Obama: Change For The Sake Of Expediency
When it comes to the Second Amendment, it’s somehow appropriate, that Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is running on a platform of “change.” Because when it comes to his rhetoric on the issue of gun rights, “change” is an apt description.
Last month, we reported on Obama’s hypocrisy. We detailed his advocacy of a law to forbid federally licensed gun dealers from legally selling constitutionally-protected products (firearms) in huge geographical areas, without holding purveyors of pornography to the same standard. Last week, we reported on Obama’s attempt at reassuring pro-gun voters by telling them, “I have no intention of taking away folks’ guns,” then telling the Pittsburgh Tribune “I am not in favor of concealed weapons,” and that he favors “…reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure[s]….” |
The NRA Family Mourns the Passing of Charlton Heston: On Saturday, April 5, Charlton Heston passed away. With his passing, NRA lost a past President, dear friend, and fearless advocate, while America lost a great patriot and the Second Amendment, a faithful friend.
Charlton Heston was a great man and an American icon. He will truly be missed.
Two resolutions honoring Mr. Heston--H.Res. 1091 by Congressman Don Young (R-AK), and S.Res. 512 by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)--were introduced this week in the two houses of Congress.
To read NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s statement on Mr. Heston’s passing, please click here: www.nraila.org/News/Read/NewsReleases.aspx?ID=10850
Recent House Action: This week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor of an NRA-ILA-backed amendment to H.R. 2016, the “National Landscape Conservation System Act.” The amendment will preserve hunting and fishing on public lands for the benefit of current and future generations, and protect sportsmen’s access for hunting, fishing and recreational shooting on certain public lands. The amendment was adopted by a 416-5 vote.
California Supreme Court Strikes Down Prop H: The California State Supreme Court has turned down San Francisco’s appeal on whether Proposition H, the draconian gun ban proposed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, violates California law. This exhausts all possible avenues for appeal by the Board of Supervisors. Proposition H would have banned the manufacture, distribution, sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition within San Francisco. NRA-ILA was the lead organization fighting this ban.
Outrage Of The Week: This week’s outrage comes from North Carolina, where an East Wake High School principal, acting with the support of the area superintendent, stopped the school’s Marksmanship Team from participating in a decades-old tournament, less than one day before the competition.
ILA Dinner and Auction At Annual Meetings: The Institute for Legislative Action will hold its Second Annual Dinner and Auction in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings in Louisville, Kentucky on Friday evening, May 16th.
Stop BATFE Abuses -- Urge Your Congressman To Cosponsor H.R. 4900: Continuing concern about the treatment of firearm dealers by BATFE has caused members of the U.S. House of Representatives--with NRA-ILA’s full support--to push for new and improved reform legislation. That push has taken the form of H.R. 4900 -- the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act.”
Grassroots Minute Video: To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here: mms://media.streamtoyou.com/nra/2008/ilamin041108.wmv.
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ALABAMA: Important Second Amendment Legislation Needs Help in Alabama! The discussion of numerous NRA-backed measures has been going on for weeks now. Among the bills that continue to need support from the pro-gun community in Alabama are House Bills 339, HB512, and HB700. These bills would reform the Right-to-Carry laws in Alabama. Senate Bills 156 and 484, which also need support, would further protect the rights of Alabama’s hunting community. It is crucial that you contact your State Legislators TODAY and respectfully ask that they support these important pro-gun measures. Your State Representative can be reached at (334) 242-7600 and your State Senator can be reached at (334) 242-7800. To identify your State Legislators, or for more contact information, please click here.
Ammunition Encoding Under Consideration in Alabama! As previously reported, Senate Bill 541 would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Alabama to be encoded with a serial number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition. All unserialized ammunition would have to be forfeited. SB541 poses a serious threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and needs to be stopped immediately. Please contact your State Representative and State Senator and respectfully urge them to protect the Second Amendment rights of Alabama’s law-abiding gun owners by opposing SB541. To find contact information for your State Legislators click here.
ARIZONA: Important Self-Defense Bills Move to Senate Floor! On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted in favor of three important self-defense bills. House Bill 2389 would allow a person to carry a firearm in a vehicle so long as it is kept in a locked compartment. House Bill 2629 clarifies how and when a firearm may be displayed for defensive purposes. Finally, House Bill 2630 would reduce the penalty for carrying a concealed “weapon” without a concealed carry permit to a petty offense. All three of these bills are now headed to the Senate floor, but have not been given a hearing date at this time. Please contact your State Senator and urge him or her to support these important self-defense measures when they come before the Senate for a vote. To find your State Senator please click here.
Campus Carry Bill Derailed by Session Deadlines! Senate Bill 1214, the long-debated measure that would permit an individual with a concealed carry permit to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense on public university and college campuses, has fallen victim to legislative deadlines by not being heard in the Senate Committee of the Whole by April 3. According to procedural rules set forth by statute, all bills must be heard and voted on no later than Friday, April 4 for transmittal to the other house, in this case the House of Representatives. Arizona was one of ten states where campus carry legislation was introduced, and our members can be assured that this critical right-to-carry reform effort will continue into the 2009 legislative session.
CALIFORNIA: “Smart” Gun Bill to be Considered on April 15 in the California Assembly! The Assembly Public Safety Committee will consider Assembly Bill 2235 on Tuesday, April 15. AB2335 would only allow the sale of handguns that are "owner-authorized (or “smart”) handguns." These handguns, which have yet to be developed, would be required to include a permanent, programmable biometric feature that renders the firearm useless unless activated by the authorized user. AB2235 would also require the Attorney General to report to the Governor and Legislature on the availability of owner-authorized handguns; once the Attorney General finds that these guns are available, only “owner-authorized” handguns could be approved for sale in California. For an informative article about smart guns and the New Jersey law this bill is based on, please click here. Please contact the members of the Public Safety Committee today and respectfully urge them to oppose this ill-advised proposal. Contact information for the Committee can be found here.
Management of Public Lands Under Review in California: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is beginning to revise the Caliente Resource Management Plan (RMP)that guides the management of approximately 600,000 acres of public land within Kings, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, Ventura, and western Kern counties. Hunting and recreational shooting are allowed on these lands. The current RMP was completed in 1997. A copy is available for reference at: www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bakersfield/Programs/planning/rmpcontents.html. The public is invited to submit ideas on how these public lands should be managed and used into the future. Comments may be submitted via email by sending them to: [email protected], or by mailing them to: RMP Revision, Bureau of Land Management, 3801 Pegasus Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308. Comments will be accepted through May 5.
BLM will be holding several scoping meetings to solicit public input. The remaining meetings will be held at the following locations and times: Tuesday, April 15, 6:00 P.M., Fresno Library 2420 Mariposa St, Fresno; Thursday, April 17, 6:00 p.m., Three Rivers Memorial Building, 43490 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers; Tuesday, April 22, 6:00 p.m., Ludwick Community Center, 864 Santa Rosa St, San Luis Obispo. In order to assure that sportsmen's interests are anchored in this planning process, it is important that hunters and recreational shooters take the time to participate in one of the public meetings and/or submit comments.
COLORADO: Mandatory Storage Defeated in Committee! Friday, April 11, Senate Bill 49, Colorado’s mandatory storage bill, was defeated by a vote of 9 to 1 in the Senate Appropriations Committee. SB49 would have forced adults to store all their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor penalty if a firearm was later used in a suicide or crime. This dangerous bill would have rendered homeowners defenseless and given criminals a clear advantage in home invasions. If passed, SB49 would have added to the already cumbersome bureaucracy that affects gun shops, gun shows, or anywhere else firearms are sold, by requiring them to post a sign informing gun owners that they must lock up their guns. Thank you to all of the NRA members and gun owners who called their elected officials in opposition to this bill.
FLORIDA: Email Governor Crist Now to Urge Him to Sign Crucial Self-Defense Bill HB503! This past Wednesday, the Florida Senate PASSED HB-503 “Guns-Locked-Up-In-Your Car” bill by a vote of 26 to 13 and sent it to the Governor for his consideration. House Bill 503 protects your right to keep a firearm locked, out of sight, in your private vehicle for lawful purposes in publicly accessible parking lots. Please email Governor Crist today and urge him to sign HB 503 today! For contact information for Governor Crist, please click here. This pro-gun, pro self-defense issue that affects all of Florida’s law-abiding gun owners is now making headlines and even caught the attention of CNN’s Lou Dobbs: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/04/10/ldt.right.to.bear.arms.cnn Also, on Fox News this week, Marion Hammer went head to head with Mark Wilson of the Florida Chamber of Commerce after the Florida Senate passed the important “Guns-Locked-Up-In-Your-Car” bill: http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?videoId=cbc3e1b9-1e1a-40cc-8382-47f5fb12eeff&sMPlaylistID=
GEORGIA: Georgia’s Most Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill in Over 20 Years Needs Your Help! On Friday, April 4, House Bill 89, was sent to Governor Perdue for his consideration. This critical Right-to-Carry Reform legislation will strengthen Georgia’s current laws by allowing licensed carry permit holders to possess a firearm in any private motor vehicle, while on any publicly accessible parking lot. It would also prohibit gun dealer entrapment schemes; allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in State Parks, recreational areas, wildlife management areas, and public transportation: create a stricter time limit for various stages of the concealed carry license application process, and allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in restaurants. Unfortunately, gun control groups and opponents in the business community are urging the governor to veto the bill. Governor Perdue needs to hear from you. Let him know that legislation reinforcing the Second Amendment, like HB 89, is exactly what law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen want in Georgia. Please contact Governor Sonny Perdue and respectfully urge him to sign HB 89 into law. Contact information for Governor Perdue can be found here.
ILLINOIS: Anti-Gun Legislators Continue to Fight Against Your Second Amendment Rights! The Illinois General Assembly is still hard at work trying to take away your Second Amendment rights. Thanks to the pressure put on the state legislators by the pro-gun community, two anti-gun bills failed to meet the necessary 60 votes in order to pass. But our work isn’t done yet. There are still a host of anti-Second Amendment measures that still need to be defeated! It is imperative that you contact your State Legislators TODAY and tell them to oppose any attack on your Second Amendment rights! For more information on these threats and how to take action against them, please click here.
IOWA: “Shall-Issue” Legislation Still Pending Action! House File 2092 has been assigned a new bill number, House File 2613. Like HF2092, HF2613 would change Iowa's concealed handgun law to make Iowa a “shall-issue” state. Under HF2613, law-abiding persons 21 years of age or older would be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed handgun if they pass a training and marksmanship course. Training would not be required for renewal of the permit to carry a firearm. HF2613 is waiting to be placed on the House calendar. Please contact your State Legislator TODAY and urge them to place House File 2613 on the State House calendar. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Mason City Mayor Supports Your Right-to-Carry! This week, Mason City Mayor Roger Bang came out in support of your Second Amendment rights by promising to veto any anti-gun ordinance that came to his desk. This was in response to a threat from the Mason City Council, which is trying to ban law-abiding permit holders from carrying concealed firearms in public buildings. Please contact the Mayors office today at 641-421-3600 and thank him for defending your right to self-defense.
KENTUCKY: Kentucky Working to Reform Self-Defense Laws! On Monday, April 14, the Senate Leadership and the Senate Judiciary Committee will have an opportunity to strengthen your right to self-defense. With a proposed NRA-backed amendment, House Bill 645 would allow for a firearm to be locked in a vehicle when on university property. Please contact the Senate Leadership and Senate Judiciary Committee today and urge them to support the proposed amendment. For Senate Leadership and Senate Judiciary Committee contact information, please click here.
LOUISIANA: Louisiana House to Consider “Assault Weapons” Ban and Ballistic “Fingerprinting” Bills! The Louisiana Legislature convened in late March for its 2008 Regular Session, and since then several anti-gun bills have been introduced and referred to the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee. House Bill 68 ban many commonly owned semi-automatic firearms owned by countless Louisianans. Dubbed the "Assault Weapons Protection Act", HB 68 would ban the sale or possession of “assault weapons,” subjecting people who own banned guns to fines and imprisonment - with hard labor - for up to two years. The House will also consider House Bill 75, an NRA-opposed "ballistic fingerprinting" bill that would require all handguns to be test-fired and ballistically “fingerprinted” (registered) for entry into a law-enforcement database. Please contact the members of the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee, where both HB 68 and HB 75 have been referred, and urge them to OPPOSE these onerous measures. To find contact information for the members of the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee, please click here.
MAINE: Governor Baldacci Signs No-Net-Loss Legislation Into Law! This week, Governor John Baldacci (D) signed into law Legislative Document 648, Maine’s “No-Net-Loss” legislation. LD 648, sponsored by State Representative Troy Jackson (D-1), will require that if a parcel of state land open to public hunting is closed to hunting, the same number of acres of state land must be opened to hunting elsewhere. This new law guarantees that future generations will have the same public hunting opportunities that are enjoyed today by specifying that there will never be less land open to hunting than what was available on January 1, 2008.
MARYLAND: 2008 Maryland Legislative Wrap-Up! On Monday, April 7, the Maryland General Assembly adjourned for the 2008 legislative session. This was a successful session for Maryland’s law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen as several pro-hunting bills were passed or enacted into law and all the anti-gun bills were defeated. Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for further updates.
MASSACHUSETTS: Emergency Powers Bill Heads to Senate Floor! S.1401, "An Act Prohibiting the Confiscation of Lawfully Owned Firearms During a State of Emergency," has been released favorably by the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and will now head to the Massachusetts Senate floor for consideration. S.1401 would protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency. Please contact your State Senator today at (617) 722-1455 and urge their support for S.1401. You can find your State Senator and his or her contact information by clicking here.
Massachusetts: Gun Owners Action League to Hold April Event with Special Guests Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox! The Gun Owners’ Action League will be holding its April Heritage Program Event on Saturday, April 12 at The Lantana in Randolph, MA. Special guests will include NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Wayne and to meet with your fellow gun owners in Massachusetts! For event and ticket information please click here.
MICHIGAN: Registration Reform in Michigan! House Bill 4490 will be heard on Tuesday, April 15 in the House Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation, and Natural Resources. HB4490 would repeal the required "safety inspection" for newly obtained handguns. HB 4490 would also require law enforcement agencies to destroy “safety inspection” records on file. Michigan law requires anyone who comes into possession of a pistol to take it to the police or sheriff’s department for a safety inspection. The safety inspection requirement is a burdensome waste of time for law-abiding gun owners and HB4490 will end that inconvenience. Please contact the members of the House Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation, and Natural Resources and respectfully urge them to support passage of HB4490. To find contact information for the committee members click here.
MINNESOTA: Lead Shot Ban Heads to Senate Floor in Minnesota! The Senate Omnibus Game and Fish Bill, Senate File 3385, will be heard on the Senate floor any day. Senate File 3385 contains a provision that would ban the use of lead shot for hunting small game on public lands in Minnesota. Lead alternatives are extremely expensive and have reduced capabilities, which would only increase wounding rates of game animals. There is no science-based evidence that lead shot has been a problem in Minnesota. As Senate File 3385 will be heard any day on the Senate floor, it is important that our opposition to this anti-hunting measure be known. Please contact State Senator Chaudhary, the bill sponsor, at (651) 296-4334 or email him at [email protected] and respectfully urge him to make the necessary changes and remove the lead ban from Senate File 3385.
MISSISSIPPI: Right-to-Carry Reform Heads to the Desk of Governor Barbour! This week, the State Senate agreed to accept the House amendments to Senate Bill 2411, an NRA-supported right-to-carry reform measure. SB 2411 now moves to Governor Haley Barbour (R) for his expected signature. Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for further updates on this important measure.
NEW YORK: Youth Mentor Hunting Program Passes New York State Senate! On Tuesday, April 8, the New York State Senate passed Senate Bill 1284, the Youth Mentor Hunting Program. S1284 creates a youth hunting mentor program, allowing individuals ages 14 and older to hunt with a licensed mentor, age 21 or older. Assembly Bill 733A, the companion measure to S1284, still needs our support. AB733A will allow individuals ages 14 and older to hunt with a licensed mentor. Both of these measures are important in further securing the right to hunt in New York. Please call your State Assembly Member today at (518) 455-4100 and urge him or her to support Assembly Bill 733A. To find your Assembly Member, please click here.
Anti-Gun Measures to be Heard in New York General Assembly! As early as Monday, April 14 the State Assembly could vote on several anti-gun bills. AB 6525A would create new requirements and liability for gun dealers. AB 9819A, would seek to ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology. AB 7331 works to expand the ban on so-called “assault weapons.” AB 3451 would expand the ballistic imaging program. AB 2772 would ban .50 caliber firearms. AB 829 would require "childproof" firearms. AB 76 would require mandatory storage. AB 3447 works to ban frangible ammunition. AB 9543 would require purchasers of antique firearms to undergo a background check. Please contact your State Assembly Member today at (518) 455-4100 and respectfully urge him or her to vote "NO" on these NRA-opposed measures. To find your Assembly Member, click here. Also this week S 2404 was defeated. S 2404 would require licensed firearm dealers to comply with a host of unnecessary bureaucratic reporting and sales requirements.
Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge: Staff of the Iroquois NWR, a 10,000-acre refuge between Buffalo and Rochester, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge. The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider. The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008. It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting. We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are inlcuded and enhanced in the new management plan. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Include “Iroquois NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line. Information about public meetings to be held can be found at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/iroquois. You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.
NORTH CAROLINA: Public Hearing Discussing Hunting Issues in Wesley Chapel on Monday! Last week a public hearing was scheduled to be held in Wesley Chapel to discuss a proposed Firearms Ordinance. The Wesley Chapel town council has pushed the hearing back, and it will now be held on Monday, April 14 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, at 120 S. Potter Rd. This proposed ordinance would severely restrict our Second Amendment and hunting rights by restricting the discharge of firearms within 450ft of any dwelling, building, or field containing livestock; effectively preventing the discharge of any firearm in most areas of Wesley Chapel. While the ordinance includes certain exemptions, it is unnecessary, as truly reckless behavior is already considered illegal or otherwise already adequately regulated under state law. Please make an effort to attend this hearing, in case this ordinance is brought up for discussion, and voice your opposition to this unnecessary regulation. You can also contact Town Council members to voice your opposition. To find contact information for the Town Council members, click here.
OHIO: “Castle Doctrine” Legislation Scheduled for a Vote in Senate Committee! On April 16, the Senate Judiciary – Criminal Justice Committee is scheduled to vote on Ohio’s “Castle Doctrine” legislation, Senate Bill 184. SB184 would restore the right to self-defense in Ohio by allowing a person to use force, including deadly force, against a violent attacker, and provides that a person who uses force against an attacker shall be immune from criminal prosecution. This legislation would greatly strengthen the right to self-defense in Ohio. The Senate Judiciary-Criminal Justice Committee will meet in the North Hearing Room in the State Capitol Building. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice Committee TODAY and urge them to support SB 184. To find contact information for the committee members, please click here.
OKLAHOMA: Right-to-Carry Reform Defeated in Senate Unfortunately, a proposed amendment to House Bill 2606 that would have allowed for active duty, reserve, National Guard and honorably discharged armed services members with concealed carry permits to carry on public college and university campuses was defeated without a vote in the Senate. Using a procedural maneuver to “advance the bill” without considering the amendment, the Senate effectively halted the last opportunity to advance this issue in the 2008 legislative session. Despite this setback, NRA-ILA will continue to advocate for measures that will enable law-abiding concealed carry permit holders to carry on public college and university campuses. Special thanks to State Senators Anthony Sykes (R) and Randy Brogdon (R) and Representative Jason Murphey (R) for their leadership on this important self-defense issue.
PENNSYLVANIA: Philadelphia Enacts Gun Control Bills in Violation of State Law! On Thursday, April 10, the Philadelphia City Council passed five gun control measures with the promise from Mayor Michael A. Nutter that he would sign them into law. Yesterday afternoon he did just that. By signing these illegal gun control measures into law, Mayor Nutter and the city council have attacked the law-abiding gun owners of Philadelphia. This action is in direct violation of Pennsylvania’s state preemption law. Please contact Mayor Nutter by contacting the “Mayor’s Action Center” at (215) 686-3000 or (215) 686-2250 or you can email him at [email protected], and let him know that these attacks on your rights are not only outrageous but illegal. Please also contact the members of the city council and let them know that you oppose these attacks on your rights! To contact the members of the city council please click here.
Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Erie National Wildlife Refuge: Staff of the Erie NWR, an 8,800-acre refuge 35 miles south of Lake Erie in northwestern PA, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge. The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider. The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008. It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting. We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are included and enhanced in the new management plan. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Include “Erie NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line. Information about public meetings to be held can be found at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/erie. You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Pro-gun and Pro-hunting Measures Need Your Support in South Carolina! With several bills that affect the rights of gun owners and hunters in South Carolina under consideration, it is imperative that we make our voices heard. The measures that are at stake and need our support range from right-to-carry reciprocity for concealed carry permit holders, the protection of the Palmetto’s right to hunt and fish, as well as the protection of identity of the concealed carry permit holders in the state.
The “ammunition encoding/serialization,” S 1259, remains in the Senate Judiciary Committee. South Carolina’s pro-gun community needs to continue contacting the members of the committee and urge them to oppose this outrageous attack on our Second Amendment rights. Please click here for more information and on how to take action.