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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 20, No. 7 2/15/2013

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 20, No. 7 02/15/2013

Obama Justice Department Reveals Truth About State of the Union Claims

Despite long odds, on Tuesday night, Barack Obama managed to turn in a State of the Union performance that was filled with more theatrical pandering than the event is typically known for. Once again seeking to capitalize off tragedy by opting for emotional, rather than reasoned arguments, the President reiterated his support for increased background checks and bans on common semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, which he referred to as "weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines."

As usual, Obama's remarks were short on evidence that his gun control proposals would work. Of course, that evidence is sorely lacking--and who would know that better than the experts at his own Justice Department?

In a white paper dated January 4 and obtained by NRA-ILA, the deputy director of the National Institute for Justice--DOJ's research and evaluation agency--said that the proposals before Congress are unlikely to have an effect unless they are made even more draconian. For instance, the document makes clear that the effectiveness of "universal" background checks "depends on … requiring gun registration." On the topic of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, NIJ writes, "In order to have an impact, large capacity magazine regulation needs to sharply curtail availability to include restrictions on importation, manufacture, sale, and possession." As for popular semi-automatic firearms, the NIJ notes, "Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to U.S. gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapons ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. If coupled with a gun buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective."


Senate Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Second Amendment

On Tuesday, February 12, career gun control advocate Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) held a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing inappropriately titled, "Protecting Our Communities While Respecting the Second Amendment." Much of the hearing featured a severe lack of respect for the Second Amendment, though, as the panel was stocked with several gun control supporters and was presumably aimed at invigorating the country's waning appetite for anti-gun legislation.

The attack on guns began at the outset of the hearing, with Sen. Durbin's opening remarks. In his statement, Sen. Durbin endorsed all manner of federal gun control proposals, including legislation criminalizing the private sales of firearms, a ban on popular semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, and a magazine capacity limit. Showing his disdain for gun ownership, the senator seemed to set gun owners apart from other Americans when he asked rhetorically, "Can we protect a person's right to own a firearm and still say to the rest of America, we also need to protect your right to life, to peace, to freedom from violence from those same firearms?"



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Wayne LaPierre Responds to State of the Union Address

Executive Vice President of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, responded to President Obama's State of the Union Address from the 37th Annual Convention and Sport Show of the National Wild Turkey Federation in Nashville, Tennessee.

"They only care about their decades old agenda — ban every gun they can, tax every gun sold and register every gun owner."

Click "Read More" to watch the full video online.


Illinois Sheriffs' Association Opposes State's Proposed "Assault Weapons" Ban

The Illinois Sheriffs' Association has come out in opposition to the state's proposed "assault weapons" ban according to a recent WJBC.com article. McLean County Sheriff Mike Emery says the ISA instead wants the state to focus more on mental health issues, not on attacking the Second Amendment and banning semi-automatic firearms.

"The ban is not going after what we believe, in the Sheriffs' Association, is the primary issue," said Sheriff Emery. "The issue is we need mental health services upgrades. We need to do a better job."



ALABAMA: NRA-Supported Omnibus Firearms Bill Referred to Senate Working Committee

ALASKA: House Committee Advances Self-Defense Legislation

ARIZONA: Bill to Prohibit Destruction of Firearms Passes House Committee

ARIZONA: Management Plan for Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Includes Motorized and Non-Motorized Hunting Opportunities

ARKANSAS: Faculty Campus Carry Passes in House Committee

ARKANSAS: Church Protection Act Signed Into Law

ARKANSAS: Urge Your Legislators to Protect the Church Protection Act and Support Right-to-Carry Confidentiality

CALIFORNIA: Glendale City Council to Consider a Proposed Ordinance to Ban Gun Shows

CALIFORNIA: Public Forum on Gun Control to be Held in Santa Rosa

COLORADO: Plan for Federal Lands in Grand Junction Area Will Close Lands to Recreational Shooting

DELAWARE: Governor Jack Markell Unveils Gun Control Plan to Leave You Defenseless

GEORGIA: NRA-Backed Hunting Reform Goes to Senate Floor

HAWAII: Anti-Gun Bills on the Move - Contact your state Senator Today!

ILLINOIS: House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on Gun Control Legislation

INDIANA: House Passes NRA-Backed Hunting Reform

IOWA: Anti-Gun Legislation on the Move

KANSAS: Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Advances in Topeka

KENTUCKY: NRA-Backed Legislation Introduced in State Legislature

MAINE: Concealed Handgun Permit Holders at Risk

MARYLAND: Fight Against Senate Bill 281 Begins with Massive Pro-Gun Turnout for Senate Judicial Proceedings Hearing

MARYLAND: URGENT! Vote on Governor’s Gun Control Scheme Moved to Next Week – Your Action Needed NOW to Protect Your Rights

MINNESOTA: Senate Gun Control Hearings Start Next Thursday

MISSISSIPPI: State Senate Approves ProGun and ProHunting Bills By Overwhelming Margins

MISSOURI: Anti-Gun Legislation Introduced That Would Turn Law-Abiding Gun Owners into Felons

NEBRASKA: NRA-Backed Bills Referred to the Judiciary Committee

NEVADA: 2013 Legislative Session Convenes

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Firearms Legislation before Committee Next Week

NEW JERSEY: Fireworks in Trenton

NEW MEXICO: New York-Style Gun & Magazine Ban Comes to New Mexico!

NEW MEXICO: House Passes Watered-Down Version of House Bill 77 While House Bill 402 Still Awaits House Committee Consideration

NEW YORK: Important Update!

NEW YORK: NRA President David Keene to Speak at NYSRPA Lobby Day and Rally on February 28th in Albany!

NORTH CAROLINA: Hunting and Recreational Shooting at Stake in Management Plan for Two National Forests

NORTH CAROLINA: Senate Committee to Consider Right-to-Carry Confidentiality Bill

OREGON: 2013 Legislative Session Begins with a Mixed Bag of Firearms Bills

PENNSYLVANIA: Attorney General Kathleen Kane Issues a Notice Regarding Non-Resident Carry Permits

SOUTH CAROLINA: Restaurant Carry to be Heard in Senate Subcommittee Next Week

SOUTH CAROLINA: Restaurant Carry Passes Senate Subcommittee

SOUTH DAKOTA: Senate Approves Right-to-Carry Reform

TEXAS: NRA–Backed Bills Under Consideration in the Lone Star State

UTAH: 2013 Legislative Session is Underway

VERMONT: Anti-Gun Lawmaker Determined to Infringe on Your Constitutional Right

VIRGINIA: Right-to-Carry Confidentiality Bill Goes to the Governor for His Signature

WASHINGTON: Your Immediate Action is Needed to Defeat Numerous Anti-Gun Bills

WASHINGTON: Your State Legislators MUST Hear from You TODAY

WISCONSIN: Governor Announces 2013 Policy Initiatives for Wisconsin Hunters and Sportsmen

WYOMING: House Passes Hunting Improvement Bill Without Harmful Amendments Today


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.