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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 19, No. 7 2/17/2012

On the Second Amendment, Obama Budget Tells All


Barack Obama’s careful effort to hide his anti-Second Amendment agenda is starting to come undone.  The latest evidence is found in the budget he sent to Congress this past week.

As we reported last fall, NRA was very successful in having a number of provisions included in the annual spending bills that are important protections for our rights.  Obama grudgingly signed the Fiscal Year 2012 spending bills that contained those “riders,” although in his signing statement, he announced his intent to defy some. Now, in Obama’s FY 2013 budget, he proposes eliminating many of them outright.

One of the most egregious is the deletion of a provision first added for FY 2012 that prohibits any future “Fast & Furious” style operations. In an official summary, the administration says the restriction is “not necessary.”  (Read more.)

Did Other Federal Agencies Know About “Fast And Furious?”  It has been said that if you tell a lie often enough, and convincingly enough, people will start to believe it is true.  Perhaps that’s the tack U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is taking regarding his, and the Department of Justice’s, role in the now-infamous “Fast and Furious” gunrunning operation that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives ran out of its Phoenix office.  (Read more.)

NRA at U.N. Arms Trade Meeting:  As we have done in the past, NRA attended a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty meeting in New York City this week. (Read more.)

Justice Ginsburg Reminds Us What is at Stake in November:  We reported last week on liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dim view of the Constitution, noting that Ginsburg was recently quoted as saying, “I would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.” 

This week, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox wrote an excellent column on Townhall.com that is must-reading if you want clear insight into what is at stake in this year’s critical presidential election.  To read the column, please click here.

Watch “Gunny” Take Charge!  Too many Americans have, for one reason or another, chosen to sit on the sidelines by not registering to vote. Unfortunately, this includes too many American gun owners. (Read more.)

Defeat the Holder/Obama Gun Registration Scheme:  U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama administration have devised and implemented a plan that amounts to a gun registration scheme.  (Read more.)

Plan to Attend Free Grassroots Workshop at NRA’s Upcoming Annual Meetings in St. Louis, MO!  With so much at stake in the 2012 elections, this Grassroots Workshop will provide tips and strategies on how gun owners can work more effectively to elect a pro-gun President, Members of Congress, and state legislatures who will preserve our rights. In addition to hearing from NRA Officers and NRA-ILA staff, for the first time ever, a panel of your fellow NRA members, giving firsthand accounts of their grassroots strategies and successes, will be integrated into the program.  (Read more.)

Firearms Law Seminar: The 15th Annual Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 13, 2012, as part of the NRA Annual Meeting. The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for practicing attorneys who represent firearms owners, licensed dealers and gunsmiths, as well as for attorneys wishing to expand their practice to such clients, and others having an interest in Second Amendment law. (Read more.)

Grassroots News Minute Video:  To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXZWsV2xK0

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

For additional information, please click on the links provided.

ARIZONA: Legislation to Strengthen the Second Amendment Rights of Individuals on Public Property Advances for House Floor Vote
On February 15, House Bill 2729 was given a “do pass” recommendation in the House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee by a 6 to 2 vote.  HB 2729, among other things, amends various sections of the Arizona Revised Statutes to remove the current prohibition on entering a public establishment or attending any public event while carrying a deadly weapon on one’s person, and instead provides for regulation of firearms and ammunition on public property only if specific criteria are met.

Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes in Committee and is Sent to House floor!
On February 8, the Arizona House Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety passed House Bill 2728.  This NRA-backed pro-hunting legislation could now be voted on by the state House as early as next week.  Enactment of HB 2728 would allow hunters in Arizona to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting. This bill needs your support!

Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Campus Personal Protection Bill!
On February 7, the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee passed Senate Bill 1474. This bill would enable law-abiding citizens to defend themselves while on the grounds of higher education campuses.  SB 1474 will now be sent to the Senate floor for a vote.  Please call AND e-mail your state Senator and encourage him or her to support this important personal protection legislation!

COLORADO: Vital NRA-Backed Bills Pass House Committee
On February 9, after extensive testimony in support of NRA-drafted bills, House Bill 1048 and House Bill 1064 passed in the state House Judiciary Committee.  HB 1048 would eliminate the duplicative and broadly disqualifying state-run Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) InstaCheck system for the purchase of firearms and solely utilize the existing National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).  HB 1064 would prohibit the state or any government agency, during a declared state of emergency, from prohibiting or restricting your Second Amendment rights.

GEORGIA: Firearms Destruction Prevention Legislation Passes Senate Committee Unanimously
On February 9, Senate Bill 350 passed unanimously in the state Senate Judiciary Committee, along with an amendment that would require law enforcement agencies to begin the process of returning seized firearms within thirty days of a court’s final judgment.  SB 350 would mandate municipal, county and state police authorities return all seized firearms, not currently being held as evidence in a criminal investigation, to the lawful owner if able.  If the lawful owner is not found or unable to take possession of the firearm, SB 350 would require these agencies to sell these firearms at a public auction to a licensed firearms dealer. 

ILLINOIS: Statewide Handgun Registry and Ammunition Tax Bills Filed in the House
Two bills assaulting your Second Amendment rights have been filed in Springfield this past week.  Introduced on February 17 by state Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-14), House Bill 5167 seeks to impose a punitive tax on firearm ammunition purchases.  House Bill 5631, sponsored by Representative William Davis (D-30), would force law-abiding handgun owners to comply with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s (D) proposed statewide handgun registry scheme.

INDIANA: House Takes Up NRA-Backed Pro-Hunting Legislation!
After passing in the Indiana Senate with overwhelming bi-partisan support, NRA-backed Senate Bill 243 now awaits its hearing in the House Public Policy Committee.  A hearing could be set as early as Wednesday, February 22.  SB 243 would allow Hoosiers to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting.  Currently, Indiana law permits use of suppressors for all shooting activities except for the taking of game. 

Charity Gaming Bill Benefitting Friends of NRA Banquets Passes House Committee!
On February 15, the Indiana House Public Policy Committee voted 8 to 0 to pass Senate Bill 315, authored by state Senator Randy Head (R-18) and sponsored by Representative Mark Messmer (R-63). This bill will now be sent to the House floor for its second reading vote as early as Monday, February 20. SB 315 would streamline the licensing and reporting process for charity gaming events, such as Friends of NRA Banquets.

IOWA: Fight Over Ammunition Ban for Dove Hunting Reaches Critical Point!
The battle over a potential lead shot ban for dove hunting continues to rage in Des Moines.  This issue is far bigger than many Second Amendment supporters in the Hawkeye state realize. This is not an attack on just the newly-established dove season, but a direct attack on both hunters and shooters. House Joint Resolution 2001, legislation that would prevent Iowa from being the first state to impose such an unfounded and comprehensive ban on lead ammunition, has already passed in the state House of Representatives by an overwhelming bipartisan 73 to 27 vote.  It now faces its biggest hurdle in the state Senate.  House members showed the courage of their convictions and now it's time that we make sure the state Senate does the same!

MAINE: Employee Protection Bill Moves to the House Floor
On February 13, LD 1603 was voted “ought to pass” as amended vote by the Maine Joint Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee by an 8 to 5.  LD 1603 will now go to the House floor for consideration. Legislative Document 1603 would prohibit the state from banning a state employee, who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm, from keeping a firearm in his or her vehicle on state property as long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible.

MICHIGAN: Heading in the Right Direction with Youth Mentored Hunting Program
On February 10, the Michigan Natural Resources Commission approved an NRA-backed program that encourages youth participation in hunting, trapping and fishing.  Although this program contains unnecessary and vague language requiring mentored hunters to “stay at arm’s length” of an adult mentor, Michigan’s Mentored Youth Hunting Program is a significant step in the right direction.  As has been proven in other states, mentored hunting programs are an essential tool for recruiting the next generation of hunters.

MINNESOTA: Gun Rights Bill Under Attack!
The state Senate Finance Committee recently passed House File 1467, one of the NRA’s top legislative priorities, by a 10 to 5 vote.  This important legislation, sponsored by state Senator Gretchen Hoffman (R-10) and state Representative Tony Cornish (R-24B), is expected to be considered by the full Senate next week.  Because a Senate vote is likely next week, opponents and anti-gun forces are using every means possible to keep HF 1467 from passing and becoming law, so it is imperative that you contact your state Senator today and urge him or her to support HF 1467. This bill includes stand your ground legislation, universal recognition for concealed carry permits and emergency powers reform.

NEBRASKA: Employee Protection Legislation to be Heard in Committee
Legislative Bill 785 has been scheduled to be heard in the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 22, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1113 of the Nebraska Capitol.
LB 785 would allow the transportation and storage of firearms in locked personal vehicles while on publicly-accessible parking lots.  

NEW HAMPSHIRE: NRA-Backed Pro-Gun Bill Still Alive in state Senate after Three Pro-Gun Bills get Sent to Interim Study
On February 8, the New Hampshire Senate sent three pro-gun bills, House Bill 194, House Bill 330 and House Bill 334 to interim study.  Therefore New Hampshire gun owners now need to focus on NRA-backed House Bill 536.  HB 536 is currently pending consideration in the state Senate.  This Right-to-Carry legislation would repeal the existing law that requires a person to have a concealed firearm license in order to carry concealed.

NEW MEXICO: Senate Bill 26 Passes House and is Sent to Governor Martinez!
Senate Bill 26, sponsored by state Senator Bill Payne (R-ABQ) and carried in the House during the last few critical days of session by state Representative Bill Rehm (R-ABQ), passed in the state House by an overwhelming 61 to 6 vote the night before the Legislature adjourned sine die on February 16.  This bill is now on its way to Governor Susana Martinez for her signature. 

OREGON: CHL Confidentiality Bill Needs Your Immediate Help!
On February 15, NRA-supported House Bill 4045 passed in the state House of Representatives by a 44 to 14 vote.  HB 4045 has been forwarded to the Oregon Senate, but has not yet been assigned to a committee.  HB 4045 would provide for the confidentiality of Concealed Handgun License holders’ personal information.  It is extremely important that NRA members contact Senate President Peter Courtney (D-11) as soon as possible and ask that he assign HB 4045 to a committee and order a hearing with no amendments attached so this bill can move to the Senate floor immediately.

PENNSYLVANIA: House Action on Firearms Preemption Enhancement Bill Postponed until March
The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has again postponed its second consideration of the NRA-backed House Bill 1523 - this time until the week of March 12.  House Bill 1523, sponsored by state Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-12), would strengthen Pennsylvania’s firearms preemption law to further ensure firearm and ammunition laws are uniform throughout the state.  

TEXAS: Parks and Wildlife Commission Opens Public Comment Period for Allowing Suppressor Use While Hunting
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission is seeking public comment on a proposed rule change allowing the use of suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for the hunting of game species.  Currently, Texas law permits the use of lawfully-possessed suppressors for all other shooting activities, including the taking of nuisance species.  Enactment of this rule change would ensure that hunting is treated the same way as other shooting activities with respect to the use of suppressors, and allow all hunters to reap the many benefits suppressor use provides.

VIRGINIA: House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee Sends Four Pro-Gun Bills to the House Floor
On February 17, the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee passed four pro-gun bills, sending them to the House of Delegates for consideration next week.  During its meeting, the committee passed legislation to strengthen your Second Amendment rights during a declared state of emergency as well as two bills that would streamline the concealed carry permit process.  The fourth bill passed in committee was the Senate companion of House Bill 940, one-gun-a-month repeal, which was recently passed in the Senate and sent to Governor Bob McDonnell. However, one NRA-supported bill, Senate Bill 429, was carried over until next year.

Sunday Hunting Tabled for Remainder of 2012 Legislative Session
On February 15, the state House Natural Resources Subcommittee tabled Senate Bill 464 for the rest of this current legislative session.  SB 464, sponsored by state Senator Ralph Northam (D-6), would have allowed hunting on private land and public waterways on Sundays. Repealing the prohibition on Sunday hunting in Virginia will continue to be a top legislative priority for the NRA. 

Planning Process Underway for James River National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing a new management plan for the James River National Wildlife Refuge which is located along the James River in Prince George County, eight miles southeast of Hopewell and thirty miles southeast of Richmond. The 4,325-acre refuge is open to deer hunting.  The USFWS is inviting public comments to help shape management decisions on the refuge for the next fifteen years. Once a plan is drafted it will be made available for public review and comment.  The Service has identified several preliminary issues, concerns, and opportunities, including the amount and distribution of public use.  If you want to become involved in the planning process, you may submit comments to [email protected].  Please include “James River CCP” in the subject line.  For further information you may call Meghan Carfioli, the Planning Team Leader, at 804-829-5413.

WASHINGTON: Three Firearm-Related Measures Move Forward
On February 13, House Bill 1508, legislation relating to shooting ranges, was amended and passed in the state House by a 93 to 5 vote.  On February 14, House Bill 2471, a background check reform bill, passed in the state House by a 96 to 2 vote.  Additionally, Senate Bill 6123, an NRA special license plate bill, passed in the state Senate by a 36 to 13 vote. At this time no action is needed on your part.

Lead Shot Ban on Pheasant Release Sites
Last September, we informed you about the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission’s overly broad ban on the use of traditional ammunition (lead ammunition) for all upland game hunting on all of the state’s pheasant release sites.  Unfortunately, the WDFW has ignored the NRA’s and your requests to repeal the ban.  The proposed rules for the 2012-2014 seasons can be found here.  Citizens have until Tuesday, February 21, to submit public comment regarding these proposed rules. 

WEST VIRGINIA: NICS Exemption Bill Passes Senate Committee Unanimously
On February 15, the state Senate Judiciary Committee passed Senate Bill 353 unanimously by a voice vote.  SB 353, introduced by state Senate Majority Leader John Unger (D-16) and Senate President Jeff Kessler (D-2), would expedite the process of purchasing a firearm for valid concealed carry permit holders by making West Virginia eligible for an exemption from the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.