Today, March 17th, two legislative committees will be taking action on gun related bills. Details regarding the bills and committee sessions can be found below.
The Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Public Hearing
A public hearing on LD 486, "An Act to Remove the Duty of an Individual Exercising Self-defense to Safely Retreat or Abstain from Performing Certain Acts upon Demand", will be held on Monday, March 17th. This bill seeks to strengthen Maine's self-defense laws by removing the requirement for an individual to retreat before using a firearm to protect themselves or their family. This law would ensure that individuals deploying necessary self-defense practices would not be liable for criminal charges for exercising their rights to defend themselves against an imminent threat. NRA members and gun rights supporters are encouraged to contact the committee and urge them to support LD 486.
The Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Work Session
A work session on LD 716, "An Act to Restrict the Hunting of Coyotes" will receive a committee vote on Monday, March 17th. This bill seeks to place arbitrary restrictions on coyote hunting in Maine. This legislation is based on the emotion of an anti-hunting narrative, rather than fact-based decisions consistent with the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. NRA members and hunting rights supporters are encouraged to contact the committee and urge them to vote NO on LD 716.
Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates on these bills.