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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 20, No. 19 5/10/2013

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 20, No. 19 05/10/2013

New Government Report Undercuts Obama Anti-Gun Agenda

Things haven't been very good for President Obama lately. This week, Congress heard from witnesses concerning his administration's fatal failures related to the September 11, 2012, attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Not buying into the make-believe nonsense that Obama has improved America's standing among terrorists devoted to our destruction, jihadists recently attacked the Boston Marathon. The unemployment rate has decreased by only 0.4 percentage point since January.

And then there are the things that Obama really cares about. Perhaps symbolically, this week, Republican senators Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Saxby Chambliss (Ga.) defeated Obama and Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) in a game of golf. Likewise, reporters have been suggesting that the defeat of Obama's gun control agenda in the Senate puts his political clout in as much doubt as his golf prowess.


On the Hill: Senate Narrowly Rejects Pro-Gun Amendment, While House Committee Approves Protection for Veterans

On May 8, the U.S. Senate took up consideration of S. 601, the "Water Resources Development Act of 2013." During the debate, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to extend the Right to Carry to lands administered by the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Corps manages over 11.7 million acres, including many recreational areas. In 2009, Congress passed legislation protecting the Right to Carry in national parks and wildlife refuges, but lands under Corps of Engineers management are not covered by that law.

With strong bipartisan support for the amendment, the final vote was 56-43. However, under the rules for consideration of the bill, 60 votes were required for passage.



2013 NRA Members' Meeting: Wayne LaPierre


2013 NRA Members' Meeting: Chris W. Cox


Senators Targeted Because of Pro-Gun Votes Need to Hear From You NOW!

Last month, the Senate rejected the gun control agenda being pushed by President Obama and a host of anti-gun legislators, including Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.). These anti-gun legislators failed to pass a single anti-gun proposal, leading one political commentator to call the Senate votes the "biggest loss" of Obama's presidency.

The centerpiece of the underlying bill being debated--S. 649, by Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.)--was the "universal background checks" provision authored by Sen. Schumer. Because Schumer's legislation was too severe to have any chance of passing, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) joined with Schumer and proposed a compromise measure. When voted upon, the misguided Manchin-Toomey-Schumer proposal was defeated.

Almost immediately, our opponents began to attack some of the senators who supported our Second Amendment freedoms by voting "no" on the Manchin-Toomey-Schumer measure.


Outrage of the Week

This week's outrage falls under the category of, "here we go again." A couple of seven-year-old Suffolk, Va. boys were recently suspended from school for violating their school's "weapons policy." Their violation? Pretending their pencils were guns.

Apparently, the two received the disciplinary action after they pointed their pencils at each other as if they were guns and made "gun noises" while playing in class.

You read that right. According to Bethanne Bradshaw of the Suffolk Public School system, "A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made."



ALABAMA: NRA-Backed Omnibus Firearms Bill Overwhelmingly Passes House

ARIZONA: Governor Brewer Signs Two Pro-Gun Reforms into Law

CALIFORNIA: Several Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for a Final Vote in Chamber of Origin and More to be Heard in Committee

CALIFORNIA: Get the Truth About the Proposed California Lead Ammunition Ban (AB 711) and the Misguided Campaign to Pass it

COLORADO: Plan for Federal Lands in Grand Junction Area Will Close Lands to Recreational Shooting

COLORADO: Flawed Mental Health Bill Dies in Senate Committee

DELAWARE: Markell Gun Control Legislation Passes Senate, Sent to House

DELAWARE: State House to Vote on Anti-Gun Bill This Tuesday

DELAWARE: State House to Vote on Anti-Gun Bill This Tuesday

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: D.C. Council Seeks to Mandate Discriminatory Liability Insurance for Gun Owners

IDAHO: Hunting Included in New Management Plan for Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge

ILLINOIS: Amendment to Ban Standard Capacity Magazines to be Considered

ILLINOIS: Legislature Under Pressure to Compromise on Shall-Issue Right to Carry Legislation

KANSAS: Your State Legislators Need to Hear Your Support for an Essential Pro-Gun Reform

MAINE: Important Update on Legislation that Would Impact Your Second Amendment Rights

MARYLAND: Join NRA President David Keene at the Caroline County Lincoln Day Dinner

MICHIGAN: Governor Signs Pro-Hunting Reform into Law

MISSOURI: Right-to-Carry Privacy Reform Goes to Conference Committee

MISSOURI: Your Action is Needed to Support Important Pro-Gun Bills

MONTANA: BLM Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Big Game Retrieval

MONTANA: Management Plan Closes Public Land to Target Shooting

MONTANA: Miles City Resource Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Off-road Big Game Retrieval

NEW JERSEY: Gun Control Package Advancing in Trenton Despite Outcry from Gun Owners

NORTH CAROLINA: State House Approves Right-to-Carry Reform Legislation

NORTH CAROLINA: House Committee to Hear Bill to Prohibit Destruction of Firearms on Monday

NORTH CAROLINA: House Committee to Hear Bill to Prohibit Destruction of Firearms on Monday

RHODE ISLAND: Marathon Gun Control Hearing Goes into the Early Morning Hours

SOUTH CAROLINA: Critical Self-Defense Bill Detrimentally Weakened in Senate

SOUTH CAROLINA: Governor Approves Mental Health Reform Bill

TENNESSEE: General Assembly Adjourns with Second Amendment Victories

TEXAS: House Gives Final Approval to Impressive Number of Pro-Second Amendment Bills

UTAH: Veto Override Session Needed

WASHINGTON: Act Now! Special Session to Consider Gun Control Measures Under Consideration

WASHINGTON: State Attorney General Takes Action Against Florida Gun Owners

WEST VIRGINIA: Governor Signs Two More NRA-Backed Bills into Law


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.