NEWS SECOND AMENDMENT Trump is Right; "Fact Checkers" Embarrass Themselves Covering for Hillary | |
On May 7, at a campaign rally in Lynden, Wash., likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, "Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment. She wants to abolish it. Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away. She wants to abolish the Second Amendment." Trump is correct. However, in the days since this statement, the Annenberg Foundation’s and PolitiFact have bent over backwards to defend Clinton from this legitimate description of her positions. These outlets’ attempts to contort Clinton’s record to suit their agenda is so shameless one hopes the efforts prompt Columbia University to create a Pulitzer Prize for cognitive dissonance. |
NEWS Military Press Peddles Anti-Gun Propaganda to Service Members | |
Gun owners have come to expect a certain amount of anti-gun bias from the mainstream press and entertainment industry. Unfortunately, in recent years this noxious prejudice has found its way into a wider variety of media, even some directed at members of our armed services. Late last week, Military Press published a movie review on a new Katie Couric-produced gun control documentary titled, "Under the Gun." To describe the review as "glowing" (it labeled the documentary a "must-see") would be a severe understatement. |
NEWS Report Suggests that Doctors are a Leading Cause of Death | |
Groups claiming to speak for the medical profession have long criticized America’s gun culture in general and NRA in particular. Besides supporting an array of gun controls and suggesting that firearms do not belong in the same communities as children, the groups bewail limitations on the use of public funding for supposed “studies” that in reality are thinly-disguised advocacy pieces with preordained anti-gun conclusions. Even fictional doctors have been coopted into gun control efforts. |
NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION Court Sides with Home Invaders and Landlords Who Disarm Vulnerable Residents in Maine Case | |
Burglars targeting seniors and landlords who run publicly-subsidized apartments where such criminals strike with abandon won a legal victory in Maine this week, as Knox County Justice William Stokes dismissed a suit by a man threatened with eviction for exercising his Second Amendment rights. We have been reporting since last year on the case of Harvey Lembo, a 67-year-old former police officer and lobsterman who obtained a handgun for self-protection after his subsidized apartment in Epping, Maine was burglarized multiple times by thieves looking for pain medicine. And it’s a fortunate thing he did. The very night after he obtained the gun, the wheelchair-bound senior was forced to use it to defend his life against yet another home invader, this one with a felony record for a violent crime. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION NEWS Important Second Amendment Case Reheard by Federal Appellate Court | |
On Wednesday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reheard the NRA-supported case Kolbe v. Hogan, which challenges Maryland’s bans on various popular semi-automatic rifles and detachable magazines. In early February, a three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit vacated a lower court ruling that upheld the bans, but the court agreed to en banc rehearing before the full fifteen-member court. |
NEWS Enter the Kimber NRA Giveaway! | |
How good would this Kimber Amethyst Ultra II look in your holster? Enter now for your chance to take this pistol home! |
NEWS The Event You Don't Want to Miss | |
If you're planning on attending the 145th NRA Annual Meetings in Louisville, KY this year, then the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum is an event you won't want to miss. Featuring our nation's top Second Amendment leaders, this forum is a must-stop for candidates seeking the highest levels of elected office — governor, congressman, senator or president of the United States. |
TAKE ACTION You're Invited to the Second Annual Youth Leadership Conference | |
NRA-ILA invites you to attend the Second Annual Youth Leadership Conference on Saturday, May 21st at 3:00 p.m. This special event is being held in conjunction with this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Louisville! At this FREE event, NRA-ILA Grassroots Staff will provide in depth training for student leaders that will focus on current issues we are facing, how to effectively combat anti-gun myths, and opportunities to get involved with the NRA. The event itself, and all associated materials and food, are FREE! |
TAKE ACTION Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Louisville | |
The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, May 20, 2016 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. The gold standard in firearms law classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available. |