“Task Force” Using Crime And Corruption
In Mexico As Premise For Gun Control In U.S.
On October 13, the Associated Press reported that the so-called Bi-National Task Force on Rethinking the United States-Mexico Border has produced a report, which, among other things, calls for re-imposition of the federal “assault weapon” ban of 1994-2004, saying it would improve security in both countries.
The “border-rethinking” group has been put together by the Pacific Council on International Policy and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. The group consists mostly of former U.S. and Mexican officials and journalists, none of them currently elected by the people of the U.S. or Mexico to make policy on these issues.
“Governator” And California Lawmakers Approve Firearm Owner Registration Scheme: This week, Governor Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) signed yet another severe, but impotent gun control measure into law. Assembly Bill 962, which takes effect on February 1, 2011, mandates individuals purchasing ammunition to be fingerprinted and registered at the time of sale and outlaws mail order ammunition purchases. AB 962 will also require dealers to maintain these records indefinitely and make them available for inspection by the California Department of Justice. As an additional burden, ammunition retailers will also be required to store ammunition away from purchasers. AB 962 failed to garner support from Attorney General Brown, or any law enforcement organization. In fact, 15 sheriffs wrote letters of opposition to this legislation.
Your Help Is Needed In Support of BATFE Reform Bills S. 941 And H.R. 2296 As we reported in May, Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941, the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2009” in the U.S. Senate. Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio) have introduced a companion bill—H.R. 2296—in the U.S. House. The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.
Of highest importance, S. 941and H.R. 2296 totally rewrite the system of administrative penalties for licensed dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms. Currently, for most violations, BATFE can only give a federal firearms license (FFL) holder a warning, or revoke his license.
S. 941 and H.R. 2296 would allow fines or license suspensions for less serious violations, while still allowing license revocation for the kind of serious violations that would block an investigation or put guns in the hands of criminals. This will help prevent the all-too-common situations where BATFE has revoked licenses for insignificant technical violations—such as improper use of abbreviations or filing records in the wrong order.
S. 941 represents the first time such BATFE reform legislation has been introduced in the Senate. However, the House passed similar legislation (H.R. 5092) in the 109th Congress by a 277-131 vote. A majority of the House--224 congressmen--cosponsored H.R. 4900 in the 110th Congress.
A fact sheet on S. 941/H.R. 2296 can be found here.
As of this writing, S. 941 has 15 cosponsors, and H.R. 2296 has 187 cosponsors.
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Senators and Representative, and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 941 and H.R. 2296! You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
Clearing Up the Rumors: The Truth About The "Gun Tax Bill" Over the past few months, NRA-ILA has received hundreds of e-mails warning us about "SB-2099," a bill that would supposedly require you to report all your guns on your income tax return every April 15.
Like many rumors, there's just a grain of truth to this one. Someone is recycling an old alert, which wasn't even very accurate when it was new.
There actually was a U.S. Senate bill with that number that would have taxed handguns¾nine years ago. It was introduced by anti-gun Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and it would have included handguns under the National Firearms Act's tax and registration scheme. This has nothing to do with anyone's Form 1040, of course.
Fortunately, S. 2099 disappeared without any action by the Senate, back when Bill Clinton was still in the White House. We reported about it back then, just as we report about new anti-gun bills every week. Now, it's time for gun owners to drop this old distraction and focus on the real threats at hand.
To read a story by NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox on this and other rumors, please click here.
Another Way To Get Involved: Online Social Networking: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years. Websites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter attract millions of users. These on-line communities foster a connection between their users, and allow distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
NRA has been a part of this social technology for some time now, with a presence on each of these sites. By actively participating in these new media, we are able to reach out to more potential members and supporters than ever before.
The current king of on-line social networking is Facebook. If you are not an NRA Facebook “friend,” please do what thousands of others have done and join our Facebook group, “National Rifle Association of America (NRA) – Official Site” at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2246211058. You may also join our Fan page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fairfax-VA/National-Rifle-Association/22561081832.
YouTube is the leader in on-line video sharing, where users can upload and share video clips on the website. Many political campaigns are producing videos exclusively for YouTube, as it is essentially free to broadcast on the web compared to the exorbitant cost of traditional media buys. To get in on the action yourself, visit http://youtube.com. To view the NRA Videos profile and to subscribe to our videos, please visit: http://www.youtube.com/user/NRAVideos.
Finally, Twitter is the latest social phenomenon that NRA is involved in. Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows users to send regular text updates (known as “tweets”) to “followers” who have subscribed to them. To sign up to receive NRA-ILA “tweets,” please visit http://twitter.com/NRAILA.
If we are going to actively reach and recruit the future leaders of the pro-gun movement, we must take full advantage of these on-line social networking resources. By launching our profiles on these sites, the torch has been lit for the next generation.
Help Defend Your Gun Rights One Click At A Time: We have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! It’s the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.
Show your support, stay connected to your NRA-ILA, and raise valuable contributions for our defense of the Second Amendment by downloading and using this free toolbar! Please click here to download your toolbar now!
Grassroots Minute Video:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.”)
CALIFORNIA: Governor Takes Action on Two Anti-Gun Bills in Sacramento Earlier this week, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) vetoed Senate Bill 585, but signed Assembly Bill 962 into law. AB962 will place severe restrictions on the sale of ammunition in California. SB585 was a stepping-stone to outlawing gun shows on all publicly-owned property. Please contact Governor Schwarzenegger TODAY and respectfully voice your disapproval with his signing of AB962. The Governor can be reached by phone at 916-445-2841 or via fax at 916-558-3160. To email Governor Schwarzenegger, please visit http://gov.ca.gov/interact. If you are unable to contact the Governor at the numbers listed above, you may also contact him at the following regional offices, please click here. NRA is working to repeal AB962. For more information, please click here.
MICHIGAN: Important Pro-Gun Bills to be Considered on Tuesday! The House Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources Committee will consider House Bill 5302 and House Bill 5303 on Tuesday, October 20. These bills would prohibit employers from firing employees who safely and lawfully store their firearms in locked vehicles while at work. Please contact the members of the House Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources Committee TODAY and respectfully encourage them to vote in support of HB5302 and HB5303. Contact information for the committee members can be found here.
MISSISSIPPI: NRA License Plates Now Available! Support your NRA by purchasing a specialized NRA tag today! NRA license plates are now available through your county tax collector's office. The cost is $31, with $24 of that going to the NRA Foundation State Account to promote firearms training, youth hunter education, shooting range development and other programs in Mississippi. For a list of county tax collectors and office locations, please visit http://www.mstc.state.ms.us/info/offices/mvlinfo.htm.
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey Gun Law Guide to Be Launched at State Association Annual Banquet New Jersey gun rights attorney and author Evan Nappen is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) combined Annual Meeting Banquet and Friends of NRA Dinner & Auction on Saturday, October 17, starting at 6:00 p.m. ANJRPC is the official NRA State Affiliate in New Jersey (www.anjrpc.org). Nappen’s third book on New Jersey gun laws will be launched at the banquet, and signed, numbered copies will be available to attendees at a discount. The evening is guaranteed to be lively as Nappen shares his unique perspective on how New Jersey’s tangled web of gun laws entraps law-abiding gun owners. For more information, please click here.
NORTH CAROLINA: Tar Heel State to Start Producing NRA License Plates! In 2005, North Carolina established an NRA license plate, but we needed 300 North Carolinians to commit to purchasing them before they could be issued. We have finally reached the magic number! The applications, along with the necessary payments, have been submitted to the North Carolina DMV, and we thank everyone who has been patiently waiting for their chance to show support for NRA on their vehicle—especially those who applied in the beginning. It has been a long road, but your patience will soon pay off. We will be sure to post further updates as soon as we can, to let you know when to expect your NRA license plate. Our special thanks go out to NRA Western North Carolina Field Representative Doug Merrill, who has been handling all of the submitted applications, and fielding anxious calls looking for updates. Again, thank you for your patience!
OHIO: Join Pro-Gun Legislators and Other Second Amendment Patriots at the Buckeye Firearms Foundation’s 2009 Buckeye Bash! You are invited to attend the 2009 Buckeye Bash hosted by the Buckeye Firearms Foundation on Saturday, October 17. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet your local pro-gun legislators, enjoy a delicious meal with fellow Second Amendment supporters, and learn about the pro-gun movement in Ohio. There will also be live and silent auctions for great items like shooting packages, gift certificates, hunting gear, and more! Admission is $35 per person or $100 for sponsors. Doors open at 5:00 p.m., with the dinner and auction beginning at 6:00 p.m. A private reception for sponsors will run from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The 2009 Buckeye Bash will be held at the Cardinal Center Campground, located at 616 State Route 61, in Marengo. For more information, please visit www.buckeyefirearms.org.
TENNESSEE: Bartlett Will Soon Vote on Whether to Opt Out of New Park Carry law! The Bartlett Board of Aldermen will soon be voting on an ordinance which would ban the possession of firearms in local parks, even by those who possess Right-to-Carry permits. If passed, this resolution would strip gun owners of their right to carry a firearm for self-defense in all Bartlett parks. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m., in Bartlett City Hall, located at 6400 Stage Road. Please continue to contact Mayor Keith McDonald at (901) 385-6444, and the City Aldermen at (901) 385-6444, and voice your opposition to this ordinance that would eliminate your right to self-defense in local parks.
Tennessee Firearm Rights Forum to be Held on Thursday, October 22 You are invited to attend the Tennessee Firearm Rights Forum, organized by State Representative Terri-Lynn Weaver and Smith County Mayor Michael Nesbitt, scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Panelists include Darren Lasorte, NRA-ILA’s Manager of Hunting Policy; John Harris, Director of the Tennessee Firearms Association; and radio personality, Bob Pope. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet your local pro-gun legislators, interact with fellow Second Amendment supporters, and learn about the pro-gun movement in the Volunteer State. The event will be held at the Smith County Agriculture Center located at 159 Ag Center Lane in Carthage (located behind Crump Paris Park off of Highway 53). Please contact Mayor Michael Nesbitt's office at (615) 735- 2294 if you have questions.
VIRGINIA: Please join your fellow Virginia freedom-lovers at “An American Event”, to be held TOMORROW, Saturday, October 17th, at Ritchie Lake Pavilion in Bealeton. Gates open at 11:00 a.m., with events commencing at 1:00 p.m. The event will include activities for all age groups, including Colonial and World War II military encampments, vintage military air show, pony rides, moon bounce, monster trucks, live music, free food, surprise speakers and more. If you are interested in donating food, time or energy, please contact the organizers at 703-537-5445 or [email protected]. Monetary donations will be given to aid wounded soldiers. With Virginia being one of only two states holding elections this year, your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative, Greg Mortensen, will be in attendance working NRA-ILA's voter registration kiosk and discussing how you can get more involved in our efforts to elect pro-gun candidates to office this year. Greg can be reached at: [email protected] or 571-292-4796.
Get Your Bumper Stickers and Meet your CFRs! This November, Virginia’s elections will be ground zero for the enemies of freedom to try and turn the tide against our gun rights in the Commonwealth, serving as a launching pad for their national gun ban crusade. Our opponents will be pulling out all the stops as a run-up to the 2010 elections. All eyes will be on us!
In light of the importance of this year’s elections, NRA-ILA has Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs) in place throughout the Commonwealth, who are coordinating our grassroots election activities.
In addition to working to turn out the pro-gun vote on Election Day, each Campaign Field Representative has been supplied with thousands of bumper stickers.
If you wish to get a free bumper sticker for your vehicle, as well as the vehicles of your family and friends, please contact the Campaign Field Representative nearest you (to see a listing of CFR regions and contact information, please click here).
In addition to claiming your free sticker(s), please volunteer whatever time you are able to assist your Campaign Field Representative as he/she works to ensure Virginia’s gun owners and sportsmen “Vote Freedom First!” on November 3rd!
Reloading Clinics: Are you looking for a way to beat the high prices of ammo or are you having trouble finding your favorite ammo in stock at your local gun shop? The Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA), the Official State Affiliate Association of NRA, has the answer. VSSA will be hosting reloading clinics around the Commonwealth starting in September. There will be clinics for both metallic shell reloading and shotgun shell reloading. The courses are designed to enable shooters with little or no prior experience in reloading to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and ability to produce safe, consistent, and accurate reloaded ammunition. The clinics will be held at the Gander Mountain stores in Fredericksburg, Richmond, Roanoke, and Winchester. For more information on cost and dates, go to http://www.myvssa.org/reloading.htm, or e-mail Dave Myers at [email protected]. Class sizes are limited so register today!
WASHINGTON: Island County Commission Outlaws Hunting at Deer Lagoon Earlier this week, the Island County Commission unanimously passed a proposal that imposes a total ban on shooting at Deer Lagoon, even though hunters at Deer Lagoon have an impeccable safety record and have protected this important waterfowl habitat for decades. Unfortunately, this prohibition ends waterfowl hunting, a popular tradition in Deer Lagoon. Please contact the members of the Island County Commission and respectfully voice your disapproval of this unwarranted ordinance. Contact information for the commissioners can be found here.
WISCONSIN: City of Milwaukee Plans to Push Numerous Anti-Gun Provisions
Milwaukee’s Mayor, with the support of the Chief of Police, is at it once again. He is pushing several new proposals in an effort to further erode the Second Amendment rights of Milwaukee’s citizens. These provisions include mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms, mandatory background checks for anyone who enters a business that sells firearms, and even mandatory background checks to use shooting ranges. Please contact the Mayor and urge him to stop pushing these frivolous laws. Mayor Tom Barrett can be contacted by calling (414) 286-2200 or email at [email protected].
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Seeking Hunter Input The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is holding hearings across the state to address the proposed rules and standards for the state’s new Stewardship Program. The hearing will set the guidelines and requirements on how the Stewardship property is used, which will determine the status of hunting and fishing on massive amounts of land in Wisconsin. We highly encourage everyone to attend. To see if there is a hearing scheduled in your area, please check here.