game species.
Please take a few minutes to contact the commission and ask that they deny the petition. Please address and mail comments to:
John Carlson, Jr., Executive Director
California Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street, Room 1320
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]
Hunters are continually being harassed with restrictions on hunting and access to hunting areas for reasons not based on science. Please do not let CBD impose their pseudo-science on those who hunt in the Mojave National Preserve!
COLORADO: Support Needed to Re-Open Rampart Shooting Range!
Following an accidental shooting last July, the Forest Service closed the very popular and heavily used Rampart Shooting Range on the Pike National Forest. In its nearly 20 year history, Rampart had never before experienced a shooting-related injury or fatality. Rampart is the only free public range in El Paso County and receives 40,000 visitors a year. The Service called the closure a "time-out" in order to assess whether the design of the range was a factor. An investigation determined that the range was not a factor in the accident. Safety experts have said that the accident could have happened at any range. But after it closed Rampart, the Forest Service devised a scheme to keep the range closed permanently.
The Forest Service has listed requirements that must be met before it will reopen Rampart. There is no timetable for meeting these requirements and likely no money to cover costs. The most significant issue is the requirement of full time supervision. Most ranges on federal lands operate without supervision and this requirement could place all such ranges in jeopardy. Rampart Range is in need of improvements, which were identified more than two years ago. Such improvements can be addressed and implemented with the range reopened. The Forest Service has said that it could take up to five years before Rampart is reopened, but there is no guarantee that it would reopen Rampart in that timeframe or at any time in the future.
NRA has been working to get Rampart Range reopened since the day it was closed, but we need the help of Colorado hunters and shooters to show the Forest Service and your elected officials that the federal government cannot continue to close public lands to recreational shooting, and certainly not without replacing those areas lost with other areas of the same or great value. Rampart Shooting Range is an important resource for the shooting community along the Front Range. There is no incentive for the Forest Service to reopen Rampart unless the shooting sports community demands it!
Shooting ranges on public lands are few and far between in Colorado. In addition to the closure of Rampart, the Forest Service has closed its lands to recreational shooting near Boulder and on the Pawnee Grasslands, and large acreage closures have occurred west of Sedalia. The Forest Service is not planning for recreational shooting. Closures are imposed without opening new areas and needed improvements to existing areas, including the Rampart Shooting Range, have not been made. Recreational shooting is not being treated by the Forest Service in Colorado as a legitimate and valued recreational activity on forest lands.
Please send an e-mail in support of the immediate reopening of Rampart to:
Tom Tidwell, Chief of the Forest Service, at [email protected], and copy your letter to:
Senator Mark Udall at [email protected],
Senator Michael Bennet at,
Congressman Doug Lamborn at [email protected], and
Governor Bill Ritter by clicking here.
Please stress that keeping the range closed is not supportable by the investigative report; that the closure has robbed the shooting community of a valuable resource; and that needed improvements to the range can be planned and implemented without closure.
GEORGIA:2010 Legislative Session Reconvenes
The Georgia Legislature reconvened for the 2010 Legislative Session. NRA-ILA is keeping a close watch over firearm and firearm-related bills being introduced.
Currently, in the Senate, Senator Mitch Seabaugh (R-28) introduced SB 308 and Senator David Shafer (R-48) has introduced Senate Bill 291, both pro-gun Right-To-Carry reform and clarification bills. In the House, Representative Timothy Bearden (R-68) has introduced House Bill 615, also a pro-gun Right-To-Carry reform and clarification bill. Please continue to check and your email for updates on these bills
and others throughout the legislative session.
INDIANA:Two Important Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help!
On Thursday, January 14, the Indiana House Natural Resources Committee voted unanimously to pass House Bill 1068. The bill now heads to the House floor for consideration. HB1068, sponsored by State Representative Peggy Welch (D-60), would limit access to the Indiana Right-to-Carry permit list in order to protect the privacy of law-abiding Hoosiers. If passed, this legislation would make Right-to-Carry permit information confidential and would prohibit the publication of that information. Also, the committee will consider House Bill 1065 next week. Sponsored by State Representative Bob Bischoff (D-68), HB1065 would prevent state or local government authorities from confiscating lawfully owned firearms during declared states of emergency, such as occurred in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Moreover, this bill would prohibit employers from firing employees who safely and lawfully store their firearms in locked vehicles. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge them to support HB1068 when it comes before them on the House floor. Also, please contact the members of the House Natural Resources Committee and kindly urge them to pass HB1065. To find contact information for your State Representative, please click here.
Self-Defense Bill Heads to Senate Floor in the Hoosier State!
On Tuesday, January 12, Senate Bill 25 passed out of the Senate Committee on Corrections, Criminal, and Civil Matters by a vote of 8 to 3. SB 25, will now head to the full Senate for a floor vote. This legislation would prevent a business from adopting or enforcing a policy or rule that prohibits an individual from legally possessing a firearm that is locked in the individual's private vehicle while the vehicle is in or on the business' property. Twelve states have already enacted similar legislation to protect their law-abiding citizens from being wrongfully terminated for exercising their Second Amendment rights, and its time Indiana did the same. Please contact your State Senator and urge him or her to support Senate Bill 25. Your can find their contact information by clicking here.
IOWA: NRA-ILA Grassroots to Conduct Workshops Across the Hawkeye State!
Iowa's state legislature has convened for 2010, and important legislation affecting your rights, including Right-to-Carry legislation, will be considered. In order to ensure that Iowa's gun owners are fully engaged to protect freedom, NRA-ILA will be hosting a series of FREE Grassroots Workshops across the state to help gun owners join the Frontlines today! At these FREE Workshops, NRA-ILA Staff will discuss how you can take on an even more active role in your community in our fight to advance and protect our freedoms in this very busy year! We will provide you with the materials and strategies needed to educate, empower, and engage your fellow gun owners as well. With your support and attendance at these Workshops, you'll help ensure that NRA members and gun owners across Iowa are actively in engaged in the battle to protect the Second Amendment. Please encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to attend as well! Please click here for the full list and schedule of the NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshops.
MONTANA: Montana FWP Proposes Politically-Motivated Lead Shot Ban
The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) is proposing to ban the use of lead shot for upland game bird hunting on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) as part of its 2010-2011 hunting season regulations ( While FWP has provided no information as to why the ban is being proposed, this is a move straight out of the radical anti-hunting crowd's playbook. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has called for a nationwide ban on the use of lead ammunition for all purposes. The proposal by FWP moves them one step closer to this goal. HSUS spends $120 million a year lobbying and litigating against our hunting rights. Its President has said, "If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would." Comments are due Friday, January 22nd on the changes to the state's hunting regulations, including the addition of this new lead shot ban. The NRA urges all hunters to submit comments to FWP in opposition to the expansion of the lead shot ban. A short, simple note in opposition is sufficient. The lack of any scientific evidence to justify the proposed ban suggests that this fight is going to be decided by popular support or opposition, and rest assured that the anti-hunting radicals will be active. In the end, this proposal is a symbolic gesture that only serves to continue the expansion of a lead ammunition ban to all hunting. Science, not symbolism and politics, should drive good wildlife management decisions. Please click the following link,, and submit your comments under "15. Upland Game Bird hunting season comment, if any:" to make your voice heard! Comments may be copied and pasted into the dialogue box. FWP reads these comments carefully, which will weigh heavily on the proposal's fate. Comments on other proposals may also be submitted and it is vitally important that FWP hears from you. Information about the proposals may be found at
NEVADA: Clark County Shooting Park Needs Your Help!
The Clark County Shooting Park has been the target of a lawsuit by a handful of anti-gun homeowners intending to close this major shooting facility north of Decatur Boulevard in Las Vegas. The Shooting Park was established by federal legislation in November 2003 by transferring nearly 3,000 acres of land from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to Clark County.
The NRA previously sent an alert on this issue asking for its members to submit comments to the BLM in support of an Environmental Assessment that the court required BLM to prepare. It was released for public comment in August. More than 1,000 comments in support of the Shooting Park were received by the BLM compared to a fraction in opposition.
However, the issue has not been settled. Because some of the comments provided new information or raised questions or concerns regarding the Environmental Assessment, the BLM was forced to consider a wider range of alternatives and thus had to prepare a supplement. The revised document has been released for a 45-day comment period that will end January 29th.
We ask that our members in Nevada and the surrounding states once again take the time to submit comments to the BLM in support of the Preferred Alternative A, which is the conveyance of the federal lands to the County for the Shooting Park. The environmental assessment is available online at Written comments should be addressed to Bob Ross, BLM Las Vegas Field Manager, 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV, 89130. Your comments will make a difference as to whether the Shooting Park becomes a reality or falls victim to the whims of anti-gunners.
NEW JERSEY:Governor Corzine Signs Marginal "One-Gun-a-Month" Reform Bill
On Tuesday, January 12, Senate Bill 3104/Assembly Bill 4361was signed into law by Governor Jon Corzine (D). S3104/A4361 attempts to address the problems with New Jersey's "one-gun-a-month" law; however, it falls far short. While it will, in very limited circumstances, allow a law-abiding person to purchase multiple handguns, an individual will only be able to do so after filing a formal application with the State Police. In addition, the individual will need to justify why they "need" to purchase these firearms together and why it would not be "feasible or practical" to purchase the firearms separately. New Jersey gun owners are already some of the most heavily regulated in the nation and New Jersey's "one-gun-a-month" law simply heaps additional complications on an already overly burdensome process. We would like to thank those NRA members who contacted their legislators requesting that they broaden the exemptions to New Jersey's "one-gun-a-month" law and for continuing the fight against further encroachment of our Second Amendment rights and freedoms in the Garden State.
RHODE ISLAND:South Kingstown Zoning Ordinance is Attempting to Force Gun Shops Out! As early as Monday, January 25, the South Kingstown Town Council could consider two amendments to the Zoning Ordinance that would put restrictions on firearm retailers, such as how and where they can operate their business'. Firearm retailers in the state of Rhode Island are already licensed by both the Federal and State government and go through an extensive background check process. The extra restrictions proposed by these amendments are unnecessary, burdensome and unfairly target one industry. The Town Council meets regularly on the second and fourth Monday of each month and these amendments could be brought up as soon as Monday, January 25. Please contact members of the Town Council of the Town of South Kingstown and request that they oppose any proposals that would place further restrictions on firearm retailers. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
VERMONT: Anti-Gun Bill Introduced in Montpelier
The Vermont State Legislature reconvened in Montpelier this week for the 2009-2010 Legislative Session. Senate Bill 168 would penalize the "negligent use of a firearm." This proposed legislation is an irrational attack on gun owners, as Vermont already has reckless endangerment laws under which an individual who acts in a negligent manner can be charged, whether the incident involves a firearm, a vehicle or a backyard swimming pool. Please call members of the Vermont State Legislature TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose Senate Bill 168. Contact information for the members of the House of Representatives can be found by clicking here. Contact information for members of the Senate can be found by clicking here.
VIRGINIA:More Firearm-Related Bills Introduced in the General Assembly
The Virginia General Assembly opened its 2010 legislative session on Wednesday, January 13, and thus far nearly two dozen firearms-related bills have been introduced. Earlier this week we reported on the introduction of more than a dozen pro-gun bills. As of today, lawmakers in Richmond introduced several more gun bills, including several anti-gun bills. For a list of these bills please click here.
WASHINGTON:"Assault Weapons" Ban Proposed in Olympia!
A group of four State Senators has introduced Senate Bill 6396, legislation that would bring California-style gun-control to the Northwest, and ultimately ban many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by Washingtonians. This legislation would establish far-reaching restrictions on semi-automatic firearms (dubbing them "assault weapons") and ammunition magazines. SB6396 affects every firearm modified to conform with the expired Clinton Gun-Ban, plus many other semi-automatic firearms that have no lineage to those rifles or any military-style orientation whatsoever. Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose SB6396. More contact information for your legislators can be found here.
Legislation Introduced to Attack Gun Shows in Washington
State Representatives Brendan Williams (D-22) and Maralyn Chase (D-32) have introduced House Bill 2477, a bill that seeks to abolish the private transfer of firearms at gun shows, even between family and friends. HB2477 would hold law-abiding gun owners liable for the acts of criminals. Under this bill, if a firearm is privately transferred at a gun show to a person who is ineligible, even if the seller had no reason to suspect there was any problem the seller can be held liable for injury or death caused by the criminal use of that firearm. Liability would apply even if the injury wasn't caused by the unauthorized buyer. Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose HB2477. More contact information for your legislators can be found here.
Gun Ban Upheld by Snohomish County Council
The Snohomish County Council decided to uphold a 1970s-era prohibition on firearms in county parks. Councilmember John Koster introduced a proposal that would have overturned the county's ban and brought Snohomish County into compliance with state law but it failed due to a procedural motion. Please take the time to respectfully voice your disapproval with the County Council's actions. Also, please contact Councilmember Koster and thank him for his efforts to defeat this outdated, Draconian restriction. For more information on the proposed effect of the proposal and how to contact the City Council, please click here.
WISCONSIN:Mentored Hunting Program Proves Far Safer than Critics Predicted
Based on the most recent numbers detailed in the Wisconsin DNR Chief Warden's 2009 Season Report, NRA and other sportsmen's groups now have clear data that proves the new Mentored Hunting Program is safe. Of the nearly 10,000, 10 and 11 year-old children who participated in the program, there was not a single hunting related shooting incident. Consistent with the experience in more than two-dozen states that have enacted similar legislation, critics who emotionally claimed this program would pose a danger to public safety have been proven wrong.
NRA will be closed on Monday, January 18, 2010
in observation of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday.
We will re-open on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 8:30 a.m., EST.