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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 17, No. 14 4/9/2010


Trigger The Vote Chairman,
Chuck Norris, Coming To Charlotte!


Chuck Norris, legendary action star and the Honorary Chairman of our "Trigger the Vote" voter registration campaign, is coming to the NRA Annual Meeting in Charlotte next month.  He will be a featured speaker at the Friday Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum.  Chuck and his wife Gena will be Guests of Honor at the NRA-ILA Friday Dinner Auction, and they will also host a book-signing in the Exhibit Hall on Saturday.  Click here to see a brief interview with Chuck about his new book, and plan to see him in Charlotte!  NRA-ILA will be conducting an on-site voter registration drive at the Annual Meetings as well.


Constitutional Carry Passes Arizona House, Awaits Governor's Signature:  This week, Senate Bill 1108 passed the Arizona State House by a vote of 36 to 19 with five absent votes.  The bill now moves to Governor Jan Brewer's (R) desk for her consideration.  As of now, the effective date for this bill has yet to be determined.

Second Amendment March On Washington Scheduled For April:  There will be a Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C., on April 19, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Attendees will gather on the northeast corner of the Washington Monument grounds at 10:00 a.m., and the entire event will take place there (due to logistics, the event will be more of a "rally" than an actual march).  For more information about the march in Washington, D.C., or to find out about marches in your state, please visit http://www.secondamendmentmarch.com/

ILA Dinner and Auction At Annual Meetings:  The Institute for Legislative Action will hold its Fourth Annual Dinner and Auction in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday evening, May 14th.   

FBI Plans Temporary Suspension Of Fingerprint-Based Background Checks:  The Federal Bureau of Investigation has notified state law enforcement agencies that all fingerprint-based background checks necessary for Right-to-Carry permit applications will be temporarily suspended from April 28, 2010, to May 3, 2010.  The temporary suspension is said to be necessary in order for the FBI to process almost 500,000 fingerprints for Census Bureau workers. 

Forest Planning Rule Will Affect Hunting And Target Shooting:  The Forest Service is working on a new planning rule that will guide future development of land management plans for the 193 million acres within the National Forest System.  The planning focus will be on such topics as wildlife protection, restoration of forests and grasslands, climate change, and watershed protection.  What is unlikely to be discussed, unless raised by hunters and shooters, is how this new planning rule will protect and promote public recreation on national forests, especially hunting and shooting. 

Plan To Attend Free Grassroots Workshop At NRA's Upcoming Annual Meetings In Charlotte, NC!  With the 2010 elections rapidly approaching there will be no better time than during NRA's Annual Meeting to ensure we are prepared to register pro-gun voters, mobilize them for action, and turn them out to vote on ELECTION DAY! 

Volunteers Needed For 2010 NRA Annual Meetings In Charlotte:  The 2010 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 14-16, 2010, in Charlotte, NC.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.  

Get Your Copy of Stephen Halbrook's Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876:  Does the Second Amendment apply to the states?  The Supreme Court will soon decide that critical question.  As that historic day approaches, there's no better time for all Americans to learn more about this issue.

Join The NRA Online Advisory Panel:  Last November, the NRA introduced a new service and community for our members, the NRA Online Advisory Panel. Inside this community, NRA members can vote and comment on Second Amendment issues, see how they compare to Congress, and track key legislation.  The panel now has more than 10,000 members.  The opinions and feedback of the Online Advisory Panel are helping to guide the strategy and agenda of the NRA heading into a critical political cycle.  If you're not already a member of this growing community, you don't know what you're missing.  We hope you will take a moment to join today by clicking HERE.   

Grassroots News Minute Video:  We recently debuted a new and improved format for the "Grassroots News Minute" video!  To view the current video in its new format, please click here:


STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)


ALABAMA:  Time is Running Out to Repeal Ban on Short Barreled Rifles and Shotguns Still Pending Action  House Bill 2 is still pending action in the State Senate but time is running out to pass this important pro-gun reform.  HB2 would repeal the section of the Alabama statute that prohibits the possession, sale, receipt, or use of short barreled rifles and shotguns.  These firearms are already legal under federal law when properly registered.  The Alabama State Legislature has only four legislative days left, and will meet on Wednesday, April 13, and Thursday, April 14.  Please continue to contact your State Senator TODAY at (334) 242-7800 and respectfully urge him or her to support HB2.  Contact information for your Senator can be found here.

ARIZONA:  Constitutional Carry Passes Arizona House, Awaits Governor's Signature  This week, Senate Bill 1108 passed the Arizona State House by a vote of 36 to 19 with five absent votes.  The bill now moves to Governor Jan Brewer's (R) desk for her consideration. As of now, the effective date for this bill has yet to be determined.  Under Arizona law it is generally legal to carry a firearm openly as long as you are 18 years of age and not prohibited from possessing a firearm.  However, if the firearm becomes covered, say with a coat, or if you are a woman and prefer to carry your firearm in your purse, you need to possess a concealed carry permit.  The intent of this legislation is to give people the greatest possible freedom to choose the best method of carry for them.  SB 1108 would generally allow law-abiding persons to carry a firearm openly or concealed for self-defense without a permit.  Of course, you should always be mindful of, and obey, state and local laws.  Please contact Governor Brewer and respectfully urge her to support this important piece of legislation.  You can contact the Governor by phone, at (602) 542-4331; or you can click here to e-mail her.


COLORADO: House Considering "Deny-On-Arrest" Legislation  As the sunset period for the "Deny-On-Arrest" legislation approaches, the Colorado House of Representatives is getting ready to hear a bill that would make this archaic law permanent.  House Bill 1391 would deny gun purchases to those with an arrest on their record, even if they were never convicted.  This deny-on-arrest provision would remove a constitutional right to own a firearm based on an arrest (an accusation), NOT a conviction.  Please call members of the committee and respectfully urge ask them to vote against HB 1391 and this unconstitutional attack on the Second Amendment rights of Colorado citizens.  Contact information can be found here.


CONNECTICUT:Two Bills Pending Action in the Senate  Two hunting-related bills are currently pending consideration in the State Senate.  Senate Bill 274, an anti-hunting bill that would prohibit the "unreasonable" confinement and tethering of dogs, passed out of the Environment Committee and is pending consideration on the Senate floor.  Senate Bill 207, a bill designed to reduce the recent fee increases associated with hunting and fishing licenses, also awaits action.  In the meantime please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE S274 and SUPPORT S207 when action is taken on the floor.  Contact information can be found here.


FLORIDA:Governor Crist SIGNED Protection for Gun-Owning Adopting Parents
Governor Charlie Crist has signed House Bill 315 by Representative Mike Horner and Senator Thad Altman.  HB-315 would stop adoption agencies from registering firearms of prospective adoptive parents into law.  Please email Governor Crist and thank him for signing HB-315, the Adoption/Firearms bill and for always standing strong for gun-owners.  Governor Crist can be reached at [email protected], in the sublect line put:  Thank You for Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights.  Tell Governor Crist:  We appreciate you signing HB-315 to stop Adoption agencies from registering firearms and SB-1158 to protect the gun-owners trust fund.  Thank you standing strong for gun owners' rights and the Second Amendment.

IOWA:Legislature Passes "Shall Issue" Right-to-Carry Legislation!  On Monday, March 29, the House of Representatives passed Senate File 2379 by a vote of 81 to 15.  The bill will now head to Governor Chet Culver (D) for his consideration.  SF2379 had previously passed in the Senate by a vote of 44 to 4.  This bill is a huge victory for gun owners in the Hawkeye State and reinforces the legislature's intent to treat the provisions of the Second Amendment as rights, not state-granted privileges. This NRA-backed bill would change Iowa from a "May-Issue" state to a "Shall-Issue" Right-to-Carry state and requiring sheriffs to issue a permit to carry weapons to all qualified applicants.  For more detailed description of the bill please click here.  Please contact Governor Culver TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign this important legislation into law.  Contact information can be found here.

KANSAS:"Castle Doctrine" Clean-Up Bill Moves to Governor's Desk  On Tuesday, March 30, the Kansas State Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 381.  This bill, commonly known as "Castle Doctrine legislation," would make important corrections to Kansas' current self-defense statute. The bill now moves to the desk of Governor Mark Parkinson (D) for his consideration.  NRA has worked diligently with the legislature to make sure that Kansas citizens' self-defense rights are clearly articulated  to minimize the chances that the State Supreme Court will misinterpret the legislature's intent. Please contact Governor Parkinson TODAY and urge him to support this important self-defense clean up bill.  For more information on the bill and the Governor's contact information please click here.

KENTUCKY:Two Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help!  Both HB542 and HB453 are stuck in their respective committees.  Because of budget talks during the final week of regular session, it looks like these bills will not be addressed.  HB 542 would direct the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to include a voter registration application form as part of an application for a hunting license or permit. HB453 would allow an individual to carry a loaded or unloaded firearm in an enclosed compartment originally installed by the manufacturer in a motor vehicle. The General Assembly reconvenes for the final two days of the 2010 Legislative Session on Wednesday, April 14, and Thursday, April 15.  Please contact Senate leadership TODAY and ask them to consider HB542 and HB453 during the veto override session.  Contact information can be found here.

MISSISSIPPI:Carry Reform, Park Carry Bill Signed into Law!  Governor Haley Barbour (R) has signed SB 2862, NRA-backed legislation sponsored by State Senator Gray Tollison (D-9), into law!  As introduced and passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 2862 will allow retired law enforcement officers to qualify to carry a concealed firearm without a permit under federal law by obtaining certification from the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police.  State Representative Warner McBride (D-10) successfully added a House floor amendment to SB 2862 that repeals the current state ban on the possession of firearms in public parks by Mississippi Right-To-Carry permit holders.  This change in state law will allow permit holders to carry in state parks and to benefit from the new federal law that removed a ban on the possession of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges located in the state.  Thanks to all of you who contacted your state lawmakers in support of eliminating this unnecessary restriction on permit holders!  NRA-ILA also appreciates the efforts of State Senator Merle Flowers (R-19), State Senator Alan Nunnelee (R-6), State Senator Perry Lee (R-35) and State Senator Chris McDaniel (R-42) this session to roll back restrictions on where permittees may lawfully carry.

NEW YORK:  Laundry List of Anti-Gun Bills Still Pending in the Empire State  A number of anti-freedom bills are still awaiting consideration in Albany.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action in opposition, please click here.

PENNSYLVANIA:  Please Attend the 5th Annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally!  Please join NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, and other Second Amendment activists and patriots to voice your support for our cherished firearm freedoms.  On Tuesday, April 27, at 10 a.m., at the State Capitol in Harrisburg, Second Amendment supporters will gather in solidarity for our gun rights.  Don't miss this great opportunity to meet with legislators and urge them to stand up for and support the Second Amendment by passing pro-gun measures currently pending action in the legislature.  For more information and to register, please visit www.2ARally.com.  Note: attendees must pre-register.

TENNESSEE:  Restaurant Carry Reform Bill Advancing!  On Wednesday, April 7, House Bill 3125 passed the House Finance, Ways, and Means Budget Sub-Committee by a vote of 8-7.  This legislation now heads to the full committee for consideration. HB3125, with an NRA-backed amendment, would enable a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense in restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.  HB3125 was filed in response to a court ruling last November.  Which held the law to be unconstitutionally vague because of a perceived ambiguity over the state's definition of restaurants.  This bill, with the NRA-backed amendment, will fix any ambiguity. Please contact members of the House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee and urge them to support HB3125.  Contact information for the committee can be found here.

TEXAS:  Management Plan Includes Hunting on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge  The Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management actions for the next 15 years on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, a 10,000 acre refuge spread across Aransas, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties.  The plan proposes two management alternatives to the current management plan (Alternative A).  Although Alternative B is the Service's choice, Alternative C calls for significantly expanding all priority public uses, including hunting.  Public comments can be submitted until Tuesday, April 13, and e-mailed to [email protected].  The plan can be viewed at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/Plan/index.html.  For further information please call 361-286-3559.  It is important that the Service receives support for providing and enhancing hunting opportunities on the refuge.  Anti-hunters can be counted on to pressure the Service against it.

VERMONT: Mentored Hunting Bill Still Pending in Committee  House Bill 243 is still pending in the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee. H. 243 would establish a mentored hunting license that would allow prospective hunters to try their hand at hunting before completing a hunter education course.  Please contact your State Senator and urge him or her to support H. 243.  Contact information for the Vermont State Senate can be found by clicking here.  Also, please contact Senate President Peter Shumlin (D-Windham) via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (802) 387-4447, and urge him to support this important piece of legislation.

VIRGINIA: Virginia Department of Forestry Accepting Public Comment on Concealed Carry in State Forests!  The Virginia Department of Forestry is currently accepting public comment on the proposed amendment to Virginia State Forest Regulation 4VAC10-30-170, which would allow concealed carry permit holders the ability to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense in Virginia's state forests.  Public comments will be accepted by the Virginia Department of Forestry until Friday, April 16.  Please click here to submit comments respectfully urging the Virginia Department of Forestry to amend the Administrative Code and to support the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Virginians.  Also, please attend a public hearing scheduled for Thursday, March 4, at 1:00 p.m., to show your support for this proposed amendment.  The hearing will be held at the Buckingham Agriculture Center Auditorium, located at 13360 West James Anderson Highway, in Buckingham.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.