Mexico Disregards U.S. Law
In another chapter in the ongoing attempt to blame the American gun community for Mexico's internal strife, CBS News reports that the Mexican government has retained the New York City-based law firm of Reid Collins & Tsai to examine its options for suing U.S. gun manufacturers and distributors. This report describes Mexico's actions as a "novel approach," in reality, such lawsuits have been used for decades as a tactic by anti-gun groups and governments in their attempts to bankrupt gun manufacturers and circumvent the political process.
That's why Congress passed the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" in 2005. This act protects firearms manufacturers, distributors, dealers and importers from suits brought about as a result of "the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended." The outlook for a Mexican government suit looks dim; since the PLCAA was signed into law by President George W. Bush on Oct. 26, 2005, no federal court has allowed such a suit by a government plaintiff to go forward against a U.S. firearms manufacturer.
Mourning Another Second Amendment Hero: Rep. Harold L. Volkmer, R.I.P.--The NRA, and American gun owners, lost a loyal friend on April 16, 2011, when former U.S. Rep. Harold L. Volkmer died in his hometown of Hannibal, Missouri. He had just celebrated his 80th birthday, and was pleased to read the hundreds of cards he had received from grateful gun owners.
Legislation Introduced To Protect Lead Based Ammo And Fishing Tackle: On April 14th, U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) and U.S. Representatives Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), Mike Ross (D-Ark.), Bob Latta (R-Ohio) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.), introduced legislation to protect traditional lead ammunition and fishing tackle from a potential ban by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
OUTRAGE Of The Week: Capital One Rejects Hunting Photo for Image Card--"Express Yourself. Personalize your card with an image of your choice."
That is the claim made by Capital One for anyone who wants to have a personal photo put on a Capital One credit card. You can even design it yourself online with a photo you upload.
But you can't use a hunting photo. Capital One considers them unacceptable.
Urge Your Representative To Cosponsor H.R. 822, The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act Of 2011: Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.
Deadline Nears On BATFE Shotgun Ban Comments: As we reported on and since Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not "generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes."
Plan To Attend Free Grassroots Workshop At NRA's Upcoming Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh, PA! In anticipation of a hectic legislative session at both the federal and state levels, and in order to lay the foundation for a successful campaign season in 2012, NRA-ILA will be hosting a FREE Grassroots Workshop on Friday, April 29, in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh.
Panelists Announced For Special ILA Seminar! In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with this year's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will be holding a special seminar.
For the fifth year in a row, the Grassroots Division will be hosting a special session titled "In Their Own Words." This session is rapidly becoming one of our more popular events.
ILA Dinner and Auction Sponsored By Universal Coin And Bullion: The Institute for Legislative Action will hold its Fifth Annual Dinner and Auction in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Friday evening, April 29th.
The Fifth Annual NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction will allow you to show your continued support for NRA-ILA, and enjoy a great evening filled with good food, friends, and an excellent live and silent auction.
This year, the auction will be held at Heinz Field. Don't miss your opportunity to bid on one-of-a-kind firearms, original artwork, knives, hunts and wines. This is also a great chance to meet NRA officers and ILA staff.
For more information or to purchase tickets, contact John Commerford, 703-267-1141 or visit
Second Amendment Weekend Bass Pro Shops in Ohio: Join NRA-ILA staff on Friday, May 13th and Saturday, May 14th, 2011, for two days of important grassroots education. With what has already been a very busy 2011, we must redouble our efforts to ensure we're prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges we will face. Please make plans to attend NRA-ILA's FREE Grassroots Workshop and Legislative discussion to learn what you can do to become a better activist in the fight to protect and promote the Second Amendment!
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
ARIZONA: Three NRA-Backed Bills Await Governor's Approval
SB 1469 (strengthens Castle Doctrine), SB 1201 (removes arbitrary bans on carrying a firearm for self-defense) and HB 2645 (enables persons who have lost their firearm rights due to a mental-health related commitment to petition to have them restored) have passed through the legislature and await Governor Jan Brewer's approval. Please contact Governor Brewer and urge her to sign SB 1469, SB 1201 and HB 2645 into law before the May 1 deadline.
CALIFORNIA: More Gun-Related Bills to be Heard in the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees on April 26
On April 26, the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees are scheduled to hear pro-gun and anti-gun bills. Senate Bill 427 would further restrict ammunition sales and Senate Bill 819 would allow the Department of Justice to use background check fees for other uses. Assembly Bill 613 would remove the language of AB 962 from California law. Please contact members of the Senate Public Safety Committee and urge them to oppose SB 427 and SB 819. Also, please contact members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee and urge them to support AB 613.
Anti-Gun Bills Pass Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees
Last week, the state Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees passed three anti-gun bills and one pro-gun bill. The anti-gun bills were: Senate Bill 124 (reclassifies most lead ammunition as "armor piercing"), Assembly Bill 144 (bans open carrying of firearms), and Assembly Bill 809 (requires long gun registration). The pro-gun bill was Assembly Bill 1402 (technical clean-up of deadly weapons laws). Please contact members of the state Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committee and urge them to oppose SB 124, AB 144 and AB 809.
COLORADO: Legislation on Black Bears Passes House Committee; Natural Resources Merger Bill Passes Senate
On April 18, the House Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources Committee passed House Bill 1294 and it will now head to the House floor. HB 1294 would allow the Division of Wildlife to properly manage black bears. Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 1294. Senate Bill 208, which would combine State Parks and the Division of Wildlife under the Department of Natural Resources, passed in the state Senate on April 18. The NRA has remained neutral on this legislation, but expressed detailed concerns about this merger in a letter sent to lawmakers on the committee.
CONNECTICUT: One Pro-Gun and One Anti-Gun Bill Die in the Joint Committee on Judiciary
The state Joint Committee on Judiciary took no action on two gun-related bills by the April 15 deadline, so these bills are now dead for this legislative session. Senate Bill 1094 would have prohibited firearm magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition, while Senate Bill 1210 would have created a presumption that it is reasonable to believe that deadly physical force is necessary to defend oneself from a person who has unlawfully entered a dwelling.
DELAWARE: Disposal Bill Amended With NRA-Backed Language and Passed in the State House
On April 14, House Bill 46 passed in the state House and now moves to the state Senate. This bill would allow a law enforcement agency to dispose of any seized firearm through either the sale or transfer to an FFL or destruction, if the firearm is not claimed after six months.
FLORIDA: Stop Doctors Violating Patients' Gun Privacy Rights
House Bill 155 has been scheduled on the Special Order Calendar to be heard on the House floor on April 26. HB 155 would stop anti-gun doctors from asking children and parents if they own guns and then telling them to get rid of their guns. Please contact members of the House and urge them to support HB 155.
Stop Local Governments from Violating Preemption
House Bill 45 has been scheduled on the Special Order Calendar to be heard on the House floor on April 26. HB 45 would provide penalties for government officials, local governments and agencies that violate the state firearms preemption law. Please contact members of the House and urge them to support HB 45. Senate Bill 402 is the companion bill and you can find more information here. Please contact members of the Senate and urge them to support SB 402.
INDIANA: Governor Mitch Daniels Signs "Parking Lot 2.0" Bill into Law
On April 15, Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law Senate Enrolled Act 411, a parking lot/employee protection reform. The law goes into effect on July 1.
IOWA: Gun Rights Restoration Bill Signed into Law!
On April 19, Senate File 456 was signed into law by Governor Terry Branstad and will take effect immediately. SF 456 will allow Iowa state law to meet the requirements set forth in the federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Please contact Governor Branstad and thank him for signing SF 456 into law.
Proposed Ban on Traditional Ammunition Rejected by Governor Branstad
Governor Terry Branstad took a stand for hunters' rights by rejecting the Natural Resources Commission proposed ban on hunters' use of lead shot on numerous state and federal wildlife areas across Iowa. Please contact Governor Branstad and thank him for rejecting this anti-hunting proposal.
KENTUCKY: Kentucky to Consider Establishing Sandhill Crane Hunting Season
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) is currently considering instituting a hunting season for the now prosperous Sandhill Crane population. The KDFWR is accepting public comment on this matter, leading up to and during their meeting on May 6. Please contact the KDFWR and let them know that re-establishing this once proud tradition would not only contribute to Kentucky's hunting heritage, but is in best interest in the continuing growth of the Sandhill Crane population.
MAINE: Pro-Gun Bills Tabled in State Committee Work Session
The Joint Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee tabled three bills to be heard in another work session. They are LD 35 (employee protection), LD 932 (allows concealed carry permit holders to carry in the state House), and LD 1347 (allows carrying of firearms in state parks and historic sites). Please contact the Joint Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and ask them to support these bills.
MISSOURI: NRA-Backed Hunting Legislation Referred to the House General Laws Committee
Senate Bill 300 is scheduled to be heard on April 26 in the House General Laws Committee. SB 300 would allow hunters to use centerfire handguns during the state's muzzleloader hunting seasons. Please contact members of this committee and urge them to support SB 300.
NEBRASKA: Pro-Gun Legislation Passes State Legislature, Goes to Governor's Desk
On April 20, LB 512 passed final reading and will now advance to Governor Dave Heineman for approval. LB 512 would require the state to provide mental health information to the federal instant check database and provide a relief-from-disabilities process. LB 618 was added as an amendment, which would allow law enforcement officers and security personnel to carry firearms at schools and school events. Please contact Governor Heineman today and ask him to sign LB 512 into law as amended.
NEVADA: NRA Partners with Fellow Gun Rights Activists for Second Amendment Rally
Please attend a rally celebrating the Second Amendment and the Nevada Campus Protection Act on Friday, April 29 at The Gun Store in Las Vegas. Featured speakers will include radio talk show host Alan Stock, victim rights advocate Ms. Amanda Collins, and other leaders in the pro-gun community.
Key Pro-Gun Measures Continue to Advance
On April 18, Assembly Bill 217 (non-contiguous state long gun purchases) passed in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee and now moves to the state Senate. Please contact your state Senator and ask that he or she support AB 217. Senate Bill 175 (names of CCW permit holders to be held confidential) and Senate Bill 279 (mandates background investigations for right-to-carry permit renewals) passed in the state Senate and will be heard in the Assembly Judiciary Committee. Please contact members of this committee and urge them to support SB 175 and SB 279.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Vote Expected Next Week on Permitless Carry Bill
On April 20, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on House Bill 330, permitless carry legislation, and it is expected to have a work session and vote next week.
The NRA is supporting the Luther Amendment, an omnibus amendment to clarify certain provisions in HB 330. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to support the Luther amendment to HB 330.
Families Afield Bill Heads to Governor
House Bill 206 passed in the state Senate on April 13 and is now awaiting Governor John Lynch's consideration. HB 206 would allow an apprentice hunting license to be issued to a person who has not completed a hunter education program. Please contact Governor Lynch and urge him to sign HB 206 into law.
NORTH DAKOTA: NIAA Implementation Legislation Awaiting Governor's Approval
On April 19, both the state House and Senate adopted the conference committee report for House Bill 1269 and it will now go to Governor Jack Dalrymple for his approval. HB 1269 would implement requirements set forth in the federal NICS Improvement Amendment Act of 2007 by granting persons who have lost their firearm rights because of a mental health commitment or adjudication the right to petition to have them restored. Please contact Governor Dalrymple and urge him to sign HB 1269 into law.
OREGON: NICS Legislation Moves to House Floor
On April 20, House Bill 2791 passed in the House Judiciary Committee and is now headed to the House floor. HB 2791 would remove the Department of State Police as the designated state point of contact for the purposes of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 2791.
PENNSYLVANIA: Bill to Ban Sporting Tradition Remains on Active Senate Calendar!
Senate Bill 626, which would criminalize and ban organized bird shoots, has been kept on the active Senate Calendar and could be voted on as early as next week. Please call your state Senator and ask him or her to oppose SB 626.
RHODE ISLAND: Anti-Gun Legislation Introduced in the State Senate
Senate Bill 831 has been introduced in the state Senate and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. S 831 would make it illegal for a minor to simply possess a firearm or ammunition, intentionally or otherwise. Please contact your state Senator and urge him or her to oppose S 831.