On Wednesday, the New York Times published an article outlining Michael Bloomberg's latest attempt to buy your rights. This time, Bloomberg is dumping $50 million into the gun control cause and consolidating his anti-gun groups Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) and Moms Demand Action under a single organization, Everytown for Gun Safety. According to the article, Bloomberg's goal with the new money and group is to "outmuscle the National Rifle Association."
Right out of the gate, the Times piece mischaracterizes Bloomberg's latest endeavor. The article's first sentence states that he "plans to spend $50 million this year building a nationwide grassroots network to motivate voters who feel strongly about curbing gun violence…."
As we reported last week, Attorney General Eric Holder recently testified on Capitol Hill that the country needs to spend $2 million to study "smart" gun technology, as part of a $382 million expenditure on what the Obama administration calls "gun safety."
We recently reported that U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), sponsor of the federal "assault weapon" and "large" magazine "ban" of 1994-2004, is asking President Barack Obama to direct the BATFE to reinterpret a provision of the Gun Control Act of 1968 to prohibit the importation of various semi-automatic firearms and their parts.
It seems that seldom a week goes by that there is not a new, outrageous case of over-zealous school officials abusing "zero-tolerance" rules. This week is no exception, as our "outrage" comes to us from Lewiston High School, in Maine, where administrators suspended a 10th grade student--for 10 days--after a bright yellow squirt gun fell out of his backpack.
An article by the Denver Post reports that the number of background checks conducted on private firearm transfers in Colorado under that state's new law is only about half of what was first reported by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The revelation shines a new light on the debate over repealing the law, which gun control supporters had previously heralded as a success.
In recent Grassroots Alerts, we addressed the Obama administration's proposal to ban the trade and sale of legally owned ivory within the United States (click here to see the initial alert). The NRA supports efforts to stop poaching and the illegal trade of ivory, but this proposed ban on legally owned ivory sold domestically will have no impact on poaching of elephants and the illegal ivory trade. On the contrary, this ban will only affect honest law-abiding Americans by making their possessions valueless. Please see this New York Times article highlighting the broad spectrum of people who will be harmed by the ban.
For the next two weeks, Congress will be out on a District Work Period. During this time, your U.S. senators and House members will be back home in their respective states and districts. This is a great opportunity for you, as a constituent, to contact your lawmaker to personally voice your strong opposition to proposed bans on importing certain semi-automatic firearms and on the domestic sale of ivory and importation of elephant trophies.
The 17th Annual Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 25, 2014, as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for practicing attorneys and all others having an interest in Second Amendment law.
Topics to be discussed include gun trusts, current law suits across the country, recent changes in Illinois law, Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws, federal and state firearms disqualifications and the restoration of rights, working with firearms ranges, and legal ethics.
In recent weeks, we have been promoting your attendance at the annual NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings in Indianapolis. The Workshop, all materials, and continental breakfast prior to the Workshop are absolutely FREE!
The thrust of this Workshop will be to provide you with the tools and training to become an event more effective activist this election season.
We are extremely pleased to announce a special guest who will be speaking about his own, unique transformational journey from NRA-ILA grassroots activist to a leading Second Amendment State Senator in Indiana, Sen. Jim Tomes.
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.