(Due to technical problems, we were unable to transmit our FAX Alert last Friday, 11/16/01. Because NRA will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving, we have combined what would have run in last week`s Alert with stories for this week. We apologize for any difficulties this may have caused.)
The anti-gun organization that calls itself "Americans for Gun Safety" (AGS)—in spite of the fact that it has zero Americans for members, and nothing to do with gun safety programs—is determined to stick to its shameless strategy of exploiting the fear of global terrorism in an attempt to advance its attacks on legal gun shows. On Friday, November 9, AGS, along with a Florida affiliate of the gun-ban lobby formerly known as HCI, sent a letter to Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) that calls on the governor to author legislation at the state level that would promote AGS`s attacks on gun shows, and also urges Bush to lobby Florida`s congressional delegation to support S. 890, the AGS-endorsed bill that would end gun shows as we know them today. According to AGS, this is the first step in a concerted campaign that will target a total of 37 governors.
The letter, signed by Jonathan Cowan, president of AGS, and Arthur Hayhoe, the executive director of the Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (FCSGV), continues to misrepresent two isolated cases, one in Michigan and one in Florida. (AGS`s distortions of the facts in these cases have already been exposed in NRA-ILA FAX Alert, Vol. 8, No. 39.) In addition to these two cases, AGS has now added a third case from Texas. This case also involves an individual who, under existing laws, was investigated, arrested, charged, prosecuted, pleaded guilty to some charges, and is still being investigated by a federal grand jury to determine if he has any actual involvement with terrorist activities. Once again, the AGS citation of the case proves that no new laws restricting legal gun shows are needed to fight crime or terrorism.
In citing the Texas case, however, AGS has shown that it will not only resort to exploiting fears over terrorism to promote its attacks on gun shows, but it will also stoop to exploiting fears many Americans have over any individual whose name or country of origin might be associated with the region of the world where America`s armed forces are currently waging a war against real threats of terrorism. In the recent mailing to Governor Bush, AGS carefully notes the name Ali Boumelhem from the Michigan case, and states he is a member of a known terrorist organization—as it has done previously in advertisements and an e-mail to members of congress.
AGS then alleges a link to the Irish Republican Army in the Florida case—although a jury rejected the prosecutor`s attempt to link the defendants to the IRA. AGS, however, never mentions any names in the Florida case, as they probably did not sound enough like a stereotypical "terrorist name." In the Texas case, AGS never mentions an actual link to terrorists, as none has been proven. AGS clearly could not wait for the formalities of our criminal justice system to bring the facts of the case to light. Instead, the AGS letter makes sure to mention the name of the accused, Muhammad Asrar, and further notes that he is from Pakistan. Considering most news outlets have carefully covered violent, anti-American protests in Pakistan, it is likely AGS was hoping that by noting Mr. Asrar`s name and homeland, it would have a better chance of successfully promoting its anti-gun show campaign by illegitimately exploiting fears over legitimate potential threats to America.
AGS, along with other anti-gun organizations, has disgracefully attempted to promote anti-gun legislation by exploiting our nation`s concern over terrorism while showing complete disregard for the facts. Prior to September 11, AGS and its anti-gun collaborators falsely characterized legal gun shows as causing "guns to land in the hands of criminals and children." But as crass political opportunists, the AGS campaign has shifted to shamelessly capitalizing on the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians who lost their lives at the hands of terrorists who hijacked airplanes with box cutters and knives. At the same time, they are turning a blind eye to the obvious sentiment of an American public seeking fewer—not more—obstacles to effective self defense.
Please be sure to contact your governor and urge him to reject any attempt by AGS or other anti-gun organizations to exploit the September 11 attacks. Tell him to oppose any effort to end legal gun shows as we know them today—especially those efforts callously promoted by AGS and its allies. You can find contact information for your Governor in the Blue Pages (Government Listings) of your phone book, or by using our "Write Your Reps" tool.
In addition, be sure to remind your federal lawmakers that attacks on legal gun shows, such as S. 767, introduced by U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and S. 890, introduced by U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) (and supported by AGS), have no place in a legitimate congressional debate on the threat of terrorism. Contact your U.S. Senators, at (202) 224-3121, and your U.S. Representative, at (202) 225-3121, and urge them to do everything possible to end the threat of terrorism, but not at the expense of our freedom! You can find additional contact information for your federal lawmakers by using our "Write Your Reps" tool.
The gun-ban lobby formerly known as HCI, and headed by Michael Barnes, continues on its own course of demonizing legal gun shows—a course that runs parallel with that of AGS. Last Thursday, Barnes held a press conference coordinated with a handful of his group`s gun-ban allies—a gathering that seemed little more than an attempt to regain some of the anti-gun publicity that used to go solely to HCI, but is now frequently grabbed by AGS. Barnes followed in AGS`s footsteps by playing the "terrorism card." Barnes`s group, however, went a step further, and admitted publicly what AGS will only state privately. The press conference revealed that once traditional American gun shows have been eradicated, the next step will be strict regulations on all private transfers of firearms (even between law-abiding family members, close friends, and neighbors), and a national registration scheme. Of course, these are also clearly goals of AGS, but that group lacks the integrity to state so in such a public manner.
On Monday, President Bush signed the Aviation Security Act, which contained language that would allow properly trained commercial pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers to carry firearms aboard commercial airplanes. Our thanks go out to NRA members and other pro-gun activists that urged their lawmakers to support the Smith-Burns amendment to the Aviation Security Act.
Last Friday, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld last year`s rejection of Camden County`s (N.J.) reckless lawsuit. The original ruling by U.S. District Judge Jerome B. Simandle was unanimously upheld by a three-judge panel, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) called Friday`s decision "one of the most strongly worded opinions to date from an appellate court ruling in the municipal lawsuits against the firearm industry." This decision continues the trend of crushing defeats for the anti-gun movement`s ongoing campaign to drive law-abiding gun manufacturers into bankruptcy through countless reckless lawsuits. "The Third Circuit`s decision is the latest in an unbroken string of appellate court defeats for those that would hold manufacturers of legal, highly regulated, non-defective products responsible for the criminal misuse of their products. The courts have thoroughly discredited this notion," said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Vice President and general counsel. "The time has come in America for those few remaining politicians to drop their frivolous suits."
Emory University historian Michael Bellesiles, author of the widely criticized book Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture, has begun to respond to demands that he defend the "research" on which his book was based—research that has not stood up under scholarly scrutiny. After more than a year of controversy surrounding Bellesiles`s book, James Melton, Emory`s history department chairman, told the Boston Globe in September that Bellesiles must "defend himself and the integrity of his scholarship immediately."
Unfortunately, rather than carefully defend his "research," Bellesiles has chosen to use the November newsletter of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) to focus his "response" to critics on what he calls "hateful, threatening, and expletive-laced telephone calls, mail, e-mail, and faxes" from individuals he implies are part of some sort of organized effort to discredit him. Bellesiles also laments that his book has "been subject to many harsh and intemperate attacks," and that "every conceivable accusation, and many inconceivable ones, have been made against the book and its author, many of these on the web, where normal standards of fair and civil [sic] have less application." He even goes so far as to claim that somebody "hacked" into his web site for the purpose of "altering and deleting material."
Of course, it is entirely possible that Bellesiles has been subject to personal attacks. Anyone who has ever openly sought publicity to promote his theories and personal opinions, as has Bellesiles, understands that he may be subject to unkind words—especially when those theories run contrary to carefully documented historical record. Ironically, Bellesiles even mentions NRA President Charlton Heston in his OAH article, a man who is no stranger to "hateful, threatening" comments and "intemperate attacks" from his detractors. Controversial film director Spike Lee once suggested that Mr. Heston should be murdered by someone using a handgun. (Also ironic, and perhaps telling of Mr. Bellesiles`s "research" abilities and lack of attention to detail, the controversial author misidentifies Mr. Heston as "Charleton.") But the real focus of the criticism that has Bellesiles beleaguered and befuddled is his "research," and the response from the author thus far remains woefully lacking in substance.
Contrary to what appears to be the message of Bellesiles`s OAH article, the criticism that led to demands from the historian`s superiors that he defend his work had nothing to do with any messages he may have received that he considered to be personal attacks. The genesis of the demands came from the growing ranks of Bellesiles`s own colleagues—fellow academics, law professors, historians, and journalists—who found "Arming America" to be absurdly flawed. The criticism from colleagues regarding Bellesiles`s research includes accusations that he misquoted sources, cited sources that do not contain the information he claimed was present, cited sources that may not exist, and that the conclusions from his analysis of probate records are simply wrong and cannot be reproduced.
As we predicted in October, it looks like Bellesiles`s initial response to his critics is raising far more questions, while addressing few of the legitimate criticisms. A November 13 Boston Globe story comments that the OAH article "is unlikely to pacify either his ideological foes or those academic critics who think his scholarship flawed . . . because Bellesiles addresses only a few alleged errors." Bellesiles will have more opportunities to respond to the numerous complaints about his book, and we can only hope that he will actually address the problems with his "research," rather than try to dismiss his critics as being ideologically motivated.
Considering Bellesiles`s claims his detractors are either politically or ideologically motivated, and implies he does not have any ideological motivation himself, perhaps he should explain why, in 1995, he appeared at an anti-gun conference—the 3rd Annual HELP Network Conference—to promote his "research," and share a stage with ideologically and politically motivated gun-ban extremists from HCI and the Violence Policy Center.
When NRA President Charlton Heston took the time to write a letter to syndicated columnist Ann Landers regarding the safe storage of firearms and NRA`s programs to promote firearm safety, Landers begrudgingly printed it, commenting, "Never thought I`d see the day I would give space to someone touting the National Rifle Association." Ann has always exhibited an anti-gun mentality, publishing countless anti-gun letters. But the responses she receives from NRA and NRA members are never published. While it is nice to see she published Mr. Heston`s letter, she quickly followed it up with a letter from a group called "Common Sense About Kids and Guns." The group, headed by the wife of anti-gun extremist U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), claims to promote a safety message, but spends most of its time and energy promoting an anti-gun message, laced with misinformation and anti-gun myths. Landers not only offers the group free promotional space in the guise of promoting "safety," she also offers high praise to Senator Kennedy for being "on the front lines in every major battle involving gun control for the last 30 years." If Landers were truly concerned with safety, she would publish information regarding NRA`s award-winning Eddie Eagle GunSafe™ Program, as well as NRA`s other safety programs, rather than praise an organization that lacks an actual safety training program, and merely acts as a front for spouting anti-gun lies.
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The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) will meet at 9:00 am on Monday, November 26, in the 3rd floor JBC hearing room at 200 E. 14th in Denver, to further discuss a proposal to impose a fee on instant background checks for firearm purchases. While the general public will not be allowed to testify, please attend as a show of opposition to the fee. We also encourage you to contact committee members after the hearing.
Anti-gun Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist is hosting a symposium on gun control at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 29, at the Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union Hall, located at 1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. Please attend, ask pertinent questions, and help debunk myths that anti-gunners frequently present as facts.