NEWS Breaking News: President Trump to speak at NRA-ILA Leadership Forum in Indianapolis | |
FAIRFAX, Va.— President Donald Trump will address NRA members at the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) Leadership Forum on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is the third consecutive year that President Trump will deliver the keynote address at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. |
NEWS New York Times Resurrects Flawed Study | |
Bad anti-gun research, and the sensationalist journalism that often accompanies it, provide unending opportunities for the most used (overused?) of all firearm themes: Zombies. Just when you think the thing is gone for good, it appears again. |
NEWS New Zealand Government Wants Blank Check for Gun Confiscation | |
On April 2, gun control legislation hastily concocted after the terrorist attack in Christchurch passed its first reading in the New Zealand Parliament. The legislation would ban, and provide for the confiscation of, several types of commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms and their accessories and even many pump-action shotguns. The oppressive legislation will face two further votes in parliament before it becomes law. Upon brining the legislation to parliament, Police Minister Stuart Nash proclaimed, “Owning a firearm is a privilege, not a right.” |
NEWS New Study: Cops Prevent Crime | |
Readers may have noticed that we review “gun policy” studies regularly. Those clamoring for federal funding for gun policy research should set themselves up a Google Scholar alert, but not everything we want to highlight is directly related to gun policy. Crime is a complex issue and criminals are – shockingly – at the root of “gun crime”. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Indianapolis | |
Please join us at the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar to be held on Friday, April 26, 2019 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. This all-day seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available. |