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U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns

Friday, June 14, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives unlawfully exceeded its authority by classifying bump stocks as machineguns.

The National Firearms Act defines a “machinegun” as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger,” including any “part designed and intended solely and exclusively . . . for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun.” The ATF long classified bump stocks—which enable rapid fire with semiautomatic firearms while still requiring multiple functions of the trigger—as non-machineguns. But in 2018, the ATF reversed course and promulgated a rule altering the statutory definition of “machinegun” and declaring that bump stocks are machineguns.

The Supreme Court held that the NFA’s definition of “machinegun” clearly does not cover bump stocks, and thus that the ATF exceeded its statutory authority by classifying bump stock as such. Bump stocks, the Court determined, are not machineguns because (1) they do not enable semiautomatic firearms to fire more than one shot “by a single function of the trigger,” (2) and even if they did, the firearm would not be firing “automatically.” Rather, the Court explained, “[a] bump stock merely reduces the amount of time that elapses between separate ‘functions’ of the trigger.”

“The Supreme Court has properly restrained executive branch agencies to their role of enforcing, and not making, the law,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch. “This decision will be pivotal to NRA’s future challenges of ATF regulations.”

The ruling makes clear—as Justice Alito emphasized in a concurring opinion—that only an act of Congress—not an ATF rule—can prohibit bump stocks. In addition to reining in the ATF’s unlawful rule, the Cargill ruling will help ensure that future unelected government officials cannot ban firearms and accessories by administrative fiat. The ruling also casts doubt on recent ATF rules—including the “pistol brace,” “frame or receiver,” and “engaged in the business” rules—in which the ATF contradicts Congress’s explicit statutory language. 

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

Monday, April 1, 2024

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

NRA Members Among the Largest Class Protected from Draconian Rule

Fallout from Trudeau’s Gun Grab: Crime is Up, Number of Gun Ranges Drops


Monday, June 17, 2024

Fallout from Trudeau’s Gun Grab: Crime is Up, Number of Gun Ranges Drops

In Canada, a ban on over 1,500 firearm makes, models and variants, together with a mandatory government confiscation (“buyback”) requirement, was imposed by Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over four years ago. 

NRA Releases Statement on Rahimi Decision

Friday, June 21, 2024

NRA Releases Statement on Rahimi Decision

Today, in United States v. Rahimi, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the federal prohibition on firearms possession by individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders.

U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns

Friday, June 14, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives unlawfully exceeded its authority by classifying bump stocks as machineguns.

NRA Files Amicus Brief with Ninth Circuit in Challenge to California’s Billy Club Ban

Friday, June 14, 2024

NRA Files Amicus Brief with Ninth Circuit in Challenge to California’s Billy Club Ban

Today, NRA filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of a challenge to California’s prohibition on the possession of billy clubs.

Still no Trace of the Truth


Monday, June 17, 2024

Still no Trace of the Truth

In our first installment of a critical analysis of an anti-gun propaganda podcast series from The Trace, we covered the lies, misinformation, and deceptive emotional arguments made in the first four episodes. 

Bob Barr Elected NRA President, Doug Hamlin Elected to Serve as NRA Executive Vice President & CEO


Monday, May 20, 2024

Bob Barr Elected NRA President, Doug Hamlin Elected to Serve as NRA Executive Vice President & CEO

Today, the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association of America elected former U.S. Congressman Bob Barr as President of the NRA and Doug Hamlin as NRA Executive Vice President & CEO. The meeting ...

NRA Secures Landmark Legal Victory; Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in First Amendment Case Against Former New York Regulator


Thursday, May 30, 2024

NRA Secures Landmark Legal Victory; Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in First Amendment Case Against Former New York Regulator

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) scored a historic legal victory today in one of the most closely followed First Amendment cases in the nation. In a stinging rebuke of New York’s “blacklisting campaign” against ...

Turks and Chaos: Island Jurisdiction a Potential Nightmare for U.S. Gun Owners


Monday, May 13, 2024

Turks and Chaos: Island Jurisdiction a Potential Nightmare for U.S. Gun Owners

Set aside communist Cuba for a moment, these days another Caribbean island jurisdiction is providing a cautionary tale for U.S. gun owners. 

Delaware: Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Restrict Firearms on College Campuses and Properties!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Delaware: Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Restrict Firearms on College Campuses and Properties!

Last night, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 311, restricting firearms on college campuses and college-owned properties, even for concealed carry permit holders. This legislation is now eligible for a floor vote. Please contact your state ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.