NEWS NEWS California’s Ban on Large Capacity Magazines “Goes Too Far” -- Ninth Circuit Strikes Ban as Unconstitutional | |
In Duncan v. Becerra, a case supported by the NRA, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that California’s ban on the possession of “large capacity magazines”(LCMs) violates the Second Amendment. |
NEWS NEWS Kamala Harris Choice Creates Most Anti-Gun Presidential Ticket in History | |
Between presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s calls for firearm confiscation and the draft Democratic Party Platform, the 2020 Democratic ticket was already shaping up to be the most anti-Second Amendment in history. With Biden’s, or his team of able-minded handlers’, choice of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for the vice presidential slot, the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party have cemented this ignominious distinction. |
NEWS NEWS Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot: Hammering Away at the Second Amendment | |
City of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has consistently demanded more gun control as the answer to the “epidemic of violence”that her city is experiencing. In an interview on July 18, for example, the mayor was clear: “the only way we’re going to really get at that problem in a profound way …is to have federal laws in place that require background checks and strengthen the penalties for people who pick up guns and wreak havoc in our communities.” |
NEWS NEWS Survey says… | |
It’s hard to get good survey data on firearms related issues for a number of reasons, which we’ll detail below, but new data indicates that gun owners are a diverse community and provides more evidence that the recent surge in gun sales was not restricted along partisan, racial, or gender lines. |
NEWS NEWS Joyless Scold Points Finger at Lighthearted Gesture, Reveals Gun Control Mindset | |
In August, the Municipal Messenger of Morris Township, NJ published a notice that applications were being accepted for the jurisdiction’s 2020 Citizen Police Academy. The notice was accompanied by a photograph of the Academy’s 2018 Class, posing with finger-guns at the ready against the backdrop of a calibrated gun sight reticle. |
New Mexico Albuquerque Resolution Calls for Re-Writing the New Mexico Constitution, Ripping Out the State Firearms Preemption Clause |