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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 12 3/24/2017

Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Embraces Heller and Originalism During Senate Hearings
Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Embraces Heller and Originalism During Senate Hearings
Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, President Trump’s pick to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme court, asserted during his confirmation hearings this week that Scalia’s landmark Second Amendment opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller “guarantees the individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.”  
The Washington Post Gives Gun Control Group and U.S. Senator Three Pinocchios on Suppressors
The Washington Post Gives Gun Control Group and U.S. Senator Three Pinocchios on Suppressors
Last week, we wrote about Americans for Responsible Solutions’ irresponsible misinformation about The Hearing Protection Act on Twitter.  Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who took notice of ARS’s complete disregard for the facts on firearm suppressors.
Seattle Gun Tax Fails to Generate Projected Revenue, Succeeds in Burdening Rights
Seattle Gun Tax Fails to Generate Projected Revenue, Succeeds in Burdening Rights
On March 16, 2017, the Seattle Times reported that Seattle city officials were reluctant to release data on the revenue generated by the city’s firearms and ammunition tax, citing taxpayer confidentiality concerns. Less than a week later, we now know the more likely reason that Seattle failed to disclose this tax revenue; because the money raised fell woefully short of the figure projected by supporters of the tax.
More Firearms, More Firearms Owners, Fewer Fatal Accidents
More Firearms, More Firearms Owners, Fewer Fatal Accidents
The National Safety Council released the 2017 edition of its annual Injury Facts report this week, and it contains welcome news about firearm safety. 
NRA-ILA Grassroots State of the Union
NRA-ILA Grassroots State of the Union
Join NRA-ILA Grassroots Director Glen Caroline during NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia, for a FREE briefing on NRA-ILA’s grassroots successes in the 2016 elections and how those lessons learned can be applied to defending your rights moving ahead.  Glen will also be discussing modifications & improvements to NRA-ILA’s Grassroots programs to better meet the needs of today’s Second Amendment activists.
Attend NRA-ILA Collegiate Leadership Conference in Atlanta!
Attend NRA-ILA Collegiate Leadership Conference in Atlanta!
All college students and recent graduates are welcome to join NRA-ILA Grassroots staff for our third annual Collegiate Leadership Conference during NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia (admission is FREE). In addition to Grassroots staff, attendees will hear from a panel of pro-gun student activists who will share their successes in organizing in support of the Second Amendment on campus. Participants will also have the chance to network with other students, build a regional activism plan, and talk with NRA-ILA staff about job opportunities.
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Atlanta
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Atlanta
The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 28, 2017 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. The gold standard in firearms law classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available.
Join us on Friday, April 28, for the NRA ILA Leadership Forum!
Join us on Friday, April 28, for the NRA ILA Leadership Forum!

NRA-ILA's annual Leadership Forum is one of the most politically significant and popular events in the country, featuring our nation's top Second Amendment leaders in government, the media, and the entertainment industry. The Forum is also a must-stop for candidates seeking the highest levels of elected office – including governor, congressman, Senator, or President of the United States. Stay tuned to the website for the list of speakers and special guests as they are announced!

What is national concealed carry reciprocity?
What is national concealed carry reciprocity?

You may have heard that national reciprocity is a priority for the NRA and law-abiding gun owners. You may also know that relevant legislation has been introduced in both the House and the Senate by pro-Second Amendment lawmakers. But what is concealed carry reciprocity, exactly? Watch the video to find out, then urge your lawmakers in Washington support national reciprocity! The Second Amendment applies to every American in every state; it’s time for Congress to realize that!

Urge your senators and representative to support national reciprocity: https://act.nraila.org/takeaction.aspx?AlertID=1538&_ga=1.51090857.1233517159.1489514183

Get your tickets for the The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia
Get your tickets for the The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia

The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia will be attended by over 80,000 patriots, feature 800+ exhibitors, and include a jam-packed schedule of seminars, workshops, special events and celebrity meet and greets! You don't want to miss out on this exciting celebration of freedom.


Alabama Alabama
Alabama: Pro-Gun Bill Introduced Last Week
Arkansas Arkansas
Arkansas Action Needed: Anti-Gun Bill Which Undermines Concealed Carry Headed to House
California California
California: Ventura City Council Passes Anti-Gun Ordinance
Continuing to Fight in California
California: Anti-Gun Bill Limiting Firearm Purchases to be Heard in Senate Public Safety on Tuesday, March 28
Florida Florida
Florida Urgent Alert! Open Carry Protection in Sen. Judiciary Tuesday 3/28/2017
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: Vote on Pro-Gun Bills Postponed to Tuesday
Idaho Idaho
Idaho: Senate Passes Concealed Carry Amendment
Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Gun Seizure Bill Could be Heard by House at Any Time
Iowa Iowa
Join NRA for a FREE Grassroots Action Meeting on March 29th in Urbandale!
Iowa Action Needed: Pro-Gun Omnibus Bill Needs Your Help!
Kansas Kansas
Kansas Action Needed: Senate Majority Leader Denning Bypasses Public Input on Anti-Gun Bill
Maryland Maryland
Maryland: Gun-Free Zone Legislation Passed Out of the Senate
Montana Montana
Montana: Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment Could be Heard Next Week
Nevada Nevada
Nevada: Senate Passes Anti-Gun SB 115
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Assembly Bill Would Turn Doctors Against Their Patients
North Dakota North Dakota
North Dakota Governor Signs NRA-Backed Constitutional/Permitless Carry Legislation into Law
Ohio Ohio
Ohio: Critical Self-Defense Law Takes Effect Today!
Oklahoma Oklahoma
Oklahoma: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills Passed Out of the House
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Another Bill Introduced to Infringe on Right to Self-Defense
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania: Game Commission Set to Finalize the Proposed Semi-Automatic Rifle Hunting Rules
South Dakota South Dakota
South Dakota: Urge Your Legislators to Override Veto of Constitutional/Permitless Carry
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: House Passes Park Carry Legislation

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.