Pro-gun patriots rolled up their sleeves and went to work at today's NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop, held in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Pittsburgh, Penn. Though most attendees were home state Pennsylvanians, NRA members were represented from states from across the country. Diversity in geography notwithstanding, all were united in a singular mission--learning what MORE they could do to affect legislative change this year and prepare for the 2012 elections!
As they do every year, many of NRA's Officers stopped by the workshop to pay tribute to the attendees who serve as the tips of our grassroots arrow. NRA President Ron Schmeits, NRA First Vice President David Keene, NRA Second Vice President Jim Porter, and NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre each came to the podium and gave credit for NRA's successes to whom it rightly belongs--our members and grassroots activists. Each stressed the need for attendees to re-double their efforts not just this year, but in preparation for the all-important 2012 elections. Also in attendance were a number of NRA-ILA's Election Volunteer Coordinators (EVCs)--who once again are prepared to lead the charge in recruiting and organizing pro-gun volunteers.
NEW STUDY POINTS TO TRUTH ABOUT MEXICAN CARTELS' GUNS: The Woodrow Wilson International Center, which previously accepted as fact that incredible numbers of newly purchased firearms were being smuggled from the U.S. to Mexico, has just released a report showing that the numbers have been incredibly exaggerated. The revelation shifts the blame for Mexico's drug cartel problem away from America's "lax" gun laws, and squarely in the direction of Mexican officials and Central American weapons smugglers.
BATFE REQUESTS COMMENT PERIOD EXTENSION FOR PROPOSED MULTIPLE RIFLE SALES REPORTING RULE: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives today republished its proposal to require firearm dealers to report multiple sales of various rifles. Compared to its initial request in December, which was rejected as an "emergency" request, the new notice clarifies that the proposed requirement would apply only to dealers in four southwestern states, and would apply only to semi-automatic rifles of a caliber greater than .22 (including .223) and that can use detachable magazines. The notice fails to address the NRA's comments, which pointed out that the agency has no legal authority to demand this information.
STILL TIME TO COMMENT ON PROPOSED SHOTGUN IMPORT BAN: As we reported on Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not "generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes." Comments to the BATFE may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], or by fax to (202) 648-9601, and must be received by May 1, 2011. Faxed comments may not exceed 5 pages. All comments must include name and mailing address.
URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO COSPONSOR H.R. 822, THE NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY RECIPROCITY ACT OF 2011: Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.
SECOND AMENDMENT WEEKEND BASS PRO SHOPS IN OHIO: Join NRA-ILA staff on Friday, May 13th and Saturday, May 14th, 2011, for two days of important grassroots education. With what has already been a very busy 2011, we must redouble our efforts to ensure we're prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges we will face. Please make plans to attend NRA-ILA's FREE Grassroots Workshop and Legislative discussion to learn what you can do to become a better activist in the fight to protect and promote the Second Amendment!
ANOTHER WAY TO GET INVOLVED--JOIN NRA'S FACEBOOK AND TWITTER GROUPS: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
HELP DEFEND YOUR GUN RIGHTS ONE CLICK AT A TIME: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It's the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
ILLINOIS: Right-to-Carry Bill Under Attack in Springfield!
Anti-gun extremists are working overtime to derail efforts to pass House Bill 148, the NRA-supported Right-to-Carry Bill. Illinois is one of only two states that prohibit law-abiding citizens from lawfully carrying a concealed firearm for personal protection. A vote on this legislation could take place at any time, so contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 148.
IOWA: Natural Resources Commission Taking Public Comment on Proposed Rules for the New Dove Season!
On May 24, the Iowa Natural Resources Commission will meet to discuss the rules for the recently proposed mourning dove hunting season. The commission is currently accepting public comment and your input is needed. Please contact the Iowa Natural Resources Commission and help them in their efforts to establish the best possible mourning dove season.
KENTUCKY: Kentucky to Consider Establishing Sandhill Crane Hunting Season
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) is currently considering instituting a hunting season for the now prosperous Sandhill Crane population. The KDFWR is accepting public comment on this issue, leading up to and during their meeting on May 6. Please contact the KDFWR and let them know that re-establishing this once proud tradition would not only contribute to Kentucky's hunting heritage, but is in best interest in the continuing growth of the Sandhill Crane population.
NEBRASKA: NRA-Backed Bill Becomes Law
On April 26, Legislative Bill 512 was signed into law by Governor Dave Heineman. LB 512 requires the state to provide mental health information to the federal instant check database and provide a relief-from-disabilities process. It also allows law enforcement officers and security personnel to carry firearms at schools and school events.
Nebraska's Concealed Handgun Permit Satisfies Federal Background Check Requirement According to BATFE!
On April 21, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) responded to the Nebraska State Patrol's request to review the Concealed Handgun Permit Act, as amended by Legislative Bill 817 in 2010. BATFE determined that the CHP does qualify as an alternative to a redundant background check.
NEVADA: Several Pro-Gun Bills Advance in Nevada
Several pro-gun bills are on the move including Senate Bill 231 (Campus Protection Act), Assembly Bill 217 (non-contiguous state long gun purchases), Assembly Bill 321 (no duty to retreat), Senate Bill 175 (names of CCW permit holders to be held confidential), and Senate Bill 279 (mandates background investigations for right-to-carry permit renewals). Please contact your state Senator and urge him or her to support SB 231 and AB 217. Also, please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and urge them to support SB 175 and SB 279.
NORTH CAROLINA: Second Amendment Agenda Set in the State Senate
Last week the Senate bill filing deadline passed and pro-gun bills introduced include Senate Bill 34 (castle doctrine), Senate Bill 594 (emergency powers), and Senate Bill 765 (gun owner privacy). On April 19, the state House passed Senate Bill 406, which would repeal the requirement to obtain a purchase permit before acquiring a crossbow, and this bill is now before Governor Bev Perdue, who is expected to sign it.
NORTH DAKOTA: Gun Rights Restoration Legislation Signed into Law
On April 27, House Bill 1269 was signed into law by Governor Jack Dalrymple. HB 1269 will implement requirements set forth in the federal NICS Improvements Amendment Act of 2007 by granting persons who have lost their firearm rights because of a mental health commitment or adjudication the right to petition to have them restored.
OHIO: Two Pro-Gun Bills are on the Move
Two pro-gun bills are up for a possible vote on the House floor at any time. House Bill 45 is an important self-defense reform that would simplify where one can carry with a permit. House Bill 54 would allow individuals a pathway to restore firearm rights. Please contact your state Representative and respectfully urge him or her to support HB 45 and HB 54.
OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma Senate Passes "Employee Protection" Expansion Bill!
On April 26, the Oklahoma Senate passed House Bill 1652, the NRA-backed employee protection expansion bill, and it will now be sent to conference committee.
Governor Mary Fallin Signs Legislation Designating an Official "Second Amendment Day"
June 28 of each year is now "Second Amendment Day" in Oklahoma. June 28 is the date of the U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down Chicago's decades-old gun ban and recognizing that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is applicable to the states.
OREGON: Department of Fish and Wildlife to Hold Public Meetings on Big Game Regulations
This May, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) will hold several public meetings throughout the state to discuss big game hunting regulations. It is important that our members make their voices heard and participate in this process.
PENNSYLVANIA: Your Support is Needed to Save Pennsylvania's Sporting Tradition
Senate Bill 626, which would criminalize and ban organized bird shoots, has been kept on the active Senate Calendar, although no vote was taken this week. Please call your state Senator and urge him or her to oppose SB 626.
Please Attend the Sixth Annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally!
Please join David Keene, NRA's incoming President, and other Second Amendment activists to voice support for our cherished firearm freedoms. On May 10, at the State Capitol in Harrisburg, Second Amendment supporters will gather in solidarity for our gun rights.
TENNESSEE: Handgun Carry by University Faculty and Staff Legislation to be Heard in Senate Judiciary Committee
Senate Bill 399 is expected to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3. SB 399 would allow all full-time college and university faculty and staff with a Handgun Carry Permit to carry handguns on campus. House Bill 2016, the companion bill, is expected to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee on May 3.