On Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, the Alameda City Council will consider additional firearm restrictions at the local level to add to the hundreds of gun laws legal gun owners already are required to navigate. Based on statements in the East Bay Times from City Council Members an obvious bias against your Second Amendment Rights is clearly displayed. Please use the TAKE ACTION button below to contact the members of the City Council and urge them to OPPOSE the “Safe Storage” and “Safe Surveillance” ordinances.
State law already addresses firearm storage and lost/stolen reporting. Additionally, firearm dealers throughout the state are already strictly regulated by both the Federal and State Government. These ordinances only serve to pile onto the existing regulations in an effort to continue to burden our Second Amendment rights. The NRA encourages the city council to focus on criminal misuse of firearms, not additional regulations on those seeking to lawfully exercise their rights.
Please forward this important message to your family, friends and fellow gun-owners and urge them to contact the City Council to OPPOSE both the above ordinances.
Continue to check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight web page for updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in California.