The Biennial Meeting Of States, And The Arms Trade Treaty
Two major meetings, possibly affecting American gun owners' rights, will occur at the United Nations (UN) in New York over the next several weeks. They are the Fourth Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms in all its Aspects, ("BMS4") June 14-18, and the Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee ("ATT Prep. Com.") July 12-23. The NRA will be fully and actively involved in these meetings.
The BMS4 is a continuation of the so-called "Programme of Action" (POA) adopted by the UN at a conference in 2001. Anti-gun groups saw the original POA as a vehicle for UN gun bans, registration schemes and other radical proposals. The U.S., through the efforts of Ambassador John Bolton, forced the removal of provisions targeting privately-owned firearms from the POA. It was not able to stop the POA itself, and the UN holds "Biennial" meetings every two years to keep the POA alive. Heavily-funded anti-gun groups will again attempt to get the UN and its member states to target the right to arms at the BMS4. A Mexican diplomat will chair the meeting and Mexico, which blames its crime problems on the U.S., is now pushing for more gun control in America. Anti-gun, anti-U.S. measures could well be on the table.
Winner Of 2010 Sarah Brady Visionary Award Resigns In Disgrace: On May 18, the Brady Campaign held a big shindig in Washington, D.C., to give this year's "Sarah Brady Visionary Award" to now-former Hearst News Service White House reporter Helen Thomas.
Highest Honor Bestowed On Park Ranger: As reported in a June 8 article, the National Park Service this week honored Ranger Scott Emmerich as the recipient of this year's "Harry Yount Award," the agency's highest honor for park rangers.
NRA-PVF Endorsement Policy: We are rapidly approaching the time when NRA's Political Action Committee the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) will begin issuing endorsements in elections across the country.
Seeking Nominations For 2009 NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards: The NRA-ILA "Jay M. Littlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award" is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award" is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year.
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
ARKANSAS: Comments Needed on Management Plan for the Felsenthal and Overflow National Refuges The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Felsenthal and Overflow National Wildlife Refuges for the next 15 years. Felsenthal is a 65,000-acre refuge established as a result of a Corps of Engineers' Ouachita and Black Rivers Navigation Project. Overflow is a 13,000-acre refuge that was created to protect one of the remaining bottomland hardwood forests within the watershed of Overflow Creek along the Mississippi waterfowl flyway. Felsenthal offers quota hunts for white tailed deer and turkey, and offers waterfowl, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum hunts. Management Alternative B proposes to create additional hunting opportunities for youth and hunters with disabilities where feasible. Overflow offers similar hunt programs and proposes making hunting opportunities more accessible for hunters with disabilities and opening the Oakwood unit to deer hunting. The plan can be viewed at under "Draft CCP Documents." The Service is accepting comments until July 7th and comments may be emailed to [email protected]. For further information, you may call 601-965-4903. It is important to the future of hunting on these refuges that hunters comment on this draft plan. You can be assured that anti-hunters and animal rights activists will file comments urging the Service to reduce or eliminate the hunt programs.
CALIFORNIA: Long Gun Registration One Step Closer to Law On Thursday, June 3, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill 1810 and Assembly Bill 2223. Both bills now join Assembly Bill 1934 in the Senate. AB1810 would establish a registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired long guns. AB2223 would outlaw the use of lead shot when shooting or hunting in state-run wildlife management areas. AB1934 is a blatant attack on the self-defense rights of law-abiding Californians and would outlaw the open carrying of a handgun for self-defense. These bills are very serious threats to the rights of California's law-abiding gun owners and must be defeated. Please contact your State Senator NOW and urge them to oppose AB1810, AB2223, and AB1934. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
COLORADO: Support Needed for Establishing a Shooting Range in the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest Recently, the U.S. Forest Service closed an area in the Boulder Ranger District of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest that was a popular site for target shooting. Known as the former Allenspark dump, the site is located between Boulder and Estes Park and west of Lyons at the junction of Highways 7 and 72. Over the past several years, houses have been built not far from the site, and with the influx of new residents, complaints started about stray bullets leaving Forest land and entering private property. As a result of these complaints, the Service issued an emergency closure of the shooting site. At the same time, it announced a proposal to establish and build a designated shooting range at the same site.
The Service is giving the public until June 24th to comment on its proposal. The proposal can be found at Click on "Allenspark Recreational Shooting Project." Comments can be emailed to [email protected] and the subject line should read "Allenspark Recreational Shooting Project." For further information you may call the District Ranger's office at 303-541-2500.
Loss of public land access for hunting and shooting is a major concern. Many national forests have closed huge acreages to recreational shooting and your NRA has been working with sportsmen in the state to stem the loss of access. The closure of Allenspark is an all too common epitaph for traditional shooting sites when development and other recreational activities cause conflicts with shooting. In this particular case, the Service is stepping forward to respond to the needs of shooters while addressing concerns raised by nearby residents. It is vitally important that the shooting community rally support around this proposal by submitting comments to the Forest Service. While the NRA fully supports the proposal to build a shooting range, we do not support the Forest Service's requirement that it be a supervised range and that it can only be opened with on-site presence of the supervisor. Most shooting ranges on national forests are unsupervised and such a requirement severely limits the probability that such a range proposal will become reality.
GEORGIA: Governor Signs One Pro-Gun Bill and Vetoes AnotherOn June 8, Governor Sonny Perdue (R) signed Senate Bill 308 into law. SB308 will reform Georgia's handgun carry laws so that a Georgia Firearms License would enable a person to carry any handgun or knife, openly or concealed. SB 308 would also allow Georgia Firearm License holders to carry in more places by repealing the broad and vague "public gathering ban." Unfortunately, Governor Perdue vetoed Senate Bill 291, which would have allowed a person lawfully licensed to carry a firearm the right to carry in all non-secure areas of airports, as well as while dropping off or picking up passengers at an airport. Also included in the bill was a provision that would make the license renewal process much easier. Instead of the licensee having to remember to renew, the probate court would have been required to send out renewal notices 90 days before expiration.
IOWA: Join NRA for Iowa Carry's Annual Membership Meeting Iowa Carry will be holding its annual General Membership Meeting on Saturday, June 19 at the Brownells Big Springs Shooting Complex located at 4945 Highway 146 in Searsboro. The day-long event will include training courses that will satisfy the requirements for Iowa's new "shall-issue" law, firearm demonstrations, range activities, and a gun raffle. Additionally, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R) and Iowa State Senator Dennis Black (D-21) -- both strong supporters of Iowans' firearm rights -- will speak to attendees. For more information on the event, please visit the Iowa Carry website at
LOUISIANA: State Park Carry Bill Passes House Committee On Thursday, June 3, the Administration of Criminal Justice Committee passed Senate Bill 534 by a vote of 11 to 2. This bill would allow the people of Louisiana to benefit from a recently passed federal law that allows the carrying and possession of firearms in national parks and national wildlife refuges in accordance with applicable state carry laws. SB 534 will now be considered by the full House of Representatives. SB534, introduced by State Senator Troy Hebert (I-22), would allow for possession and transportation of otherwise lawfully-possessed firearms in Louisiana's state parks, historic sites, preservation areas, wildlife refuges, and wildlife management areas. In addition, it would allow gun-owners to carry a firearm for self-defense in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges located in Louisiana. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to SUPPORT SB534. To contact your State Representative please click here.
MICHIGAN: Committee will Consider Repeal of "Permit to Purchase" Next Week Next week, the Michigan House Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources Committee will consider two bills, House Bill 5972 and House Bill 5973, that would eliminate the unnecessary and burdensome requirement of obtaining a permit-to-purchase a handgun. Please contact the committee members and respectfully ask them to support HB5972 and HB5973. Contact information can be found here.
MISSOURI: Two Important Pro-Gun Bills Awaiting Governor's Consideration House Bill 1692 and House Bill 2081 are currently on the desk of Governor Jay Nixon (D) awaiting his consideration. To learn more about these bills and how you can take action, please click here.
Hunters' Support Needed to Expand Hunting in Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge: The US Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft plan to guide management of Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. Established in 1937, Swan Lake is located in Chariton County near the town of Sumner and encompasses more than 11,000 acres of bottomland forest, grasslands, and wetlands within the Grand River floodplain of north central Missouri. The Refuge currently offers goose and white-tailed deer hunting. The two management alternatives detailed in the draft plan would add duck and small game hunting and emphasize opportunities for youth and people with disabilities. The plan can be viewed at For further information, you may call the Refuge at 660-856-3323. The public comment period is open until July 5th and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. It is very important for hunters to submit comments in support of the Service's efforts to expand hunting opportunities at Swan Lake. You can be assured that anti-hunting interests will be pressuring the Service to eliminate hunting or at the very least, not to expand hunting opportunities.
NEW YORK: Senate Gun Control Bill Could Ban All Semi-Automatic Handguns In New York! The New York State Senate is currently considering legislation, which would ban the sale of virtually all semi-automatic handguns in the state. Since the Senate could vote on this bill at any time, it is critical that you call your state Senator immediately and ask them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 6005.
This bill (S 6005) would require all semi-automatic handguns delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp certain information about the firearm (such as the make, model and serial number) into the cartridge case when the gun is discharged. This bill does not exempt models currently available, making all of these guns illegal for sale in New York unless they are redesigned by their manufacturers, which would vastly increase the cost of these firearms. Its Assembly counterpart, Assembly Bill 6468C, has already passed and the State Senate is our last opportunity to defeat this bill.
Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that is easily defeated with common household tools and the replacement of a few small parts. It has no public safety value, adds substantially to the cost of the firearm and potentially puts other gun owners at risk of prosecution since criminals will no doubt collect fired brass from shooting ranges to leave at crime scenes. If passed, the availability of semi-automatic handguns in New York will be in serious doubt, as manufacturers simply may choose not to build or sell firearms for purchase in the state. Of course, that is the ultimate goal of this legislation. Make no mistake, this is a gun ban and it must be stopped.
It is imperative that you stand-up and make your voice heard in opposition to this attack on our rights. Please contact your State Senator, IMMEDIATELY at 518-455-2800 and respectfully urge them to oppose S 6005. To identify your State Senator, please click here.
TENNESSEE: Legislature Wraps Up 2010 Session The Tennessee General Assembly's 2010 Session adjourned sine die on Thursday, June 10. A few days prior to adjournment, the Assembly overrode Governor Phil Bredesen's (D) veto of Senate Bill 3012! SB 3012 goes into effect on June 4 an will allow a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense in restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions. In a strong affirmation of our Second Amendment rights, the Tennessee Legislature worked diligently this session to successfully pass several pro-gun measures into law. To learn more about these bills, please click here.
Williamson County Commissioners to Consider Resolution to Ban Handguns in Parks On Monday, June 14, the Williamson County Commissioners will vote on Resolution 6-10-11. This resolution will prohibit handguns in county parks, recreation areas and other similar public places owned or operated by Williamson County. Last year's ban on firearms in parks expired June 1. Resolution 6-10-11 would continue this ban indefinitely. The Williamson County Commission will meet Monday, June 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Williamson County Administrative Office Complex at 1320 West Main Street in Franklin. The public will be able to speak in front of the Commission, so if you intend to attend this meeting, be sure to arrive early and sign up to speak. There will only be a limited amount of time for public input at the meeting. Please contact the Williamson County Commissioners and urge them to OPPOSE Resolution 6-10-11. Contact information for the Commissioners can be found here. You may also contact Mayor Rogers Anderson at (615) 790-5700.
Comments Needed on Management Plan for Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The 51,000 acre Refuge is comprised of three separate units that run along 65 miles of the Tennessee River in Henry, Benton, Decatur, and Humphreys Counties. The Refuge offers limited hunting for deer, turkey, squirrel, raccoon, and resident Canada geese. The three management alternatives presented in the plan would continue to provide for hunting, in varying degrees. Alternative B, which has a public use emphasis, would increase hunting for deer and would consider new types of hunts. The plan can be viewed at under "Draft CCP Documents." Scroll down to Tennessee. The Service is accepting public comments until July 7th and comments may be emailed to [email protected]. For further information you may call 731-432-0981. It is important to the future of hunting in the Refuge that hunters comment on this draft plan. You can be assured that anti-hunters and animal rights activists will file comments urging the Service to reduce or eliminate hunting in the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge.
WEST VIRGINIA: Governor Manchin Signs Bill to Prevent Bloomberg's Gun Dealer Entrapment Schemes On Wednesday, Governor Joe Manchin (D) signed NRA-supported Senate Bill 1005 into law in West Virginia. He had vetoed the original version of this bill (SB 515) earlier this year due to a drafting error. Recognizing the importance of this measure, Governor Manchin added SB 515 to his agenda for the 2010 Extraordinary Session and it was renumbered SB 1005. Both bills, introduced by State Senator Jeff Kessler (D-2), will make it a crime to knowingly solicit illegal gun sales and to conduct illegal sting operations like those conducted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Comments Needed on Management Plan for Canaan Valley National Refuge The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a plan to guide management of the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge for the next 15 years. The 16,000 acre Refuge is located in a high elevation valley in Tucker County and includes the largest wetland complex in the state. The Refuge offers hunting, but the new plan would open more hunter access into the interior of the Refuge and open more land to rifle hunting. All three management alternatives described in the plan would enhance hunting opportunities. The plan can be viewed at Click on "Refuge CCP's" and scroll down to Canaan. The Service is accepting public comments until July 16th and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. Please put "Canaan Valley NWR CCP" in the subject line. For further information, you may call 304-866-3858. It is important to the future of hunting in Canaan that hunters comment on this draft plan. You can be assured that anti-hunters and animal rights activists will file comments urging the Service to reduce or eliminate hunting in Canaan.