UK Mayhem Leaves Disarmed Citizens at the Mercy of Criminals
By now you have seen the headlines and images of destruction: the rioting, looting, violent assaults, and arson. London and other UK cities look like war zones and their citizens are afraid to venture out, because the danger is very real. It’s a view of the temporary breakdown of society. It is gut check time; a time when the concept of being able to defend oneself gives way to the stark reality that few viable options to do so exist.
Gun laws in the UK are among the most restrictive in the world. In March of 1996, a deranged man walked into a school in Dunblane, Scotland and killed 16 children and one teacher. In the aftermath of this tragedy, British politicians sought to reduce violent crime by enacting a ban on all handguns. Handgun owners were given a February 1998 deadline to turn in their firearms--and they did. The UK was supposed to become a much safer place--but dramatic increases in crime following the gun ban proved it didn't.
A July 3, 2009, Daily Mail article reported that "Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European Union, it has been revealed. Official crime figures show the U.K. also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa."
Students For Concealed Carry On Campus Hold National Conference: Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprising over 42,000 college students, professors, college employees, parents of college students, and concerned citizens who believe that holders of state-issued concealed handgun licenses should be allowed the same measure of personal protection on college campuses that they enjoy virtually everywhere else.
In Case You Missed It: Introducing The NRA-ILA Legal Update! To give NRA members and gun owners the latest information on Second Amendment cases filed or supported by NRA-ILA, we are pleased to announce a new online newsletter, the NRA-ILA Legal Update.
Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA’s Facebook And Twitter Groups: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
CALIFORNIA:Legislature Returns to Work on August 15 and Anti-Gun Legislation is on the Schedule
The California Legislature returns to work this Monday, August 15. It is imperative that you call AND e-mail your state Senator and Assemblyman TODAY and respectfully urge them to OPPOSE several anti-gun bills and support the NRA CCW reform legislation. To view all the legislation and find contact information for your state Senator and Assemblymember, please click here.
FLORIDA: Hunting Management Plan Underway for Big Cypress National Preserve
The National Park Service has announced that it will be conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) in association with the preparation of a Hunting Management Plan (Plan) for Big Cypress National Preserve, including the Addition lands. Big Cypress was created in 1974 and with the Addition lands added in 1988, the Preserve encompasses 728,000 acres. Hunting, fishing and trapping are permitted within the Preserve, except that the Addition lands have been closed to hunting since acquisition. The Plan will address opening these lands to hunting for the first time.
The Park Service has proposed three management strategies. Under Alternative 1, the joint Park Service and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission process currently utilized to manage hunting within the original Preserve would be extended to the Addition lands. Under Alternative 2, the Addition lands would remain closed to hunting, but hunting would continue within the original Preserve. Under Alternative 3, the US Fish and Wildlife Service would be brought into a cooperative framework for managing hunting in the Preserve, including the Addition lands.
The Service is asking for public input on the draft purpose, need, objectives and alternative management strategies to be included in the Plan/EA. The public comment period is open until September 16th. To comment on the project, please go to and click on Big Cypress National Preserve. Click on the “Open for Comment” link on the left and select the document to review and comment. Two public meetings will be held this month. On August 30 from 5pm-7:30pm, the public meeting will be held at Edison State College, 7007 Lely Cultural Parkway, Naples 34113. The second meeting is on August 31 from 5pm-7:30pm at the Hyatt Regency Bonaventure, 250 Racquet Club Road, Weston 33326.
Please take the time to participate in the planning process either by attending one of the public meetings and/or submitting comments reflecting your interests in the Hunting Management Plan for all of Big Cypress. Please support opening the Addition lands to hunting. Assurances were made when these lands were added to Big Cypress that traditional activities like hunting would be continued. That promise has yet to be kept after nearly a quarter century. It is time that a Plan be developed to provide hunters with access to the Addition lands, as well as to forge a Plan that provides good access and opportunities for hunters in the original Preserve lands.
MASSACHUSETTS: Urge Your State Legislators to Cosponsor Pro-Second Amendment Bill
Assistant House Minority Leader George Peterson will be introducing a bill entitled “An Act to Repeal the Ban on Modern Sporting Arms." This bill would repeal Massachusetts’ ban on so-called “assault weapons.” Please call and e-mail your state Senator AND Representative urging him or her to cosponsor this important pro-gun bill. Contact information for your state Senator and Representative can be found here.
NEVADA: Sheriffs and Chiefs Delay Vote on Major CCW Reform
At last month’s Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association meeting, a "vote to authorize a formal letter" was delayed until the September 17 meeting in Fallon so sheriffs could "evaluate the impact the NICS exemption would have on their agencies. If the formal letter from the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association to BATFE requesting the re-instatement of the NICS exemption is not sent soon, Nevada’s CCW permit holders are subject to months of additional background check fees on firearm purchases. Please politely contact your county Sheriff asking him to move forward with the request to BATFE without delay and without an unnecessary vote. Contact information for your county Sheriff can be found here.
PENNSYLVANIA: Hearing on Sunday Hunting Scheduled for September 15
On Thursday, September 15, the Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee will hold its second public hearing to consider ending the prohibition on Sunday hunting. This hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the East Allen Township Municipal Building, 5344 Nor-Bath Boulevard; Northampton, PA 18067. Please continue to contact members of the House Game and Fisheries Committee and urge them to support expanding Sunday hunting. Contact information for this committee can be found here.
WASHINGTON: Plan for Columbia National Wildlife Refuge of Importance to Hunters
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has drafted a plan to guide management of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge for the next fifteen years. The Refuge is scattered across four counties in the Columbia Basin of east-central Washington near Othello. The management plan is open for public comment until August 28 which can be submitted at Click on “Draft Management Plan” in the orange box and it will show you how to submit comments online. You may also submit comments to: [email protected]. Please include “Columbia CCP Comments” in the subject line of all correspondence.