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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 20, No. 13 3/29/2013

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 20, No. 13 03/29/2013

Biden: Gun-Ban Legislation "Just the Beginning" -- Pelosi: "Not the End of the Day for this Issue"

This week, Vice-President Joe Biden, and House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), showed us--once again--how thorough their contempt is for our Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights.

According to a Washington Times article, on a Wednesday conference call organized by "Mayors Against Illegal Guns," Biden referred to current anti-gun legislation and told his anti-gun supporters, "Let me say this as clearly as I can: this is just the beginning."

As the article notes, recent surveys show increasing opposition to stricter gun control measures. But this fact matters not to Biden; nor to Pelosi, who also voiced a determination to continue pushing for gun bans, no matter what the American public says.



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Watch: More Advice from Joe Biden?


"Undead" U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Lurches Forward Despite Second Failed Conference

On March 28, the "Final" Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty came to a close without reaching its goal of consensus support for the treaty from the 193 nations in the body. Now, a group of nations led by Kenya, including the United States, has introduced a resolution to adopt the treaty to the UN General Assembly. A vote on the treaty is likely to take place in early April, with a meeting of the General Assembly having been scheduled for April 2. The goal of the states putting forth the resolution is for the treaty to be available for signing June 3. Passage of the treaty is expected, but a vote in the General Assembly has been described as a "weaker" method of adopting the treaty than the consensus adoption ATT backers had sought.


Outrage of the Week

This week's outrage comes to us from anti-gun, anti-freedom New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The mayor--who has been steadily building a justified reputation as a politician who pushes for increasingly intrusive government involvement in private citizens' lives--further bolstered that reputation with an outrageous statement.

As reported Monday by the Washington Times, Bloomberg indicated on Sunday that sometimes government does know best, and in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights and allow the government to make their personal choices for them.

"I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom," Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC.


Congressional Recess is Still On: Contact Your Lawmakers during District Work Period and Tell Them to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation

For the next week, Congress will be out on a District Work Period. During this time, your U.S. senators and House members will be back home in their respective states and districts. The Senate announced last week that anti-gun legislation will be heard on the floor the week of April 8, so this is a great opportunity for you, as a constituent, to contact your lawmaker to personally voice your strong opposition to pending legislation that would ban popular semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines, and private gun sales.

Please contact your lawmakers' district offices and set up a meeting with them. Remember, they work for you. Let your voice be heard. If you aren't able to personally visit, please be sure to call or write them. Whatever you do, please act now! And when your lawmakers return to Congress on April 8, please contact them at their D.C. offices and tell them to oppose any attacks on your Second Amendment rights.


Show Your Neighbors you'll "Stand and Fight!"

NRA-ILA has been offering three yard signs for sale featuring our “Don't Tread on my Gun Rights”, “Vote Freedom First” and “I’m the NRA & I Vote” slogans. Sales of these signs have greatly aided our efforts to raise gun owner awareness, and to raise the funds we need to accomplish our goals this year.

Due to the popularity of these three signs, NRA-ILA has designed a fourth sign that is now available! Our newest yard sign highlights our newest slogan: “I Will Stand and Fight with NRA”. Made of the same high quality materials, the new “I Will Stand and Fight with NRA” sign is bold, durable, and easy to assemble. Everything needed to assemble the sign is contained in one compact package, and all components are made in the USA.


Everything Is Bigger In Texas- Including the NRA Annual Meeting Grassroots Workshop!

At no time in recent history has it been more important for NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to be effective activists in our campaign to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights. Our freedom is under attack like never before, on multiple fronts!

As such, your attendance at this year's FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop in Houston is a critical step toward ensuring the future of our gun rights. This Workshop has been a staple of NRA’s Annual Meetings for decades, and is one of the most popular seminars of the week, attended by hundreds of freedom-loving NRA members.


Attend the NRA Annual Meetings Firearms Law Seminar in Houston!

The 16th Annual Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, May 3,, 2013, as part of NRA's Annual Meetings.

The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for practicing attorneys who represent firearms owners and licensed dealers, attorneys wishing to expand their practice to such clients, and others having an interest in Second Amendment law.



ALABAMA: Contact Your State Senator in Support of Senate Bill 286

ARIZONA: Volunteers Needed for April 6 Table Mesa Clean-Up

ARIZONA: Pro-Gun Bill Doomed Unless Your State Senator Hears from You Today

ARIZONA: Volunteers Needed for April 6 Table Mesa Clean-Up

ARKANSAS: Gun Destruction Bill to be Considered by the House

ARKANSAS: Governor Signs Important Firearm Retailer Protection Legislation, Critical Self-Defense Legislation Still Pending His Signature

CALIFORNIA: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Hearings in April

CALIFORNIA: Pro-Gun Bill to be Heard in Committee on April 2

CALIFORNIA: The NRA, CRPA, FFLGUARD Oppose City of South San Francisco’s Proposals to Ban the Sale of Hollow-Point Ammunition and Require Registration of all Ammunition Sales

COLORADO: Plan for Federal Lands in Grand Junction Area Will Close Lands to Recreational Shooting

COLORADO: Governor Hickenlooper Signed Away Your Rights Today

CONNECTICUT: Public Safety and Security Committee Moves Gun Control Bills

DELAWARE: Measure to Criminalize Private Sales and Transfers Approved by House Committee

DELAWARE: Two More Anti-Gun Markell Bills Introduced In Dover

DELAWARE: House Bill 35 Passes in State House

FLORIDA : Florida Alert: Want to Buy AMMO? Take an Anger Management Course First

HAWAII: Background Check Bill Makes Final Committee Stop

IDAHO: Pro-Gun Reform Needs Your Help Today!

IDAHO: State Senate Unanimously Approves Pro-Gun Reform

ILLINOIS: Anti-Gun Politicians Continue Attempts to Ram Gun Control Scheme Through State House

ILLINOIS: Your Action Needed NOW- Urge Your State Representative to Oppose House Bill 2265

INDIANA: Pro-Hunting Reform Bill Advances Out of Senate Committee

IOWA: Iowa Gun Confidentiality Protection Bill Receives Overwhelming Approval in the House

IOWA: Gun Owner Privacy Protection Bill Needs Your Help in Senate Subcommittee

KANSAS: Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism Makes Important Rule Change to Dramatically Increase Hunter Opportunity

KANSAS: Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism Makes Important Rule Change to Dramatically Increase Hunter Opportunity

KANSAS: State Legislature Advances Several Pro-Gun Bills

KENTUCKY: Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Signed by Governor

MARYLAND: URGENT: House Vote on Governor’s Gun Control Bill Imminent – More Restrictive Amendments Being Considered

MARYLAND: Amendments to be Considered for Senate Bill 281

MASSACHUSETTS: Join GOAL and Other Second Amendment Supporters for a Rally to Protect Your Rights on April 3

MASSACHUSETTS: Attend the Gun Owners’ Action League's Grassroots Seminar

MINNESOTA: Minnesota Anti-Gun Bill Survives House Committee, Goes to Full House for Final Approval

MINNESOTA: Governor Dayton to Host Town Hall Meetings Next Week - Your Presence is Needed

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant Signs NRA-Backed Pro-Hunting Reform into Law

MONTANA: House Committee Approves “Families Afield” Bill and Sends to House Floor for Final Vote

MONTANA: Pro-Gun Bills to be Heard as Early as Today in Helena

MONTANA: Pro-Gun/Pro-Hunting Bills Go to the Governor for His Consideration

NEVADA: Senator Segerblom Determined to Bring Draconian California Firearms Ban to Nevada and Assemblyman Horne Wants Gun Owner Money

NEVADA: Pro-Gun Bills to be Heard on Monday

NEW HAMPSHIRE: House Passes Shurtleff Criminal Protection Bill

NEW MEXICO: House Bill 77 Dies on Senate Floor as New Mexico Legislature Adjourns its 2013 Session

NEW YORK: Gov. Cuomo and Anti-Gun Legislators Admit SAFE ACT Mistakes - But Continue Assault On Lawful Gun Owners

NORTH CAROLINA: Right-to-Carry Confidentiality Legislation Overwhelmingly Passes House

OREGON: Anti-Gun Bills Aimed at Law-Abiding Citizens to be Heard on Friday, April 5

PENNSYLVANIA: Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes State Senate

SOUTH CAROLINA: Several Pro-Gun Bills on the Move

TENNESSEE: Contact Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in Support of Critical Permit Confidentiality Legislation

UTAH: Ominous Campaign Disclosure Bill Heads to Governor

VIRGINIA: Pro-Gun Legislation Receives Governor’s Signature

WEST VIRGINIA: Mayor Danny Jones and Charleston Newspapers are Fighting Against Your Gun Rights

WEST VIRGINIA: House Committee to Consider Critical Pro-Gun Reform Tomorrow

WEST VIRGINIA: Important Right-to-Carry Reform Passes Senate Committee Today


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.