NEWS Clinton Hires Anti-Gun Astroturfer for her "Grassroots" Campaign | |
Despite already amassing an anti-gun track record that would make Michael Bloomberg proud, Democratic presidential nominee candidate Hillary Clinton appears intent on adding to it whenever possible. Last week brought the news that Clinton has hired gun control advocate Scott Hogan to run her "grassroots" campaign in Minnesota. Hogan formerly served as the Minnesota Director and Campaign Manager for Everytown for Gun Safety. Hogan and his new employer clearly have a shared interest in restricting gun rights. However, in some ways Hogan is an odd choice to run a grassroots operation for the supposedly sophisticated Clinton campaign. The Bloomberg bank-rolled Everytown group is the epitome of political astroturf; and a rather transparent one at that. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION NEWS Gun Ban Upheld, Federal Appellate Court Uses "Feelings" to Justify It | |
The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision on Monday allowing a Chicago-area gun and magazine ban to stand. Such bans are justifiable, according to the court, merely on the basis that they "may increase the public's sense of safety." The case, Friedman v. Highland Park, was filed in 2013, and sought to invalidate a city ordinance that banned "assault weapons or large capacity magazines (those that can accept more than ten rounds)." Highland Park was one of several Chicago suburbs that hastily enacted municipal ordinances regulating or banning the possession of "assault weapons" before the state's 2013 concealed carry law preempted home-rule authority to do so. |
NEWS Anti-gun Researchers Discover Northeastern Police Chiefs Crave Power, Contend for Nobel Prize in "Well, Duh" | |
The big brains over at the Harvard Injury Control Research Center outdid themselves last month by sharing the penetrating insight that people who have power want to keep it. A survey conducted by anti-gun researcher David Hemenway and former Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association President James G. Hicks, the results of which were published in the Journal of Public Health Policy, found that 90 percent of Massachusetts police chiefs favor keeping in place the current may-issue concealed carry permitting regime that gives them discretionary control over the issuance of permits. Sources claim (although we cannot yet confirm) that an unrelated Harvard survey of grade-schoolers will indicate that they approve of eating ice cream for dinner. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION Passage of H.R. 2028 Includes Right-to-Carry on Army Corps Land Provision | |
On Friday, May 1, 2015, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2028 the "Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016," by a bipartisan vote of 240-177. This bill is designed to protect the rights of gun owners on lands owned or managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). This legislation would help end the patchwork of firearm laws and regulations that govern different federal lands managed by different federal agencies. |
HUNTING GUN LAWS NEWS Good News for American Hunters and Sport Shooters as NRA Thwarts Obama Administration Policy | |
Thanks to diligent work by your NRA, an Obama administration policy that would have essentially stopped American hunters and sport shooters from traveling internationally with their personal firearms and ammunition has been suspended. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced that it is returning to its previous system of facilitating the international transport of personal firearms and ammunition, after meeting with representatives from the NRA, firearms industry and sportsmen's groups, and key members of Congress. |
NEWS Anti-Gunner Repeats Silly "NRA Insurrection" Smear | |
If Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence were a comedian--and we aren't saying he isn't one--it would be high time for someone to tell him to "get some new material." Last week, for the umpteenth time, Horwitz portrayed NRA as the nation's leading advocate of "insurrection." Even at cursory glance, the tiresome Horwitz allegation should raise the eyebrow of anyone familiar with the gun control debate. After all, the NRA is widely recognized as supporting an armed citizenry--otherwise known as the well-regulated militia--the purposes of which, as the Supreme Court noted in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), include "suppressing insurrections," not encouraging them. |
LEGAL & LEGISLATION Your Help Needed on Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation | |
Thanks to your continued calls and emails, NRA supported National Right-to-Carry bills have seen increases in cosponsorships over the past few weeks. Please continue to contact your elected officials and urge them to cosponsor and support these important bills: |
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In this news minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed nine pro-gun bills into law, expanding the rights of the state’s law-abiding gun owners. |