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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 26, No. 10 3/8/2019

Democrat Congressman Wants to Tax and Register Squirrel Guns
Democrat Congressman Wants to Tax and Register Squirrel Guns
By the standards of today’s anti-gun zealots, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) seems at first glance to be aiming rather low with H.R. 1263, which seeks to add to the National Firearms Act any “semiautomatic rifle or shotgun that has the capacity to accept a detachable [magazine].” Oh, don’t get us wrong. No reasonable, freedom-loving person would try to impose such a preposterous, constitutionally-suspect burden on such a large swath of America’s firearm owners.
Anti-gun Democrats Press for Publicly Funded Gun Control Advocacy
Anti-gun Democrats Press for Publicly Funded Gun Control Advocacy
On Wednesday, the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations held a hearing supposedly geared toward “Addressing the Public Health Emergency of Gun Violence.”
Default Proceeds Replaced by Default Infringement
Default Proceeds Replaced by Default Infringement
For most people, a NICS check is instantaneous or at least expedient. Other people are subject to a delay, which is best explained by the FBI itself: “When a NICS background check matches a record to the prospective firearms transferee, the NICS Section determines if a federal prohibitor exists. However, if a federal prohibitor does not exist, the NICS Section employee processing the background check must further review the record match(es) to determine if any applicable state law renders the prospective firearms transferee prohibited.”
Maryland Democratic Party Secretary Labels Gun Rights Activists “Terrorists,” Calls for Doxing
Maryland Democratic Party Secretary Labels Gun Rights Activists “Terrorists,” Calls for Doxing
In addition to the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the Bill of Rights protects Americans from government action “abridging the freedom of speech” and ensures “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This week, Maryland Democratic Party Secretary Robbie Leonard offered further evidence that anti-gun advocates are so intent on attacking the Second Amendment that they are willing to destroy the rest of the Bill of Rights along with it.
Your Support In Action
Your Support In Action
AS A PARTNER IN FREEDOM, you'll join a special community of monthly donors who are committed to defending our Second Amendment rights in Congress, the courts, and all 50 state legislatures. Your monthly gift will ensure NRA-ILA has the resources we need to fight every hour, every day, on every critical front where our firearm freedoms are at stake.
WATCH ▶ Firearms Freedoms and the Re-emergence of Socialism
WATCH ▶ Firearms Freedoms and the Re-emergence of Socialism
WATCH ▶ Wayne LaPierre's Speech at CPAC
WATCH ▶ Wayne LaPierre's Speech at CPAC
WATCH ▶ LtCol Oliver North's Speech at CPAC
WATCH ▶ LtCol Oliver North's Speech at CPAC


Arizona Arizona
Arizona: School Pick-up/Drop-off Bill Passes House, On to Senate
Connecticut Connecticut
Connecticut: Gun Bill Day, Multiple Anti-Gun Bills to be Heard
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: Pro-Hunting Bill Heads to House Floor
Hawaii Hawaii
Hawaii: Gun Control Bills Pass Chamber of Origin & Resolution Introduced to Redefine or Repeal the Second Amendment
Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Bill to Create Gun Seizure Regime Introduced
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Unrelenting Assault in the Garden State
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Magazine Ban & Gun-Free Zone Expansion Bills Introduced
Washington Washington
Washington: Bill to Increase Government Red Tape For CPL May Be Voted On Soon
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: Campus Carry Bill Fails in Senate Judiciary Committee

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.