Legislation To Restore Concealed Carry in National Parks Introduced
On Thursday, April 2, U.S. Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Bob Bennett (R-Utah), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) introduced legislation (S.816) to restore the Second Amendment rights of visitors in national parks and wildlife refuges (its companion bill, H.R. 1684 was introduced last week by Congressman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.). The current Department of the Interior (DOI) regulations were amended by the Bush Administration in 2008, allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves by carrying a concealed firearm in national parks and wildlife refuges. However, early this year, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. granted anti-gun plaintiffs a preliminary injunction against implementation of the new rule. The NRA has been working for the past several years in the regulatory, legal, and legislative arenas to achieve this policy change.
Mexican Drug Violence--Anti-Gunners Lead Witness: As we continue to report, Congress has jumped into the topic of Mexican border violence with both feet, having held 10 different Subcommittee and Full Committee hearings on the topic, with more coming. It has also become clear that anti-gun politicians and groups are intent on using this issue to advance new gun laws.
In the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Drugs and Crime, Sen. Dianne Feinstein renewed her attacks on gun owners’ rights. During her remarks, she stated that there are over 2,000 guns smuggled into Mexico from the U.S. each day. But when she tried to elicit support for that number from a representative from the BATFE, he responded that the number was much lower. Senator Feinstein was clearly unhappy that he would not endorse her anti-gun sound bite.
FOX News Reports On The Myth Of “90 percent”: In a story that looks at the reality of firearms seized from Mexican drug cartels, Fox News has found that the truth does not match the rhetoric of anti-gun politicians and journalists.
In a story entitled “The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.” Fox reporters William La Jeunesse and Maxim Lott found that the 90% number far overstates the number of U.S. origin guns that are in the hands of the cartels. In fact, the story reports that the number is actually closer to 17%.
Senator Kerry--Border Security “No”, Gun Control “Yes”: With escalating drug-related violence continuing unabated in Mexico, anti-gun elected officials in Washington continue to let no tragedy go unexploited.
The latest to add his voice to the anti-gun chorus should come as a surprise to no one, as Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) has a long voting record in support of gun control.
This week, Kerry called sending National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexican border “premature and possibly counterproductive.” But Kerry had no qualms in supporting additional restrictions on law-abiding American gun owners.
If He Can Make It Here, He Could Make It Anywhere! For those of you who don’t closely follow local politics in Manhattan, Richard Aborn, former president of then-Handgun Control, Inc. (now Brady Center) is running for Manhattan DA, and he has secured some endorsements for his race based in large part on his support for gun control.
PETA: Advocacy Or Slaughter? In a March 25, press release, the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) asserted that the radical (and vehemently anti-hunting) animal “rights” group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) actually killed a mind-boggling 95 percentof the adoptable pets in its care last year.
Senate Passes Wicker Amendment to Federal Budget: Senate Amendment 798, an amendment to the Budget bill, was offered by U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) and supported by NRA-ILA. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure that law-abiding Amtrak passengers are allowed to securely transport firearms in their checked baggage. The measure prohibits funds from being appropriated to Amtrak unless firearms are allowed in checked baggage on Amtrak trains. The Senate passed this amendment on Thursday, April 2, by a vote of 63-35.
To see how your senator voted, please click here.
ILA Dinner and Auction At Annual Meetings: The Institute for Legislative Action will hold its Third Annual Dinner and Auction in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday evening, May 15th.
The Third Annual NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction will allow you to show your continued support for NRA-ILA, and to enjoy a great evening filled with good food, friends and an excellent live and silent auction. This year’s auction is dedicated to “Investing in our Firearms Freedom.”
Plan To Attend Free Phoenix Grassroots Workshop! With anti-gun forces aligned against us at all levels of government, America's gun owners can expect a barrage of anti-gun measures like we have not seen in decades. In order to meet these challenges head on, we must redouble our efforts to beat back attempts by the anti-gunners to erode our Second Amendment freedom.
Call For Nominations To Serve On BLM’s Resource Advisory Councils: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has begun its 2009 Resource Advisory Council (RAC) nomination process. These citizen-based advisory councils, located in the Western United States, provide an opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds and interests to provide advice and recommendations to the BLM on land use planning and management of public land within their geographic areas. Nominations for all of the 24 councils must be into the BLM States Offices by April 14, 2009. If you hunt or recreationally shoot on BLM land, it is important that you get involved in this process.
Volunteers Needed In Phoenix For 2009 NRA Annual Meetings: The 2009 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 15-17, 2009, in Phoenix, AZ. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer. To volunteer or to see how you can get involved, please click here.
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Easy Click At A Time: We now have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It’s the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Show your support, stay connected to your NRA-ILA, and raise valuable contributions for our defense of the Second Amendment by downloading and using this free toolbar! Please click here to download your toolbar now!
Grassroots Minute Video:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.”)
ALABAMA: “Worker Protection Bill” Needs Your Help Today! Last week Alabama’s “Worker Protection Bill” passed unanimously out of the House Commerce Committee, but not before an exemption was created for railroad companies. As this bill now heads to the House floor it is imperative that you contact your State Representative and respectfully urge the removal of this anti-gun amendment. Contact information can be found here.
ALASKA: NRA Board Member Nominated to be the Next Attorney General of Alaska! Wayne Anthony Ross, a member of the NRA Board of Directors was nominated by Governor Sarah Palin to be the next Attorney General of the State of Alaska. This nomination requires confirmation by the full Legislature. Contact your State Senator and State Representative and urge them to support Wayne Anthony Ross for Attorney General. Go to the following link to send a Public Opinion Message to legislators: http://www.legis.state.ak.us/poms/
ARIZONA: Big Business Attempting to Dismantle Our Second Amendment Rights! NRA is working hard to pass House Bill 2474, which would permit a law-abiding individual to store their firearms in their locked motor vehicle while parked on a publicly accessible parking lot controlled by their employer or a business they frequent. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge support them to support our Second Amendment rights by voting for HB2474. Contact information for your State Representative can be found by clicking here.
BLM Travel Management Plans Will Eliminate or Restrict Motorized Game Retrieval The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is in the process of designating roads and trails where motorized travel will be restricted on BLM lands in Arizona. BLM's Tucson Field Office recently released a travel management plan for the Middle Gila Canyons, which proposed that cross-country motorized travel for hunting or to retrieve game be prohibited. BLM is taking public comment on the plan until Friday, May 8. For more information and how to take action, please click here.
ARKANSAS: “Right to Hunt and Fish” Amendment Passes Arkansas Senate! On Thursday, April 2, the State Senate unanimously passed Senate Joint Resolution 3, Arkansas’ Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment. SJR3 will be taken up in the House on Monday, April 6, so please contact your State Representative immediately and voice your support. Contact information can be found here.
Right-to-Carry Confidentiality Bill Gutted in Committee! On Thursday, April 2, House Bill 1623 was essentially gutted by the Senate judiciary Committee. Instead of granting complete confidentiality, HB 1623 fails to protect access to the names and zips codes of Right-to-Carry permit holders. While it is too late to remove the invasive amendment, NRA will work with legislators next session to remove all offending language and protect the personal information of all Right-to-Carry permit holders. Thank you to all those who contacted their legislators in support of the original language of HB 1623.
CALIFORNIA: Several Gun Bills Scheduled for a Hearing Three bills affecting our Second Amendment freedoms have been scheduled for hearings in Sacramento. To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.
Two Concealed Carry Reform Bills Introduced in the Golden State! Assembly Bill 357 would create a “shall issue” concealed handgun permit system in California by removing the stipulation that an applicant must show cause as to why they should be issued a permit to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. This bill has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety and a hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 14. Assembly Bill 1167 would require that the California Department of Justice enter into reciprocity agreements with other states so that permit holders in California can exercise their self-defense rights while traveling, and permit holders from recognized states can carry while in California. AB1167 has not yet been assigned to a committee. Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates on AB357 and AB1167.
COLORADO: Colorado Legislators Send Letter to U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar Defending the Second Amendment Rights of National Park Visitors This week, a bi-partisan group of 48 legislators signed and sent a letter to Secretary Ken Salazar deriding a Federal Court's decision that reversed the agency's 2008 regulation permitting concealed carry permits in the country's national parks and wildlife refuges. Nearly half of the Colorado General Assembly expressed disappointment in the federal judge's ruling and urged Secretary Salazar administration to quickly bring the parks into compliance with the revised regulation.
Reform Bill Responding to Outrage of the Week Heads to Governor for His Consideration!
After unanimously passing on Wednesday, April 1, Senate Bill 237 will now head to the desk of Governor Bill Ritter (D) for his consideration. SB 237 was introduced in response to the expulsion of High School Student Marie Marrow after the discovery of her drill team prop “rifles” in her car. Thank you to all those members who contacted their representatives in support of Ms. Marrow and this necessary legislation.
CONNECTICUT: Three Anti-Gun Bills Die and One Pro-Hunting Bill Moves to the House Floor! As the deadline for bills to report out of committee has passed, three very important anti-gun/anti-hunting bills SB 353, SB 839 and HB 5798 were defeated, and one very important pro-hunting bill, HB 5209 is heading to the House Floor. Please contact your State representative and urge them to support HB 5209. Contact information for your State Representative can be found by clicking here.
IDAHO: Update on Pending Pro-Gun Bills in Idaho: As the session continues to progress one pro-gun bill has reached the Governor’s desk, while several others continue to move forward. At this time no action is required.
Motorized Access in Boise National Forest Under Review The Emmett Ranger District of the Boise National Forest is working on a travel management plan that will designate what roads and trails will be opened in the future to motorized access. Particular attention is being paid to the Bull Creek and Silver Creek trails. The Ranger District is inviting public comment, which will be used in the decision making process. What roads and trails remain open or closed will affect hunters' access to these lands. Those who hunt in this National Forest need to get directly involved in this planning process. Two letters written by the District Ranger providing more detailed information can be found by clicking here or here. Please send comments to Emmett Ranger District, 1806 Highway 16, Room 5, Emmett, Idaho 83617. Comments may also be sent via email to [email protected].
ILLINOIS:“One Gun a Month” failed in Illinois House of Representatives! Anti-Gun legislators were dealt another blow Wednesday, April 1, as the restrictive HB 12 died on the House floor. This proposal would have limited Illinois residents to purchasing one firearm every 30-day period. Thank you to all those members who contacted their legislators in opposition to this bill.
KANSAS: State Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment Passes House and Will be Placed on 2010 Ballot! Last week, Senate Concurrent Resolution 1611, providing for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing an individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms passed the House. Please thank your State Representative today if he/she supported this important legislation. Contact information for your Representative can be found here.
MAINE: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for a Hearing on Monday, April 6! LD985 would require that a federally licensed gun dealer facilitate all sales, transfers, and loans of firearms. Dealers could subject these transactions to a fee that cannot exceed $10. LD814, among other things, would require that a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check be performed by a federally licensed gun dealer prior to all sales or transfers of a firearm at a gun show. Both bills have been scheduled for a hearing on Monday, April 6, in the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. Please contact the members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose LD985 and LD814. Contact information can be found here.
NEBRASKA:Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Advancing in Lincoln! On Thursday, April 2, LB 430, advanced from General File to Select File by a vote of 40-4. Two notable amendments were added which help make this good bill even better. In its current form, LB 430 will provide statewide preemption for all Right-to-Carry permit holders and prevent any city, county, or municipality from preventing the lawful carry by permit holders anywhere not prohibited by state law. Please politely and respectfully contact your State Senator TODAY and urge them to keep LB 430 free from amendments on Select File that could substantially weaken the bill and vote to advance it to Final Action. To find contact information for your State Senator, please click here.
NEW JERSEY: Pro-Hunting Measure on Governor’s Desk! Legislation that would significantly expand hunting opportunities for New Jersey’s sportsmen is currently awaiting consideration by Governor Jon Corzine (D). A1669 would authorize bow hunting on Sundays, during the respective deer season dates set by the State Fish and Game Code, on State wildlife management areas and private property. Last October, the Senate version (S802) passed the full Senate. Please contact Governor Corzine TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign A1669/S802. The Governor can be reached by phone at (609) 292-6000 or visit www.state.nj.us/governor/about/contact/ to send email.
NEW YORK: Six Anti-Gun Bills to be Heard Next Week! On Tuesday, April 7, the Assembly Codes Committee will take up five anti-gun bills while the Assembly Tourism Committee will hear one anti-gun bill on Wednesday, April 8. Please contact you state lawmakers and urge your opposition to all of these bills and their attack on you Second Amendment rights. Assembly Members can be reached by phone at (518) 455-4100.
NEVADA: Nevada’s Mentored Hunting Bill Needs Your Help! As we have reported, Assembly Bill 246 was heard by the Assembly Natural Resources Committee, but no vote has been taken. AB246 establishes an apprentice hunting license that allows prospective hunters 12 years old and older to try their hand at hunting before completing a hunter education course. Please continue to contact the members of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and respectfully urge them to vote for AB246 to move it for a full Assembly vote. In particular, contact the Committee Chair, Chairman Jerry Claborn (D-19), and respectfully ask that he schedule a vote on the bill as soon as possible. Contact information can be found here.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Pro-Gun Reform to be Voted on in Concord! No action has been taken on House Bill 398. HB398 would repeal R.S.A. 644:13, a state law that mandates that written permission be granted by the Chief of Police or governing body if one wishes to discharge a firearm within certain areas defined as the “compact part” of a town. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge them to support HB398 when it comes before them for a vote. Contact information for your State Representative can be found by clicking here.
NORTH CAROLINA: News on Pending Pro-Gun Legislation Three pro-gun bills are currently pending action in the North Carolina Legislature. To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.
NORTH DAKOTA: Reciprocity Bill Passes North Dakota House of Representatives Senate Bill 2415 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, April 2, by a vote of 90 to 2 and will now head to the State Senate for concurrence. Please call your State Senator and respectfully urge support for SB 2415 as amended. Contact information can be found here.
Youth Hunting Debate Continues With Newly Amended BillAfter language that would have lowered the minimum age for ND deer hunters was stricken from HB 1227, the North Dakota House amended another Youth Hunting bill, SB 2165, in an attempt to pass the necessary language this session. Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge support for House-amended SB 2165, and ensure North Dakota strengthens its hunter retention efforts. Contact information can be found here.
North Dakota Park Carry Bill Unanimously Passes Senate!On Tuesday, March 17, the North Dakota Senate unanimously passed House Bill 1389, without any amendments. HB 1389 will now be considered by Governor John Hoeven (R). HB 1389 would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry a firearm in state parks. North Dakota law currently prohibits permit holders from carrying in state parks. If signed by the Governor, HB 1389 would correct this problem and enable permit holders to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense in state parks. Thank you to all those members who contacted their State Legislators during this process.
Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Needs Your Help House Bill 1348 is still in the Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee. HB 1348 originally would have allowed concealed carry permit holders to carry on university campuses in North Dakota, removing such facilities from the list of prohibited places. However, the bill was amended significantly in House action. HB 1348 now focuses on a storage problem for students who were forced to check their firearms into security "storage lockers" which have become full. The bill will allow students to store their guns in campus apartments and parking lots. The legislation does not deal with campus dorms or fraternity/sorority houses. Even though HB 1348 has been changed, it does effectively address a storage problem that campuses across the state have been facing. Please contact the members of the Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee and voice your support for HB 1348. For contact information, please click here.
PENNSYLVANIA: “Lost or Stolen” Ordinance Looming Over Harrisburg! Earlier this week, the Harrisburg City Council’s Public Safety Committee supported an anti-gun ordinance that would require gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm within 24-hours or face fines and possible imprisonment. The proposal will now be considered by the full City Council. This proposal runs afoul of Pennsylvania’s firearm pre-emption law that allows only the state legislature to regulate firearms. Please contact the members of the Harrisburg City Council TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this unwarranted and illegal ordinance. City Council members can be reached by phone at (717) 255-3060. Email addresses can be found here.
President John Sigler Scheduled to Speak at Second Amendment Rally Scheduled in Harrisburg! You are invited to join NRA President John Sigler at a Second Amendment rally at the State Capitol scheduled for Tuesday, April 21 at 10 A.M. (plan on being there at 9 A.M.) in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg. This event will give Pennsylvania gun owners the opportunity to speak out against recently introduced anti-gun bills which include a “one-gun-a-month” gun rationing scheme, firearm registration and legislation that would abolish state preemption. Many state legislators will be on hand to voice there support for gun owners rights.
TENNESSEE: Show Your Pride With an NRA License Plate! A specialty NRA license plate provides an ideal opportunity to showcase your pride as an NRA member and your steadfast dedication to preserving our cherished Second Amendment freedoms. Your support of this program will help ensure hunting and shooting traditions in the Volunteer State for generations to come. The NRA has begun collecting applications for the specialty NRA license plates in Tennessee. For more information, please click here.
UTAH: Governor Signs Two Self-Defense Bills into Law! Earlier this week, Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. (R) signed two important self-defense bills into law. Senate Bill 78 will protect your right to lawfully transport and store firearms in your privately-owned locked motor vehicle while parked in publicly accessible parking lots controlled by your employer or a business you frequent. House Bill 357 will make it easier for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves without the need to obtain a concealed weapon permit. Please contact Governor Huntsman TODAY and thank him for signing SB78 and HB357. Contact information for the Governor can be found here. Also, thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call to act in support of SB78 and HB357.
VERMONT: Legislative Update for the Green Mountain State Numerous firearm-related bills are currently awaiting action in Montpelier. To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.
VIRGINIA: Governor Vetoes Numerous Pro-Gun Bills! In his attempt to appease his liberal, anti-gun colleagues as the new Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Governor Tim Kaine (D) opposed retired law enforcement officers, members of the U.S. Armed Services (including the Virginia National Guard), and law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders by vetoing five pro-gun bills. Senate Bill 1035, Senate Bill 877, Senate Bill 1528, House Bill 1851, and House Bill 2528 were passed with strong bi-partisan support in both the Senate and House. For more information about these bills, please click here. Please contact your State Senator and Delegate TODAY and respectfully encourage them to support Virginia's law-abiding gun owners and override these anti-gun vetoes when they reconvene to override vetoes on Wednesday, April 8. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Pro-Gun Measures Signed into Law in the Old Dominion! House Bill 2144 and Senate Bill 1513/House Bill 1655 have been signed into law. HB2144 will restrict access to the Virginia concealed carry permit holder list maintained by the Virginia State Police, making that information confidential. SB1513/HB1655 states that a court may award reasonable attorney fees, expenses, and court costs to any entity that prevails in an action challenging an ordinance, resolution, motion, or administrative action as being in conflict with a locality's authority to control firearms. Thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call in support of HB2114 and SB1513/HB1655. Without you this victory would not have been possible.
WEST VIRGINIA: Senate Passes Preemption Clean-Up Bill! Senate Bill 621 was passed on Tuesday, March 31, by a unanimous vote of 34 to 0. This is a technical clean up of the existing firearm preemption statute which prohibits local jurisdictions from imposing ordinances more restrictive than laws passed by the state legislature. Please contact your Delegate today and respectfully urge them to support SB621. You can find your legislator’s contact information here.
Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Reform Bill Moving Forward! Last week, the West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed Senate Bill 378. The bill now heads to the full Senate for consideration. The bill would remove the requirement that licensees of other states be residents of that state. SB378 would also require that a potential reciprocating state's licensing standards be equal to or greater than that of West Virginia’s. Simply put, SB378 would grant West Virginia more leeway and freedom when recognizing other states’ standards for concealed handgun permit reciprocity. Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB378. To identify your State Senator or to find contact information, please click here. Your State Senator can also be reached by calling (304) 357-7800.
WISCONSIN: “Micro-Stamping” Legislation Proposed in the Badger State! State Senator Spencer Coggs (D-6) and State Representative Leon Young (D-16) have introduced a proposal that would ban the sale of all new semi-automatic pistols not equipped with so-called “micro-stamping” technology. While this proposal has not officially been introduced as a bill, supporters are trying to gather co-sponsors. For more information about this attack on our rights, please click here. Please contact your State Legislators TODAY and respectfully encourage them to NOT co-sponsor or support this anti-gun proposal. Click here to find contact information.
Attention Wisconsin Sportsmen: Please Attend a Hearing to Discuss Deer Hunting Regulations in Madison on Wednesday, April 15! On Wednesday, April 15, it is vitally important that you come to the State Capitol in Madison and make your voices heard! State Senator Jim Holperin (D-12), Chairman of the Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources Committee, and State Representative Ann Hraychuck (D-28), Chairwoman of the House Fish and Wildlife Committee, have scheduled a joint hearing on deer hunting regulations. This is an ideal opportunity for all of Wisconsin’s sportsmen to voice their concerns over the overwhelming amount of regulations placed upon hunting in Wisconsin. Please make every opportunity to attend this hearing. The hearing will be held in Room 411 South at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 15 in the capitol. For more information, please click here.