NEWS Professor: Take Granny’s Gun | |
Gun ban advocates, knowing their goals aren’t especially popular with the American people, have in recent years tried to couch their agenda in more innocuous-sounding terms. They don’t want to ban all guns, they’ll say, they just want to keep them out of the wrong hands. But once you start paying close attention to their claims, you realize that the “wrong hands” might be closer and more numerous than you think … and might even include the more senior members of your family. |
NEWS The Washington Post Fails Again | |
On Monday, the Post’s “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, said that the NRA's new TV ad is wrong, in claiming that Clinton “doesn’t believe in your right to keep a gun at home for self-defense.” |
NEWS New York Times Issues Ridiculous Anti-NRA Screed | |
At the same time establishment newspapers are openly abandoning their usual façade of impartiality in their news coverage, their editorial boards have been working overtime to elect Hillary Clinton. However, few have been doing Robby Mook and David Brock’s work for them quite like the New York Times, as evidenced by a ridiculous pro-Clinton/anti-NRA screed that appeared in the August 14 edition of the paper. |
NEWS Doctor Prescribes Requiring a “Medical License” for Gun Ownership | |
In a recent Medical Economics blog, Dr. Monya De wrote a piece titled, “Obtaining an assault rifle should be as difficult as becoming a doctor.” In this outlandish article, De illustrates the difficulties medical students must go through in order to practice medicine. She calls them “model citizens, because model citizens should be the ones holding lives in their hands.” |
NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION Fight for Recognition of Second Amendment in California Continues With New Federal Lawsuit | |
On August 10th, the California Rifle & Pistol Association and several individuals, with the support of the National Rifle Association, filed a lawsuit in federal court to vindicate the Second Amendment right of Californians to carry a firearm in public for self-defense. |
NEWS Clearer Heads Prevail in New Mexico Firearm Raffle | |
As we previously reported, a charity firearm raffle by a United Way chapter in New Mexico was put in jeopardy when an anti-gun activist interfered by convincing United Way Worldwide to block the raffle. The chapter holding the raffle, United Way of Otero County, announced on Wednesday that it is resuming the raffle. |
NEWS Bloomberg-Backed Pennsylvania Attorney General Convicted of Perjury, Criminal Conspiracy | |
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane resigned this week after a jury found her guilty of perjury, criminal conspiracy, and several other criminal charges relating to the abuse of her position. Gun owners will take particular interest in this conviction, as during her tenure as AG Kane repeatedly demonstrated a marked hostility to the rights of Pennsylvanians, evidently while displaying a personal disregard for the laws she was tasked to uphold. |
NEWS Work Locally with Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative | |
Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative (CFR) is an NRA-ILA staff person who is living in your area, coordinating our volunteer activities with one goal in mind--ensuring pro-Second Amendment voters turn out to "Vote Freedom First!" on Election Day. |
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NRA members receive a special offer for NASCAR tickets. Visit and use the code B16BPSNRA to receive tickets for $79. |
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WHAT IS THE FREEDOM CHALLENGE? The Freedom Challenge grassroots campaign was created by Rock Island Auction Company® to raise awareness and financial support for NRA-ILA, an organization that has stalwartly defended the Second Amendment for decades. 2016 is the most important year we’ve seen in a generation or more. The attack on the Second Amendment is clear; many politicians, government officials and members of the media look to destroy our Constitutional rights. The Supreme Court's greatest Second Amendment advocate — Justice Antonin Scalia — has passed away, leaving a vacancy on the Court that the next president will fill. Simply put, our firearm and other freedoms hang in the balance and it will take an army of us to take a stand. |
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As a token of our appreciation, we're offering a $500-lifetime membership. It'll only be available for a limited act fast! |
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On November 14, 2016, at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Ariz., history will be made with 1,000 freedom-loving Americans simultaneously firing 1,000 Henry Repeating Arms Golden Boy Silver rifles! Don't miss this opportunity to help make a new World Record! |
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Being a law enforcement officer is becoming increasingly dangerous as violent protests are blamed on members of the thin blue line. Many in the mainstream media and political leaders have put targets on the backs of those who wear a badge. But Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr.—a 38-year career cop—says they can't back down. He blames the Black Lives Matter movement for fueling the flames of anger toward law enforcement. And states that the one group that truly cares about the lives of black people are American police officers. |