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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 21, No. 4 1/25/2014

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 21, No. 4 01/24/2014

California's Most Ambitious Handgun Ban Now Underway

In 1976, the Brady Campaign, then known as the National Council to Control Handguns, said that the first part of its three-part plan to get handguns and handgun ammunition made "totally illegal" was to "slow down the increasing number of handguns being produced and sold in this country." This month, anti-gunners finally got that wish in California.

America's two largest handgun manufacturers--Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger--have announced that they will stop selling new semi-automatic handguns in California, rather than comply with the state's "microstamping" law. The law applies not only to entirely new models of handguns, but also to any current-production handgun approved by the state's Roster Board, if such handgun is modified with any new feature or characteristic, however minor or superficial.



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Cuomo says Firearm Advocates, Among Others, "Have No Place in the State of New York"

Last year, anti-gun New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and the New York State Legislature conspired to circumvent normal legislative procedures in order to enact sweeping and extreme anti-gun laws in the state.

This week, the WashingtonExaminer.com reports that, during a recent interview, Cuomo added insult to injury as he listed pro-gun supporters as part of a group of extremists that "have no place in the state of New York."

Cuomo made the remarks during a radio interview while discussing an alleged division between moderate and conservative Republicans.

"Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves," Cuomo said. "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are and they're the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are."


Anti-gun Buttinskis Seek to Politicize NYPD's Firearm Procurements

Since reporting on Jersey City, N.J., Mayor Steven Fulop's adoption of a gun control questionnaire for firearms vendors in December, the campaign to leverage municipal firearms contracts to enact civilian firearms restrictions has continued. Now, the New York City Police Department is in the gun control activists' crosshairs. If successful, the campaign would subject manufacturers bidding to supply the nation's largest police force to eligibility criteria measuring the gun makers' participation in advancing several items of the anti-gun agenda, including "smart gun" technology, microstamping, and the restriction of private firearm transfers. Opposed even by former New York mayor and current anti-gun sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg, the standards would only serve to disadvantage law enforcement officers by subjecting their critical equipment to political, rather than functional, litmus tests.


Two FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshops to be held at the First Annual Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pa!

On Thursday, February 6, at 3:30 p.m., and Friday, February 7, at 1:30 p.m., your NRA-ILA will be holding two FREE workshops at the first annual Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pa. At these Workshops, we'll discuss the current issues we are facing at the federal and state levels and how you can become more involved in our mutual efforts to protect our Second Amendment rights. 2014 is gearing up to be critical time for Pro-Second Amendment supporters and there is no better way to "Stand and Fight" with NRA than to educate yourself to be a frontline activist in your community.


Volunteers needed for the Great American Outdoor Show!

The upcoming Great American Outdoor Show is a nine-day event celebrating hunting, fishing and outdoor traditions that are treasured by millions of Americans and their families. It will be held at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, from February 1-9, 2014. The GAOS will feature over 1000 exhibitors and a multitude of products, ranging from shooting manufacturers to outfitters, fishing boats to RV's, archery to art, and covering 650,000 square feet of exhibit hall space. It will also feature a jam-packed schedule of events, including concerts, fundraising dinners, speaking events, archery competitions, celebrity appearances, seminars, demonstrations and much more!



CALIFORNIA: California’s Microstamping Requirement Bans Sale of Improved Pistols – Dealers Face Shortage of Handguns Approved For Sale

COLORADO: Bill to Repeal Private Transfer Background Checks is Scheduled to be Heard in Senate Committee

DELAWARE: Senate Committee Hearing Postponed on Senate Bill 23

INDIANA: Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Scheduled for Monday Committee Hearing

IOWA: Ensure Your Firearms Freedoms are a Priority This Session

KENTUCKY: Concealed Carry Reform Bill to be Heard Next Tuesday

MARYLAND: Pro Second Amendment Event Being Held on February 4

MISSISSIPPI: Senator Files Sportsmen’s Sales Tax Holiday Bill

NEW MEXICO: 2014 Legislative Session Convenes, Gun Control Measure Pre-Filed and Awaiting Possible Action

NEW YORK: SAFE Act Turns One Year Old This Week as New York Legislature Convenes its 2014 Legislative Session

RHODE ISLAND: Lawmakers Return to Smith Hill

SOUTH CAROLINA: Concealed Carry Reform Bill Sent to Governor

TENNESSEE: General Assembly Returns for 2014 Session

TENNESSEE: Park Carry Bill to be Heard in Committee Next Week

VERMONT: Burlington City Council Holding Final Public Hearing on Gun Control Proposals on Monday

VIRGINIA: Sunday Hunting Bill Passes Committee Hurdle and Goes to House Floor

WASHINGTON: “Universal Handgun Registration” Scheme to be Heard Next Week in Olympia

WISCONSIN: Bill to Allow Interstate Long Gun Sales Passes Assembly, Goes to Senate Committee


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.