Earlier this year, Virginia’s Roanoke Times newspaper came under intense scrutiny and near-universal condemnation after its editors made the irresponsible and dangerous choice to post a searchable database of Virginia’s Right-to-Carry permit holders on its website. In doing so, the paper provided anyone with access to the internet (including criminals) the name, home address, and permit issuance and expiration date of more than 135,000 Virginia permit holders.
Thankfully, after hearing from outraged, law-abiding gun owners and non-gun owners alike, the paper prudently decided to remove the database from its website and not repost it, citing a “concern for public safety.”
Now, after igniting and enduring that firestorm of criticism, the Roanoke Times is once again up to its anti-gun antics.
SUPREME COURT TO DECIDE WHETHER TO HEAR D.C. GUN BAN CASE ON NOV. 9: On November 9, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider the petition for the District of Columbia v. Heller (formerly known as Parker) case. We should learn within days whether or not the Court will decide to review the case. Presuming they choose to hear it, the case could possibly heard in early 2008. If the Court refuses to hear the case, the lower court’s decision, which struck down the D.C. gun ban as unconstitutional, will stand.
“ANOTHER POSTER CHILD FOR THE NRA.” Those who know even a little something about NRA would read this headline and immediately conjure up images of a renowned competitive shooter, an accomplished sportswoman, someone who bravely and legally used a gun for self-defense, or maybe a patriot who stands up for freedom when it is attacked.
Well, if you’re Jayne Lyn Stahl, your image is that of a murderer.
IF YOU CAN’T BEAT ‘EM…SHOOT ‘EM!? Leave it to the wordsmiths at the Brady Center to get too cute by half.
In a series of exchanges today between some gun bloggers and the Brady Center’s mouthpiece, Peter Hamm, Hamm threatened to shoot one of the bloggers.
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ILLINOIS: State Police Seeking to Institute FOID Card Limitations! In an apparent response to an editorial by Daily Southtown columnist Howard Ludwig, the Illinois State Police has proposed enacting an age limit for an Illinois Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card. Ludwig created controversy where none existed when he wrote an article about obtaining a FOID card for his ten-month-old son. Currently, Illinois law does not set an age requirement for issuance of a FOID card with a parent’s consent, but imposing one could have disastrous effects on Illinois’ rich hunting heritage as well as endangering the lives of children. The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) will determine if this rule will be enacted, but you can submit comments in opposition to the proposal. Please address your comments to: Mr. John M. Hosteny, Interim Chief Legal Counsel, Illinois State Police, 801 South 7th Street, Suite 1000-S, P.O. Box 19461, Springfield, IL 61794-9461. In your comments, be sure to ask Mr. Hosteny to share your comments with the members of JCAR. The deadline for comments is Monday, November 5.
MASSACHUSETTS: Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security to Consider Over 20 Firearms Bills! The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will hold a hearing on Tuesday, October 30, at 1:00 p.m. at the State House in Hearing Room A-1. The hearing will focus on a list of over 20 firearms-related bills, including legislation to prohibit gun confiscations and to allow hunting on Sundays. Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on these firearm-related bills. For a list of all the bills to be heard, please click here.
WISCONSIN: Pro-Hunting Bill Needs Your Help! Senate Bill 198 and its companion, Assembly Bill 401, are making their way through the Wisconsin Legislature. These bills would remove the section of the Wisconsin code requiring bow hunters to wait three days after purchasing a hunting license before they are allowed to hunt. SB198, sponsored by State Senator Mark Miller (D-16), is en route to the Senate. AB401 was heard in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources on Wednesday, October 24. Please contact the members of the Committee and respectfully urge them to pass AB 401 and end this unnecessary inconvenience to Wisconsin sportsmen. For contact information for the committee, please click here.
Budget Bill Expands Hunting and Outdoor Opportunities! The recently passed Wisconsin state budget includes funding to help protect and preserve our outdoor traditions. The budget includes a $1 million appropriation for the Outdoor Recreational Activities Land Acquisition Grant Program. These grants will be distributed to cities, villages, towns, counties, non-profit conservation organizations, and to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the purpose of purchasing land for approved outdoor recreational activities, including hunting and fishing. Please contact Governor Jim Doyle (D) and respectfully urge him to approve the budget and allow more sportsmen to enjoy Wisconsin’s outdoor heritage. He can be reached by phone at (608) 266-1212 or use this form to send e-mail.