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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 22, No. 26 7/2/2015

Another Gun Control Claim Bites the Dust
Another Gun Control Claim Bites the Dust
If it sounds like we’re repeating ourselves, it’s because we are. For the proverbial umpteenth time, Fact Checkers at a prominent newspaper have denounced a lie being told by a supporter of expanded background checks on gun sales On Monday, the Washington Post gave Four Pinnochios to U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) for repeating a claim originated by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety group, that there has been an average of one school shooting per week since the December 2012 crime at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  
Appellate Court Again Blocks Law-Abiding D.C. Residents' Right to Bear Arms
Appellate Court Again Blocks Law-Abiding D.C. Residents' Right to Bear Arms
Armed criminals in the Nation's Capitol are breathing easier since Monday when a federal appeals court reinstated the District of Columbia's sham concealed carry licensing law, a move that again prohibits the law-abiding from exercising their right to bear arms. The court’s order allows the District to resume enforcing a provision of D.C. law found unconstitutional and blocked by a lower court in the case of Wrenn v. District of Columbia. 
Brady Campaign
Brady Campaign "A+" Politician Guilty of Weapons-Related Racketeering
The Sacramento Bee reports that former California State Sen. Leland Yee, a gun control advocate rated “A+” by the Brady Campaign, has pled guilty to weapons-related racketeering charges in an organized crime case and now faces 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Don’t Equate Same-Sex Marriage Decision with National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Don’t Equate Same-Sex Marriage Decision with National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which concerned whether same-sex marriage is a right protected by the U.S. Constitution.   Although the case did not address the right to bear arms, some pro-gun advocates began debating whether the Court’s reasoning and analysis had application to national concealed carry licensing reciprocity. 
LAPD Union Seeks Carve-out in Storage Legislation
LAPD Union Seeks Carve-out in Storage Legislation
Rightly or wrongly, the Los Angeles Police Department is the owner of a, shall we say, somewhat less than sterling reputation when it comes to respecting the civil liberties of those it serves. The department did nothing to improve this distinction last week, when its union (the Los Angeles Police Protective League--LAPPL) sought a carve-out that would protect current and retired officers from onerous new firearms storage requirements that the L.A. City Council is intent on enacting, while leaving civilians to suffer.
Divided Court Demotes Second Amendment to Second Class Status, Upholds Postal Property Ban
Divided Court Demotes Second Amendment to Second Class Status, Upholds Postal Property Ban
On June 26, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit reversed a lower court ruling that had held the U.S. Postal Service could not completely ban the possession of firearms in its parking lots. The case concerns Tad Bonidy, a Colorado man who lives in a rural area, does not get mail delivery at his residence, and must retrieve his mail from a box in a post office lobby that is open to the public at all times and has no security for visitors. A concealed carry license holder, Bonidy argued that he has a Second Amendment right to carry his firearm for self-protection when retrieving his mail, despite a Postal Service regulation broadly banning firearms from all postal property.   
In Albuquerque, Another One of Those
In Albuquerque, Another One of Those "Rare" Self-Defense Shootings
"Guns are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes," claims the Violence Policy Center (VPC), led by longtime handgun-ban advocate Josh Sugarmann, formerly of the National Coalition to Ban Handguns. However, that's something the anti-gun group probably would have a hard time convincing former CNN Headline News anchor Lynne Russell and husband Chuck de Caro to believe. Tuesday night, Russell and de Caro, both carry permit-holders, were attacked in their motel room during a robbery that turned into a gunfight. 
"Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act of 2015" Introduced to Curb BATFE Abuse
Chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources Rob Bishop (R-UT) introduced H.R. 2710, the "Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act of 2015." This bill would remove BATFE's authority to interpret or reinterpret the "sporting purposes" clauses in federal law, which only serve to undermine the core purpose of the Second Amendment. Under Chairman Bishop’s legislation, all lawful purposes – including self-defense – would have to be given due consideration and respect in the administration of federal law.
NRA All Access Season 4 Episode 2 Sneak Peek
NRA All Access Season 4 Episode 2 Sneak Peek

Hunter Cayll was born without hands, but that hasn't stopped him from pursuing his passion for the shooting sports. Follow Cayll's journey to becoming a pro shooter in this episode of NRA All Access.

Enter the FNH USA NRA Giveaway!
Enter the FNH USA NRA Giveaway!


California California
Warning to ALL California Hunters: Phase 1 of the Statewide Lead Ammunition Ban Goes into Effect on July 1
California: Extreme Ivory Ban Bill Scheduled to be heard Monday, July 6
Delaware Delaware
Delaware: Update on Legislation as the General Assembly Adjourns
Florida Florida
Florida Alert! New Gun Ownership Study is "bunkum -- pure fiction
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: NRA-Backed Pro-Gun Clarification Law Takes Effect Today
Idaho Idaho
Idaho: NRA-Backed Legislation Goes into Effect on July 1
Kansas Kansas
Kansas: Permitless Carry Law Takes Effect Today
Kentucky Kentucky
Kentucky: New Pro-Gun Laws Took Effect Last Week
Louisiana Louisiana
Louisiana: Governor Jindal Signs NRA-Backed Measures into Law!
Maine Maine
Maine: Constitutional/Permitless Carry Bill Enacted by Senate, Goes to Governor for Signature
Michigan Michigan
Michigan: Air Gun Reclassification Package Goes Into Effect
Minnesota Minnesota
Minnesota: Pro-Gun Provisions Take Effect in the North Star State
Mississippi Mississippi
Mississippi: Legislation Reducing Carry Permit Fees and Removing Permit Requirement For Certain Methods of Lawful Carry Takes Effect July 1
Missouri Missouri
Missouri Supreme Court Backs Gun Owners over Bloomberg in Court Ruling
New Hampshire New Hampshire
New Hampshire: Deadline Approaches for the Governor to Sign Constitutional Carry Legislation
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Legislation that Violates Due Process Passes Legislature
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Flawed Legislation Amended and Passed Out of Committee

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.