Last Thursday, March 6th, was Crossover Day, a deadline for the majority of bills to pass from their chamber of origin to the opposite chamber. Despite efforts by anti-gun legislators to restrict your rights, no gun control bills moved forward, while several pro-gun bills advanced. NRA-ILA would like to thank the pro-Second Amendment majorities in the State Senate and the House of Representatives for protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens. Below, find an update on the pro-gun legislation that is on the move:
House Bill 79 creates a tax credit for those purchasing firearm safes to store their firearms or firearm safe handling instructional courses. It would allow you to claim the value of the purchase, up to $300.00, on your taxes. HB 79 passed the House and was referred to the Senate Finance Committee.
House Bill 451 would provide an optional course in hunting safety education for grades six through twelve. HB 451 passed the House and now heads to the Senate for a committee referral.
Senate Bill 47 exempts the sales and use taxes of purchases of firearms, ammunition, gun safes, and related accessories for 11 days, beginning on the second Friday of October each year until 2030. SB 47 passed the Senate and was referred to the House Ways and Means Committee.
Senate Bill 163 strengthens the state's preemption laws to expand standing and remedies for violating the state's preemption laws. SB 163 passed the Senate and now heads to the House for a committee referral.
Please stay tuned to your inbox and for updates.