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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 21, No. 31 8/8/2014

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 21, No. 31 08/08/2014

Reciprocity Mix-Up Leads to Felony Charges for Philadelphia Mom

On Tuesday, Superior Court Judge Michael Donio declined to dismiss a case for unlawful possession of a firearm against Philadelphia resident Shaneen Allen. Allen was arrested during a traffic stop last October after she volunteered to the officer that she had a firearm in her car. She mistakenly believed her Pennsylvania license to carry firearms was valid in New Jersey. This was hardly an unreasonable assumption, considering that Pennsylvania concealed carry licensees can lawfully carry in over 30 other states.

Nevertheless, Judge Donio sided with prosecutors in deciding that Allen was not covered by a 180-day gun amnesty period for the surrender of firearms in New Jersey that happened to be occurring at the time of her arrest. The judge also refused to overrule the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s decision to deny Allen a pre-trial intervention program that could have helped her avoid a criminal conviction.



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Friends Indeed: 22 State Attorneys General Join Pro-Second Amendment Brief in SAFE Act Appeal

Amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs have been filed in Nojay v. Cuomo, the appeal from the decision of Judge William Skretny last year that largely upheld New York’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (“SAFE”) Act. The plaintiffs challenged bans on large-capacity magazines and “assault weapons” (as redefined), the requirement that magazines contain no more than seven rounds, and new rules on ammunition sales, as unconstitutional. After Judge Skretnty denied most of these claims, the case (decided as New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. v. Cuomo) was appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.


Gun Control Strategists Mind Their Tongues, Look To NRA for Tactics

Facts are stubborn things. So when the facts are not in your favor, it’s not surprising that your message and strategy will need to continually change. For gun controllers – while that message may be incorrect on important facets of history, constitutional principles, Supreme Court doctrine, or even the will of the American people – $50 million dollars is quite an incentive to stay on script.

On July 31, 2014, the inaptly-named American Constitution Society for Law and Policy hosted a symposium entitled "The Second Amendment’s Past, Present & Future", featuring representatives from multiple gun control groups.


The Show-Me State Shows the Way to Safeguard Fundamental Rights

Missouri’s primary election on Tuesday included a legislatively referred constitutional amendment to strengthen Missouri’s right to arms provision. Voters approved the amendment by a 61% to 39% margin.

The passage of the amendment makes Missouri the second state to explicitly to require strict scrutiny as the standard of review in all cases involving the right to keep and bear arms. In 2012, Louisiana became the first state to do so when voters approved a referred constitutional amendment. Strict scrutiny is the most stringent standard of review used by U.S. courts when a law burdens constitutionally protected conduct.


NRA Freedom Action Foundation's "Trigger the Vote" Voter Registration Campaign

The NRA's Freedom Action Foundation (NRA-FAF) recently announced the kickoff of its 2014 "Trigger the Vote" voter registration campaign, and also unveiled its captivating new ad, "Father and Son." The campaign once again enjoys the support of Honorary Chairman Chuck Norris, and will soon be releasing exclusive new videos featuring Norris that can't be seen anywhere else.


Please Urge Your U.S. Representative to Cosponsor and Support Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act

The "Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013" (H.R. 2959)--introduced in the U.S. House by Reps. Richard Nugent (R-Fla.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah)--would allow any person who is not prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under federal law and who has a valid concealed firearm permit, to carry a concealed handgun in any state that issues its own residents permits to carry concealed firearms. Persons carrying a handgun in another state pursuant to H.R. 2959 would be subject to the laws of that state with respect to where concealed firearms may be carried. Similar legislation to H.R. 2959 passed the House in 2011 by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 272-154.


Please Take Action on Proposed Ban on the Sale and Trade of Ivory

In past Grassroots Alerts, we addressed the Obama Administration's proposal to ban the trade and sale of legally owned ivory within the United States.

The NRA supports efforts to stop poaching and the illegal trade of ivory. However, banning lawfully-owned domestic ivory will have no impact on elephant poaching in Africa. On the contrary, such a ban would affect only honest, law-abiding Americans by making their possessions valueless. Please see this New York Times article highlighting the broad spectrum of people who will be harmed by the ban.


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CALIFORNIA: Time to Put Pressure on the Legislature Again

CALIFORNIA: Pleasant Hill City Council to Consider Proposed FFL Zoning Ordinance on Monday after Unanimous Negative Recommendation by City Planning Commission

FLORIDA: Report: Discrimination against Gun Owners by Insurance Companies

FLORIDA: Alert: Who else does the Florida Sheriffs Association want to control?

FLORIDA: Alert! A Cut Dog Barks

ILLINOIS: Upcoming Committee Meeting to Discuss Firearms Rules

LOUISIANA: Gearing Up for 2014 Elections

LOUISIANA: Multiple New Pro-Gun and Pro-Hunting Laws Take Effect

MISSOURI: Missourians Approve Measure Strengthening Right to Keep and Bear Arms

MONTANA: Gearing Up for 2014 Elections

NEVADA: Judge Orders Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative Withdrawn and Revised

NEW JERSEY: Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Expanding Hunting in Great Swamp NWR

NORTH CAROLINA: Gearing Up for 2014 Elections

NORTH CAROLINA: 2014 NC Youth Education Summit Application Deadline is August 20! Apply today!

WASHINGTON: Gearing Up for 2014 Elections


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.