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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 49 12/22/2017

Self-Pitying Anti-Gun Doctor Provides a Step-by-Step Lesson in How Not to Succeed in Government
Self-Pitying Anti-Gun Doctor Provides a Step-by-Step Lesson in How Not to Succeed in Government
It may well be that Winslow has the qualifications and background to succeed in the public medical field. He might even have still found himself quietly tucked away somewhere else within the vast government medical bureaucracy, had he simply waited out the news cycle and bided his time. Instead, he decided to further insult the president and reaffirm his opposition to Americans’ Second Amendment rights in the pages of the Washington Post. This shows not only arrogance and bad judgment, it show a remarkable lack of class and ingratitude for being given a chance that most people will never get.
Fake News on Gun Confiscation
Fake News on Gun Confiscation
A member of the group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) recently penned a newspaper opinion piece on the upcoming deadline for recertifying handgun licenses in New York State. Titled, “Gun recertification a step for safety, not confiscation,” the writer ridicules New York State handgun owners as being “‘up in arms’ again over the fact that they have to recertify” their eligibility to possess a handgun. For “too many gun owners,” he adds, “any gun safety legislation is wrong, viewed as the camel’s nose in the tent of gun confiscation.” He concludes by expressing his disgust at what he calls “…the mindless fealty to the NRA and its affiliates’ spin that all gun laws are unconstitutional and will lead to confiscation. There are 300 million guns in our country; do the math. No one is coming for your guns.”  Every person is entitled to his or her own opinion, of course, but facts are a different matter. 
L.A. County Issues Carry Licenses to the Well-Connected, Skirts Own Policies
L.A. County Issues Carry Licenses to the Well-Connected, Skirts Own Policies
With 42 states and the District of Columbia now recognizing the Right-to-Carry, California’s retrograde may-issue Carry Concealed Weapon licensing regime is atypical. However, a recent state audit of three of California’s CCW license issuing authorities shows that Los Angeles County does operate much like another large jurisdiction, New York City, when it comes to granting licenses. That is, licenses are reserved for the well-connected and officials don’t bother to follow the rules when issuing them.  
Survey: NRA and the Right to Bear Arms Strongly Associated with American Patriotism
Survey: NRA and the Right to Bear Arms Strongly Associated with American Patriotism
The NRA prides itself on being “freedom’s safest place,” and its members exemplify what is best about our beloved country. A pair of recent national surveys on patriotism bears out what many instinctively understand: that for those who embrace traditional American values, the NRA remains an important cultural touchstone in its own right. Meanwhile, the surveys also show Americans strongly embracing the right to keep and bear arms, including younger adults for whom other traditional aspects of patriotism are less central to their identity.
NRA-ILA 2017 Year in Review
NRA-ILA 2017 Year in Review
Here is a summary of the top stories brought to you in 2017 via the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert.  As we move into critically important election year of 2018, we must continue to ensure we're prepared to meet the great opportunities and challenges before us. We will continue to provide you with information in future Alerts to ensure you have the information necessary to protect and advance your rights.

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.